(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Pink piglet,

My bb's caregiver shall be my MIL. Mom not in sg... so no way she would be helping. That's one of the reasons why i want a confinement lady. Dont feel comfortable with MIL doing confinement for me.

u can do "healthy" chips yurself if u're feeling guilty!

1. use vegetable peeler to slice potato thinly
2. coat microwave friendly plate with thin layer of olive oil
3. arrange sliced potatoes on plate in single layer
4. microwave till lightly brown n crispy then toss with salt

can use sweet potato too, taste yummier.
Me still not sure yet. My mum only willing to help take care if my #2 is a girl if not i might have to find a nanny.
I ate alot chocolates leh...even at home... Dark Chocolates...Hope it's ok.
I eat 3 meals a day...but in between maybe 2/3 snackstime. But my 3 meals all not Full meals...if i eat too full i will vomit or feel nauseas for a few hours. So its like Half pack beehoon for Breakfast, Half bowl noodle or Lunch and half chinese bowl rice for dinner w/dishes. today in between meals, i ate one curry puff and one egg tart...Like alot hor...
ntuc has infant care which takes baby as young as 2/3 months. but there is a problem with sending babies this young as they r more susceptible to harmful germs. my friend's bb kept getting sick so she pulled hers out after some time.
How abt wearing those black opaque stockings with dress or skirt? Might be a little hot for some but should be ok if in aircon office most of the time?

I think of taking care until the bb 1-2 years old then put childcare. But scare bb cannot accept new environment and make a fuss. bb very small cannot adapt fast.


I also about that number of meals. I try to don't eat chocolate as heard contain caffeine. I also cannot eat too much... Am bloated with air.

Snacks I like potato chips. Sometimes eat dried fruits. I still prefer potato chips though.
Thanks for the suggestions on the Chips and Fries...Hmmmm... I lazy to cook...keke. Maybe when I'm not working already, i shall try frying my own potatos...

Asura, Ur HB in US ah? Outstationed??? If working there, they don't have wife allowances for u to go over too? My caregiver is also gonna be my MIL, my Mum is Full-time working. I hope my MIL can cope, with 2 kids of my SIL and with mine. If not, then gotta work out plan to get a maid for her...Ultimately the financial burden will lie on my HB cos he is elder Bro, and earning more than my SIL family combined. Until that day comes bah...i don't want worry about it now...

Yah ToTO Tio half a Million is good enuff...

I think can still take some chocolate, but preferrably milk chocolate. cos the caffine will be lesser. but if possible try to cut down on chocolate, tea and coffee as well as can drinks like cola, pepsi etc..those with gas one..
We will love potato chips taste now cos it helps with the MS...keke... Mine personal favourite currently is "Salt & Vinegar".

Heard somewhere about the benefits that may be out on National day Rally... Dunno if I say it here will be investigated why news leaked anot...Hmmmmm....
Pink Piglet.

Cola and pepsi contains more caffeine than decaffeinate coffee. So only can drink decaffeinate coffee.

Some other gas drinks also got caffeine. I don't get to drink any of the gas drinks, because scare affect bb.
Oh dear!!!! I am really a junkie :p love chocolate and coke tsk tsk tsk think i got2 stop all these snacking.

hmmmmm....i realised that i am really beri relax on this 2nd pregancy. Now that some of you had mentioned that you dont take gas drinks, i rem i oso didnt take them during the 1st pregnancy :p

ah....is there any sahm here? i m so called a sahm but like wat you all said. it is difficult for 1 person to support the family in spore therefore i m doing some online biz and giving tuition at home
oppsgal, u must think really carefully lo, i heard few comments saying they got so traumatise when they do confiment themseleves... my friend who got her MIL to help also feel very tired, cos compare having a confiment lady, they will really do everything for u, nothing much that u need to worry..


hmmm...good idea, maybe i can buy one to try later when tummy r bigger, but not sure got big big sizes anot lo.

however, we will start to go carzy when they left us... ;p

I lost also, my mom still consider young, so its abit wasted if she were to quit her job and i not confident with my dad. My dh is a malaysian, unless i wanna leave my bb with my DH and get his parents who is staying with him to take care. but i tot that will be my last choice cos i dont wish to leave my bb there. sob sob, do u all think i should it my bb under my mil care, or to get a maid and my dad to watch on her or to get a nanny huh?
Babe - thanks for the offer on duphaston.

