(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


Please update my EDD. It's now 9/3/9.

Thanks girl

Queenie, just read your post. You got to hear baby's heartbeat! So lucky! Sigh, my gynae didn't use doppler
She simply showed the hearbeat on the screen.
Asura & irene,
I think they have package to take but must pay 1 shot, the total amount is cheaper than paying separately. Thats why my sis took the package.
asura, okay! i think i will call up cordlife later on to ask hehe thank you Dear!

prom:: hehe did you have to go with a full bladder? or just normal and tummy scan can already? I'm gg tomorrow and shuold be about 9wk and 3days so wondering if still need to load up bladder! haha!

My visit on tues also saw flickering on the screen but was thur v-scan cos cant see heartbeat through tummy scan...
bb is 6.5wks old and only 4.9mm... so tiny!
cindy, the thing at kkh TPS is that we need to get the sugar/protein test done first and so we've to pee on the stick. So when seeing gynae, bladder is always empty. Wow, at 9.3days, u will be able see a human baby on the screen! So exciting!!!

asura, don't worry, your 'tiny' baby will grrooowwww and be double/triple the size when you see baby at your next visit
Also, wanted to tell you girls that my gynae has been super efficient in booking my scan dates. I'll be having my FTS scan (similar to OSCAR) on 25 Aug, and I've my detailed scan (can know gender) on 21 Oct!
u hv to be careful abt relying on MOM laws, only those covered under Employment Act are able to rely on the laws, otherwise, your company's policy handbook holds. u can read abt the Act here to determine if u r covered.

yar! carbonated drinks work for me too. i m not keen on the high sugar content though, so i got bottles of perrier and san pellegrino to store at home
taste good with lemon!
hello mommies,

just wanna share.
my LMP was 14june, so by right, i should be 8 weeks along and my EDD should be 21 march 2009
but my scan yesterday revealed that my baby is only the size of 6 weeks. and EDD is 31 march 2009
my gynae said that i must have ovulated later. but i think it's impossible bcos i tested positive even before my menses is due which is on the 12th july. my cycle is abt 31-32 days usually

i'm pretty worried abt my small baby size. my waist is getting thicker, all pants too tight but still baby is smaller than expected
I have been feeling quite blue recently, also like to cry over small things, esp when i was feeling super pukey the last few days, feel so useless.
dun worry, it's still too early to worry abt the size, as long as the gynae say ok, it's all right. just rest well n eat right.

yar, me too! terrible mood swings n my temper flares a lot, my gal is getting the brunt of it. any mummies hv any solutions for keeping tempers in check?
sportyger, hang on to those emotions girl, it's the hormones playing with us!

sharon, detailed scan is so so far away, that will be in wk 21. Right now I'm nervous abt my FTS scan, hopefully baby is fine and healthy.
Sharon, i dont know is it our hormone creating havoc or what. That day I was just talking to my sister how terrible it is to have MS everyday and my tears just rolled.

I am thinking of getting some elastic ot maternity pants, where would be a good place to get?
Hi Promegranate, thanks! so FTS is similar to OSCAR? Why did you choose FTS instead? I havent decide whether to go for the OSCAr test or not
ok that means you tested positive on day 29 of your menstrual cycle. Hmmm, ok I'm no doctor but I just estimated that if you ovulated about 12 days before July 12, (cos usually HCG level is detected around that time on a pregnancy kit), your baby is abt 6 wks old.

I hope I'm not confusing you. Do you get what I mean?

actually there are only two tests available at kkh, and my gynae recommended FTS as a more reliable test. Detection for abnormality is 90% and will cost me $300.
hello MTB....

wish a boy : if you are choosing a hospital...and a catholic....then go to MT A...coz every morning the sisters will come and give you blessings and communion...that was wat my elder sister got when she was admitted there the last time...so i am planning to head there as my gynea is there too...

MTBs....heard from my galfren who's expecting...do check with your selected hospitals if they provide pre-natal classes it's FOC...and also 4th mth onwards if time permits go for yoga classes ( tanglin mall- mother and child) can help alot in the later pregnancy stages..
Promeganate ,
yeah, i'm pretty sure i concieved on 1st july bcos we BDed really hard and i had the discharge.
even if baby is 6 weeks, the scan should show 8 weeks and edd shouldnt be that far from 21 march.
gynae said i should be nearly 8 weeks but baby is only the size of 6 weeks. there's heartbeat. but i'm still very worried of its small size

I understand your worry. However, baby's heartbeat is a great consolation. So keep positive, eat healthy and baby will grow just fine
i used to go to shops that sell "rubbery" clothes, eg. mphosis, osmose, sometime if u r lucky, can find some pants with elastic waistband. i also got a good pair at marks n spencers, but they r more expensive!
my colleague who is a Catholic had a great experience at Mt A and she is delivering there again for #2.

