(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

missy ...

Heartache at first but the crying should go off soon! As long as the teachers and environment are nice and teacher does give her the assurance then she is in good hands!

My turn will come in March next yr =p

Sinmey, I brush teeth together with her. BUt of course, not clean. So i wanted to brush for her. But she refused. Other than that, i do not know wat method to deal with her.
Ooo....so parents not allowed to be with them anymore? No choice than. Actually she is quite good already. My #1 is actually anybody he will also follow type of person since he is 1 yrs old but in the end when he when to CC, he actually cried half day till we brought him home initially. After 2 weeks we decided to let him stay full day, i asked his daddy to bring him there. Coz his dadday is more "heartless", yet he can still cried for 1 hr.
prosper - kayle is sooooo good! i hope kirs will stop by next week. lol!

sinmey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - same teacher!!! wahahahahaha! alamak! ok later i go and ask. hee... i think they only have 1 malay teacher right? Faizah or Faezah... hehehehe... later i will ask her... hee hee... aiyo.. fall sick then she still go to sch or not? poor thing...

seabreeze - hope so! hope so! hee hee

kome - ya sad... sigh... hope tonight she sleeps well... if not problem... today decided to let her stay longer.. yesterday picked her up early.. then come home become a menace! bleah. lol.
Missy ...

Ok lar ... your Kirs is v advance and think she is ready =)

They v smart one ... if they know the cry n cry n you give in ... then they will lor!

If they cry n cry but keep getting send back to school ... they will know that its just a waste of effort then they will get use to it and STOP crying.

Most importantly is that the teachers and environment are 'correct' and the child is not been abused or bullied which result in them crying and resisting school.

I brought SH to the CC a few times (cos same CC as #1) ... he q like the environment and he keep walking around. He even wanted to follow his bro when the lesson started.

Think I will start bringing him there more often when I drop off my #1 so that he will get use to the idea of going to CC.

Now filling up the super thick 13-page form!!

Long time never post here. Been very busy at work and bb C keeps me occupied most of the time when I am at home. Wish i got time to pack house and stuff.. heh... the thread is so quiet. Probably many slient readers like me. No more baby dust news? Hee hee... i still got 3 more months then will start to TTC. THe thought that got to go through everything all over again makes me wince even before i start to try.. whahahaha.. but i tell myself, 1 child not enough lah. heh
Re: classes

I signed up for bb C playtime. 3 times a week and 1.45 hr each time. Will decide when to send her to CC after i get preggie.. hee hee...

I dont want the baby dust now leh... 3 months later can? U can have it for urself first.. wahhahahaha
Hi everyone, I've been a silent reader too for some time too, hee... Am 13 weeks now too.. Donno the sex of baby yet, but hoping for a boy though, hee...
Congrats to riverie and vivien.

Kayle n Kirsten r so brave. I hv doubts in my eames, becos he is getting more shy these days. Take very long to warm up to new surroundings and will cry when either me or hubby walk away. Dun know why leh, already try to expose him to other kids by sending him to gymboree n now Bibinogs. I hope he is better when the time comes
Btw, all march bb can utter words already? I m worried for eames, till now he has not utter a word, not even mum mum, daddy or mummy. He understands some of our instructions like when i ask him to get me his ball, he will do it. But somehow, he just don't speak. Pd has advised me to send him to speech therapist.
Srumpee, PD advise you to bring to speech therapist?? I tot it is still normal at this age.

I am like you when i ask her to speak, she refused, ask her call mummy, she will call daddy.. Now, she can followed what we speak after entering the CC. I do not know is it becos of CC or it is her time to speak.
Congrats to Roverie and Vivien

I am going to start production maybe in NOV..
yayaya, the malay teacher name is Fizah i think ...
she is quite good .. i saw her leading the singing/dancing class with the kids ..
aigh... i shouldn't said M is brave & only cry for the 1st day to school .. today, she cried when i sent her to school .. aiyo, but i just left like that(bad mummy), coz a bit late for work liao .. haha, i guess only drama lar .. sure they will stop after a while when they dun see us ..i ask the teacher abt kirs yesterday, she told me kirs only come half day ? and she has very good appetite & eat for 2 serving ..haha .. so dun worry, she only drama to act pity when u around nia lar .. she will be adapting soon ... tell her M is there .. can't imagine, the teacher told me M already got fren and she dun understand wat baby talk that r talking/laughing about sometimes . so funny ...
Congrats Reverie & Vivien.

My boi can utter some words like ma, pa pa, ah ma, mum mum, pen (actually he means open) & bao bao.

Same as prosper thoughts. It should be quite normal lar.....my #1 till 2 yrs old than start to utter a few words only. Don't worry too much now.
hlao dear frens here, so excited to see our tods gng to sch now

Congrats to reverie and Vivien!!
Hope to hear more news, think there are but didnt come in to announce yet LOL :p
Cos I kpo the 2011 thread...keke...

