(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Sun : Maybe different gynea different way as last appt thought my next appt wk 20 doing detailed scan but the nurse told me that detailed scan is better to be done around wk 22-23 so more accurate . U not refer DS as down sydrome right ?

wintertime - thanks for the reminder and the infor...will let my dentist know...
meanwhile i'm struggling to eat my food...*sobz*

st - thanks so much for letting me know...so does that mean all the lessons will be pushed one week earlier? i feel that they should give us the new schedule so that we can know exactly the changes they have made to the classes, at least i hope they can inform us the new dates during our first lesson...

i oso see there may be some inconveniences to some MTBs who already schedule their plans in accordance to the previous dates and now they are changing them so it can be quite hard, especially for those whose hbs or themselves have scheduled for overseas trips...

hmm as Mrs Wong is on leave 2 weeks in dec..so there will be a break and classes will resume back. so if i am not wrong the end date will be more or less the same.

as i am going down on next Wed so i will pop by to write down the actual dates
nope, DS = detail scan...
mayb lor, diff gynae diff way...
anyway, as long as DS result is ok, then is fine...

when's yr class? my class on 30 nov but now start on 23 nov, 1 wk earlier...
wish a boy, u got mail..

me too, my TMC parentcraft slot was originally on 30th nov, now shifted to 23rd liao...
st - thanks ya...i guess u r rite...probably jus that two weeks affected...will countercheck again on the first lesson...

sun - me three...my class is orig 30Nov, now 23rd
wintertime & sorbet
so we'll be seeing each other in a mth time lor...
Hi mummies,
Was so busy at work for the pass 2 days, I spend whole morning trying to read all the posts.
Thanks I will check it out on borderlix if I got time. Will check with you if I do order and got any problem. Thanks in advance...

Me going off for half day to do my FA detailed scan, hope everything will be fine... Will update if I do log on.
did u purchase online fr 艾琳媽咪屋 b4?

tat's great!!! got 4 mummies in the same class!!!
haha ya lor.. unless accident ..
hehes. i tink i will wait many yrs ltr.
oso donno can cope or nt. hahas.

all the best to ur FA detailed scan..
muz be very excited right?

haha. tdy this thread is realli very quiet!..
tink muz wait till next tues liao den will have alot topics to tok abt..
muz be tking leave? long wkend leh.
fri/sat/sun/mon... wha.. shiok!!
Yup, i did order once before.

My boss asked me in and she wanted me temp take up a new job resposibilty. As they urgently need someone to take over in Nov 08 which by right should be taken by 1 of my colleagues who is now on ML. So i will start to learn first and when she back will pass back to her and cover her when she on leave.

Phew.....scare me sia......not good to be called in by boss.
Kome, understand your feeling.
Now i also drag talking to my boss.
dunno how to bring up the topic of maternity leaves again. Maybe early next yr then tell him.
I gt the phobia of been alone with my boss, don't know why. Maybe scare i done something wrong. Pray hard that she don't always asked me to go look for her alone, later my heart pressure went up and cannot tahan too much. :p

Have your order from Coco before, coz they are the same. The materials i find it quite good, soft and nice. The only thing is like This Fashion, the sewing of accessories is not very good. You need to email to her and tell her what clothes,colour and size you want than transfer money to her first before she place the order for you.
Wintertime, pinksorbet, sun, minnie24,
me too attending 23nov Wong BB class

tks for the info, will go down take a look this wkend
hi mommies
been a while away from forum.. busying packing and throwing unwanted stuffs.. aiyo so many rubbish in my house.. tiring sia...
spend quite a while reading the stuffs tat i miss.. by the way how to recognise if there's contraction, issit the same as tummy ache??
i tink the thread is quiet cos dunno wat happen as the link went missing in the main window...mayb got maintenance going on...the link just went up and i only manage to access this thread now...

looks like a couple of mummies attending the 23rd class....will see u ladies there then
nvr order b4... juz email her will do? does it include shipping cost as well? how long u get the clothes fr her?

great!!! more mummies r attending 23rd nov class!!!
This is how she charge:

How to Convert TWD to SGD (S$1 = TWD 21)
TWD300 / 21 + S$4 = S$18.20
(shipping charge fm Taiwan to Spore S$4 per pc)

Term & Confitions
- No payment no order
- Pls place all order on the thread
- Local postage to be bear by Buyer (500g / S$1.50 ; 1kg/S$2.55 ; 2kgs/S$3.50)
All product send out by normal post

If got stocks, withing 2 weeks will get it. If no like Asura, she waited for abt 3 weeks.
hi mummies,
i am back from my detailed scan. I am expecting a boy again! I was so excited when the sonographer scan the bb nose & i thot is the penis...i was thinking aiya no hope for girl liao then when she finally show us the KKB...i was sort of disappointed but anyway bb is healthy most important la. Sonographer tease my hubby that i got no companion so can try for #3 & we both say NO firmly, factory close...hee

Kome, enjoy yr trip!

sama sama, 2nd one boy boy

my hubby is happy cos he prefers boys saying boys are easier to take care of and less worries.
as for #3, we might consider, not for the hope of a gal, but just to have more children, hehe...
Hi Mummies, Steph and Bliss,

Do you only get to know the baby gender only during Detail Scan? Normal scan wont know?

