(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Just need to rant becos I'm frigging pissed!!!!!
Kirs was up last night n hb had to entertain her frm 3-5am becos I knocked out... Then this morn I have appt at 11am... He starts wrk at 1030.. So I asked him if he's going to wrk ard 930.. He was in bed resting .. Then told me soon.. Becos I thought can take train together ... Then 945 I asked again... He said soon, still in bed... His soon drag until 1050! Then when we left d Hse, he asked me abt laundry... Asked me why I wash our underclothes in delicate mode? Said shld b handwash.. Then I'm like ok la nxt time then do la... Then he said nvm he wil do it nxt time. Then he black face. Walk out of lift to mrt, walk fast, cross traffic light nvr see if I'm there just walk.... Then he went into the train, didn't wait for me cos I topped up my card ... Then when I got onto platform, saw him in the train moving off... WAHLAO!!!!!! Frigging pissed n upset ok!!!!!! I SMS him say very rude make me wait then just go off like that!!! He can tell me nxt time don't wait for him, just go. WTF?!!


mine has 16 too..next will be the 4 molars at the back..when do they suppose to cut thru? i read somewhere that it supposed to come on 20months..
Missy, wow ur hb v bad leh!!! if i am u, i think i will kill him lor! I totally cannot stand my hb or bf just walk off without me! but looking after a sick bb already v tiring, where got time to hand wash. i always throw into washing machine hee hee..

Cool down... nt worth to be angry n cause winkles hee hee

miss83, sinmey: how many is there in front for ur bb? Mine only got 8 infront then follow by the 4 molars at the back. growing molars is the worst, she will scream in the middle of the night.
oh missycandy, HUgs hugs. I am sure you must be mad. probably he had a hard time taking care of Kirs during the nite. Dun be mad k, cool down..I am sure he is just as mad as you... Sayang
no lor. bugger not one single sms or phonecall. #@$#$!$@!. plus he's wrking late. *ptuix*

prosper - no lor. his mentality is - currently im not working so i shld be able to upkeep the house lor. do laundry. vacuum, mop, wash toilet... -_-" what he doesnt knw is nwadays, kirs is sooooo attention seeking! cnt leave her alone... plus now she on MC... if she in school then ok i no excuses... but this happened when kirs is sick and not in school lor...
hugs.. Can understand how u feel.. guess he is busy at work that's y haven sms u.. men can b quite demanding when it comes to housework & children.. mine also thought I m very free at home.. and won't understand the draining part of caring for a sticky toddler..my old man also jus drives me crazy today.. so angry feels like screaming at him but hold back cos I take salary from him.. sigh.. here is a great place to shout out our frustrations.. *hugs together & screams*
I am the first in this morning.

Good morning mummies...

Missycandy, Oh i can totally understand how u feel with a sticky child with u all times will be frustrated. Hugszz..
Hope everything will be fine by now.
Missy ...

Thats man for you lar! Even when they are not working they dun see the need for them to do the housework but once the woman is staying at home ... they like cant stand it and make all sorts of comment abt housekeeping!
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Dear mummies, would like to share with you!

Last night read the newspaper, they say if wan a bb girl must eat more meat, drink more milk and do not "do" during ovulation. DO NOT EAT banana, vege and fruits too much as possibility for getting a boy is high.

Hope this is useful..

so from now onwards, im gonna bcome a Carnivor!
Jo, how many mths u r now ?

Actually quite true in intaking food to decide the gender but must be 1st 3mths as is their formation period. During having Ryker's time, 1st 3 mths i kept eating green apples... is true is a boy. My fren follow me kept eating green apples daily for green apples, she got a baby boy
But if you eat alot sweet &amp; meat will most likely a girl.
hey mummiess... how are u all? haizzz i so long never come in here.. just read silent at times... lots of stuff happened and all lah.. congrats to all preggie mummies ya.. and baby dust to all mummies wanna be again

i never eat vege mummy yet i got boy leh.... my 3rd boy in a row now due in feb ... well i had a 2nd miscarrige in feb n i didnt expect to get preggie again as i took precautions and all.. abortion was also in my mind as i have 4 kids already.. but i couldnt do it.. i let nature's take it course and though its gonna be tough.. i will get thru it.. take care mummies
haloz mummies,

