(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


my boy always knock his head, sometimes coz he's too excited running around, other times coz drowsy. hit the corner of his head (resulted in scratch n slight bleeding), back of his head (slight bleed n tear again), etc. was also very concerned and asked pd. pd said unless observed the following happening, else is prob ok as kids self heal very fast n very well.

so look out for the following:
1) loss of appetite, loss of balance, or drowsiness within the next 48 hrs
2)any moments of unconsciousness, no matter how short, must go to a&e immediately
3) any fits, indicating trauma to the brain
4) if the bump is very big (eg. bigger than 50cents) or very red
if none of the above, just monitor, should be fine
else if concerned, just bring to the pd to make sure.

haiz, tink our little ones r very mobile and curious now, so will always kena knocks here and there. just must watch out for them more and well monitor lah hee. fan xin k.

Lenny & Sung, the 1st time she fell on back of head was almost 2 weeks ago, that time no bumps leh...maybe her hair cover the skull so no bumps, i keep massaging her back head, she is ok
Ya I do monitor any unconscious, fever or vommitng symptoms...so far no, keep my finger cross..
Yalor Sung, our little one is so mobile n I had a hardtime catching up wif her wif my big tummy! Think this stage very commin for them to hv bumps n bangs hor? hehe
Hehee today Kee is so cute, he finished his milk on the couch (drinking milk while watching tv of course) and when he finished, he brought it to the kitchen to me (i was cooking there)
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea
24th Aug (Tues)
L'Espresso from 2pm onwards

1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames
8. sunshinebaby
9. Babe
10. Sportyger
11. Pei
12. Fatfish
13. Lenny, Hubby & Bree
14. Yiyi123 + Baby Isabelle
15. Starflower
16. Scrumpee
17. Minnie
18. Wintertime
19. Gingal + Mum + BB

Total: 21 adults + 4 bbs (cfm)

I have made a reservation of 22 adults and requested for 8 highchairs.

The price is $34++ and there is a UOB credit card promotion - 4 paying adults only pay for 3. In view that its a huge group, they have requested for me to make a deposit 1 to 2 weeks before the actual day.

So mummies, can you try to cfm if you are coming by 11 Aug (Wed)? Will email those on FB
So funny ... goodwood park just called me and ask if we are having a party or sort cos they dun allow us to decorate the place!!
any idea where's the nearer to get up close to the firework? tot of bringing my boi to hv a look on mon... ^_^

i'm confirmed and i've uob card too... ^_^

btw, need to go down personally to make a deposit?

YES!!! we are gg to PARTY!!! muhahaha
my boi oso kinda knock on his head several times... those hard one, he'll get bruises... norm will so so for him n monitor him to make sure he's ok... like wat sung mentioned above...
now he walk like run, scare he'll hv more bumps on his head... muhahaha

You can watch it from Marina Sand - casino building at the bayfront, very clear & loud. I brought my boi last 2 weeks there to watch the reherse fireworks... very loud... he scared that he held me very tight. I got to rush into the building to watch as the fireworks sound will not be so loud. May be is the echo from the building.

I intend to bring there again but alongside bay before the marina sandy, hopefully the sound will not be so loud.
Hi Mummies,

Such a long long time didn't come into here... very busy w work & taking care my boi. So fast, he is already 16mths, very active, wants to grab everything, direct us what to do & where to go & talkative, very tired !

Whenever he knocked his head, he will rub his head then beat the place - say 'da da da'...hahaha...

Asking mummies . . . . lately notice my boi one of the ear very smelly, so when I use cotton buds to clean this ear, is wet & light brown colour. Don't know is it the ear inflamation or is water went into the ear didn't dry in time, it will become like that ? Any of you encounter this problems ?
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea
24th Aug (Tues)
L'Espresso from 2pm onwards
$34++ per pax (With UOB Card Promo: Buy 4 get 1 free)

1. Mangogal - cfm
2. Seabreeze - cfm
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames - cfm
8. sunshinebaby - cfm
9. Babe
10. Sportyger
11. Pei
12. Fatfish
13. Lenny, Hubby & Bree - cfm
14. Yiyi123 + Baby Isabelle
15. Starflower
16. Minnie
17. Wintertime
18. Gingal + Mum + BB

I have UOB card and no worries abt TT money to me. As long as you cfm and turn up, I have no prob going down to make the deposit =)

I have read some reports.. asking us to delay MMR till 2yrs old for fear of autism..

but then again.. PDs here does encourage us to give our babies MMR when they reach 15mths..

