(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

jo, u r welcome!
Mango, hee hee i bought 2 toys for nic, quite cheap! I bought a shopping trolley for only $15.
teddybaby, hi tea start frm 1:30pm to 5pm..place ur name in the list

Blurjen, gt toy trolley meh? hiyo i better go on sunday n grap! :p
hi mommies!!
Long time didn't post liao.. wow congrats to mommies who are expecting!! lotsa baby dust hor ;)

shopping trolley with 60 items?? i think i wana go and grab one too! ;) not sure if it will still be available over the weekend.

re: bed
may i know if your LO still sleeps in the cot? I think the cot is too small for my gal now. Am thinking of getting either a mattress or should i get a proper bed? Any advise? I was thinking mattress so less likely to "fall off" and knock her head. And mattress can "last" longer in terms of size... So far i have not checked out the bed frames.

hugs to Bree.. hope she's feeling better now.
Hi Jo's Mummy,

Paiseh.. didn't get to go taka for the toy fair. i had lunch with one of the mommies in Bree's JG class.

Have not have a good chat with her for a long time, really great to catch up.
Can i ask what other mummies are feeding the bubs for breakfast? every morning i crack my head which fruit to add to the cereal and lately, i think he's kinda sick of cereal already i think.....lack of breakfast ideas..
Am still giving cereal every morning. Not sure when to stop giving cereal. Anyway, I will use FM to make cereal + fruit + bread + yogurt. For bread, I will spread peanut butter or tahini (sesame seed butter). Other than these, I am running out of ideas also.

Oh, every few days or so, I make omelette. Sometimes, I will grate some cheese into the egg mixture before frying. SInce my boy can't finish to whole omelette, I now change to using quail eggs.

I need more ideas too!! If not, every morning prepare the same thing..

I am feeding Bree Cheese sandwich toast or garlic butter & herbs toast.. she would ask for banana sometimes..

i am trying out fresh milk on her.. i hope she takes to it though
bkfast: oat porridge with veg n fish
fm 180ml
lunch: porridge with veg n fish, every alt day i will swap veg with kampoung chicken egg. some times i give yoghurt after lunch
fm 180ml
Dinner: porridge with veg n fish
fm 180ml

she does not like meat.
porridge abt 3//4 of a small bowl.
sometimes i give her two serving of fruit a day. she will definitely poo once a day. i will give golden kiwi definitely with additional serving of apple / pear.

i din give her cereal yet.
wkn sometimes we bring her for mac hotcake meal.
sometimes lunch i will cook bee hoon or macaroni etc with soup without salt/soy sauce and we share. soup base comes fr cherry tomato, silver bait fish, red dates, wolfberries, sweet corn etc..
when she has classes and there is snack time like in gug class, i will give her cheese with bread. i just bought her a box of soft bite cereal bar. she love it! finished 1 during the break.
hi mummies,
phew my boy just had his MMR jab this week, hoping and crossing fingers now that no fever or measles-like rashes. pd said quite common to have so monitoring closely. abit worried coz little one seems to be feeling itchy today, scared a fair bit but no rashes yet. hope he'll be fine

do you have the pics/link for the skip hop bag? i saw a bp with the bags, tink they are very nice, am interested

re. breakfast for bb
so far, i'm letting my little boy take mostly bread (flavours incl raisin, cranberry, red bean, tuna, cheese or french toast or just simply with fruit jam spread very lightly) for breakfast. on weekends, it'll be bao (skin only, not the filling), cereals, or rarely mcd hotcakes without the syrup. haha he'll basically just eat what i'm eating for breakfast

lunch and dinner are porridge mostly or the fab petite bowl introd by the mummies here (thanks!)
breakkie - i dun give kirs brekkie becos when she gets up ard 8-9, i give her milk... then 11plus lunch... then bath... milk... nap... hee... u cn try french toast... dip with honey.. yummie! hee hee.. or some bread pudding? hmmm... or yogurt with fruits? hmmmm... corn flakes?
blurjen - i didnt see the trolley with 60 items leh...
but i saw a few with 34 or 36 items... very cheap lor... 8.90, 9.90 and 10bucks... i bought the disney one which is 10 bucks... hehehehe.. but the trolley like really small ... hmmm lol...
wats this trolley thingy tat u mummies are talking about?? wats inside the trolley? n the fair ended already?