So excited for Seabreeze n K & J as they are gng to pop next mth!

Utter words:
Oh my gal latest words/phrase is: I'm a big ger!!
Haa, she just turned 18 months yest so daddy been asking C to say: I'm a big ger n she keeps repeating
Bought her a hello kitty sch bag for playgrp next mth, n she was runnning ard wif it n keep saying the phrase...
Gt time will upload video in FB cos it is very cute LOL :p

Scrumpee, perhaps u chk wif PD
Maybe boys are abit slower n dun worry ok

Nw communicate wif him more wif simple words

Sinmey & Misscandy, ya it is normal to get sick at initial stage...buy some supplements for ur gals to stregthen their immunity

So intending on rabbit baby in the end? hee hee... i shall start production in dec.. wahahaha
maybe we have good news together.. hee hee

Baby C is so clever, can speak phases already. Must be really cute! How have you been getting on for ur current preggy?
Asura, thks
Ya my C is a chatterbox, she pick up words very fast whenever we say infront of her so we need to be careful what we say...:p
So far she can only say 2 phrases : What is this & I'm a big ger..haa...
Oh me gng to be in 3 tri, 28 weeks next week, getting more tiring, so just need to endure 10 more weeks to pop.
Excited but also feel nervous at same time cos hope I can handle 2 kids wif such a close age gap :p

hehe hope u will hv a rabbit baby soon

Other mummies too, jiayou!
Congrats Vivien!! So happy to see happy news again.. keke.. Hope we have more to come! Mummies who are TTC.. JIAYOU!!!

Scrumpee, don worry bah... my boy can only utter 3 things last 2 weeks. "Meimei" (sister), "Ma meimei" (mummy) and "cock" (clock)... Nothing more than that.. After he went to school (1 week plus), he can utter a few more words now.. Anyway, I realised most gals speak earlier as compared to boys.. true to me.. keke..

Sinmey, aiyo.. I bad mummy too leh.. I also left like that when Isaac cry in teacher's arm.. His look.. I feel so guilty leh... but then if I stay longer, don think situation will be better when I leave.. should be the same.. So fast baby M got fren le!! Isaac still don dare to play with other babies leh... cos he is super shy boy..

Mangogal, your gal very clever leh.. can speak one whole sentence liaoz..
Congrats to Reverie and Vivien!!

Wow more n more pregnant mommies here!! But it is really nt easy to look after a toddler while pregnant further more my gal is v sticky to me... hai... but i still have a long way to go, currently only just entered 2nd tri only...

Re: Going to sch
Nic also gg to sch next yr Jan to the playgroup, cant imagine what will happen. Think nt to bring her to sch by me cos she v sticky to me so i think she will cry even more badly.
wowowwo... been quite a while since i logged in to read the thread... today is 36weeks2days.. having very bad braxton hicks nowadays, so worried #2 will come out anytime..

reverie & vivien :

asura & missycandy & prosper:
jo's mummy,

I also want oct/nov baby. But shall TTC earlier just in case cos still hoping for rabbit baby.... wahhahaha
Keron,hee ask ur boy to guai guai stay for at least 2 more weeks!
Was K born early or till full term?

Yiyi...haa dun worry, Isaac will make frens soon
actually i do not mind rabbit or dragon baby. I only prefer baby to be in early of the year. As they will learn thing fast than others. BUt if i try in NOv, still late of the year, but is ok lah.. Cos very hard to persude my HB to try it now. He wans dragon baby and i just can't wait .
Mummies, just curious, how many of u opt for personal cordblood banking ah?
I didnt opt for C so wanted to opt for my #2 now...

U all paid one lump sum or yearly basis?
i kept the cord blood for M at Stemcord ..
i think i paid less than 1k (can't remember how much, maybe abt 900) for the initial storage(include the 1st year storage). then every year pay $250 annual storage. If u recommend fren to store cord blood with them, they will discount $50 for your next annual storage .. Example, if u want to keep your #2 in Stemcord, u can give them my ref. no, then next year i only pay $200 for the annual storage .. haa
Asura, i wan Oct baby bcos i wan her to be same mth or if can, near to daddy's birthday or our anniversary day. so that we can celebrate it together! hehe..

i think start production in end of dec/early of jan is better..hahah..hopefully can get a baby GIRL!!!

mangogal, i store cord blood for Jovin at CordLife. I still have the discount voucher of S$50 with me. If you want i can mail it to you. I paid on yearly basis using bb's CDA account.
pregnant mummies
congrats to you all

i havent logged in for the past few days.. sigh..feels so tired due to my boy not sleeping well for the past 1.5 week.. dunno why..
usually it's due to teething..but the first 4 molars are out already.. and his appetite is still good, normally when he's teething he doesnt really eat...
i wonder if it's due MMRV jab that he took 2 weeks ago..
Wow... our bb is going to sch.. some are already attending school... Have not gotten any school for Jovia yet.... not sure if she is ready.. she can't even speak most of the words... really worried if she can't understand or follow instructions....
re: Talking

Boys tend to be slower than girls in terms of speech. My #1 didnt start talking until he was 2yr++ and now he is talking non-stop.