Candy, hope ur gal adjusting well at ctr liao, n has she recovered frm the virus?
Today my C 1st day in playgrp, I thot need to stay for 1 hr...haa but I stayed for 20mins then left liao, she cried initially when checking her temp but when she see toys n her frens, everything forget liao n even me,keke... keeping saying wow n whoo cos fascinate the new toys n stuff...and keeping asking 'what is this?' many times...:p
Later gng dwn to see her during bath time n meal time.

Oh well time really flies
Mangogal ...

Good that C seem to settle down q well in her playgroup. I just made the payment to the cc for him to enter next yr heehee

re: Growing up

Talking abt them growing up ... last night was super funny! My #1 ran and jumped onto the space in between my leg without any warning and banged into my huge tummy and of cos I shouted in pain _ it was really painful!!

My hubby was so so mad that he started to scold and wanted to hit my #1 but I stopped him cos it was really unintentional and stuff and my #1 started crying.

SH was there and he started walking around ... pouting his lips and hitting the floor. For like a good 1 min ... then my hubby ask him to go over to him and when SH walked over ... SH started to 'scold' and hit the floor again. Only when my #1 stopped crying and went over to hug SH that SH stopped being angry.

It was super comical and it seem as though he know that my hubby 'bully' the brother and he was angry with my hubby lor!! Amazing ... hahahaah
miss83, i dunno how true is it by following the food intake to get the gender we want...but we have to follow this diet 6mths before preg...i also really really want a bb girl!!

piggy, me how many mths?? hahah..not yet pregnant oh..just preparing myself now..maybe will start next mth or end of dec..

Scrumpee, so happy for you, hope i can have 1 boy and 1 girl too!!
Good Morning, Mummies!

Idaarshad, Congrats!

And Gambatek!

jo and Miss83, I wish your dreams come true!

Before I conceived with Vera, I ate a lot of veg and fruits. I'm not a meat lover in nature anyway.... but still ended up with girl.

It was only when I carried Vera that I started to crave for meat and sweet thing. I especially love red meat and always end my meal with a packet of Ribena... hahaha.. I didn't do this on purpose to get girl, it's this craving that I couldn't curb.

I just wanna say that having a balance diet is important to have a healthy baby.
I believe that our bodies will tell us what to eat if it's lack of something..

But I believe that the "do" before/during ovulation does make a bit of difference... I "did" before ovulation. ;o)

Anyway, I look forward to hear good news from you both ya! :D
Thanks Lizy!!

Before I hav bb Jo, I ate a lot of vege and fruits. I don like meat and will nvr order any pork chop or chicken chop or eat any fried chic. Partly bcos im scared of getting fat, wanna stay slim slim so don eat much meat. furthermore, i take Herbalife milkshake+protein powder before preg to control my weight. so,i got a baby boy...Regarding when i "did" it, i forgotten as having bb Jo is an accident =P
jo, perhaps it's just coincident, but of many friends who have boys, they all told me it's unplaned ones. When we "made" Vera, it's in our plan to make a baby. That's why I can remember when. Woahahha! :p Maybe, this time you'll really get a girl since it's your plan to get pregnant?
Can i check if our babies now are the same or just mine?

MY girl are getting naughtier each day. eg: she has a hugh temper. She dun really like guys to go near her even if was daddy or ah gong.
She will throw her temper giving us alot of commotion and specify wan mummy to do whatever for her.
Ask her: mummy ask daddy to make milk milk for you ok?
Her reply: (SHake her head) eh eh eh... starting throwing temper, stopped and wait for our response.
My reply: naughty girl, why daddy cannot make for you?
Her reply: eh eh eh... push my hands away from me, wanted to beat me or started crying.
My reply: (getting hot)ok ok ok, mummy make mummy make. so naughty. (Beat her hands.)
Her reaction: calming down but still a bit not happy..

