(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(??)
3) Daphne (10,11)
4) Lenny S. (10, 11 both ok)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Missycandy (11 ok?)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)

Hi mummies,

I am posting on behalf of bibik Daphne crosailo Kang.

She has 3 boxes of blue egg milk bags to let go, i f any of u mummies are interested, please contact her direct.
Haha, Lenny... bibik Daphne.

Baby A's first passport stamping session was quite fun. Didn't think the immigration officer would actually step out of their booth to see that her face matches the pic in the passport but he did. On the way back, I was b-feeding so can't check haha
She was very clingy to me though. Think the heat really got to her. I managed to have some time to enjoy the beach on my own. Nice clear waters and fine white sand. Sooooooo goooood.

But I slept on the boat and in the car, can't sleep now. Better stop posting and do something useful, like clean my dirty messy house.
Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(??)
3) Daphne (10,11)
4) Lenny S. (10, 11 both ok)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Pumpkinseed (10,11 both ok)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)

I take over missycandy's spot. He he.
Thanks for the FM tin babe!
hello mummies...

been hard to get online nowadays...missed out so much posts..


10/11july is fine with me..

lenny thanks for helping me post..
yes pleas contact me if you are interested in the bags. ( i am also helping jean to sell them off)

can any mummies advise me on what FLU pills to take??
2ndly....anyone has low supply of milk when you are down with flu??
any idean what can regain those milk supply??
i think i have taken some medicine that contraindicated my milk supply.....
oh no help...!!!!!

so nice to have a get away...hehehe......glad you had fun..
envy both you and starflower.........holiday.....
waiting for my time...hahaa
Daph, you can take Piriton for flu while b-feeding. Take Fenugreek to increase supply. I can pass you some of both. Call meeeeee
piriton causes sleepiness leh...kinda tough if take and then...doze off infront of ugin..haha
yup have the fenugreek thingie..
think i shall increase my intake..
Any mummies using BPA free bottles? Can we wash and sterilize it the way we do to normal bottles? Understand normal bottles like Avent will release certain chemical that is harmful to babies after sterilizing for 2 mths, so thought of changing to BPA free ones.
Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(10/11 both ok)
3) Daphne (10/11 both ok)
4) Lenny S. (10, 11 both ok)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Pumpkinseed (10,11 both ok)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)
Scrumpee, yes same care for BPA bottles as for normal ones. Mine feels a bit 'sticky' after sterilising but was told that's normal.

Daph, no choice, if you've got a flu, better to be a bit drowsy then sneezing on him.
Fenugreek takes some time to have effect. Can try Mother's Milk Tea too, the organic shop at Tanglin Mall should have some.
Used the sterilizing tablets on the island but I forgot to bring a container so I sterilised her bottles in... a Tiger Beer cooler haha
daphne - another tab to take is loratidine but im nt sure if cn take if u r bfing.. u go see ur GP then ask for med!

pumpkin - np babe! hurhurhur! eh where did u go to have fun? im thinking of going to bintan to chill... but i think must wait awhile more... nt sure if shld bring lil one along or not... hmmm.. havent done her passport also... hee hee

My MS plummetted when i had a flu/cold as well, but it went back to normal again when I recovered. Mostly it is due to tiredness I think. All antihistamines come out in breast milk, only thing is dunno to what extent. Piriton is safely given in infants, so that would probably be the one to stick to if u really need to take it. Loratidine isn't licensed for use in babies I don't think. I hardly took any meds when I was ill, but when I buay tahan at night blocked nose and constant sneezing I popped a piriton lah, otherwise I really would not have had any rest. I also took mainly ibuprofen when the headaches/body aches got too much, but paracetamol is pretty safe too.

Drink lots of water and get well soon!
woke up with engorged breasts... n right size is feeing painful.. think blocked ducts again.. hope i can clear it soon.. i'm going back to work tomorrow..

