(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

think strip and honeypot should be pretty reputable in singapore...

its really up to individuals whether they want to shave or wax or let the nurses do the job...heh..

for me, i am just concerned about the post-pregnancy lochia and stuff...usually its the hair that stains the panty. so i'll opt for the one time pain...

im fixing my appt 2 weeks prior to edd...and i have also checked with honeypot, they do have pregnant women doing BW.

hope this helps..

Re: Iron level
I gotta know the iron lvl is defined as ok loh.. pre preggie i ever took brand essence's iron pills..so preggie time i just take the multi vits that has iron in it.. didnt take anything extra..
Mangogal, am trying to dig out if there are any readings for my iron level hehe..

For Mt A.. C-sect shave top part a bit, natural no need..
But after shaving, the stubbs grow out so the area very itchy?

Re: Pigeon Wipes
I think BHG also 20% off.. in a cart for ley long ley long..
Think i saw Tollyjoy's also..
I buy from NTUC more convenient for mee lah..

hi mummies
wow tread is so fast but I have been reading nw still on bed rest was dicharge lst thursday. Today will be seeing gynae this coming fri will be in my 35week hope my girl will hang on till at least fri 35week so even safer.

Re waxing
how i wish i can go for it but even standing will cos my contraction so I dun think i can do it.Anyway I onli gt little hair haha.When I gave birth to my 1st at kkh they dun shave me at all thinkk too little so there is no need to shave.
re: disposable panties
do u know which brand is good? and where to buy?

re: epidural
is it true that we can only request epidural after dilating 4cm?
Epi is u can onli use it before u dilatue 5cm cos if already more than 5cm no point doing cos u will dilatue fast till 10cm le so no point.
re: disposable panties
i bought impression fr robinson last wk... there's are 2 sizes - norm n maternity... i chose the norm one... last wkend still got 20% off not sure now still hv anot...
ya on off still will have last night i try nt taking medi than contraction quite fre so no choice die die I will take till around 35week.Gynae sa for my case is I gt irritatble utreus so very easy gt contraction so it is cant be advoid de as long as nt those very intense frequent and painful wan I have to take it lor.
Epidural : can take anytime but once dilate till 5cm or more cannot take liao .

Caca : your gal will be good and listen to you and she will tahan till next week or later lah . So meantime rest well and take the medication as per gynea request and he will sure help you all the way he can .
ic... dun worry, by tis fri u'll be in w35... ask yr bb to guai guai stay in there n dun come out so soon... come in n chat w us if u feel bore resting in bed...
wishaboy , sun
ya actually thinking of teling gynae tonight i dun wan to wait le as long pass friday I happy le so see if can stop medi cos all the medi is making me feel so uncomfortable no app to eat than keep feeling wan vomit.Gynae also noe I very sianle.Cant wait fr my girl to come out but at the same time scare still too early n very scare of labur nw.
Caca rest well, ur bb will be guai guai come out at fullterm

Fatfish, hey good to see you here

You hv msn? BTW u joining us for dinner this fri?
Ops ur iron level is lower than me...what iron pills u taking? Mine is ironyl...taste awful when I burp
Dear mummies,
I'm new to this thread and would love to join in the chat. Pls allow me to self-intro abit. I'm having my 2nd baby now, most prob will be opting for C-sect in late March although my EDD is on early Arpil.
My gynea is Dr. LC Foong. I will most prob opt for TMC to deliver my baby. The bill for my 1st baby boy delivered at Gleneagles was too exp!!!