i also dun give elixir bf, cos when he wakes up, i will give him milk and lunch ard 11 plus...
Starflower, so far C bf is cereal, bread wif cheese, pancakes frm Mac, zhu chang fen, bake potatoe
She prefers eating more leh i realise, I give her bf one hr after her morning milk she can finish eating!
Morning....today is a nice weather. Wish that i can sleep loger without any disturbance. Haiz.....trying to kick #2 bad habit away, sucking his left thumb. HB bandage his left hand and thumb and every hour he cried loudly for 5 mins than slept. Now i got headache due to lack of sleep lor.
good afternoon mummies, yes its such a great day to just nuah in bed a good book or trashy magazine hehee

thanks for all the brekkie ideas :p kee w get more bread and cheese and stuff now :p

Playing pretend:
Lately he's so comical, he'll take a shopping toy basket and carry it around and waive bye bye to pretend going shopping then turn around to look at me and say "bye bye'. then he'll be playing cooking toys and feeding the teddy bear or bring his cup to let me or his daddy "drink" (though usually very chor lor, like shove in our face kind). other times he'll carry barney to walk around the house.

hey candace, what does the shapewear do?

i'm interested with the shapewear but dunno to get which size to get leh... XL, XXL or XXXL... hahaha... and i want 3 or 4 pcs
star - erm it says what its for in the web.. basically shapes u up la.. wahahahax! supposed to be like a girdle thingy... but its below the bust til thighs if im nt wrong... hee hee.... per box there are 2 pieces... one nude & one black...

jtho - 1 box 2 pieces. so u wan 2 boxes? hmmm... ehh u go measure yr hips ba... im taking XXL.. lolxxx
hope she recovers soon! hugs!

re: teething tablet
i recalled reading in the past threads about teething tablets. May i know is this to be taken orally for teething pain relief?? My gal didn't sleep well lately. I think her molars are giving her alot of discomfort and pain. But she doesn't allow me to apply dentinox. I'm thinking if there are other options since she doesn't let my finger go near her mouth.

re: breakfast / meals
after reading your posts i think i'm so lousy... the food i gave my gal is so boring and restrictive unlike what other mommies are giving. So far i only gave her cereal and porridge. I tried pasta but she doesn't really like it. Took a long time to eat it. What kind of cheese did you buy? Any type or is there a special type for toddlers?

re: shopping trolley
i went taka toy fair but i can't find the shopping trolley...
so crowded and the place is pretty messy..
re: shopping trolley
oh u didnt see it? it is at the side near the cashiers. I saw the disney trolley too but i think that one quite small so i bought another one which is around 60cm tall. maybe sold out already.

I also running out of idea, most of the time i give milk n yogurt then 11 plus she will have her lunch. but she is a fussy eater dun wan alot of stuffs like hotcake, bread with cheese or jam, all she dun like, even french toast also dunno like, i really run out of idea...
no leh i didn't see it... either it's sold out or something wrong with my eyes hehe
same here.. my gal is a fussy eater, doesn't like to try new food. Give her new foodstuff with strong smell or taste she will reject. Luckily she still likes mac hotcakes which is her sunday breakfast after milk. Bought yoghurt twice but haven't let her try cos keep in the fridge till expired haha.
Oh dear...seems like i the most bochap mummy here. I just gave Anver his milk and whatever my #1 eat will feed #2 some too.
blurjen - aiyo. i cldnt find that one leh.
the one i bought is small de. hahaha! shucks... ! do u have photo of the item still in the box? can post it up? thanks
my boy is teething again..this time is his 3rd molar..had a mild fever..this morning woke up no fever anymore..thank God..but molar hasn't cut through yet..
I'm so tired with fever, diarrhea and wakeful nights..basically, I'm fed up with teething *sigh*
can u imagine..in this 2 months, he already had 3 fever..first one last 7 days, 2nd one last 5 days..and 3rd one (Recently) last 2 days.
and this only his 3rd molar coming out..we still have many molars to go
Have you ever noticed your tots "thinking"? sometimes i can see he seems to decide how he wants to react to me. And sometimes when i dont understand his baby babble, he changes vocab so that i understand him...like he was going "on-ggoin" or something, and after a while when i kept telling him i didnt understand, he pointed to the item again and told me "mum mum".

so reading up something interesting from a website:

Toddlers are learning about “cause and effect”, such as; if I drop my spoon, mommy will pick it up for me.
Toddlers are learning about “relationships”, such as; before I go to bed, I put on my pajamas.
Toddlers learn about “deductive reasoning”, such as; if I fall, it might hurt.