I am not sure about the plastic bottles being sticky is still okay to use.

better check if the bottle is degrading after so much sterilising. did u use a steriliser or you boil them?
Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(10/11 both ok)
3) Daphne (10/11 both ok)
4) Lenny S. (10, 11 both ok)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Pumpkinseed (10,11 both ok)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)
14)Jo (10,11 both ok)
Looks like many mummies hv flu recently or engorged breasts. I also woke up to two "rocks". Got to keep compressing with warm towels. Afraid tt my breast infection will return. Haiz..
Babysigns Workshop
1) Starflower (10,11 both ok)
2) Jtho(10/11 both ok)
3) Daphne (10/11 both ok)
4) Lenny S. (10, 11 both ok)
5) Pei (10)
6) Queenie (10)
7) SunshineBB (10)
8) Cindy (11 ok!! yes pls!)
9) Wintertime (11 ok?)
10) Sportyger (11 ok?)
11) Pumpkinseed (10,11 both ok)
12) Fellycia (10)
13) Pinkdemoness(10,11 both ok)
14)Jo (10,11 both ok)
15) minnie24 (11 ok !!)
Anyway, now I very pek chey. Got drilling works at my block! Very noisy. Eddric cried so loud just now. He had a rude shock when he heard the noise. Now refuse to be let down. Must carry around, so I put him into the carrier. Cant do any house chores at all.. ARGH! Stupid HDB!
Hi, morning to all.

First day at work. Sian, this is the word tat i can say..
still having slight fever.
one of my sadness feeling, i am stopping my milkflow liao.MIL went to chinese medical hall to get herbs to stop milk. sad sad. MIL keeps pestering me to do it.
Irene, r u interested in the diaper bag that Kome posted? She can give discount if we gather more deals for her but nv say how much. anyone interested?
You got good supply why stop? Still can pump during work leh. Its better not to take any medicine to stop the milk flow, coz my mum told me last time she did that and after that her milk flow had been affected the next birth.
prosper, i also have same thoughts as kome. your SS is soo good! why stop? and if really have to stop, can try naturally stopping? don't take medicine le.
daphne c.k
poor u.. rem to take some vit c like redoxon to speed up ur recovery ah.. and plentiful of water.

why stop? dont stop lar.. such a waste .. why ur mil wants u to stop? btw, dont be sian. u will be able to see princess kayla very soon !
Kiddy palace still got 20% discount. That time i saw 2 5oz Avent bottles in a pack coz $30+....before discount.
Irene - seems like its always the few of us having recurring blocked ducts?...why why?

Prosper - Must be tough on you to be having that sort of condition and going back to work...my fever also got up to 39.3 yesterday, after multiple dosage of paracetamol, then it came down...wonder how is alfafa now...why stopping MS? coz of work? my mum also pestering me to stop MS, even my hubby is concerned i may not be able to cope with work and blocked ducts when i go back to work next week...

nevertheless, i hope to continue...ganbatte everyone!!
i also dun intend to do it. cos i always kena fever. mil not happy see me like tat. and say i always nv eat healthy food. But she always cook good food for us. wat an excuse!

But hor, just went toilet to pump, my supply still good lor. wonder y the herbs no use one
Ya, dun stop! U got such good ss and kayla is enjoying yr milk. I also heard fr my MIL tt those herbs will affect your next birth supply.

Nope, I dun live in tiong bahru. Very irritating hor. Feel like calling HDB. haha.. I've become an unreasonable auntie
been trying hard to catch up with reading the archives.

prosper, pls dun stop. i stopped once due to feeling very down from all sorts of things and i regretted. i have been back to pumping but the supply is very low compared to the past. in fact, if u skipped or stopped for a while, the dip might be rather drastic.
about BPA bottles..i have been using the medela bottles since my bb was born. still look good and intact but do i need to change now?

gave him the 9oz avent bottle but he doesnt like it compared to medela + pigeon teat.
ms so good, you should con't..... so wasted leh... if really need to stop supply mayb u can drag the pumping hrs longer b'se I aslo heard that taking medication to stop supply not so good.
prosper, i'm not getting le. I'll make do with the current bag i'm using. Gotta resist a bit, cos bought a connecta over the weekend.
Dun stop your supply... If Mil dun wanna feed ebm, maybe u can tune your body to just latching at night for night feeds, then daytime give fm.

Lenny, i'm pumping more often today.. Going to us hot compress and massage it during bath later.. Just came back from Zac's jabs. Hopefully he will not be cranky later.

The thots of going back to work really spolit my mood. Haiz... How i wish i can just stay at hm with the kids...

Thank you! By the way, the pigeon wipes that u ordered from Cheng Choon, is it the same price through out the year? I think I would also need to order a carton when I am back... Hee hee.. i think use wipes is faster than using diapers.

