(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

The one i got is 13" x 13" and there is still additional allowance after i put in 1 medium towel and 1 set of uniform, so i think her regular size should be good enough unless you want to put in more things.

alfafa and prosper, hey gals take care, it is really not easy to bf, but we as mummies just want to give our best for our kids, so we tolerate all pain and trouble. Must really give ourselves as mummies a pat on the shoulder.

Vernice, you got pm! I am interested to get a wetbag too leh, we can combine orders.

I went down to expo today, super crowded. Went down to the Glenn Doman counter and nearly bought the reading kit cos hubby is very interested to get it.
alfafa, were you the one who mentioned about getting the glenn doman kit at 2nd hand from the net? Is it from the forum?
Sassy, thanks again for opening up your place and letting us mess it up hee. Little marissa is so cranky yesterday so have to give the swim a miss.

Jo, thanks again for the ride back and fro! How was your robinson shopping, managed to come back with some goodies?
mayb u wanna try feeding her btl again... u btl her once a day, rest u latch on??

need to order how many wetbags so the organiser can give us better discount?? i'm staying in AMK...

so envy u all hv so much fun @ sassy's place... rally hope i'm able to join u all next round if there's any... but hopefully aft swine flu else hb wouldn't give green light...
Hi i went to e Expo today...
Saw qite a few bb fotography studio booths...Got dphotolio...seanlau...whitesands...universal etc...saw e Beco carrier booth...tink itz true they don qite bothered whether bb is happy or grumpy when one gets in it...i saw one bb squirming n fussing but e saleslady *slim tall one still plugged e bb in to show e mom...

Other interestg stuff includes e GD flashcards...i brought my sil along...there were 2 non Chinese sales persons attending to us...both Indians..no doubt they r very convincing but when we raised some Qs on e freq of usage w e flashcards, they seemed stumped for a while...frankly we not into buying lar...jus sit down n listen how they sell e flashcards...

Personally, i find e clothes n shoes for bbs more worth buying...

Alfafa/Prosper, hope u both feeling better...can blocked ducts b prevented? Seems like this is an ongoing problem for those bfg...or is it for those w higher ms?

Last but not least, is there ani1 here who can comment on e usefulness of post-natal jamu massage...? Does all e binding/massaging heal ur internal organs like womb etc n does it help one to get back in shape...? Like lose e tummy...still deciding if itz worth committing...i noe a bit late but thot i can lose it thru dieting / exercising..thou e salespple strongly encourage, but i wan to hear real users' testimonials.

Tks n yes, e pix of bbs lying on e mats was truly a blessed moment to view...
Alfafa glad to hear u feeling better...
oh no Prosper take care!

I went dwn to Cheong choon @ Chinatown 1st to collect my one carton of Pigeon wipes, bought at $72, 8 packets of 3, $9 per packets, so cheap,hehe can use for months!

Expo buys:
Wah today super crowded compare to yest, bought 4 packs of huggies ultra M size, inflatable tub, blueeggs milk bags & gripe water

wah today expo very crowded but gt car so carry heavy things nt a issue, dump all the huggies diapers and 1 box of carton into car..then go church..so tiring nw but a fruitful shopping trip and church service..Aiyo my gal 1st time at nursery and she nt hungry, just zz..only after service and we picked her up, she started to cry for milk! So feed her in church then go hm for dinner:p
Hope u hv fun in chalet
Hi Mummies,

Just saw that Joann is slashing price for the below wetbags


Juicy Jungle x 1
Nicoise Pink x 2
Sparrows in Pink x 2
Messy Hands x 1
Dots in Flamingo x 1
Dots in Fiesta x 1
Hey Kome, i'm interested in wetbag with base :p

So Vernice, are we collating 10 orders? i think both Pumpkin and I want the Pooh design...

i hardly find bras my size cos i am quite big or Fat.. kekek.. so when i found my size.. i really buy more

blue egg milk bags are selling for 8 bucks per box..u can buy those with thermal sensor ones.

i hope u feel better now... the bags that u posted.. very sweet,.. not suitable for fierce woman like me.. kakaka.... u take care ya..

the pigeon wipes.. for u sto buy so much, do we have to pre order?
Hi Ladies

Sorry to interrupt.