What is the difference between Detail scan and normal scanning? Cause my gyane will scan me every 2 weeks i see him.

Detailed scan as the name suggests, is very detailed and normally done btw 20 to 22 weeks. the scan covers the anatomy of the baby's body, internal organs, etc. it's quite a standard scan for each pregnancy.

Normal scan is quicker and generally scan for thigh bone length, abdomen thickness, head size to compute the size/weight and thus growth of the baby.

i roughly know mine is a boy at week 12 scan and confirmation was made in my week 17 scan. my detailed scan will be in 3 weeks' time.
congrats on a healthy bb!
and a prince !

detailed scan check bb's kidney, heartbeat, ribs, spine. legs n hands, and stomach..head circumference, bladder, lips,neck n skin, chest,brain,head,abdominal wall,fetal weight etc..
also check on mommies' placenta, amniotic fluid, cord..
mainly the detailed scan is to check for any obvious signs of fetal anomaly..

think gynae wont be so accurate?
Thanks Bliss, week 12 already know liao so good, no need to wait so long..

i wait until neck long long, fella still dont want to open up..
For my case, during normal routine scan, i can't see gender cos bb legs close/blocking. Some mummies get to know gender as early as 16wks if baby is in a gd position during scan & willing to co-operate = open his/her legs.
Detailed scan aka Fetal Assessment will show the fetal measurement & anatomy of the baby's head, brain, spine, neck, vessels, abdominal wall, kidneys, bladder etc. My next gynae visit will be 4wks later.
bye mommies.. enjoy ur wkend.. and tk care!
i juz had pizza for dinner.. and am gg to nightclass now.. so sian im dragging myself to sch. all the way frm wdls to tiong bahru! so far...
Thanks Queenie.

Hope all will be well. Sound like a lot to check.
As i wasnt prepared for pregency (was smoking & drinking) before i knew i was preggy by then was already 8weeks. Please medication etc..Dr thot my body will naturally drop it if its weeks but so far manage to pass the 1st trimester..
Hi mummies, did my detailed scan yesterday and my gynae told me i am having a princess!! hubby and me wanted a boy, but i guess there is a reason why it happened to be a gal, so we decided to try again after the 1st one.. heehee.. come to think of it, i had horrible MS since week 6 to week 13, everyday was like hell to me, waiting for knocking off time and weekends to come.

Now the MS is gone, and i feel normal again. So pregnancy is not that scary right?
for my normal rountine scan on my 16th week, the doc can tell the gender of my baby since he is quite cooperative, open his leg big big for the doc to see... hahaha
but of coz i am more than eager in waiting for my detail scanning which falls on the 6th Nov..
congrat on your little princess.. dun be disappointed, she is still the love seed of u and ur hubby..
Hmmmmm Mummies, FYI

Just read the news that Japan's Nissin Cup Noodles recalling their product for fear of insecticide contamination. I think those that we bought in Singapore should be safe bah...I still have a couple left...and I have eating a few when pregnant.
Congras on your princess me too having princss.Your app on 4nov think we wont get to see each other le haha cos my next is 29nov.Following wan will be detail scan le think around mid nov at Mt E so which hospital will you be delivering at? I will be gg to mt A.

Haha I see if possible to arrange my next app at MT E afternoon however if I dont remember wrongly the nurse told me before usually DS app will be in the early morning less busy time.Dunno can get to see you haha.
jasmine, good luck for your DS.. everything is going to be alright..

Kome, see.. u scaring urself.. but do come n chat with us even u have more responsibility now.. kekeke

sun, minnie, elina, pinksorbet, kekeke, ya, we will be seeing each other very soon..

Kome, enjoy ur holiday..

step, congrats on ur bb boy..

I am feeling clumsier as days pass by. getting heavier and more tiring..
morning mommies
a piece of happy matter to share with u all, i have been feeling the movement of my baby for about these 3 days.. so strong that my hubby can feel him as well.. heee.. so happy.. hez indeed a night owl, only got so active at night.. last night i can even see a punch from my tummy..so cute...
Hi Joyce,

we are speaking from personal experience actually...
easier to take care stems from the fact that boys tend to be more rugged, birdie easier to clean, n everything not so delicate, etc...
lesser worries in the sense of less likelihood of being "bullied" when they reach puberty.
having said this, it's really very subjective.