I would like to check with all of you here whether any one of you opted for planned C-sect? Do you get a master "calculate" an auspicious date to deliver the baby?
prosper (prosper) : Wanted to PM u the contact for cordlife but u don't accept pm lah . U on msn now ? can pass to you if not u pm me so I can pass you the contact .
caca : Try to tahan and hang on there as it will be better for baby to come out after wk 36 or more if possible . U only need to tahan till next week , u can do it . I understand that taking medicine make u feel bad and boring as need to bedrest . Take this opportunity to rest well before bb pop out . Me take the iron pills , multi-vitamins , calcium pills etc till I want to puke also as the after taste is so bad now .
<font color="119911">thks mummies for all the wishes.

me still struggling with ebm issue. got to do pelvix exercise cos when cough cannot ta han leak urine....

arrr....now how I wish I can have bath....:p:p</font>

<font color="119911">missycaNDY</font>.
ai-yo, hardly had time to rest. mum busy with marketing and hearing nagging fr her then all the while I am attending to my gar (beside pumping milk time). hope my cl will come soon, got to ta han for another 2 more wk.

hence, everyday tends to be a roller coaster for me, pressing for time. also trying to build up milk supply, sian.....can only pump out 30-60ml(once a day in the morning) only....

<font color="119911">idlecat</font>,

<font color="119911">ginger,
me long time since before cny eve never check email liao. yup, didi ttf to SCN since the next day(29/1) he is born (28/1). now, kept on hearing gd and bad news fr nurse. y'day, went down to scd cos nurse updates hubby when he delivered milk every morning that didi not gd cos weight kept on dropping. so the latest updates for today, he is increasing his feed to 1 oz liao. so far so gd but jardince(dunno how to spell) still very high (195). one gd news is he is OFF drip liao. y'day, was 165 but today 195. ai-yo....poor boy....

hmm..tot yr gar already out of KKH? so do u go down to see yr gar? me only go sat only...unless doc call for parents. so is she in SCu?

me, hardly had time, thks for the invitation. will go in to premature support grp.</font>

<font color="119911">farymoss</font>,
hmm..pad no need to bring, hospital will provide maternity panties and pads.

<font color="119911">wintertime</font>,
yup, will upload photos and blog adventures of him when I had time.

<font color="119911">mangogal</font>,
sian, still struggling with increasing bm. dunno why let down reflex is so slow this time. at least, manage to clear block duct for 2 days. but bm supply miserable.

<font color="119911">Cindy</font>,
thks. my mum will kept on telling my gar abt didi. anyway, my gar really so sticky to me, follow me anywhere, go toilet poo and urine also follow. faint....but dunno how she will react when didi come hm (probely next mth only).but when one asked her where didi, she will say hopsital in chinese.anyway, my gar not usual self cos since my mum helped out in CL (only for 3 wk), she cry a lot, kept wanted attention until my mum kept 'scolding' her etc.... I also lost my temper too.

how old yr no#1?Why u want to opt for c-sect

<font color="119911">sung</font>,
yup, temp bm still enu for little cow prince. but his milk feed (thru tub) kkept on increasing 3-4 marks per day. so hopefully, my ebm can race against his milk intake.

yup, do let yr bb know, dun let mummy suffer. last time, I did not did that. but this time, it works....
Hi wishaboy,
I delivered my 1st one via emg C-sect and my boy only 18 mth old now. Guess the gap bet. the 1st and 2nd too short, gynea suggested C-sect cos scare previous stitch will tear if go for natural. Actutally quite hesitant abt it. Gynea give me the choice lah but hubby wana save his pocket scare later cant make it for natural and have to go emg c-sect again...

yr gynae is same as me lei...
u mentioned yr bill for yr #1 was exp, can elaborate more coz i'll be deliver there too... sort of worry how much the bill will be...
btw, y u opt for c-sect huh?

there's another mar mummy gave birth liao? who? who? anyone noe?
each pk cost $4, so aft 20% each $3.20... i've robinson card so additional 5% rebate so in the end i paid $3 for each pk...

emg c-sect cost a lot issit?
hi prosper,

o am interseted with the waxing. i can join u if u dun mind.

my iron level lower then u, 9.3.. but gynae only ask me talk 1 pill, not 2 leh. i already experiencing constipation le after taking for a week
welcome Ling

how to clear milk duct or prevent milk duct ah?
U jiayou oki? bb will discharge soon

yalo the reason i dun like iron pills as it will give me constipation n i scared heaty..
ling:: yes i did get a master to calculate auspicious date for me.
the first one also emergency csect and so this one i also opt for csect la.. but first one cause emergency so didn't get to calculate... the date and time.