Oppsgal/PPiglet - i agree that pepsi's caffeine content is high cos that day I gave just abit to my daughter n it was enough to keep her up all day without a nap! Better cut down. Also remember, as Pregnant moms we cannot take artificial sweetner so dont take diet coke or diet pepsi

PPiglet - you are certainly endowed!!! i've not known anyone with DD/E cup! when it's sale time, very easy to buy cos' all the excesses usually v big ones.

unlike most of u, i've completely lost my appetite.. all day I ate only 1 pc of bread, 1 cup of soya bean, and half bowl of white porr + salted egg...! The only thing I feel like eating are fruits cos' they really go down well without making me puke. I ate cherries, dukus, orange.. now it's time for dinner... My dear mom is sooo nice to come and make salted duck soup - sour sour i like!

so its best to avoid them...so far after i found out abt my pregnancy i only drink hot water, milk and green apple juice.. hope the green apple wont be too acidic lo, i only take like once a wk.

i really headache when it comes to bra.. maybe need to get those auntie ones le...

hey, poor thing u eat so little.. do u have MS? or u just dont have the appetite? for me i dont really have appetite or cravying but i still need to eat becos i gets hungry fast..

and hey, i heard its beat not to take too much fruits that are sour, like orange. they said bb may have flu easily in future.but sour food i think ok de.

u wanna do confinement on your own ah? My 1st bb my mil volunteer to help out. After 3 weeks i chased her away as i was so stressed out by her. i need to take care of my bb on my own even thou i got c sec and my mil was busy the whole day watching her drama series......driving me crazy man....so this time round, die die oso must have a confinement lady for me :p

i also have no appetite for *normal* food. i see steamed fish or soup i wanna puke. only love kfc, pizza hut, mac and long john silver heehee

What did u hear? Just need to tell us whether got additional monetary benefits, maternity leave or paternity leave...
no need to tell us the details. I not sure this fri is national day message or national day rally.

OMG, ur MIL is too much lah, so bueh zi dong one. u must have suffer alot then.

For me, I'm getting a confiment lady, then after that will get my mom to take leave nad help me for another 2 weeks, where i can slowly learn how to take care of my bb.. but after i'm lost liao lo...dont kw who can help me le!!
so fan!
Pink Piglet,
True buying maternity clothes from JB is super cheap when they have mega sales now. I brought 2 sets from my last pregnancy only like $15-$20 for a pants.
You're right. My mum do my confinement for me. I also so stress up. As my MIL is also around, coz she too old liao, so I get my mum to help. I never thought there will be any problems, but it just happen. They like can't stop complaining on this and that and I too also C-sect, so stressful through out the whole month. So this time I also planning to get a confinement lady to help.

wah got 100 one ah...never see b4 wo!. I ever bought bras from E2, the other time when i went they offer to help me and said i should wear F, omg, so paisey ma 1st time i get pple assistance, at the end i still buy E, feel so paisey..but was ex lo so i only bought 1. so i think they do have big sizes..bt i dont intent to buy now cos i think ur breast will grow even more at later stage so i will use the extention for the time being.. squeeze lor...what to do...wahahaha
Me oso very "fan" about who's helping me with my confinement. Dun wan MIL to do it for me coz scare cant get along with her. My mum is already looking after my nephew so cant help out. Think I have to find a confinement lady then garang gabo myself after the confinement.
pink piglet

yah! i nearly suffered from post natal blue and i even need to get a part time lady to clean up the mess that she had created. after the 3 weeks, i really hate her. refused to talk to her, refused to let her carry my bb and even hubby didnt dare to say much cos he also knew that his mum is terrible heehee glad that all is over now. so now, once i know i m preggy, i started to look for a confinement lady. dun think i can cope with a todd who is approaching is terrible 2 and a bb :p

ahhhhhh....i love deep fried food too and alotsa chilli stuff.....terrible terrible :p

oic, wah sounded quite bad hor.. atleast my u r more prepared. actually i tot of saving the $ too by getting my mom to help, i can trust her , but probably she dont trust herself and offer to sponsor me for the confiment lady, she will help 2 wks after the confiment lady left.
Pink Piglet,
True buying maternity clothes from JB is super cheap when they have mega sales now. I brought 2 sets from my last pregnancy only like $15-$20 for a pants.
You're right. My mum do my confinement for me. I also so stress up. As my MIL is also around, coz she too old liao, so I get my mum to help. I never thought there will be any problems, but it just happen. They like can't stop complaining on this and that and I too also C-sect, so stressful through out the whole month. So this time I also planning to get a confinement lady to help.