SH is not talking too but he can understand instruction so really not much cause of concern.

Keron ...

Hmmm 5 more days to 'tong' then bb can come out anytime liao!! Me oso super tired these days ... now at 34 weeks + 4 days. Cant wait for 37 weeks to arrive so that I can 'relax' to pop ... these days dun dare to walk too much and exert myself cos v scared trigger early contraction.

Hopefully when I go and see my gynae next week ... she would have turned down into the correct position for natural birth!
Jo's mummy, haa oh u hv $50 voucher?
I am more interesed in cordlife cos can use CDA also

Sinmey...haa I see but I prefer cordlife, thks ah
wow..reverie..enjoy your holiday. take it slow and easy.

Congrats to the other pregnant moms!

For me, im in my 31 weeks now. Getting excited already. But feeling anxious about labour..cos' im seriously thinking of not having epidural like the first time though i can still vividly remember the contractions and the extreme extreme pain. I wonder who #2 will look like becos HY resemble his dad.

Regarding baby HY, he muttering lots of words now. Now when i say some simple words he can repeat after me. I find the way he speaks very very cute. He's quite a chatterbox..can blabber a string of unknown baby language to us on top of his limited vocabulary now. He's trying to sing in his cot but can't make out what he is singing. He's losing interest in the soup and rice too. So i really dunno what to feed him. These few nights, he started waking up for milk twice in the middle of the nigh. And last night he woke up once cos i added some rice cereal in his last milk feed to fill him up. I dunno why he is asking for milk again cos' he had stopped since he turn one. Anyone encounter this with their kiddos? HY is drinking much more milk now maybe becos he's eating less rice during the day. Very headache now. I hope he will pass this phase cos im so sleep deprived and tired.

Im considering a 2hrs playgroup (am) or 4hrs flexi care playgroup (pm) class for hy near my house. Yet to visit both schools but will do so in early oct. Targeting to let him start when he's 2.5yrs or 3yrs.

HI Mangogal, regarding cord blood banking, i stored the cord blood for HY with cordlife cos didn't know that stemcord offers special rate for patients under my gynae. So for bb#2 i will bank with stemcord becos it's much cheaper. Overall fees will be less than $1K and free first year storing fee. I think per year just pay $250 same with cordlife's rate.
hi all. thanks for the support and encouragement...

sinmey - thanks for asking abt kirs... she was only half day on monday... tues - today, she is there from 8+ til 4+,5... i havent had the opportunity to really sit down and talk to fizah yet... im waiting to do so.. in fact, i was hoping she would initiate to update me on kirs's progress.. instead, its another chinese lady in specs who is the one updating me... think she teaches the A group...

kirs hasnt been sleeping well and i do think its related to school.. though ive told her in advanced that she is going to sch and stuff... think shes not prepared... past few nights she would wake up crying... then want to be hugged and cuddled to sleep... its very heart breaking... ive spoken to hb abt it... and will prolly see how she does for the next week or so... if she still wakes up at night, we might take her out of sch and change to those few hrs type... or maybe opt for half day... the way i see it, im trying to understand how Kirs feels... and im sure it aint good... my worry is she would be thinking she is abandoned there so mummy, daddy and popo can do their own things... also because no familar face and i wasnt given the opportunity to sit thru few days of class with her... i think this has affected her acceptance of going to playgroup as well... anyway, i will call the school tmr.. and prolly pop by to see who i can talk to... i know that it takes some longer to adapt to school... but i dont want Kirs to start with the mentality of being abandoned... though no one can really tell how she feels at this stage... sigh...

anyway, she does seem more vocal past few days... shall see how it goes... actually Kirs is not brave.. she may be very garang and sam seng... but in front of the other pple, shes shy and reserved... lol!!

*catches bb dust from keron&jeris* LOL!

*shares bb dust with prosper & asura* =P

seabreeze & strawberrys - wahh very fast lehhh! going to pop again!!! so exciting! hee hee~

thanks for sharing your tods' progress on their speech...I am more relieved now. But if at the next PD visit, PD advises me to send eames to speech therapist, I will probably just to go for it to have a peace of mind.

Bb dust
Hope all mummies who are trying catch it soon. Actually, is not too difficult to handle two kids. Its easier than I thought. But of course, help is very important. I am so glad to have a great mum who is willing to take care of my kids for me when I am not available.

Seabreeze and Strawberry
all the best, keep us posted when you pop.

oh dear...kirs like very ke lian hor.
