(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

sunshine...or maybe our bb is active during scanning tats why they dun see the need to monitor their heartbeat. hmm...tink can just ask ba..hee..but so long we still ensure bb gt movement everyday, i guess shld b fine de. btw, is there a possibilities that our water bag leaks alittle at times? sometimes feel "warm" there tot gt water bag leakage..or maybe its discharge ba. =p

re: shaving hair

if you dun intend to shave at 1st mth then you can shave when bb is abt 4mth old cos thats when the hair start dropping heehee

i made tai mao bi for my #1 so i intend to do the same for my #2 ... this time round will do the hand & foot print when he is in the hospital cos the last round we brought him down to the shop at KKH to do ... v troublesome

so far the tai mao bi does a v good job in shaving the hair ... v clean

re: bb clothes

my mum prefer that i let bb wear those front button type one cos the cord havent drop yet and i dun like to use the binder cos better to air the cord and keep it dry

so i will let him wear those tie string set that i ordered from jshoppers =)
agreed w u... fr ultrascan can see our bb so active so no need to monitor heartbeat... keke
most likely is discharge la... or urine leakage?
afcai - saw yr little darling...so cute! hope he can go back with u soon...

SG - i tink mayb Dr Heng got monitor heartbeat at every visit but she won't on the speaker...not sure...my next appointment is on the 23rd tis month....will be my week 35+
sunshine...quite confirm nt urine leakage wor..haha..tink discharge ba..nw getting near like always worried water bag burst, esp. if i'm at pple's hse..sitting on their sofa. haha..

Pink..hee..i see..maybe have ba..i tot i day dreaming. jiayou!! very soon one by one will pop liao..then can start to have a list of bb's weight n birthdate. =)
prosper...haha...thks..coz one of my frens when her due date is near gt to c sect coz the "water" getting low..so i tot in some cases water bag will leak. =p
mummies..i'm going offline liao. going home to rest..my neighbour's flat (directly below)undergoing renovation...these few days have been hacking & drillings..so can't stay at home. went hb's office to hide. hopefully they can finish off the reno fast b4 i pop...else cannot imagine with all the noise during confinement. oh yah, where to see Fri's gathering pics?? sure very happening =)
sorry tat i din join in coz down with flu.......hopefully i can join in another gathering with all mummies n babies..
afcai... everything will turn out well for ur little one... jia you... take good care..

bb's hair drop... that's what alot of pp told me when i refused to cut for my #1 during 1st n 4th mth... n luckily i didnt listen... the only time when my #1 having hair drop problem was that i switched from sebamed to kodomo bath.. but the problem stopped when switched back.. also had no problem when used gaia...

hospital bill payment...got my hb to call n found out tt tmc has credit card promo tt we can pay over 6 or 12 mths instalment depending on which cards u will b using... however only 3 banks.. think it is ocbc, maybank n standchart if i am not wrong... sucks tt i only has dbs n uob... maybe some mummies might b keen to find out more from ur respective hosp for this kind of promo
hospital still hv cc promo for instalment plans... hmmm, will double chk w my hospital tis sat when doing my pre-register...

i got a question, do u mummies intend to ley bb sleep on pillows after birth? i saw those like donut shape.. centre sunken-in type.. don't know if i should buy or not
I will not let bb sleep on pillow too. I intend to let him sleep on his tummy, so better without pillow.

Her smile so cute also.
Thanks! Her eyes very big...

If let baby sleep without pillow, got to keep on turning baby onto the left or right, so head will not be flat flat...

Jia you. Your son is so cute... He will be able to go home soon...
RE: mittens and booties
My friend said have to bring more than 1 pair as Gleneagles don't provide during the stay and also they are easily lost.

RE: shaving hair
Beside shave baby's hair on full month, will you also shave baby's eyebrow?

Thanks! Your son so cute also.. And he is so guai... We have to bluff her with toys and sweets to make her sit at the hairdresser. Else, she will be screaming away.
i bought that pillow.
actually tat pillow helps if ur bb head keep turning on one side.
i will only let bb sleep on the pillow if her head keep turning on one side.
agreed w devil, must rem to turn bb's head position, fr left to right n vice versa...

thks for the info... u oso deliver at gleneagles?
Devil ...

i must say that the lady did a good job thats why i say the tai mao bi ppl v pro in shaving hair and v clean cos every mm of hair is precious to them heehee

he had his few rounds of crying at the barber liao ... now v used to hair cut ... can sit there nicely for the hairdresser to cut his hair

idlecat ...

no ler i never shave eye brow but got ppl tell me to cut the eye lash then will have long eye lashes next time ... but i v scared what if i poke my bb eyes heehee
Hi Lenny,
We bought Britax First Class Si (suitable from birth) from Mothercare; waited 1 mth for new stock. The latest design is grey color.
tat's the model we r looking at initially... how much u bought fr mothercare? can take a pic to show me?
devil ...

