(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">Collect Sgp Coins Minted in 2009:</font> Hey mommies - I'm Apr 09 mom. Dunno if u noticed bt Sgp Mint has released for circulation e 10, 20, 50-cent &amp; $1 coins minted in 2009. I've collected 2 add 2 my boy's memory box. I also collected for my gal those minted in her yr of birth (2007) -- tho in dat yr I tink dint hv 50-cent coins. Anyway, thot I share &amp; c if any other mom wanna collect 4 ur own bb. Bt I'm nt sure if ovr e yrs e shininess wl tarnish... My B1's 2007 set stl ok so far

royce gym is at liang court right?
want to try.. many good feedback i think

i just bought him supermarket basket full of fruits yesterday..i think it's ok lah.. he also can learn many kinds of fruits and vege by playing that..

on rainy days..i usually read more books and flashcards...just now play hide n seek (i hide and he seeks me..it's fun :D)
i have FP toolbench and turtle with shapes and hammer..then drum set (he loves this), and then the rest i just let him play with whatever in the house. he likes to see what's inside the fridge and take yogurt or apple from the fridge :D
we wanted to go on thur but by the time she woke up fr the nap it was too late. in the end daddy brought her to swim. hubby not willing to pay the $50 leh...
Riverie island..

I don't know if you want to consider engaging a confinement lady from TMC ParentCraft centre..

I was keen at that time but did not have an extra room to accommodate, my parents and bro were occupying my other 2 bedrooms and only move out when Bree is 4 mths old.

i should have engaged their confinement lady who comes during the day time.. from what i knew.. these ladies are trained with modern days ways of taking care of newborn babies..

For me.. apart from not being to accommodate due to space constraints.. was because.. i kinda stubborn... cannot accept traditional ways unless there are scientific proven reasons to do the stuff i was told to do.. so.. My mom also gave up on me..

i didn't not go through a full month of confinement.. i only had confinement food for 1 week and stopped.. can't stand it..

just kept on having green papaya and fish soup n my red date tea plus chicken essence.. and that's it..

sleep in aircon room with nursing gown, bathe and wash hair daily..

actually the minute i can get down from my bed in the hospital after my csect its the very next morning cos my c-sect in evening.. i went straight to the bathroom and take a long,hot shower, washed my hair.. do facial scrub (really shiok!) much to my mom's dismay.. hehehe..
i considered when having my first one. but they told me priority given to tmc patient. and i m fr mount e.

wah u n my frd so onz. aft e c section i hardly can moved for a few days. went toilet need hubby and mum help. i was v touched that my mum help me to the toilet. i felt useless. i have to be there for her when she is old.
reverie - looks the same. but im getting from US. dont know where she getting from.
feel free to buy from her if you want. Since my price is higher.
like i mentioned before those keen can pm me. hope this is the end of this discussion here. thanks
anyway i check their stuff and then ? buy from them ah? hahaha. like that dont need to do business. buy from other people liao.

I will try to look at this tonight ok? i briefly saw but have not decide on the design..


to be honest, i kinda disappointed buying stuff from BP.. when they post the pic.. saying pre-order from Japan etc.. then when i receive my items.. its from china.. doesn't matter where it comes from.. cos its common for companies to manufacture in china.. but its the quality that pisses me off.

i end up buying direct from the company and shipped it over.
lenny - i have placed order already. i ordered 82 pieces.
let me know which design you want. still have enough to go around. so far i have 34 bookings already. so left 48 pieces. a few of every design. will arrive 15th aug +/- according to my supplier.
end of the day, i believe most of the stuff is from china, indonesia or vietnam... carters, nissen, gap.. though claim to be US brand and Japan brand, the tag shows made in china... same goes for nike too... lol...! and the quality varies... can be good can be bad.. think a matter of luck...

yep.. like i mentioned its normal for companies to do their manufacturing in low cost countries..

What i meant is.. some supplier/ seller stole designs from originals and make their own.. then claim to be original.. this is what pissed me off.
Thanks! still cannot decide which one to get for Bree cos now she will choose what she wants.

i purchased a set of baby Einstein DVD long time ago.. seller claim that its original.. i happily paid for it and yes.. did received the box set.. noticed a few DVDs are spoilt. i went online to their official website to check and then realized that there is no such box set sold.

damn pissed.. i should have reported this case to the police back then.
hmmm i bought baby einstein from bp... some time ago... when i received it, i didnt open to check or anything until much later... when i did open it, the inside of box looked very old and stained ... -_-" i paid $75 for it... sigh... anyway kirs doesnt like it... ha ha ha!

i paid SGD 47.80 for the Baby Einstein DVD box set. i asked the seller if its original and which region code. she told me it should be original and works on all DVD players..
I paid nearing $50 too. Bought last sep I think I bought 3 sets somemore. 2 more for friends. In e end, ST article wrote that they r recallng e original bk w full refund cos there is no scientific evidence that bb will be smarter aft watching. I din even started. Waste $.

when i bought, i just thought that this programme is safe for bb to watch.. no intention of making Bree the super brainy kid.. hehe..

