(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

thks for inputs on washing machine. Mine currently is front load, with platinum care (can handwash) but i feel handwash function not v gd. Also from this machine been giving me prob on & off during its usage of past 5 yrs.

Any of u washing wired bras and underwear in washing machine? Previously i handwash and during BF, no wired, so just throw in machine. But now stop BF liao and too tired to handwash.

me me i throw in the machine no time to hand wash even tou its good to..but i will put it inside the net before i wash
thks for inputs on washing machine. Mine currently is front load, with platinum care (can handwash) but i feel handwash function not v gd. Also from this machine been giving me prob on & off during its usage of past 5 yrs.

Any of u washing wired bras and underwear in washing machine? Previously i handwash and during BF, no wired, so just throw in machine. But now stop BF liao and too tired to handwash.
hmm my son got a white dot like yu pao on the side of the nose..anyone know what is that? will it heal by itself
teddybaby, I put my wired bras into the washing machine to wash too. Like st, I also put wired bra into laundry net (buy those specially for bras) when using washing machine. You can buy such laundry net from places like Daiso/NTUC etc. It's been a year ler, my wired bras still in good shape. Previously my wired bras can't last long coz wire always went out of shape (didn't use net and lazy to hand wash thus... :p).
yups. my lingerie n hubbs undies go in. no probs. dump into the netted bag
bb Jo had been sick since last Saturday after his chicken pox injection..but this has nothing to do with his jab..

he started with flu and cough then fever at night..flu n cough very seriously at night, waking up every half an hour crying..as the nose is stuck...very clingy to me and wan me to carry him to sleep..

until today.,,he is still coughing very seriously n stuffy nose...no appetite at all..reject to eat his porridge, FM, bread, & biscuits..he will eat a few spoon of his porridge and drink a few drops then reject his milk...very heart pain to see him suffering like this...
so ur bras & underwear just use netted bag and wash with ur clothes in norm mode, never use delicate function?

Not sure what is that leh...my boy recently have a few white spots on his gums. Doesn't look like teething spots. But its not ulcers either. Mummies, Any of ur babies have these too?

Jo mummy,
I feel ur pain. My boy also like that not long ago. u can try Yu Guo tui na
i tot bb that drink BM will be more healthier than those who do not drink BM...but seems like bb Jo often fall sicks as compared to those who do not drink BM.
bb Jo's gums also got white spot when he is 2-3mths..my mum ask me to press on it so that the white things will come out..bb will feel better..
but if u press, nothing comes out then just let it be...

my boy don like ppl to touch him..even when the nurse wan to take his temperature, he cried like hell when the nurse press his head to put the thermometer into his ears..tats y i don think he can go for the tui na
Jo''s mummy,

sayang poor thing
maybe he has a sore throat? have u tried him on some paracetamol or ibuprofen to see if he becomes more willing to eat/drink after that? he needs plenty of fluid for a cough/cold.
jomummy - u sure he aint teething? poor thing. *sayang u both* actually previously kirs wldnt let me take her temp too... she wld shake her head n cry... horrible!!! but dunno when.. i talked to her... then joke with her n take it then now i will tell her mummy just wants to check ok... very fast... dont move... mummy sayang n kiss kiss okie... then she stays still to let me take.. hee... but i guess everyone is different... always talk to him n tell him what u r doing even when he is well... it helps them understand better and be not so fearful of stuff... day to day... just talk n tell them stuff... treat it as a learning n teaching experience... like when she plays with a ball.. i will tell her its a ball.. its round... the colour... it can roll around... or u can throw it... just link a few things to it... they will absorb... like comb for her hair.. i tell her its used to comb ur hair.. make u look nice n pretty... then she wil take n comb herself.. wahahahax! its a gd habit to cultivate day to day...

teddy - heh. wash delicate with hb's office clothes
anyone's baby on the phase of being so clingy lately? wahh my boy for the past 3 days cry alot..those nagging type of cry..always want to see mommy and want to be carried..i hardly do anything and i got so tensed listening to his cry all the time..i dont know whether this is separation anxiety, teething, or it's because he can walk already...people say when baby still learn to walk..he always want to walk..but once he can walk..he will ask to be carried..
really tired
updates on gino collection