I think he's learning the relationship part now, before sleep, he resists milk to much, coz he knows after that is sleep time...sigh...didnt use to have that problem before...literally have to "force" him...so stressful...
i replied your email, hee i want 1 skip hop bag, bee design, very cute!

re. cheese,
i give my boy either the normal cheese slices (NTUC housebrand, hi-calcuim type) but realised it's harder to melt into the bread. as well as laughing cow original cheese cubes, easier to spread onto bread. little boy likes both though initially rejected the cheese slice :p

re. bb rejecting food
mummies can try introducing and re-introducing a couple of days again. most times, if 1st time eating the food, my boy will also reject or spit out, but after re-introd the 2nd or 3rd time, he will accept gradually and start to like :p give him small small bites to start off.

wow, i din know abt all the different types of learning, thanks for sharing. hee but yup can see my boy stop, pause to think. hee usually when ask him something, if he wants, he will nod, if he dun want, he will shake his head but if he's undecided, then he will pause to think. can see him really concentrating and thinking yes or no. hee very cute!

just read back and realised bree vomitting. hope she's better now and you can get more rest soon!

hope your boy's fever from teething is all over soon! i realised my little one will keep biting stuff, our clothes, his clothes, etc whenever he's teething and the period can last quite long coz the molars take a while to cut through. can see the white spot liao but can take up to 2 weeks to really pop up.
hi sung, reply noted.
need more orders before can confirm. lolx. so if you have any friends who are keen do revert to me.

star - hmmm... interesting... i think Kirs still not at that stage... she runs(can see her cheeks jiggling LOL), laughs, everything at her whim & fancy... very garang... when she falls n hits herself... she will go "oooorhhhh....." then rub her head... and beat the thing that caused her to fall... be it the floor or the toy... hahahahax! her vocab stil very limited... dunno wad she is babbling... but i realise she tends to be more vocal at night... especially before bed time...
starflower, i totally undedrstood...
Now i am actually quite upset the way she reacts now..
I used to compare HER now and before. She used to be a good girl.. but now dunno is it becos of she cant express herself, she screamed inorder to get in her ways. Whenever u asked her to do this, she will do otherwise.

I notice this many times...
Example: Ah ma asked for a FIVE, she FIVE to me. refuse to do it to her.
WHatever she wants, she will hold your hand and bring u there and ask u to take for her. If u says no, she will ehhh ehh ehh. "Must give means must give..." bui tahan...

And yes, definately she knows all the cause and effect. When she hears dog barks, she will says ohhhhhhhhh and her eyes opened big big. Ya, this is cute of her.

so sometimes, i wonder how to teach her, or should i wait till when she talks maybe she will be better.
miss83, bb Jo had many molar teeth cutting thru already..i can fell many sharp sharp teeth using my fingers..cross my fingers XXX so far he is doing well...maybe bcos since he is 3mths, everyday i feed him with the EYS Bo Ying Dan & 8 treasure dunno wat's de name(Ba Bao San in chinese). it can prevent them from having fever. mayb u would like to try..its quite expensive, i always stock up a bundle when they r having 20% discount.

sung, my boy also pput everything into the mouth..sometimes he use his fingers to feel the teeth, and now he keep using his tongue to swirl ard to feel the teeth..we noticed tat when he is playing his toy, his mouth is always open n u can see his resting tongue tat type..hmm dunno how to describe here ..dunno is it bcos of teething or its kinda habit..trying to teach him to close his mouth all de time..

prosper, don be sad..u actually understand her and wat she wants..yes they cant express themselves tats y they screamed or cry to express they want o don wan, or when they r not feeling well..we just hav to give her wat she wants or to distract their attention to other things..

bb Jo also very notti..before 1yrs old, he can only call Ah Ma/Mama and very very seldom call Ah Pa. Now he only call Ah Pa(daddy). whenever we ask him to call ah ma/mama he will just say Ah Pa and laughing there..i will pretend to b angry n say u don call mama i don wan u already, i don like u already, he will still call ah pa(in a crying tone) ** faint**

Don't be upset.....Even my 3years old son also like that. Last week he wanted to get something but i said No to him and he squart there and cried. I thought he would follow me if i walked away but no lor. Than alot of people thought he was lost so squart there and cried. There was a couple wanted to bring him to the customer service. I was so paisey lor.....i also don't know what to do with him. Even my #2 now always cried and shout for something.