Bree only likes one Disc...the Baby Neptune. all the rest no kick for her
Lenny &amp; Missycandy
Me too has brought baby einstein from bp too, but watch only the first DVD and did not continue and where is it now i also forgot. Not sure are the rest of the DVDs are ok or not lor.
Mine not very cheap either $65.
Just to share...:D #2 finally starting to walk instead of majority of the time crawling at 16 months and 3 weeks old. Haiz.....but still don't quite like to walk when he is out of the house lor. -_-
halo all!
heheh...anyone of u buy IPhone 4 beside scrumpee?:p

Anyone gng taka babyfair this weekend?

Kome, my gal also very lazy she prefer to crawl than walk cos she just start walking 2 weeks ago, abit slow :p
Haha....ok....our 2 kids are the same but think mine slower than yours by 1 weeks. :p

You going to get the Iphone 4? Thought of getting it but i think i will under use it lor.
oh..interesting topic..may i know how much? is it comes with any contract? Cindy, how u find it as compare to iPhone 3?
IPhone 4 the pricing...

$38/m, 16GB @ $500, 32GB @ $630.
$58/m, 16GB @ $230, 32GB @ $380.
$98/m ,16GB @ $0, 32GB @ $70.
Any plan above is $0

$36/m 16GB @ $480, 32GB @ $620.
$56/m 16GB @ $210, 32GB @ $360.
$98/m 16GB @ $0, 32GB @ $60.
Any plan above is $0

$39/m 16GB @ $480, 32GB @ $620.
$56/m 16GB @ $210, 32GB @ $360.
$95/m 16GB @ $0, 32GB @ $60.
Any plan above is $0

Cindy, happy wif ur new gadget? U under which telcom?
mangogal, kome, jo's mommy:: I LOVE IT!
it's soooo niceeee!! hehe! jo, I never had 3G so cannot compare but one thing for sure is the screen and camera is SO SO SO much clearer!

Actually Bree only started to really walk a few days ago. Prior to that, when she is occupied with something.. carrying a soft toy etc, she does walk around more.. but when we ask her to walk to us.. she will wobble then half way crawl.

best to let our kids walk they they are ready, cos if their bones are not ready for it.. forcing them to walk before they are ready is harmful.

from what i read, we will just bring them to PD for check up if they dun walk by 18 mths. else not a real concern

bbs do differ, some will develop in physical aspects first, some will be intellect but they will get the balance of both eventually
Oh....coz i seldom heard that bbs after 16 months still do not walk yet. Mmm....so after 18 months is the real concern, now than i know that. But it is really tiring as he always want people to carry him. Thats why was hoping him to walk quickly.

I had 2 nephews who started walking slightly pass 18mths..

so i guess its up to individual babies ba..

oh for Bree.. she just started wanting to walk when she just reach 16th Month.. she is born in the 3rd week of march.. 2 weeks before she is due. EDD supposed to be in ther first week of april. she is one of the younger babies in this thread
regarding ur post about eddric got jealous when daddy is near mommy..
I notice that my boy sometimes do similiar thing but not to daddy...it is to everyone else who's talking to me. he doesn't like when i don't pay attention to him. even when i wash dishes or typing on handphone..he will get really mad!
anyone with similiar experience?
iphone 4
M1 seems to have more ready stock than SingTel. My telco is SingTel but placed a reservation with M1 cos thought of switching telco. And am just informed by M1 that I can collect my iphone 4 liao. Aiya...but too bad, I can't get it from M1 because I couldn't switch my telco. Found out that I had to pay $450 to terminate my contract with SingTel if I want to change Telco. But then, I still managed to place an iphone 4 order with SingTel, collecting it in the next 2 to 3 weeks time. As for whether to get 16 or 32GB, was advised to get 32GB especially if you want to take videos and the resale value is also higher
Yesterday i told my hb the idea of me getting iphone 4 but he mentioned that there is still some cons of the iphone and he told me to wait for them to rectify before consider getting it.
Kome..usually 1st launch of any new product usually will have some problems..but not all..so
i also will wait a while n c 1st...
wow.. all these discussion about iphone 4.. i am still
trying to get used to my 3GS.. its been a challenge to text with one hand while trying to fend off bree as she is trying to snatch my phone whenever i am on it..
teddybaby.. abt the straws, i use normal cleaning sponge for the outside. but i do sterilize the straw, cap, bottle once a week.

Pigeon has straw cleaners.. its similar to our bottle or teat cleaning brush.. just that the brush is much smaller and the holder is long and slim..

go check it out
teddybaby.. hope it all works out for the straws! forgot to ask, do you use the bottles and straw often?

i just remembered i had black mossy and specks on unused teats that i store in the same container as freshly washed teats. nowadays i would air the freshly washed teats while in the container and also use/wash/sterilizer all teats every 2 days. The container also tend to have black specks so it is washed every week. Now we no longer have black specks on teats.
hi mommies
aiya i missed out the BP which someone mentioned earlier and the gino cutter is out of stock now. If anyone knows where else i can get it, do let me know ya? Thanks!

re: iphone
anyone's LO is an iphone fan?? my gal is.. she likes to play with daddy's iphone. she knows how to slide to unlock and tap on Talking Tom application then start talking and playing the the cat. It's really funny watching her, seems very pro
mummies, ask u all ah...my gal knock the back of her head twice within 3 weeks, isit very bad?
she cried a few mins everytime she fall but after that ok liao and
she is still active n normal, happily yakking as though nothing happen but i scared gt concussion :p
