(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

will look for it

hi any of you keen on getting the doomagic pillow case check out my FB... hee hee.. want to get for kirsten... heee...

also, those keen on the slimwear.. do check it out in my FB also... =P

went to gynae today to do my pap smear... after so long.. whahahax!!! supposed to do last yr after Kirs but delay until now... lolx... gynae asked me to lose some wgt before trying for #2 -_-" zzz i just said ya ya trying to lose weight la... LOL!!!!!!!! but he quite good leh... didnt charge me consult.. only charged me for pap smear... n some hormone pills to induce my menses becos i havent had my menses since end jan.! LOL
loves the pillowcase..but my boy doesnt sleep on pillow..he only use pillow for drinking milk

hee..i havent do any peap smear too since last yr
teddybaby.. i just push the tiny scrub in and out to wash the straw.

scrumpee.. give it a try. who knows it might work beautifully for you. i cannot remember which organisation will rent pumps, maybe try these

extract from their website:
3. Breast Pumps or other products - please call us at 6337 0508 or write to [email protected] email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

If you require breastfeeding help or advice, please call our helpline at 6339 3558 or email us at [email protected]
hmmm abt the pillow case ah... its for bigger kids la.. Kirs also doesnt use pillow now... but i will keep for her when she bigger a bit ... hee hee... will be opening BP for pillow case with my frn... the price will be different.. so i removed it from my FB... =P but dont worry.. i will give you all special price if you all order k... but cannot tell others la.. ahahaha =P

actually the brand is Milo & Gabby. Is US based. I check with supplier. Its original. can do a google on the word.
Hi mummies,

Read your posts on our darling babies.. so funny.. brought a smile to my face with all the anecdotes.. I guess it's a stage where they will throw tantrums and scream to test our reactions.
One method u all may want to try is to get your baby to wave goodbye before parting with their toys or activity e.g. bathing. It works on Eddric. He doesn't throw a tantrum these days. When the onus is on them, it becomes easier for them to part with their favourite stuff.

Now I got a major headache. I don't know if any bb is like mine. Eddric will throw a HUGE tantrum when his daddy kisses or touches me. At first it was all very funny.. Now not funny anymore. Haha.. He is very possessive of me and would not let his father to come near me. N I cant ask him to say bye bye to daddy right? Any mummies face this problem? Really need some advice..
Hello Jojo, yes, I'm using the wave 'Byebye' method too on Vera especially those kiddie rides in Shopping Malls. For bathing, I would remove the toys one by one from(usually without her notice) the bathtub leaving herself and the water only. Usually after a while she would ask to be out of the bathtub. Hehe..

As for the hugging issue. Occasionally Vera will show a little displeasure when HB hugs or kisses me. But immediately we ask her to join in. We'll go and hug her together and kiss her cheeks, one at each side. She loves it, you can see the satisfying smile in her face. haha...
yes tryin to open on Friday, await moderator's reply. hee hee... btwn us, the price is much higher than what i posted in fb... i will speak to my partner and hopefully can give you all the price i stated in my fb.. but only for the march mummies i know... pls keep it to ourselves la.. wahahahax... post here actually not really secret la.. but okie la... i will give you all good price... hee hee..
hmmm for showering... i dont usually use tub... but my dad likes to use it to let her play... but i will give her a small bucket.. in the bucket there r 2 squishy toys (crab & starfish), toothbrush, small bowl.. and small container for her to play with... lolx... i will tell her pom pom time.. then switch on the toilet light n heater... she will walk in herself.. then go and take the bucket of "toys" and place near the shower... then she will remove her clothes & pampers with my assistance... then il switch on the shower head... bathe her... she will soap herself when i put the liquid on her body... then play with her toys and water... when im done, i will switch off the shower water... then pour away the water collected in her bucket/bowl/containers... then i will tell her to keep all inside the bucket... and she will carry the bucket to keep one side... then dry her... i will say up... then she will lift up her hands to let me wrap towel ard her... after that il carry her, she will open the door... switch off the heater & light...

end of bathing story... WAHAHAHAHAHAX!!!

for wearing diapers.. sometimes she will help by standing and sitting on the diaper... lolx...
Do u scrub the outside of the straw as well? Cos the black spots occur at the outside of the straw