afcai:: I also worry ah,I worry how to BF by latching when i have to handle bb and handle #1. #1 is only 15months old now, gg to be 16months when i deliver... NOW still learning how to walk nia.. oh no ... did you manage to latch on yet? Will u switch to latching on after he can go home?

ok, but i am waiting for queenie to tell us more abt the infor.

me and miracle interested abt the wax. Do let us know more information. Booking, address etc...
tks a lot
Hi sunshinebaby, my bill almost hit 10K cos mine is emg C-sect..after medisave deduction, still have to forked out cash $6K. Not to scare u cos mine could be complicated tat y explained the bill so high...i went in gleneagles after 12am, went thru labour pain, took epidural and still ended emg c-sect...all these occured in the am session...maybe tat the reason y the bill so high..furthermore Dr. Foong's fee also not cheap bah...in the middle of the night summoned him to cut me up. haha...and i stayed single-ward..hee

ya. i have stomache but den cant pop
stool feels hard.. sian.. i took 1 big apple yesterday but din help. think we shd drink more water ba.
<font color="ff0000">Latest update... teddybaby will be joining us for this Fri dinner!!! total will be 20 mummies attending provided all can make it w/o any last min thing, </font>

<font color="0000ff">MAR 2009 MTB 2ND GATHERING
<table border=1><tr><td>SN</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>06-02-2009 (Fri) </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>sun96</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>asura79</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>prosper</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>pinkdemoness</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>wintertime</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>devil</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>p3pp3r</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>jtho</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>pinksorbet</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>sassybaby</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>daphne crosailo kang</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>sportyger</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>janbebe</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>vivienpg</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>kome</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>mangogal</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>starflower</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>lenny</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>meebaby</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>teddybaby</TD><TD>Yes </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

really very ex. hope bb will be gd and wish all mummies have smooth delieveries if not have to spend so much.

anybody have recommendations to get a master to get a name for bb?
ic... how many days u stay b4 u discharge?
tat's y i dun dare to opt for single bedded... i'll go for 2 bedded juz in case there's any complication (touch wood) so the hospital bill wouldn't be tat high compare to single bedded...

anything to take note when deliver in gleneagles?
i also choose GlenE. But haven pre-register yet.
I was admitted GlenE on Monday rite, the nurses all very nice..i choose the 2 bedded, and luckily no one is there. so i was like the on;y patient in the room. so nice..

Bur u really have to wear ur own bathroom slipper.
their's are so slippery when the toilet floor wet.
Thanks to all mummies for the warm welcome.

Cindy, me and you similar ar...cos my boy only 18 mth. can recommend ur master cos i havent calculate the auspicious date yet.

Thanks miracle2me.

Sunshinebaby, I stayed there for 3 D 2 N. Basically, nothing to take note leh as long as you have packed well for your hospital bag. Hmm...dont wear gold chain or accessories bah cos ultimately they will take it away from you. Other than that, i cant recall anything special to take note.
I m taking neogobion instead so far so gd except constipated..so try to drink more water. Taking prune juice too.. nope i am not joining u gals this fri coz i hv something on.. U gals hv fun!

wow u r lower than me.. take care k coz I always feel giddy esp in the morning..

dun worry your bb will b fine..take care!
Anyone is also living in area that is currently upgrading?

During repainting hdb blocks, do you have to close all the windows including louvre windows of the bathroom?

Any idea will louvre windows leak water when the workers wash the whole block during painting?

Not very good if splash in as my toiletries is just below the window. Hope won't splash in.

Think I won't have time to clean the mess anymore as the baby will be due anytime.
ling, i will get the number and pm you by tonight.. cause it's with my hubby.. but he is located somewhere in serangoon le. near farrer park MRT station, u stay nearby? hehe i hope i remember, if not u pm me okies? or u have msn? can add me hehe!!

me not staying at the area but the best is to close all windows and if your windows are those can lock one then better lock too