This has been going on for few months liao.

I do not why is she behaving like this?
Do you all encounter silmiar cases like mine?
Prosper ...

Think is this the age that they are getting expressive and assertive heehee

What if you dun ask her and your hubby make milk and bring to her?
Seabreeze, she see mood one. Not happy will start her temper. Happy happy whoever also can

Dun ask her, she will not react. But she saw the milk from daddy, she will start again. So sometime daddy got to pass me secretly
prosper - u have to be firm somehow. either she drinks the milk or she doesnt get milk. and its prolly the toddler tantrums starting... u cn check this link here. http://www.todaysmotherhood.com/2009/11/toddler-tantrums/

im also tryint to deal with kirs lying on the flr in public n rolling. arghhhhhhhhhx.

seabreeze - lol! SH so cute! lolx! aiyo. hope yr tumtum ok. meimei inside also got a scare...

mango - wow. caroline very good! hee hee. kirs stil cries. =P
wow .. kirs lying on the flr in public n rolling ? M will scream but not yet learn the 'jue zao' to roll on flr yet ..

M also same, ever since she start going to cc. Everyday mummy 'bao', mummy make nan nan, mummy shower ... everything mummy. some said coz i drop her to cc so she feels anxiety/insecure/abandon by me.. so she is super glue to me now. Plus she is sick .. so super glue x2..

tried drink milk or no milk ... then she will cry till sleep without milk .. she win lor ...
missycandy, ok exactly when they mentioned on the todaymothermood. The link is good. Thanks.
Yes, either she gets it or leave it. But she will continue non stop.
sinmey, she started behaving this before going to school. And yes, she likes to see how we react to her. sometime she will fuss and stop to see our reaction. over pampered.
my boys also demands mommy more..
and it's been 2 months since i hired a maid...my boy still refused if my maid is the one who give him his milk bottle..he will cry cry and refused to sleep..
I think our kiddos are at the age when they want to assert their independence and also want to see how we react to their behaviour. Like what missycandy said, either they take it or leave it and don't show too much fuss over it. Once they realise they can't get a reaction from us, they will gradually stop such tantrums.

Just to share...I was troubled by feeding my boy. Then I sort of get enlightened after reading this book called "How to get your kid to eat...but not too much". The book states a golden rule for parenting with food:

"Parents are responsible for what is presented to eat &amp; the manner in which it is presented. Children are responsible for how much and even whether they eat"

This is so true becos we can no longer force them to eat (and its not healthy to do so anyway). I learnt to be more relaxed. I offered him a few choices at meal times. He can pick to eat whatever that is offered (kids this age like to have choice). When he starts throwing food around or mishaving at the table, I try not to show too big a reaction (Haha, its really not easy, but am letting it go better now). And if he does that repeatedly after i told him not to, i will take his food away. I noticed if he didn't eat much at one meal, he will usually make it up in the next meal but eating more and easier to feed. Sometimes for breakfast, if he doesn't want to eat bread, he can have bananas (which he loves holding it in his hand to eat) or other fruits and that's fine. The book says kids will never starve themselves, they will eat when they are hungry and will make it up along the way if they ate less for some meals.
hi misscandy,

thanks for ur suggestion, i'm kind of lost not sure which or wat kind of class i should send her, becos only will back for 3-4mth n i dont want her just stay at home, i will be living at my mum's place at bedok.
Prosper ...

Sound like she is a true-blue 'woman' hahaha guess they will grow out of this phase soon and things will be better when they are able to talk and understand you.

Missy ...

Yar its v funy to see SH so protective of his ELDER brother lor ... these days when #1 cry cos got scolded or what right ... SH will go around 'pretending' to be crying *faintz*
seabreeze - maybe becos korkor will play with didi... then share toys n all.. actually initially when i saw yr story i thought SH was imitating papa and scolding korkor... LOL!!! until u said its becos papa scold korkor then he not happie. hahaha! btw how r u? hw many wks now? anytime can download ah?

lingz - then try those places which has term for 10wks or so...
if not then will be places like gymboree or kindermusik... or try like i mentioned i think.. gug or jg or google for stuff near yr hm.. hee.. gd luck!
missy ...