Re bathing,
Still bathing my boy in tub, find it easier, else he keeps walking ard the bathroom, taking things. But I plan to progress him to showering standing up liao. With the tub, I will dry his hair first then tell him THE END (he has a musical story book which says THE END when closed), and bye to his toys and we'll play again tmr etc. Usually he is quite ok.
yes yes im using bye bye method to to those car rides toy at malls..before he will give me a tantrum everytime we want to leave

re: jealousy of dad
i also have been practising family hug since he start walking..so when he see daddy hugs mommy..he will come running to us..
daddy also purposely kiss mommy to show him example that he also can kiss mommy :D
what toy that your baby boy really enjoys to play now?
i notice that my boy doesnt really play with toys...im not sure if it's because the toy isnt interesting (though it's according to his age) or at his age he actually gets bored easily or just because he is teething. nowadays when he gets bored, he gets irritated easily. I'm so fed up with his behaviour for the past week..has been easily cranky and clingy
miss83, my boy also don like to play toys, he only like cars or those with music wher he can press and listen to the music..after a while he will get bored n will run ard the house to search for interesting things such as our alarm clock, our combs, open the cabinets/drawers, throw all the shoes out from the racks and everything which we always forbid him to do!

we found that he actually will look at us 1st before he do any "illegal" things...LOL..we will pretend we nvr see wat he trying to do then he will do it. if he sees us looking at him, he will pretend to touch the things(with his lil hand show us he wans to touch the things)and run away quickly when we shout "NO" at him..
jo's mummy
ya the shoes thing..same!
and when he caught doing something that he knows for sure it's illegal..he will throw the thing and run away..so funny when he did that but i try not to laugh lah..
yaya..same same..LOL..really funny but i also try not to laugh, if not he think its funny and will repeat it again..after tat i will look at my husband and giggles..hahah
miss83, to answer your question, i not only have 1 but i have 2 kitchen sets for Kee wahahahaa and he plays with it, my hubby was like 'HUH" and of course not very approving but i dont care, i think its ok so 1 at my place, 1 at my mums place when he goes over there. He cooks and feeds teddy bear and elmo sitting at the chair and table. Tho he seems to be less interested in it now than before so i might sell it soon. I want to develop his imagination skills. Of course i have other boy toys like train set and 4 ride on cars. His daddy prefers him to have a tool box/workbench instead. But i was wondering how many times can u hammer or screwdriver something? at most a few seconds right? i need toys that he can play longer so he wont keep clinging onto me. Any good suggestions?

oh yeah and i Got it coz he could play w the kitchen set almost 30 mins at Royce Gym hehee then i can sit aside read trashy magazines for half an hour
u're selling it? PM me how much and the photo

ya loh..i'm also looking for something he can play for longer time..it's true they get clingy if they get bored n dunno wat to do

I have something like toolbox with hammer (fisher price), in fact I got 2 kinds of this... and also have thomas the the train (without the railway)..
he's not so keen playing these also..
he only like to mess his toys everywhere.
i also got problem with his 'throwing' habit.
how to stop this? i thought it's normal and will go away..but he's 16m and this hasn't stopped yet!
Hi mommies..

re: Toys..

I kinda stopped buying them long ago..the last one that Bree had was a present from her uncle for her first yr birthday..

most of her toys were gift.. and we hardly buy them..

haiz.. she does not seem to be keen to play with them long enough.. when her daddy is in town.. all she wants is to go out, she enjoys car ride and out in the malls or eating etc.. else she will ask us to bring her to the playground then the pool downstairs

with our place being so small, i admit i am reluctant as well.. Don't want to end up with a pile of toys and don't know what to do with them after she loose interest in them so.. stopped buying..

now considering to buy small table and chairs for her to sit and doodle.. maybe an easel board for her to scribble on as well..

so far she is only sitting on her playmat and scribble with her crayolas on mahjong paper..