I have 2 packs of M size Pampers Active (68 pcs per packet) to let go of @ $45. My son's moving on to L size.

Please PM me if you're interested. Self collection @ my place.

alfafa / prosper - hey babes! do take care! i dunno hw it feels becos nvr kena b4.. nt even engorgement... but i knw our boobs damn sensitive.. so must reli hurt bad... try to pump more often ba... *sayang sayang* hope it goes away soon!

i saw ntuc having promo for huggies ultra & mamy poko. huggies cnt recall the price but definitely more exp than expo la. hurhur. mamy poko is going at $21.90 for the jumbo packs. =)

cindy - dunno leh... i dun mind half days i guess... lets me slowly spend less time with bb.. good in a way la... if nt suddenly missing for 12hrs a bit difficult leh... =P yes yes dollfies... hahahah

Have been giving her a bottle a day but she suddenly reject..
would try.. but most likely got to starve her before she willing to drink.. my poor bb. actually happened in SG also, that time was 2 or 3 bottles a day cos i go out whole day.. kekeke... and she would refuse the milk for the first feed and then reluctantly take in some for the 2nd feed. sian..
kome - eh babe. im goin out tmr. u need to let me knw wad time u coming by leh. see if my mum at hm then ask her pass to u. il be goin taka & robinsons leh. if u come b4 12pm then il be home la. after that il be out. how? let me knw k?

gatherings - anymore in the next 2weeks? il be free after 1pm. lol. cos il be wrking halfday for 2wks... il also be free on 17th. my mum have her medical checkup. so im taking leave to look after Kirsten. =P
The bags so nice...now me so tempted to get again.....

Mangogal n Queenie,
You know what my hubby said abt the taggies blankie? He said it looks like an high class expensive hand towel with so many ribbons to hook on the wall! OMG... can imagine my face..

Can pass you your stuff next sat at about 6plus. U will be at compasspoint?

You want to arrange with me on how to collect your milkbags?

U still interested in the mini steriliser?
if you interested in the $12 agnes b pouch with detachable sling, you can find the same at a pushcart beside Yami yogurt at Suntec City. They selling at $9.90 only. I bought one today:>
<font color="aa00aa">Finally got the arrangements down for the Baby Signs Workshop. This is customised program for us March mummies which i've worked out with the Babysigns speaker to fit specially us so here's the details:</font>

<font color="ff0000">BabySigns Workshop</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Content: Learning the techniques of Babysigns.
Program details:
1) Introduction to Babysigns, teaching methodology (Theory)
2) Interactive practice with Baby (Practical)
3) Other classes - introduction to Signs &amp; Play classes
4) Q&amp;A, sales of babysigns books &amp; related products

Duration: 45mins-1hour
Fee: $30 nett (1 mummy &amp; 1 baby)
Date: 10 July (Friday)
Time: 11am
Location: Starflower's place ~ Caribbean Function Room (next to Vivocity)
Lunch arrangements: Will cater buffet like as Sassy's
After workshop, we can continue to eat, mingle and play w our babies

As a complimentary freebie for us, I've managed to get her to also give us:
1) FOC Babysigns Reference Guidebook (Usual Price S$10) and
2) FOC if Daddies want to come along to our workshop that day.
3) 5%-10% discount on related products sales that day

Well, this is actually a shorter version than the full 3-hour $100 commercial session they have, but i guess it's ok for us since we'd only like an introductory flavour to Babysigns now and for mummies who are more interested to continue, u may enquire about their 6 sessions of Signs &amp; play classes later on, conducted by their US instructors. </font>

<font color="0000ff">So, we can start our list again now for attendees, (paiseh rusty brain, can't remember who said interested liao) :
1) Starflower (hehee of course)
2) Jtho
3) Daphne
4) ...

After this pls PM me your email &amp; phone so i can set up a private email list of attendees, this "BP" will be off if we don't hit 20 mummies, hehee thanks
paiseh annmelody, yeah, can i trouble u to mail to me? or if u're coming to the workshop then pass to me?