Yar SH loves to follow the gor gor but cos of that ... gor gor oso always get scolded from us cos he always do those stunt that SH cant do but yet that silly SH will try to follow and hence almost getting himself into accidents a few times *sigh*

Am now 36 weeks and 5 days .... will be 37 weeks this Sat. So rightfully bb will reach full term by then and ready to download ANYTIME heehee

Has Keron popped?? She is like anytime liao right ....
hi teddybb,
i also learnt to sort of let go too. just that i didn't give HY choices of food. He still doesn't fancy fruits..but is willing to accept pears now.

It's even more difficult now that we have decided to start him on vegetarian food (due to our personal reasons) during the weekends. Im not good in cooking but i've learnt to cook just for my dear son.

I think i'll try and get hold of the book you talked about to be enlightened and not feel so upset when he doesn't eat as much as before.

Oh yes..now i give him anything he wants to eat..including ice-cream (which i used to avoid / resent) but i give just a little to satisfy him and let him know that there's many other types of food out there. I also let him self feed rice and he seems to enjoy more when he does that but have to make sure he has a plastic bib on and newspaper on the floor. hahaha.

HI Miss83
my maid just came today..and ive taken leave today and tomorrow to 'train' her.
HY hasnt met her yet..as he's at the nanny's place now.
not sure how he will react to her. haha. think it's gonna take time.
Where's your maid from? indo or philippines?

Hi prosper,
HY also tries to hit people and we will tell him that its wrong. he's ok with either one of us giving him his milk. Dunno why your gal resent her dad giving milk. maybe u should try and tell her..it's either her daddy giving milk or nothing at all. that's wat i do at times..when hy tries to be 'funny'. i cannot tolerate..cos i noticed he tries to be even more demanding when i give in to him.
actually my boy is quite demanding too ever since he passed his 15 months. Nowadays he would demand to watch his playhouse disney channel whenever we are watching our show. And he would cry, roll on the floor, jump or slap us if we don't give in. So usually I will jus tell him you can continue with whatever you are doing, but you won't get what u demand. And I continue with my programme. So when he calms down , I tell him to tell me nicely what does he wans, he will indicate he wans to watch cartoon by giving me the remote and pointing to the tv. I will give in to him only when he display positive behaviour. Not sure whether it works on Kayle but u can try to be firm and set your rules since they are able to comprehend us better now.
Any mummies keen to order Nordic Cod Liver Oil for your little one? Both my boys are taking this and I find it q good.

Vitakids and some other organic shop are selling at $47.90 for a 4oz bottle.

US website is going at USD13.56 x 1.4 (based on exchange rate of 1.40) = $18.98 (exclude shipping)


The 8oz bottle is USD20.36 x 1.4 = $28.50

Anyone keen? I can place the order and you gals can either collect from my place anytime (Bishan St 11) cos should be on confinement by then =)

Dun really recommend postage though cos its in glass bottle.

Nordic Natural Cod Liver Oil - 4oz

Nordic Natural Cod Liver Oil - 8oz
1) Seabreeze x 1

Trying to get USD100 so that we can enjoy free ground shipping =)

seabreeze - do u knw of any chewables or vit V tabs available? kirs doesnt like syrups. i have the scotts cod liver oil. she doesnt like it. sigh. i also have the gnc multivits.. she doesnt like it.. becos all syrup.. she wil spit out... but if chew or suck she is ok.. like the karihome sweet... or colostrum from the tupperware.. she is ok.. im looking for Vit C one.. lemme knw if have k? ive tried GNC... theirs all gummy type... then i went to look at watsons.. so many brands!! but all above 3... the only one is looney toons by brands I think.. which is 2yrs above.. but still few mths to go before 2 lor...

keron is 38wks+.. initially she worried premature... end up now bb not keen to come out yet... hahahaha!!!! but tmr she last day at wrk... after that taking her ML already.. hee hee...

ok la... this Sat full term le.. very good! hee hee! very fast! hee