ya, i always go in to JB every wkends de, cos DH is working in malaysia ma..so i planned to get my maternity from there next time le... i bought another 3 quarter pants (only RM30), almost like the one i bought in singapore for $45 .
pink piglet, jasmine
WOW!!!! sooooooooo cheap!!!! over here are so ex. the one i got from theme is almost S$80. must ask hb 2 go shopping in jb keke
on confinement,
i did my confinement myself, sortof, for my gal. my mum comes over to cook for me everyday and the rest i do myself (i din follow any confinement restrictions!). it was really quite stressful, but if i had to do it all over again, i would still choose to depend on myself coz i dun lik strangers in the house, plus it's hard to find a confinement lady who is pro-bfeeding. my cousin who had a bb one month later, employed a confinement lady who kept saying tat she does not hv enuff milk so she gv up after a week.

think the best scenario will b to hv someone to cook (can cater confinement meals) and to clean (part-time cleaner). also hv some help on hand, eg. hospital numbers, other mummies nos. etc, so u can call someone if u need help.

My "GUESS" is, 4 months maternity leaves, and restructured or increased in Baby Bonus. My "GUESS"....

Gotta Go Dinner...will be back with u guys later...

No prob.... but seriously, not too sure whether 4 mths leave is good or bad... prob going to mroe and more diff to get a job outside...but more baby bonus sounds good...
yeah,... we would wait for actual announcement then... hopefully it is this fri..
Did some search just now. Friday is national day message. Usually these announcements are made at National Day rally, which is usually after national day. So guess we got to wait next week then. Then again, think the benefits would be applicable to us? cos we conceived before national day... heh..

Eeww...please don't give 4 months maternity leave. 3 months maternity leave some employers already make noise.
Hi, Am back from Dinner...

My 'GUESS' is applicable to MTBs delivering after 1st Jan 2009. I dunno the "GUESS" reliability...So dun quote me wor.

Yah loh, 4 months is scary...Read the news on Sunday Times 3rd Aug 08. I think my situation abit like this. I choose to resign due to indirect issues and extra stresses on my pregnancy, dunno is it i'm sensitive or they really treat me indifferently...

Nevertheless, me also looking forward to the BABY BONUS.

No prob...
Just checked that the national day rally is on the 2nd sunday after national day, so this year should be on 17 Aug. I am looking forward to the baby bonus. After first visit to gynae, it dawned to me the cost of having the baby, let's not talk abt cost of bringing up the bb. So in this aspects, there is really a lot more the govt should do. Was more of hoping for paternity leave rather than maternity leave. Find the 12 wks good enough and seriously maternity leave is not the determining factor for us to have more.. $$ and employer support are. heh
National Day Rally on 17 Aug.. so near yet so far. How much do you spend on fee for your gynae consultations? Mine is $30+ consultation and free scans + free Folic Acid every visit. With Duphaston or Jab, mine average visit costs me $60+ to 70+...I find for Private Gynae rates, what my gynae offers is the most reasonable.

My first gynae visit cost me $170+
Initial consulation $88
Duphaston $28
Ultrasound scan $48
Then add GST.

Hopefully, subsequent consulation is not as expensive. Then i was looking at the hospital bill... $4k+ for natural birth.. heard that for those who kena failure to progress during natural birth and end up with emergency c-sec... the bill is $7k.. terrible.
Asura - how many days of duphaston costs you $28? 2 wks of supply costs me $45! U/S (tummy) was $38 for mine and my intial consultation was 50 cos' it's considered followup since i've been to this gynae before.

on the topic of confinement lady - i just wanted to share my story that I had originally offended my mom by hiring a C lady cos' my mom thought it was a total waste of money and that she was able to do it ... but I stuck with my decision and it turned out to be one of the best decisions! My C lady was fantastic - i loved her company, she was open and flexible and absolutely helpful.. Didnt force on me any traditional ways. I didn't feel strange in spite not knowing her at all.. If I didnt have her, I m quite sure I would have post natal blues..
so really it's one man's meat vs another.. and the best thing for a new mom to do is not to take on too much and to let go some things cos' can be very overwhelming!