I'm thinking of starting the yoga classes at Tanglin Mall too. Hopefully the breathing will help us cope with pregnancy and even labour.

yes if you are planning for a hospital..i think at that time it's a great consulation..hehehe..after labour with blessings..hehehee....

read that yoga can relaxes the body, control thoughts, stiimulate immune systems, promotes mental and physical health...

can check these places out
1. BABIES N CREAM - #02-12 great world city (4 classes for $120)
2. MOTHER AND CHILD - #03-11 tanglin mall (8 classes for $19)
3. WHATEVER YOGA- 31 keong siak rd (10 classes for $180)
No I not a catholic and so I will not choose Mt A as it's not convenient for me also . I taking Mt E . I think pre-natal class got charges not free .
wish a boy....

Mt E is a nice and serene hospital...went to visit a fren there...was impress with the interior...

oh then i must be wrong..coz i decided to look out at MT A's if they do provide the classes...will update you gals..coz ,my galfren went to KKH and registered and then realised that her hospital at gleneagles provide those or free.....
Thanks for the addresses! Babies and Cream sure seems expensive. I think I'll pick Mother n Child at Tanglin Mall. There's a direct bus for me and I can get there in 5mins!

I just checked out Mother and Child's website. They recommend that we start after wk 12. Maybe I'll join at wk 13. Their description of the sessions that last for 1hr 15mins sounds good.

my LMP was on 17 Jun and O date was on 4 Jul, exactly 3 days diff from u. visited my gynae 2 days ago and scan says bb is 6.5wks.. which is correct based on O date. So if ur O date was on 1 Jul, then ur bb is abt 7 wks, so only slightly smaller. Actually i think it is cos u have accidentally counted an extra wk to ur preg. If go by LMP, the first week is considered wk0. If go by O date, the O date is wk2.

Did gynae mention anythign abt bb being small? The ultrasound scan should indicate the size of the bb, mine indicated average. Shouldnt be a concern if gynae din say anything. Different bb got different growth spurts.
i am feeling pukey too
but i got craving for avocado juice recently

Re: Pre-natal classes
Oh i attended the pre-natal classes at TMC by Mrs Wong BB last year, very gd & new MTB should try the classes with hubby along!
back from lunch.
even though I mentioned I have no appeitite, we went pizzahut for lunch.
now full again.

how you ladies told your bosses that you all are preggie?
steph....are they FOC..???
did you deliver your baby there at TMC..??

i had a bad nausea yesterday....felt so lousy in the afteroon...but lasted for a couple of hours..but i had some sour plums..to stop the nausea...

Can check with u... if hb never go classes, is it weird? I wanna go... but hb outstation, wonder if it is weird for me to go alone.

avocado juice?! ewww..hahaha how does that taste? never tried it before. my favourite for now is apple, peach and banana juice, all blended together with ice. nice and filling!


I told my boss in wk5.

my boss made it easy for me. Presented him with my 2 days mc to sign and he asked me whether i got better and whatwas i suffering from. So i told him that i was expecting and due in Mar 09. Congratulated me...
Then i went on to inform the colleagues that are working directly with me.

Avocado Juice is yummy. Should drink after we reach 2nd trimester, good for bb. Lots of proteins and vitamin E. I love it even when i was pregnant. Unfortunately, since i got pregnant, everything sweet does not appeal to me.

my friend who delivered in feb this year went for all her antenatal classes alone, cos her husband was outstation too. so don't worry, you can go alone but update your hubby on the advice given so he can be helpful in the labour room.
your hubby is out of town oredi???
pls do take care and must share your feelings here okie.... we'll be here for you...

ok, i'm gonna try avocado juice the next time i get to a juice station!!

My boss was nice too. She congratulated me and went on and on about her three children.


Thanks. Want to go for classes but a bit apprehensive abt it.. now feel better. Shall sign up for it after i pass this exhausting stage. Oh... just now i meant, i love it even before i got pregnant... haha..
