(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Hey mummies,
may i know what milk are your child drinking now? previous was NAN HA. I recently changed to Gain IQ. I have dicovered that she has difficulties pooing. already 2 days never poo liao.
I got no knowledge on milk powder. Kindly advise.
Ya, i also using small slow cooker, but for cooking his soup. U cooking white or brown rice? How much water to rice ratio? Is it the same as for using rice cooker? How long u need to cook for rice to be ok? Using high or low? Haha, me asking many qn
Sung & Miss Orange..

Thanks.. hope all is well with you both and bubs..
Just signed up with Shichida and also continuing with JG. Dunno how my son will react with 3 classes a week??!! Realized from his previous class in JG, my son likes to have his quiet moments, so hopefully the small class in Shichida will work for him.

Remember to go fish market to eat the oysters!! yummy n much cheaper than restaurants. My son loved the sights while we were there. Especially the seagulls at the quay.
Hi mommies,

Bree is continuing her next stage at JG as well. Term stars next week.. kinda excited and stressed about it.. This term i opted for 9.00am class, my only concern is the logistics of getting her there on time.

I am still fine tuning her on her routine as in breakfast at home or leave home earlier to beat the traffic then let her have breakfast at McDonalds before class.

I also signed up for trial class at My Little Gym.. will see how it goes.. if Bree likes it then we will go for it.

We might be in the same class though..he he...
are you going for the orientation this Sat?

Agnes & Riverie Island,
am kinda curious about Shichida.. will see if i get a chance to go down and get more info.
Hi mummies,
any of u bot goodwood park mooncakes at Tangs Vivocity? Is the 20% valid only for Citi Tangs card or any Citi card will do?
Monday Bluez....
*sobsob* Enjoy too much during the long weekend until I don't feel like coming back to work... When will be the next holiday again...?
morning mummies!!!

next PH in nov... hv to wait... =(

let me know aft the trial...

my boi oso on GAIN IQ... so far no constipation... ^_^
hi teddybaby, i use 80%white rice, 20% brown rice. Duno how to tell u about water, but quite a lot, on high for about 2 hours. but i think it depends on your slow cooker, different models have different heat levels.

thanks Agnes, w check out the fish market, but hope i'm ok w the fishy smell there :p
hi mummies,

the thread seems so quiet..

last weekend holiday went back msia with bb. he slept with me for 3nights. now back to singapore he refused to sleep with my MIL. he cried and if i put him on my bed, i don need to coax him to sleep, he can sleep himself...dunno wat happen..im so tired..
Jo's Mummy..

ya.. the thread has been really quiet.. like its dying off..

We did managed to go for My Little Gym trial this morning at Forum Shopping Mall.

Bree kinda like it.. when the music played and we were supposed to walk or run around in a circle.. Bree just stood there and tried to dance and clap her hands.. i had to tell her that we have to walk or run.. when we were supposed to tap on the mat... she sat down and tried to shake her bum and her shoulders.. hahah... The teacher laughed at her..

We were taught 3 exercises today.

1.Tumble.. it improves their balancing but movement in a different plane from vertical walking

2. Jump.. Todds will try to jump but don't actually know how to jump.. so we were taught how to teach them to jump

3. Hanging from the bars..
Bree didn't like this one ..

apart from that.. she is happy going walking up and running down the cushioned ramp. that kept her busy during the section breaks..

i am the one who is tired running after her and doing all the exercises though..

since she enjoyed herself, i signed her on for a term right after the trial session.

Apologies but am in need of many tins of the following:

[1] 400g Enfapro A+ ($10/$11)
[2] 900g Enfapro A+ ($32+-)
[3] $5 Off Enfapro A+ Voucher

Pls pm me if you've any to let go.. thanks & appreciate lots! =)

Am also in search for pre-loved Parklon/LG Bumper Playmat
Hi Teddybaby

Hy also starting to refuse his porridge lately. Even the nanny was telling me that he refused to eat his porridge for the past two days. He wants to eat rice and so she had no choice but to give him rice with soup. I told her to give whatever as long he eats something. Now i kinda 'fear'
weekends where i've to care for him myself while being heavily pregnant.

He is still drinking milk and i try to give him more milk now that he's eating less solid food in the day.

His behaviour now also became more 'extreme'. very demanding and persistent. When he wants something he wants it immediate. But we try to work our way around it like try to divert his attention or to ignore him. And we don't know where he learn to raise his hand and hit others.When he does that, i will hit him back and tell him this is painful and how others will feel when he beats people.

I hope he outgrow this stage soon and im sure if im not careful he may turn out to be a little tyrant.
strawberry.. my boy is also displaying the "i want it NOW!!" behavior. what is worse is he became very "ba4 dao4" - tyrant - when he is playing with other kids. even throwing tantrums when i stop him or take him away. i do hope it is a phase too if not the cane will have to come out n say hi to my boy.
Strawberry & Teddybaby:

mine too !!! nowadays he would slap us whenever we don't give into him or scream and shout & threw toys if he didn't get his way. I m thinking of getting cane too as he is really getting out of hand & driving me nuts at home. In school, he would want to be different from other kids - either he sits on the chairs when others are sitting on the floor or he hide under the table when teacher is talking. Faints.. really dunno what to do with this egoistic lil tyrant.. -_-"
he is also very rough with other kids. I m wondering is it becos he is the only boy at home ? He would purposely go & snatch what others is holding although he has a toy in his hand. Or snatch others coloring pieces where he is doing the same stuff too.. my gf says mus correct in time or else like her boy who is in the terrible twos.. he went around biting people til she had changed countless schools & CCs for him .. becos her MIL did not be firm w him when he was younger..
hmm ya...my boy also hit/slap sometimes..he also like to pinch! but he does that for fun u know..not out of anger.. =_='
i just tell him that it hurts people..sometimes he will just get stunned staring at me n stop doing it..but sometimes also dont care..

oh anyway wnat to ask u mummies..
any of ur bb walk tip-toes?
im abit concerned coz my boy does it sometimes..
re: Rough BB

SH will BITE whenever you dun give him what he wants ... my #1 already kanna 3 times and of which he kanna blue black on his arm after the bite! Terrible!!