just need to figure out where to put all these extra stuff in my little apartment..
pillows will be revealed hopefully by tomorrow. again i stress those keen please PM me. dont talk abt price here k? touchy topic. thanks =P
toys - sigh. kirs has so many. still have more in boxes not opened yet. LOL!!!!!!!!!! and i still buy more... diao... LOL!!! horrible!!! actually i wanted to sell some but HB says keep 1st... then I want to keep some.. but i see Kirs still plays with all of them... but not long la... maybe 5 mins here.. 5 mins there... 5 mins here and there.. all over the place... i guess becos we have space so can afford to put all those stuff all over... cant imagine if i dwngrade smaller flat how. lolx!

actually i dont think she has a lot of toys la... just so so only... =P
Re: toys
Ha ha nic also got alot of toys! My husband had been scolding me not to buy anymore toys but i just cant stop buying when i saw cheap toys wahaha
Not really like to get toys for my boys. Not too sure why also just don't feel like getting them at all lor. I feel that my boys like to play with controller and my vaccum cleaner more than toys. :D
My boy has never shown interest in toys for more than 10mins, he prefer the bottles, containers & whatever he can find around the house than his whole load of toys.

The Gino cutter can basically cut all cooked food, I've tried cutting fishball, fishcake, char siew, chicken etc. and just 1-2 times, the size would be just nice for our LO to chew.

Any mummies bought those magnetic writing board for their LO to doodle? I thought that would be a better option compared to crayon/pencil & paper as my boy likes to put them into his mouth.
Bb getting mischevious nowadays. Like many mums complaining, she will also look at me bef doing illegal things. Warn n told her not to do n she still do. Wonder my 2nd in my womb will come out to b bad temper bb cos I always angry w her.
jasmin, i have the magnetic writing board but nic seems to like crayon n paper cos she got alot diff color crayon to play around.

reverie, we r opp leh!!

ok i decided to buy the cutter, cos i think it is easier to bring out.
reverie island
Is the cutter use for cutting food into smaller pieces? I am actually thinking of getting a small scissor or what to bring out so that i am able to cut the food into smaller pieces for my boys to eat. Where do i get the Gino cutter?
btw, whose cl is good to recommend?

my cl whom i like her cooking might not be able to make it. her mum is old n sick so in case she cant she will find her replacement for me. The last time i paid her $1.8k without doing laundry and washing of dishes cos i got maid. This time will be the same. she charges me S$2k regardless of cny period and there is an increase of the fee. so S$2k is reasonable but i worried abt the replacement.

anyone who has good cl, pro in bfing, good cook and taking care of bb? my edd is 20 feb. might be early and will be during cny. how ur cl charge?

my business site sells beansprout pillows and we have good feedbacks fr our customers too. do share around .thx.
my boy also like going out..he will nag and bring his shoes so that I put them on. he loves going to playground or just walk around at the park near my house.
at home he easily gets bored.
on a rainy day like this..it's difficult to entertain him..
I wish I can find some toys that make him stay and play at home longer...I don't like the idea that he spends more time outside than home..
he's already outside at playgroung for 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour before dinner..sometimes after lunch also ask to go down..if not so hot, I will take him for a walk too..

hehee same here miss83, i will pm u the kitchen set pix later. We juz came back from 1.5 hours at Royce, brought him there for daddy to jaga while i pop into the salon next door for a quick haircut

Oh yeah, what i wanted to ask was, what places can we bring them to when it's pouring rain like today? Or what games to play at home?

ok i listed some here which happens almost every day (rainy days, e.g. cannot go playground)

1) Play cooking - 15-20mins
2) Play toy cars - 5-10mins
3) Play music toys FP stage/toolbench - 5-10mins
4) Read books - 5-10mins
5) Eat bowl of snacks - 3 mins
6) Drawing w crayola/paper - 10-15mins
7) Bathing with me (bubbles & shower head) - 15-20mins
8) Hahaa and my favourite, JUST let him watch TV - 1 hour
(bad mummy)

really need to bring him out to the playground/poolside in the morning 9.30-10.30am and before dinner 5-6pm to knock off 2 hours.

And on good days, he naps 3.5 hours in the afternoon.

Oh yeah ,for Royce gym, u can buy a book of 10 vouchers, each at $10 so its cheaper than paying $12 each time going in.

There's also Rochester the Playroom, which is $8/hour, it's opened by my friend and is also lotsa fun but i must say lesser toys and inconvenient during rainy days coz of the open air carpark.
