(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

I brought him to polyclinic for his normal MMR jab. During that time only cranky and yes, he did feel sleepy and according to my mum, she mentioned that after the jab they will feel sleepy.

with fever also?
my boy's fever came last night (2 days after the jab) til now havent subsided yet
Mine was exactly one week but the next day after his jab also got fever coz i took pneumococcal & MMR together so 2x fever. Normally fever will last 2 to 3 days to be fully subsided. My boy fever last for 2 days.

Poor Boy must be feeling bad.
hi miss83,

my pd did mentioned the other time for MMR jab if fever starts earlier, usually could be higher. dun know if same for MMRV jab but try to check your boy regularly for his temp k. hope his fever gone soon.
thanks so much for the info..i started to get worried coz fever reach 39 just now..
who is ur PD? my boy seeing dr lilian lim at SK
miss83, my boy just took his MMR yesterday.. long overdue coz he was previously not well so had to postpone his jab..

PD told us to watch for fever 5-7days after the jab and possible rashes in some cases.
hehee so many days didnt log in, really busy meeting up many friends here and there, *phew* am pooped.

Yeah Sung & Lizy, just add the chopped pumpkin and fish in the rice in the slow cooker. Occasional stirring will cause the cookde pumpkin to melt so we dont see the pumpkin at all, only a yellow soup which the rice is in
very yummy and fragrant.

went to daiso and went berzerk buying the cookie cutters there
gonna make him some cute tomoato and cheese sandwiches
If after taking panadol fever still shooting up, u can call the clinic emergency no. They will get the pd to call u back. Ur pd same as mine.

U cook rice with slow cooker?? Can u teach me how cos I only know how to cook soup n porridge with it...and rice cooker too big to cook rice for just 1 portion for my kiddo.
babe & Areya

thanks alot.. yup i think thats what my pd told me about fibrous veg .. haha.

now im giving him fruit juice daily and avoid all kind of biscuits,bread etc..

he stopped drinking the herbal cleansing tea since ytd. and ytd no poo but today he pooed! so kinda of happy. hope tml he poo again.

by the way, he fall sick since monday.. got some viral infection, and got rashes outbreak on him. so now on leave to look after him.. hopefully he can recover by next mon or tues.. i have to go back to wrk by next week coz my dept is going a big turmoil with the japanese people.

My boy took MMRV last month....he didn't have fever, but cranky & rashes all over his body...it took him almost 2 weeks to subside the rashes.

Usually, before the vaccination, I will give me to drink baby barley to cool down his body, so that he will not have fever after the vaccinate.
my boi oso took MMRV last mth, he had fever on day 5 but he's ok the next day... ^_^

envy yr boi lei... looks delicious to me!!!
my boi not into rice yet, think hv to slowly switch him to rice... then i can learn few tips fr u on preparing such tasty food for him... *grin*

hope yr boi faster recover!!!
i found tat my boi actually snore when he sleeps... not everytime but definitely once daily ba... heard snoring not gd for toddler, anyone kiddos snore too??
think will chk w PD next mth when he getting his 18th mth jab...
thanks mummies

my boy still having fever til now..if given panadol, fever will go down til 37.2 but after 5-6 hours will reach 38-39 again..
he also refused his milk this whole day...im really confused whether this is due to MMRV or is he teething again..

my PD actually said that the fever will either come 24 hours after the jab or 1 week after ..or in between also can...so weird that only my boy got fever 2 days after the jab..many mommies here said fever come on day 5 or 1 wk after..

BB C snores quite often... whahhaha.. so no issue.. somemore she is a gal... jia lat.. hahahah
ohh it turns out he got ulcer on his lower lip..that's why he refused to drink his milk..lucky still want to eat his oatmeal and cereal..i guess easier coz no need to chew..
<font color="0000ff">Sorry, I've to pull out my name from the list. BB recently got rashes, so decide to avoid outdoor activity.</font>

Hi mummies,

Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. missycandy &amp; kirsten (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C
10. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
11. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C
12. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C
13. sunshinebaby, hb &amp; bryan - 0A0C

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
4. Kome, Aven, Anver (KIV Hb) - (1A2C)
5. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C
Hi Mummies,

Just got back from our trip to Downunder.. Bree did enjoyed the trip.. as for us.. Its tiring and back breaking as she refused her stroller and want us to carry her all the time even though she can already walk.

she only wants to walk when its not crowded..

Still trying to unpack our stuff and loot... will try to catch up and log in soon
Sorry, just able to get a confirmation from HB.

Hi mummies,

Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. missycandy &amp; kirsten (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C
10. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
11. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C
12. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C
13. sunshinebaby, hb &amp; bryan - 0A0C
14. Kome, Aven, Anver &amp; hb - (2A1C)

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
4. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C

barley drink is good but not too much of it and not too sweet..maybe once or twice a week of not more than 120ml ba..then don give too many biscuits or cookies lor..as its very heaty..
Hi mummies,

<font color="0000ff">Hope you all don't mind I bring my gf aka bb's godma to this Zoo gathering

Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. missycandy &amp; kirsten (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C
10. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
11. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C
12. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C
13. sunshinebaby, hb &amp; bryan - 0A0C
14. Kome, Aven, Anver &amp; hb - (2A1C)
15. jo's mummy, BB, bb's godma - 2A0C

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
4. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C
Hi, sorry to disturb...

any mummies here enrol your 18th old babies to playgroup, those 2 hourly kind?

can advise talent plus, apple tree? which is better?

between 2 hourly playgroup and full day cc , which is better?

pls pm me as i dun check this thread.