I have not got a chance to get Bree done on her MMR cos we were in Philippines that time and this time round.. she has allergic reactions for the longest times.. its been almost 4 weeks now..

PD told us to give her the MMR and the pneumococcal jab after she recovered..
I brought elixir for his mmr when he was 15 mths and touchwood, till now he is still so chatty...the nurses at thepoly also recommend we take the vaccine at 15mths cos its during this time tat MMR may affect the child...tats wats e nurse told me...
Happy National Day to all mummies and babies

We brought Kee out to Farmart Centre at Lim Chu Kang today, thought it'll be fun but i'll say there's nothing much there. There's a few stalls selling honey and fish footspa, live seafood and prawning area, and a small area with rabbits, turtles and frogs and goats, sadly no farm unless we drive out to another area outside the Farmart Centre area. But Kee enjoyed feeding the goats most, tho i wouldnt think i'll go again coz nothing much, hehee
I have heard of that too...but i don't quite believed it. I just followed the vaccination schedule and brought my 2 sons for MMR when they are 15 months.
Talking about the iphone 4, those using, do you face any drop of signals?
Am tempted to change to iphone 4. Hubby reserved one and is ready for collection. He told me that he will use my current 3gs and i get the 4.. but I'm worried about the bad reviews of this phone.

Zac went for his MMR at 16mths.. delayed for 1 mth cos he is unwell.

So far so good I would say.. he is still chatty and active..

I read comments on this jab and actaully reserved my thots on this.. then my mom told me that everyone in singapore actually go thru this jab and most of us are ok.. so why worry so much... which is quite true la.. those comments on autistic actually makes me wonder.. could it be the child is already autistic before the jab??
I had also brought my DD to farm last week. However, at the goat farm, she fell down and got a cut on her leg. Few days later, that leg developed some rashes and then the next day she had a fever and vomit but PD said is stomach flu. 3days later, she started cough and then running nose. Haiz... my DD has been falling sick every mth for the past 3mth. Dunno why and how she got those virus from when she is not even attending childcare. Any advise how to improve our LO immune system?

MMR - why should take at 15mth???

Am I too late to join in? Initially din dare to commit cos my dad was scheduled for a heart bypass on 31 Aug. But now he tell me he is well already, went to cancel his ops. So i dont need to take leave and can make it liao..
let me know how much to tt ok! Long time never come into this thread cos very busy. If possible, pls PM so that i wouldnt miss the TT details. Thanks!
See ya on 24 Aug! Is there a maximum to the UOB buy 4 get 1 free promotion? If yes, do we need to split bill?

Goodwood Park Hi-Tea
24th Aug (Tues)
L'Espresso from 2pm onwards
$34++ per pax (With UOB Card Promo: Buy 4 get 1 free)

1. Mangogal - cfm
2. Seabreeze - cfm
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames - cfm
8. sunshinebaby - cfm
9. Babe
10. Sportyger
11. Pei
12. Fatfish
13. Lenny, Hubby & Bree - cfm
14. Yiyi123 + Baby Isabelle
15. Starflower
16. Minnie
17. Wintertime
18. Gingal + Mum + BB
19. Asura
Not able to join you all at Goodwood Park Hi-tea.
Got something on....quite miss all the gatherings last time.
hahahah i KO too late.. busy attending to a patient... then missed the shuttle bus... dang!!! had to wait 20mins for next one...
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea
24th Aug (Tues)
L'Espresso from 2pm onwards
$34++ per pax (With UOB Card Promo: Buy 4 get 1 free)