So usually I will beat his hand or even 'slap' (gentle) his on his cheek so that he knows that he is in the wrong. Maybe #2 liao ... more 'she de' to issue 'captial punishment' hahaha

Looking at the rate he is behaving, I think he is going to kanna cane earlier than his brother too. My dad says that SH is more terrible than my #1 hahaha

Me v KS ... going to sign him up in the same CC as my #1 and starting him in March next yr. My mum still ask him why dun wan to wait till April when I return to work ... think she really cant bear to let him go to CC and 'suffer' hahaha the CC already opened 2 classes of PG and they are starting a 3rd class soon ... was advised better to reserve a seat asap.
Hello....just return back to my office after #2 last injection. Really don't feel like coming back tp work but no choice.

You really bear to let SH go to CC in March? My friend advice me to let my #2 goes to CC only at 2.5yrs old as he will be more independant. Me too have also already reserve a place for #2 same as my #1, just cannot decide if want to start in Jan or Jun.
miss83 and chocolate,

my boy also likes to walk on tip toes at home. whenver we saw him doing that, we will ask him to walk properly.
At least ur boy is eating rice with soup...my boy is over that stage now. He started eating rice with soup when he is abt 1 yr old. Everything eat a few mouth then don't want, sometimes i have to have several items to backup for his meals. Wondered why we were never like this when we were younger...
my boy also like to do this and at times will lost balance keke

do u give him the same food for lunch and dinner?
sometimes same somtimes diff. Even if lunch n dinner is same, the terror starts during lunch time, not dinner...oh i think it starts during breakfast!
Kome ...

No choice actually cos my #3 is due next month and I am returning to work in April. So I like to send him to the CC in March so that I can be there during his adjustment phase.

The only problem abt starting them in CC early is that they tend to fall sick easily otherwise I see more advantages due to the fact that they are more independant and they pick up social skills earlier.
Wow. All mar 09 bb going to school already. I hv also reserved a place for my #1, planning to start him in feb. Don't know how he will cope, I will be very heartpain to see him cry
But starting school early, they tend to cry alot not letting you go away.

Feeling excited? She will be staying half day or full day at CC on monday?
hi Lenny,
u've stayed in HK Disneyland hotel before right?
can i check with U, which room type will get to see fireworks? Garden view or Sea view? Thanks.
Thanks miss83. My tot recovered from fever on the next day. I asked PD about fever during teething; she said may have slight fever but if fever high then is probably viral infection.
However, recently then I noticed she got 2 more new teeth!!! Ha...
re: school
I'm KS, long ago registered my tot for daily 2hr playgroup class starting next yr. She loves music so this weekend she will resume her Kindermusik lesson, joining a new class with older tots.
Kirs start school today? You not putting her half day initially? Normally tearchers or principal will suggest to put them half day for the first 2 weeks so that children will not be too scare. will here be any one there to company her?
my girl went CC already for 2 weeks, and just recently started talking. She is able to speak many words already compared to the time when she is at home. School really helps alot in her daily life. I am so surprise that she followed what i spoke to her.
AM so happy
ANy tot here dun like to brush teeth? I am so worried for her. She refused me to brush for her. SHe kept taking the toothbrush wanted to brush for herself. At times, she even refused to hold, throwing away.
Mine haven even started to brush his teeh even my #1 going to 4 yrs old still don't like to brush his teeth. So difficult to get them to brush their teeth.
kome - now hfmd. the sch doesnt allow parents to go in. so only outside. anyway today teacher carried her away she cried. then after awhile stopped. according to the teacher, one of the boys attracted to her. LOL! so accompany her to play. so funny! but i didnt get to see la. then when i went to pick her up, teacher carried her out, she was crying lor. see me then faster hug me tight n stopped... sigh... i also wish i can accompany her... but not allowed lor... sigh... no choice la... after awhile she shld stop...
missycandy, Kirs and Kay will be the same. They are not the "crying hard type". The first few days she only cried after teacher bring her in. But stopped after 2 mins. When fetched her, starting bursting out cos too miss mummy le.
They will soon be alright, this is wat i see from K.
SO happy today, no sadness liao. say bye bye to me.

HI Prosper,
M used to brush her teeth, after seeing us brushing teeth .. maybe you can try to brush with her together, it's ok to let them brush themself bah..
but since she hurt her gum when she brush her teeth during teething time, she a bit reluctant to brush & now lazy to brush.. hubby will force her & we will tease her dirty/'chou chou' (smelly) if she doesn't brush .. so she no choice to brush lor ..

which class Kirs in ? M start to go cc since last week .. her teacher is a malay .. & she adapting well .. only cry on 1st day. when we pick her up, she nvr cry & very proud to show us the toy car that she played earlier... & pull our hand to the car to show us... Everyday came home keep practice to say "bye bye teacher". Morning will say 'mening(morning) teacher' with a 'muack'. she seems enjoy going to school.. BUT, she fall sick last friday, with fever, flu & now cough ... i know this is the journey that they have to go through, but still heartpain to see them sick.