Alfafa &amp; Prosper *big hugs*, hope the pain will go away soon ok, hang in there, dont give up...
dear Alfafa n prosper, I'm so hoping you 2 will get well soon! Hugs.

I'm so dead. My #1 has been running a fever since thursday and hubby is worried sick. It comes on n off sigh. Not to mention he also has the nasty cough n dripping nose. Really praying he get better in the morning and we will bring him to doc again. He was flaming hot just now, at 430am, we woke him up to eat medicine. Almost wanted to go hospital but held back cause of the trouble with getting into hospital with the swine flu. Poor boy. My heartache to see him so weak. Just managed to get him to go back to zzz... Sigh.

Starflower, would love to go to the workshop but I cant lo, started work liao n I am teaching so it is impossible for me to take leave. Haha. Definitely got lessons gg on at that time, plus just returned to work. Sigh. Was hoping it be somewhere before 29june. Haha! You hot babes enjoy yourself! I would love to go view n have my jaw drop at your area! Haha!
Had PMed you.

Morning Mummies
Looks like Mummies have to wake up early.

Not sure is it due to our room very warm, Anver since last night temperature is at 37.6 degrees and this morning hits 38 degrees. Yesterday afternoon he is ok lar.....think need to monitor later again.
good morning mummies..

I had been MIA-ing for a long time.. main reason cos I am back to work and juggling between work, bb, logistic is really tiring.. hence, little tme to yak on this thread. did pop and and try to keep up to the thread, but there's no way I can do that cos it's moving soooo FAST!!!! hahahaha..

Aiya, see, i missed out another outing again.. but well, even if I know it, I can't attend too, cos it's on friday and I am working!!! sobzz.. well, hope i can join the next time round..

a little update on my little bb..
he's doing fine, still on TBF and he had just recovered from his cough and flu which he can contracted from his cousin.. *DARN.. was so sad abt it, but no choice.. * anyway, he's well again and I am supper happy abt it. BB is close to 7kg now, big and heavy... and he's already flipping.. He often gets fustrated after he flip, cos he's *stucked* after that cos he doesn't know wat to do next. he lifted his head high up in air and use his legs and try kicking.. so after a little while, he wil gets tired..

Oh ya, I noticed my boy's lower gum is a little swollen.. seems like he's growing teeth soon as I notice some white little patches on it..

My milk supply had dropped a little but i still try to pump 2 times in office.. but there are days whereby I was sooo busy and skip one session.. bad mummy.. luckily i have some reserves in my freezer to last my bb..

Last but not least, wish all mummies who are still on maternity leaves, enjoy enjoy ur last few wks of holidays.. hope to log in more often to chat chat..
alfafa &amp; prosper - im having blocked ducts too..on the right breast...sian, last pump was 2pm, then went Expo, haiz came back to pump at 9+pm...then kena liao...sian..fever again...

hopefully it will go away soon!! pump n pump session today!
pinkdemoness ....

for nepia size M and above, NTUC often have sales at 2 for $28.95 or something

but if you need a good 'reason' to visit the fair ... then $14 per pack is a GOOD deal hahahahaha
BabySigns Workshop

Content: Learning the techniques of Babysigns.
Program details:
1) Introduction to Babysigns, teaching methodology (Theory)
2) Interactive practice with Baby (Practical)
3) Other classes - introduction to Signs &amp; Play classes
4) Q&amp;A, sales of babysigns books &amp; related products

Duration: 45mins-1hour
Fee: $30 nett (1 mummy &amp; 1 baby)
Date: 10 July (Friday)
Time: 11am
Location: Starflower's place ~ Caribbean Function Room (next to Vivocity)
Lunch arrangements: Will cater buffet like as Sassy's
After workshop, we can continue to eat, mingle and play w our babies

As a complimentary freebie for us, I've managed to get her to also give us:
1) FOC Babysigns Reference Guidebook (Usual Price S$10) and
2) FOC if Daddies want to come along to our workshop that day.
3) 5%-10% discount on related products sales that day

Well, this is actually a shorter version than the full 3-hour $100 commercial session they have, but i guess it's ok for us since we'd only like an introductory flavour to Babysigns now and for mummies who are more interested to continue, u may enquire about their 6 sessions of Signs &amp; play classes later on, conducted by their US instructors.