1. Mangogal - cfm
2. Seabreeze - cfm
3. Jtho - cfm
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames - cfm
8. sunshinebaby - cfm
9. Babe
10. Sportyger
11. Pei
12. Fatfish
13. Lenny, Hubby & Bree - cfm
14. Yiyi123 + Baby Isabelle
15. Starflower
16. Minnie
17. Wintertime
18. Gingal + Mum + BB
19. Asura
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea
24th Aug (Tues)
L'Espresso from 2pm onwards
$34++ per pax (With UOB Card Promo: Buy 4 get 1 free)

1. Mangogal - cfm
2. Seabreeze - cfm
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames - cfm
8. sunshinebaby - cfm
9. Babe
10. Sportyger
11. Pei
12. Fatfish
13. Lenny, Hubby & Bree - cfm
14. Yiyi123 + Baby Isabelle
15. Starflower
16. Minnie
17. Wintertime - cfm
18. Gingal + Mum + BB
19. Asura
wat's yr official KO time? 5.30pm?

gd idea hor... so fast our bb gg to be 18mths soon!!!

now is lunar 7th mth, so try to go home early b4 8pm... kinda of rush but no choice
asked my mum to come over to my place for tis mth but she reclined... telling me i just need to go home early will do... sighz
watch out for any tooth cutting thru..usually when teething my boy also got fever, vomit, diarrhea and sometimes followed by runny nose n cough.
my boy also doesnt attend any child care but since the 1st molat cut thru he's been sick every 2-3 weeks..but it gets better and better now..first molar his fever last 7 days..and 2nd one 5 days..3rd one 2 days.. and now he's cutting thru the last one..so far no fever but wakes up alot at night!
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea
24th Aug (Tues)
L'Espresso from 2pm onwards
$34++ per pax (With UOB Card Promo: Buy 4 get 1 free)

1. Mangogal - cfm
2. Seabreeze - cfm
3. Jtho - cfm
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames - cfm
8. sunshinebaby - cfm
9. Babe
10. Sportyger
11. Pei
12. Fatfish
13. Lenny, Hubby & Bree - cfm
14. Yiyi123 + Baby Isabelle
15. Starflower
16. Minnie
17. Wintertime - cfm
18. Gingal + Mum + BB
19. Asura - cfm

re: bb 18mth gathering

Hmmm sounds like its going to be fun esp now that they are all walking around and starting to learn to play with each other =)

any organising committee?? I cant volunteer for sure cos now too big and too tired hahaha but will try to turn up cos v long since SH joined the rest of the bb for such gathering
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea
24th Aug (Tues)
L'Espresso from 2pm onwards
$34++ per pax (With UOB Card Promo: Buy 4 get 1 free)

1. Mangogal - cfm
2. Seabreeze - cfm
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy - cfm
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames - cfm
8. sunshinebaby - cfm
9. Babe
10. Sportyger
11. Pei
12. Fatfish
13. Lenny, Hubby & Bree - cfm
14. Yiyi123 + Baby Isabelle
15. Starflower
16. Minnie
17. Wintertime - cfm
18. Gingal + Mum + BB
19. Asura

Thank you, Seabreeze!
My mum also had chased me home early yesterday. I told her 6.30pm still quite ok to go home but she said cannot lor...
Now have to go home straight after fetching my sons.
morning, u rx my msn msg?

i can wait till all 3 of us hv dinner, bath liao then go home... but preferably reach home b4 8pm...
Me too like mamy poko pull up pants.

Good for you. I have to lug them back to my house around 5.30pm, lock them inside my bedroom than i go and bath.

Really??? Than i better go home early early and don't stay at my house for too long for this 7th month.

Yesterday i was scared off. Coz blur me lor.....

My door got an automatic lock and the door will close by itself if you never put a magnet to hold it. Yesterday i went out using my leg to block the door, thinking that should be ok. But i stretch too far out to put something outside my house and the door closed. Alamak....my #2 was just behind the door crying badly lor....i was scared off and too anxious, not knowing what to do. Luckily hb came back abt 5mins later. Next time go out of my house must bring #2 along.

teddybaby, i also like mamypoko pull ups but drypers drypantz is good also...i've tried drypers, huggies, mamypoko n i find all 3 very absorbent...