i dun mind but my blog is super outdated liao hahahaha last short & quick update was sep 08 and still when he was 2yr old lor hahahahaha

tell myself that i must start again when my #2 is out heehee

sunshinebaby ...

that time v cute ... now is a terror!!!

but whenever i read back the blog ... really can see how much he has grown =)
Hi SeaBreeze,
I never heard of need to cut eye lash leh??? last time my mum got shave me and my brother's eyebrow as well as my nephew's; only my niece she didn't (I think because old already can't see well). This time dunno my mum will help to shave for my girl or not as I dare not do it myself...
Hi Sun,
Yes, Gleneagles. Last Sat just pre-register at the counter for 1-bedded. The renovated ward at 6th floor very nice.

RE: Britax First Class Si
U.P. $468 but I bought it using DBS 15% Off voucher during Dec'08. And I also get a car seat protector (U.P. $79) as hubby said need to protect car seat against the weight since we going to leave it inside the car for long time.
I try to get you a picture (depending on whether hubby want to take it out from the box...)
Wow, fell asleep in the afternoon whilst reading. So sleepy today.

Afcai, Devil & Seabreeze
What cute blogs, Mummies!
You gals are organised!

Thanks Sportyger & Ivy, good will wear my speccies then.

Yea, thanks for the info. Yea, they don't have ultrasound machines in public hospitals! They said if I wanted u/s, they would have to refer us to a private clinic and even that, we probably wouldn't make it for the appt as the wait is long! Ah well, at least I already know she is going to be pretty big as Dr Wong at TMC has already scanned me every month and at 32 weeks she was already 2.4kg. I really hope I can deliver naturally.... All the doc and midwife do was measure my tummy with a measuring tape and feel the tummy with their hands to find the position of the baby. Just have to hope everything is okay.
Teddybaby- Thanks for yr concern abt my #1. Juz bathed her, was so scared she will scream in pain. I was also very careful not to touch her wounds. Luckily she did not struggle or resist my efforts. Only when I tried to apply medicine on her wounds, she din want.

SG- How’s yr flu? I recommend u Karvol. It comes in capsules. U gotto break it, drip it on tissue and inhale the droplets from the tissue. Good for especially at night. It can also be used for babies to clear their blocked noses. I used that the last time my nose was severely blocked, and I couldn’t take any flu medicine. U may like to try that. Karvol is avail. At Guardian. I think it costs $5 – 7 for a box of 10 capsules.

Re: loop pads

Supposed to wear with a belt. But dun need lah….it is meant to be just put there during heavy discharge when we have just given birth.and while we are still bedridden. Throw also wun heart pain cos it is cheap.

Re: Discharge attire

Thanks for all the advice. Think I’ll just bring my maternity dress too.

Re: Swaddle/ receiving blanket at TMC

I think dun need to bring swaddle lah….cos the nurse will dress our babies and put him in his receiving blanket nicely upon discharge. If we bring our own, still need to undo what the nurses have done.

Alfafa – I also using singnet. Yesterday I experienced problems, super slow…..but today is fine

Afcai – nice blog you have there for your baby. Your bb is so cute. I understand how u feel….he is so small yet need to go thru surgery…..very heart pain indeed
wow maggie mee. i nv touch tt at hme. i see liao turn off. oni had it twice durin my whole pregnancy.
lunch at home is normally brunch. i will eat cereals, sometimes cook mee sua, porridge w pork..

re: maternity package
mine is same as devil and missycandy's.. cause we are seeing the same gynae!

i drink coconut don find baby got any special leh.

oh we packing abt same amount of stuffs in bag. ok like tt i more fang xin..
i scare my lochia will be alot. coz my menses is always heavy type one.. nvm, not enuff then i buy again

if u tink u can drive then go ahead lor. but i would advise no lar when reach the dueing part.
coz my aunt previously drive halfway then wan to give birth leh. somemore she was alone. so can be quite dangerous. but well, all these play with time factor too..

ESH no nid wear own Pyjamas.. but bb clothings i forgot liao.

i know ur blog leh. hehes. u tag me lar.. http://our-precious-angel.blogspot.com/
Hey mummies..

Baby's weight nw 2.9kg at week 35 and 5 days..Growth spurt from 2.015kg at week 33..Was told to cut calcium intake liao..that is no milk and dairy products and less carbo such as rice etc..

Need to watch out my diet liao..

Her face looks like chipmunk same as previous scan.. Still have alot of fluid inside so she still moving..from kicking on my right to kicking my left liao..

Gynae scared she grow too big sized.. so bread also better nt eat too much liao.. it's meat and veggies loh.. quite ma fan nw.. cos bread and milk very convenient food to satisfy hunger..