So, we can start our list again now for attendees, (paiseh rusty brain, can't remember who said interested liao) :
1) Starflower (hehee of course)
2) Jtho
3) Daphne
4) Lenny Susanty

I am feeling ok now. Even went sassy's place on fri
You mentioned that I can just take the normal panadol, but one mommy told me cannot leh. Hmm...am very confused now. Yes, baby is the best pump, but I can't get my girl to latch on long enough!! She always fall asleep halfway, hope it doesn't become a habit!!

Prosper, moomooland

I know how it feels to have fever and breasts engorgement. Now my left breast has a few lumps
Been trying to clear it but still there. Baby suckles suckles but they don't go away! Soemtimes I also feel like giving up BF, but feel bad towards the baby leh.


You stay at AMK? Hee hee, next time we can go shopping with sassy lor :p
BabySigns Workshop

Content: Learning the techniques of Babysigns.
Program details:
1) Introduction to Babysigns, teaching methodology (Theory)
2) Interactive practice with Baby (Practical)
3) Other classes - introduction to Signs &amp; Play classes
4) Q&amp;A, sales of babysigns books &amp; related products

Duration: 45mins-1hour
Fee: $30 nett (1 mummy &amp; 1 baby)
Date: 10 July (Friday)
Time: 11am
Location: Starflower's place ~ Caribbean Function Room (next to Vivocity)
Lunch arrangements: Will cater buffet like as Sassy's
After workshop, we can continue to eat, mingle and play w our babies

As a complimentary freebie for us, I've managed to get her to also give us:
1) FOC Babysigns Reference Guidebook (Usual Price S$10) and
2) FOC if Daddies want to come along to our workshop that day.
3) 5%-10% discount on related products sales that day

Well, this is actually a shorter version than the full 3-hour $100 commercial session they have, but i guess it's ok for us since we'd only like an introductory flavour to Babysigns now and for mummies who are more interested to continue, u may enquire about their 6 sessions of Signs &amp; play classes later on, conducted by their US instructors.

So, we can start our list again now for attendees, (paiseh rusty brain, can't remember who said interested liao) :
1) Starflower (hehee of course)
2) Jtho
3) Daphne
4) Lenny Susanty
5) Pei
Re: Babysign workshop
I am interested to go but have already started work so will have to give it a miss

Cindy, big hugs to your #1. Hope he is feeling better, I am sure it must be very tiring for you too, take care.

Wintertime, welcome back.
You must have been so busy trying to juggle work and bb, its great to know that your little one is doing well. Tom I am starting work too, hope I will be able to cope and continue to pump during office hours. I think I will miss little marissa so much.
So, we can start our list again now for attendees, (paiseh rusty brain, can't remember who said interested liao) :
1) Starflower (hehee of course)
2) Jtho
3) Daphne
4) Lenny Susanty
5) Pei
6) Queenie
So, we can start our list again now for attendees, (paiseh rusty brain, can't remember who said interested liao) :
1) Starflower (hehee of course)
2) Jtho
3) Daphne
4) Lenny Susanty
5) Pei
6) Queenie
7) SunshineBB
eh.. i think jean is coming back 21st june leh.. nt july...

il be back at work as well.. so not possible to attend...

kome - no problem. decided not to go out becos raining heavily my side. hb says stay in. boo. plus Kirsten tad cranky today. dunno why. hai.
Extract frm my fren's blog:
Baby rejecting milk bottle

Problem: 2mths 4 weeks old

为什么Baby有时会抗拒奶瓶?是不是肚子不舒服,是gastro reflux吗?
回答是: Baby可能是曾被逼喝奶,他因此产生恐惧!这种情况通常发生在婴儿3个月大以后,当他们开始懂得表达喜好(同时也懂得抗拒不喜欢的事物)。PD 也说,意志力强和较精明的婴儿比较会出现这种抗奶情况,哈,弄得我不知该烦恼Baby的恐惧症,还是该庆幸有个聪明的宝宝?!
<font color="aa00aa">oh yeah, or how about we make a list of those interested in a saturday 11am session? let's see if we can shift it to sat or open 2 sessions: (i've put ur ok dates in brackets)

Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(??)
3) Daphne (10,11)
4) Lenny S. (10)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok?)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Missycandy (11 ok?)
12) Fellycia (10)</font>

Sorry forgot to extract the above, so do not force baby to finish all the milk whatever in the bottle, once they full will stop and spit out the teat, I think this is the solution?
Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(??)
3) Daphne (10,11)
4) Lenny S. (10)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok?)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Missycandy (11 ok?)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)
haha mangogal:: HAHAHAHA!! bursts our laughing. aiii... trishelle is still not loving the bottle yet.

Asura, guess we only have ourselves to blame for having such stubborn girls! haha!! hows the training with charlene? I think we have to follow their cues see when they are hungry, when they are not. Today i just tried it, last latch on feed at 6am. Fed her btl at 11am, she rejected and fussed and only drank 40mL. at 1145am, she was sucking her thumb so hard and so furiously, i thought she might be hungry, i fed her again and she finished 70mL which amts to a full feed liao. Then at 245pm, i fed her again, 3 hrs after her last feed, SHE CRY like siao again. okay then she zzz and i figured she wanted to zzz so when she got up at 345pm, i fed her, she drank 90mL and regurgitated so i stopped. At 445pm she was still fussing and very irritable and again sucking her fingers like mad so i decided to try feed her again and she drank 30mL. And i could see she was SATISFIED as she can now play and laugh. hahaha! soo i think we just have to persevere on!
Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(??)
3) Daphne (10,11)
4) Lenny S. (10)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Missycandy (11 ok?)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)
<font color="0000ff">Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(??)
3) Daphne (10,11)
4) Lenny S. (10)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10,11 both ok)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Missycandy (11 ok?)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)</font>

If bb takes a long time to change frm bf to ff *formula feeding, itz natural to resist till e end...my mom n i even went to e extent of carrying my boi using one hand/hold e milk bottle on e other hand n walk / rock round n round...talk abt bodybuilding workout...my mom says when bb knows e envt/caregiver better, he willshow his preferred patterns...if bb drinks little, jus let it b...forcing him will make him cry more n hav wind...e extract by mangogal is really interesting...u really don noe whether to b thankful bb is smart to distinguish or b in anguish over bb not eating enuf due to this transition...like wat Cindy says...if u serious in giving him/her bottle feed...persistence/consistency is e key...

Speaking abt familiarity...i realize my bb likes to b rocked...initially not like tat @ all...his preference makes me go for a 2nd hand electric yao lan...more for e day as he is comfy to sleep on e bed @ nite...he no longer sleeps long in his FP rocker...tat exasperates my mom n i...imagine how can we rock him constantly in e day? Hez oso into having a pacifier b4 falling into deep slumber...my mil dint do all these to my hb when young, so hope she reserves her comments to herself when sees these...for me...anything to make bb eat/rest well is worth a try...

abel is now drooling n liking to ooohhh ahhh to his caregivers...so cute!
As for turning n lifting his neck...still akan datang...i notice his neck has grown stronger too...last but not least, he likes to stand momentarily w e help of me...getting cuter each day...

i now down w flu...hav to wear a mask...hopefully i don scare him...oh ya, anyone noes if i can still bf bb when taking panadol? Do i bf onli when i recover?


PS: BB signs workshop sounds fun but 10 July a bit late...if June, will b better...tks for orging starflower...mayb u can give us e link so tat we can check them out even though we don hav e time to attend e workshop...
prosper, alfafa,

I hope you gals do recover soon.. I knw its painful and hard work.. just try yr best.

U r most welcome. Bought a lot of toys fr. robinsons coz' of my hubby la! Anything also buy..

Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(??)
3) Daphne (10,11)
4) Lenny S. (10)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10,11 both ok)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Missycandy (11 ok?)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)
14) Jo (10,11 both ok)