Sorry to disturb.

I have a tin of Mamil® Gold Step 4 with IMMUNOFORTIS 1.6kg and a box of Mamil Gold Step 4 New Value Pack 2.1kg to let go. If interested, pls email me @ [email protected]. Expiry date is Aug 2011.
hi mummies,

to prevent fever if before jab, i give my boy "you sim" water. tried "bao sheng" as recommended by tcm shop but din work as well as "you sim" water for my boy.

usually to relieve heatiness, is chinese barley water. heard chrysamthemum water also can but i haven't try yet. but like jo's mummy said, cannot
have too much, just a little once a week is good

any mummies heard of "qi xin cha" 七星茶? heard from tcm shop is good for relieving heatiness for our tots too as it's just like baby/toddler herbal tea?

welcome back! and happy birthday

not sure as to the diff but my boy is also using creamy since birth. i read before that creamy is less thicker?
OMG! my DD fever again!
dunno why she get fever every fortnightly. I hope is due to teething but didn't see any new tooth after each fever over. Haiz...
I read that Honey is the best remedy to boost immune system. Has any BB try honey?
thank you..does 'you sim' taste good? coz if got bitter taste, my boy wont drink it.
where did u buy it? in compass point?

welcome back and happy birthday

sometimes the fever will only stop after the tooth come out..
is the fever high?
i hope ur bb get well soon..i understand how heart pain it is to see our bb fall sick..not to mention our lack of sleep and endure with the crankiness!! my boy also got fever every once a month due to teething..and recently because of the jab
but usually if it's teething..he will seem as active as usual..despite having high fever..
Dear mommies,

I hate to disappoint but as of now we do not have enough numbers to get disc from the tickets. Therefore, the zoo gathering will be cancelled. Thank you all who had expressed interest.


Appreciate if you could confirm the tickets u need to pre-order for the Zoo gathering. I will only collect $$ and place order if there;s orders for at least 30 tickets.

18mths &amp; Children's Day Gathering!
venue - ZOO
date - Saturday 25th September 2010
time - 1130am
costs - $14.40 (usual $18.00) for adults &amp; $9.60 (usual $12.00) for kids 3-12yrs (pls note this is only for entrance... no food include so bring your own or buy there)

Itinerary is as follows:

1130 am Meet outside zoo and stroll ard the exhibits heading towards the rainforest amphitheatre

1230 pm Animal friends show at rainforest amphitheatre

1 pm Water fun at Rainforest Kidsworld Waterplay. We chit chat during water fun. Free &amp; Easy after water fun as some babies may be tired already.


1. Missycandy &amp; hb &amp; kirs - 1A0C
2. asura &amp; hb &amp; charlene - 2A0C
3. daphne kang &amp; ugin - 2A0C
4. jtho, oli &amp; hb - 0A0C
5. pei &amp; mikaela - 2A0C
6. babydreams &amp; dylan - 3A0C
7. mickeymummy, eddric &amp; hb - 2A0C
8. Victoria_Ong, hb &amp; bb - 2A0C
9. Seabreeze, YC, SH &amp; Hb - 0A0C
10. babe_kazooie, BB &amp; hb - 2A0C
11. Inya, BB &amp; hb - 0A0C
12. Lizy, Vera &amp; HB - 2A0C
13. sunshinebaby, hb &amp; bryan - 0A0C
14. Kome, Aven, Anver &amp; hb - (2A1C)
15. jo's mummy, BB, bb's godma - 2A0C

1. pepper &amp; ziv (kiv hb) - 1A0C
2. pseed &amp; alaia (kiv hb) - 1A0C
3. cfchangdee &amp; family - 0A0C
4. Yiyi123, BBs and HB (KIV)- 2A0C
hi Asura - thanks for trying to arrange and communicating with staff at the zoo...

its ok~ see you soon... very soon.. nom nom nom nom nom... wahahahax! =P
Asura ...

Thanks for trying to arrange for the gathering ... just to clarify ... so the gathering is cancelled or go ahead just that we meet there and buy individual tix?
Yes....really appreciate for arranging the gathering. Yes, do let us know if it it still ongoing but we get the ticket by ourself or totally not meet up any more?
hi miss83,
i got it from hock hua, compasspt b1 also has a store there. the taste is slightly strong and bitter. i put only a small piece in hot water for abt 3-5 mins and top up with cool water so it's not so strong. my boy will take although he doesn't really like the taste too :p

just stopped raining..my boy is still asleep..should wake up 30 mins ago..

anyway mummies
anyone know how to get to helix bridge? any mrt/bus?
and is there any nearby mall there?
teddybaby,my slow cooker is a small one so i just check everything inside, yeah rice cooker is too big and not suitable.

Looking forward to our Sydney trip next week yippee
our first family holiday
Hi mummies.. It has been a long while. Hope all mummies and babies (toddlers) are doing great!

Would like to check out if any mummies here catered for confinement food? And if there's any good one to recommend? Thanks!

Envy envy....i wish for a holiday even if it is a short one. We never had our own family holiday yet.
