(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Your #1 very cute....i sure he will love his mei mei when you deliver. Not my #1 fighting, snatching, beating his lil bro earlier. Now much better at least when i threaten him to throw my #2 to dustbin and he will said no to me. When his lil bro knock into something and cried he will immediately went over to sayang his head. Wahaha....now i always use this to threaten my #1 to sayang his didi.

Haiz....my initial plan was to have 2 kids 1 boy & 1 gal, but now i really don't know how.

Kome ...

Aiya ... he pay lip service only one lar ... oso will fight with Didi and bully him. But I must say SH is no pushover ... SH will fight back and make alot of noise one too!

Usually I just let them fight it out as long as YC doesnt put SH in a dangerous position like suffocate him, sit on him or push him down etc

You oso v cute ler ... how to plan for 1 boy & 1 gal?
I want to join the GWP high tea too.

Have been wanting to go but no chance cos work during weekdays. Guess ML is the best time to go for such high teas.
i'm back! :D
just went back to indo for holiday

anyways..want to ask u what soap ure using for ur bb?
I'm still using J&J top to toe but recently I noticed my bb face skin is dry so thinking to change soap but dunno what is good. Any recommendation?
congras blurjen & annt!!!
both of yr #2 r march babies again!!! any chance will be same date as yr #1? kekeke

i'm interested in high tea too!!! if wkday then most likely need to take leave lor... let me know k...

i'm using GAIA on my boi since birth... so far so gd... ^_^

i'm oso planning... hope to catch some bb dusts fr them too...
Kome ...

Hahaha thats life ... we should always plan for the worse and not plan for the ideal hahaha anyway I am sure your 2 boys are a joy =)
*wave* u r sahm now right?

my bro went last sat n he said the flowers r lovely... i tot of bringing my boi there... not sure he'll 'appreciate' the flowers anot... muhahahaha
Haha....i always think of good one only. :p

Nap....helping out my PIL. Will be quite boring if staying at home for long hours.
sunshine, i dun think will be same cos my #1 is feb baby hee hee

ha ha pass all the bb dust to u all!!

Now have #2 i also headache. thinking of hire a maid cos I dun think my mil can handle 2 kids but maid = more $$ and trouble!!! hai....
Kome haha my planing was same like u but sad lor in the end din get almost cried but after seeing my girls I am reali happy cos they are just so sweet no matter what they are just ur children so I guess we will still love them no matter they are boy or girl lor. If let me accidently have a boy also no gd I scare wait I become dote the boy more no gd so better stop ya haha.

Seabreeze ur boy so cute le . So u having 2 boys now coming is a girl?I think all kids will fight my girl too will fight but like kome said when I tell my big girl I will bring the small away she will say dun wan lor .

Sunshinebaby u can try baby johnson I am using th original wan blue de I love the smell I myself using too.
Caca ...

Yap #3 is a gal =)

Blurjen ...

I was also considering if I should get a helper (my mum already has 1 helper) to help take care of #3 BUT the thought of having 2 maids under 1 roof is q 'scary' and I think will create even more stress for my mum.

Also my hubby feels that logistically its v siong ... cos need to find a place for the helper to zzzz + my car is already full and now is not a good time to change to a 7-seater.

So in the end we decided to send SH to child care and my mum just take care of #3 and I need to rush home aft work to help out. In any case, the initial stage when I BF ... I oso seldom go out so to me am fine.

Plus I have concluded that SH will prob learn more stuff in CC then staying at home with my mum & helper =p so you can think if you wan to send #1 to CC too =)
Seabreaze, I also tot of send #1 to CC but the hr seems to be too long leh... Tot of half day one so that my FIL can fetch her in the afternoon but CC also not cheap leh. Still thinking.... Now my MIL said since my FIL gg to quit his job next yr so they can handle 2 kids but i really doubt so lor cos my FIL dunno how to take care of BB... things like feed milk and change diapers he dunno lor. hai... so much pros n cons hai.....
Blurjen ...

Hmmmm you can also send her for full day but have the option of getting your FIL to fetch her at around 3pm or 4pm cos if you notice the price difference between full day and half day is very insignificant and at times half day is more expensive then full day due to the subsidy.

Also its actually easier to find space for full day vs half day.

The only downside of CC is that they tend to fall sick v often BUT I see more pros and cons - the main challenge is to find a good CC and the price is right heehee

In any case you can always just scource around for a suitable CC and decide when you are on ML. See if your PILs 'really' can cope or not =)
I do agree with you that CC can actually learn alot of things. Like my #1, before he went to CC he cannot really spoke very well only a few words when he was 2 years old. After going to CC for 1mth+ he can speak quite well and can sing song too.

Ya....downside is actually he fall sick quite often especially the 1st month. I remembered that time he went to CC for 2 to 3 days, he sure fall sick and stay at home for 1 week. After 1 mth than its ok already. Occasionally still got coughing only.
Ya....really long time never log in here.
I not too sure leh, but whenever i use on my kids they never cry. They just rub away the water from their eyes.
Hi mummies,

Long time nvr log in..busy with my BP..finally closed BP liao..hahah...

wan to ask anyone ordered the Paul Frank PJ from Qoorie before? would like to order but not sure of the size and quality..

long time did not log-in, can share where can i send my girl for weekend class? i have shortlisted GUG and zoo phonics. thanks
i did PM u but no reply..
I lost ur acc number coz accidentaly deleted your email..can u PM me ur acc and amount to tt?
thanks alot

do u still wash bb clothes with bb detergent? is it ok now to wash with adult detergent?
I going to finish whatever left for the bb detergent than i going to use normal adult detergent already, but i still wash their clothes separately from ours.
miss83 ...