I havent tried bottle feeding her yet cos it is the weekends here and difficult to implement it when i am out of home. Would be starting the training tomorrow. Since I am not in a big hurry, I would be happy as long as she is willing to take a bottle. Heh.. Wish me luck! Anyway, I have convinced myself over the weekend that she has got such fat thighs and tummy that she can tahan being hungry for a few days.. hee

I think any medication to stop ss is not good. PLease dont take anymore. Why not u try to stop naturally by not latching on and pump 5 mins lesser per session then slowly drop the number of sessions per day? Just explain to ur MIL that it is healthier to stop naturally.
jo - u staying near me is it? my blk dwnstairs also having the drilling leh.. road works... grrr.... u at 400+ right.... im 300+... haii... but luckily kirsten is quite used to loud noises... lol... early on when she sleeps, i let her sleep in living rm day time when ppl watching tv... so she is okie with noise... i think? nw she's sleeping... =x but of cos sudden loud noise might scare her bah...

prosper - take care babe! if u wan to stop do so. but get meds frm the GP instead... dun eat chinese herbs... but if u r taking meds im think the ebm u must throw leh... Kayle wans mummy to be happy and comfy too... the end of BM for her doesnt make u a bad mummy okie?

Lucky you! Eddric is normally ok with noises e.g. TV. But this drilling thing is also getting on my nerves. No, its not road works. they are drilling the block walls, removing bricks. Eddric sleeps a while den got scare, sleeps a while, scare again. Must carry him or else he keeps being startled
better not take any medicine to stop your supply. I think GP's also better not take. I have heard that if you take, your boobs will be very droopy and not likely to have BM again for your next birth. I agree going the natural way is the best. That means, reduce your number of latching and pumping.
I feel tat if you want to stop, it's best to stop it naturally like reducing number & duration of pumps. Or you can consider to accustom your body to just feed baby in the nite when baby is not taken care by your MIL....! Honestly, I think her reason for you to stop is invalid!!! =( You must take care of urself ah...
hi all,
is it really true tat avent bottles can only last 2 mths if u sterilise the bottles after each feed? me using since bb born till now...really must change? any scientific proof? pls advise...
prosper - i think we mummies are just feeling v drained out cos of bf-ing...now i am also thinking if i really cannot cope i may also stop. But do consider carefully and don't look back on yr decision if u have to do so...i do fear the day i will regret hence i don't have the courage to drop my milk flow yet.

I'm also suffering from blocked ducts and the milk flow from my right breast is realli slow now...milk seems to be jammed up in there.

Sometimes i'm wondering why am i making myself so miserable...feeling so drained, tired and yet still doing all these thing...or i should just take the easy way out....feed FM...in fact now i'm already feel like doin that liao...hb oso scared i cannot cope with pumping at work and not getting enough sleep at night since gotta wake up early to pump. V tiring.

I am now at work. There is no nursing room in my office and i was pumping in the toilet. There is no place to put my pump accessories. Realli feel like crying man.

What to do? silly mummy still thinking to continue but yet feel like giving up. Ironic really.
Asura, ya the pigeon wipes shld be the same thruout the yr, u can order when u back

Tusky/ Cindy/Asura
Ya I find it really hilarious whenever reading my gf's blog and love the way she express her thots, well slowly and patience is the key for our little ones to adjust the bottle. Tusky, ya nw my gal also need to rock and feed her at the same time...

Prosper, aiyo so wasted if u stop bf..well it is really ur deicison so just be careful whatever herbs u taking is beneficial for ur health. But has Kayle tasted FM before? Cos if suddenly stop bm, will she will get cranky as FM n BM taste diff? Ii will easier of ur gal taste and finish FM

Daphne, aiyo take good care n hope ur is only small cold n recover soon, continue ur vit c everyday

PInkdemoness, me as a kiasu mummy, if the milk bottle is not BPA free, I will replace with after 2 mths...well think normal plastic bottle can use to feed water

wah.. so long didnt come in n i miss out the gathering... wat tis baby sign workshop about?? maybe i will join in too... miss all the yakking here but really no time to come in often cos my boy is really taking lots of my time..

btw regarding the bottlefeeding...
my boy was like tat when i intro bottle to him when he is 2mths old n i finally gave up n went to mrs wong n one help from her my boy is ok wif bottle now.. my boy now 3mths plus..
maybe u can try to forcefully feed even though when the bottle is push away or milk flowing out juz continue although baby will cry, scream but eventually my boy drank from bottle..