She could be an isolated case.. don't worry too much here i share an experience loh..
In the end, she still able to deliver a healthy baby despite all that though she may suffers during the process.. so my cousin said its like no pain no gain..

Mummies are noble and "wei da".. the saying is true


Hope that your neighbour quickly finish reno with all that drillings.. i understand dat.. its very disturbing and annoying! But you working rite..?? U mean they also do reno at nite? Can scold them leh and complain de..

My side having upgrading of lifts.. Of all times HDB must choose at this timing to upgrade when i have been staying here for 5 years liao..Got once it was so bad and afraid baby will be affected that i went out and stayed outside for hours so i went to watch a movie loh..
And I even saw the physical drill infront of me..ohmygoodness..

Nw no more drilling liao and they are placing new tiles on floor and wall.. the problem with HDB is that they stop their activities for some time then come bk again.. so they drag real long.. but hopefully they quickly finish their business and go off..

Hi mummies, wow so busy at work didn't have time to come in and already i'm reading 3 pages of archive :p Yday had to OT, knocked off at 8pm, reached home already 9pm & early morning this morning somemore...totally knocked out last night. Today is 37wks and i think i'm still gonna drive until end of this week. As for swimming, i did go over sat & sunday, thought it'll be good excercise to help him into the right position (spine facing outside)~ much easier than cat pose.

Nana, Hang in there! So excited to hear from you & waiting for your birth story.

Afcai, i'm sure ur bb is in good hands, the docs/nurses will know what is the best for him, dun worry too much.

SG, hope your neighbour wont be too noisy, if after 9pm (i think ) they are not allowed to do anymore work or something like that...

Idlecat/Sun, i also did my registration at Glen already, looking forward to this sat appt again to see gynae
Think i've tried most of the soup dishes at the food court downstairs already

Seabreeze, please dont cut his eye lashes. My mum cut my eyelashes when i was a baby and it didn't grow back she said *hehee* so poor me i had to live w shortened eyelashes when i was a kid. Lucky my silly mum didn't experiment with my eyebrows Hahaaaa....
Same here, also having lift upgrading and lotsa drilling going on now. So very noisy and dusty! Actually end 2007 the vote already went thru and was hoping by the time we return from overseas stay for 1/2yr, the noise will be done. But they only started work when we came back lor...gosh! They are working a few flrs directly below us now...and like u said, they work here abit, then stop then come back again...so we called and asked if they could expediate cos we having BB in Mar...its really loud, even close door & on air-con also hear it loudly, very afraid BB will be affected next time. They say the noise at my column here only done by end Mar, but will take our feedback into account. Really hope so...rather they make noise now then when BB is out. Looks like yours will be ready soon?
u oso deliver at gleneagles huh.. same same lei... my gynae appt oso tis sat... mayb we'll bump into each other? kekeke
Wah... was too busy to log in today and our thread is still running fast!

RE: Maternity Pad

My colleagues told me that locia is for 4 wks on the average. But only the first week really need thick and long pads. So i bought 8 pcs of the 40.5cm Sofy. Going to buy another 8 pcs of each version until i reach nite version. I figure even if never finish using for the locia, can always use when menses come back next time.. hee hee
My husband would only be in SG for 3 wks so not sure how long he would be here when bb is out therefore definitely not able to help buy. I find it even weirder to get my MIL or my CL to buy for me so i think i shall stock up out this.

I wouldnt take my ML in advance if i were u. Dont worry about being in black list for taking MC, i think already in black list for taking ML liao.. might as well... heh.. my opinion lah.. so long as the required work is discharged properly. Which is what i am trying to do in case towards the end i am too tired and need to take MC to rest. Hoping to have 4 days working week until i give birth... but looks tough cos need to leave my leave untouch for my extended leave after ML and i cant completely discharge my work so avoiding MCs at all cost. Heh.. would think abt it when i finally get to finish my current work.. So tired... Brought work back home to do but end up doing housework till now.. haiz... but need to rush leh..


Hope HDB will take your feedback seriously.. yea it's grossly noisy and dusty..
There are 2 lifts in my block.. one aldy done during pre preggie so nw they are working on the other one..The noisy part is when they drill the old floor tiles out.. i presume is more or less done for the noise cos they are tiling the floor and walls up..i cross my fingers :x
I saw the notice put up that they would finish by 2nd quarter of this year.. so its by June? But as long not very noisy and dusty I'm fine.. no choice loh..

If it is very bad, probably you need to relocate to your family members' places..

My friend staying near the construction site of a condo.. and the noise gonna take a few years! so the baby cant sleep in the morning and only can sleep very early at nite..Very poor thing rite.. think my condition here is alot better than hers...