Just replied to your PM =)

JO's mummy ...

Me oso thinking of ordering but no sure if the material is like Gap PJ. Cos Gap PJ after washing a few times will loose its elasticity esp the pants.
halo mummies, hehe for those interested in GWP English hi tea, we arrange in Aug weekdays

Dates to choose:
2nd, 13th, 17th, 24th &31st

U all let me know which date can apply PM off

SAHM mums welcome to join too!
Mangogal ...

Presume that you are ok with all the dates that you proposed. Have added in my name heehee

Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

2nd Aug (Mon)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

13th (Fri)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

17th (Tues)
1. Mangogal

24th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

31st (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

Mummies add on ...
Seabreeze, thanks..now i know..i like GWP High Tea..very nice!! been there twice oh..got discount is it? I know one of the Sales Manager for Room reservations. If need my help for restaurant reservation can let me know oh..
Jo mummy, if u bringing kids, must let me know so that I can ask them to prepare the baby chairs
GWP is Goodwood park hotel

Wah Seabreeze, u so on, add the dates for me,haha :p
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

2nd Aug (Mon)
1. Mangogal

13th (Fri)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

17th (Tues)
1. Mangogal

24th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

31st (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

Mangogal ...

Just rem that I cant make it on 2 Aug heehee

Mummies ...

Pls just add on to the list and if you bringing kids ... just indicate there =)
yay, got gathering! i am very busy right now cos got to prepare for an important event on 13 aug. anything after that i should be able to take half day leave to join
and of course, in order to enjoy my food, i won't bring baby :p

Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

2nd Aug (Mon)
1. Mangogal

13th (Fri)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

17th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Jtho

24th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho

31st (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

2nd Aug (Mon)
1. Mangogal

13th (Fri)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Lizy + BB

17th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Lizy

24th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Lizy

31st (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. lizy

Mummies ...

Pls just add on to the list and if you bringing kids ... just indicate there =)
I wanna join! Haven't seen you mummies for a long long time...

Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

2nd Aug (Mon)
1. Mangogal

13th (Fri)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. jaszho

17th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Jtho
3. jaszho

24th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jaszho

31st (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

2nd Aug (Mon)
1. Mangogal

13th (Fri)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze

17th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Jtho

24th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy

31st (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy(mayb bring bb Jo)

By the way, how much per person?
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

2nd Aug (Mon)
1. Mangogal

13th (Fri)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Lizy + BB

17th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Jtho
3. Liz

24th (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy
5. Liz

31st (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy(mayb bring bb Jo)
5. Liz
hmmm... every tues... difficult... il pass. =P

btw, if anyone keen on skip hop bag, manuella or the bath robe for kids, do pm me... il trying to collate orders to get a better price... i have emailed some mummies... whoever else keen drop me a pm ba... need to hit certain amount to get the better price... thanks =)
Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

Lets just narrow down to 24 Aug or 31 Aug k ... easier since those 2 dates are the more popular ones

24th Aug (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho

31st Aug (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy(mayb bring bb Jo)
5. Lizy
Count me in. I think this is the first time I join Mar 09 mummies for makan session.

Goodwood Park Hi-Tea

Lets just narrow down to 24 Aug or 31 Aug k ... easier since those 2 dates are the more popular ones

24th Aug (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy (may bring bb)
5. Lizy
6. Jaszho
7. Srumpee + bb Eames

31st Aug (Tues)
1. Mangogal
2. Seabreeze
3. Jtho
4. jo's mummy(mayb bring bb Jo)
5. Lizy
6. Srumpee + bb Eames
Hi all..

Came in to say hi.. been tied up with hubby when he is in town, now that he has gone off to work, i have been busy settling Bree.

Its been a week since hubs went off and mu mom came over to stay with me. Bree is starting to notice the difference of her daddy not in town.

Bree cried her heart out when her daddy goes through the departure gate.. cried the whole morning on the day her daddy left and only stop till noon..

now on and off.. she still ask me where's her daddy. haiz..

My mom has been one of her fave but she has been rejecting her.. don't know if she thinks day has to go off so grandma is here with her. She now clings on to me more.. only goes to grandma when she refuses to nap or sleep.etc..
Bree is now not well.. brought her to see PD yesterday..

Fed her Sweet potato porridge last friday and she had allergic reactions to it. was kinda shocked and surprised cos Sweet potato is a common first food for babies and toddlers

i gave her in puree before but she didn;t like it so i thought i give it a shot again.

after eating the porridge.. she has outbreak of hives.. then her nose runs.. and started to cough on monday..thus brought her to see PD.. to ensure that she has not caught a virus. PD say she is not contagious so ok to go for class today

Thank god that she didn't get virus.. only allergic reaction.. but her cough triggers her to vomit her dinner.. so far its been 3 nights that she vomited .. thought vomit.. only once a night after her cough then stop..haiz..

been trying to pull through myself.. after taking care of her.. didn't get to sleep and got gastritis.. trying to let mom take care of her while i rest in the day but she refuses.. clings on to me and wants me to carry..

has been a hell of a week..

what time is the High tea? Need to see if we can make it cos of Bree's schedule. Hubby will be in town during that time.. is it ok for him to come along?.

We will be in town for the 24th Aug.. but won't be able to make it for the other date on the 31st Aug cos we will be out of town in Gold Coast till 3rd Sep

aiyo poor Bree, hope she will recover soon!

Lenny, hi tea will be frm 1:30pm to 5pm on 24th, pls reply in FB, easier to coordinate..sure ur husband can come along