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>nick</TD><TD>Collection </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>northvirgo</TD><TD>tjg pgr 29/4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Rose</TD><TD>novena 29/4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>jo mummy</TD><TD>asura </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>jo mummy</TD><TD>asura </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>daphnekang</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>daphnekang</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>daphnekang</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>daphnekang</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>daphnekang</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>cfchangdee</TD><TD>come find me </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>keron&amp;jeris</TD><TD>jeron come n take </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>jtho</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>babydreams</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>p3pp3r</TD><TD>when ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>strawberrys</TD><TD>p3pp3r </TD></TR><TR><TD>22</TD><TD>Pei</TD><TD>mon/wed novena </TD></TR><TR><TD>23</TD><TD>Pseed</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>24</TD><TD>asura</TD><TD>pei </TD></TR><TR><TD>26</TD><TD>jaszho</TD><TD>tjg pgr or yew tee ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>27</TD><TD>Tanjls(Sharlene)</TD><TD>woodlands 30/4 </TD></TR><TR><TD>28</TD><TD>Katzflute</TD><TD>yishun 29/4 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Fireangel, he has 4types of medicine to drink including paracetamol, mayb it makes him no appetite..fever already gone..but still coughing very badly n stuffy nose..last nite quickly go buy de vaporub(for baby-not too hot) n apply on his chest..he can sleep better at nite..lucky he drinks a lot of water..i also bought the orange steam cake from bread talk for him..lucky he likes it n eat half of it..

missy, i don like the nurses to take his temperature, they like to hold n press his head which makes him frustrated on what r going to do to me..at home when i take his temperature he is very obedient..i told him "mummy, tit tit c Jovin got "fever" o not(beep sounds of de thermometer when i press start),he will sit down quietly to let me put the thermometer into his ears..
jomummy, from wat i understand, BM helps only during the period when u r breastfeeding. Once you stop, the baby is not "protected" anymore.
kiston, thanks for informing..but im very confused now..doctors all encouraging us to breastfeed as long as possible just to protect them during when we r breastfeeding?

i've got a friend who only breastfeed 1mths and her supply also not much but her baby is very healthy..now already 5mth baby nvr fall sick before..also some other frens who don bf also their bb also seldom sick..
Hi Mummies,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings &amp; sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)/IMM (prearranged)

Please email PM me for enquries and orders.
Anyone TTC-ing for Bunny baby?? Think can start liao coz next year CNY is 3 &amp; 4 Feb 2011!! hahaha.. good luck !

so sianz, my Andrique still dun wan milk. (I gave up giving him milk liao, very heartpain, keep pouring away my BM.) Now worse, dun want to eat somemore.. Really dunno how! He's already very very underweight n small sized. (think now less than 8kg)

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">STRESS!!!!</font></font>
i tink really depend on individual bb ba...
not necessary on BM, immune sys will be better than those w/o or the way round...

andrique eat porridge? if not can try fresh milk? we can give fresh milk to bb right?

u gg? i wanna go but tink hv to wait till wkend liao... if u gg down tmr, help me see got GAIA booth n whether any gd offer fr them...
thanks in advance!!!
Jo's mummy... i think whether or not a kid fall sick depends on his/her contact with the outside world. like a kid on BM but at infant care will have higher chances to catch germs than a kid on formula who stays at home. once our babies stop drinking bm, they are totally on their own to fight the germs.

If i am not wrong, the "protection" from our BM comes in the form of prebiotics and we have to be directly latching for best effect. when our kid is sick, he "pass" the germs to us when BF-ing. we in turn make the antibodies and they drink it. OR the mummy falls sick and her body makes the antibodies which baby drinks. baby is not sick but with the antibodies already in his system, it helps him fight infection if it comes. the "protection" is not a magic anti-sickness pill, it is just giving our babies' immune system a helping hand.

oh i must admit BM is amazing. I think the chinese soup n tonic stuff also go to BM cos my boy was stronger when i consume chinese soup and tonic. when i stop drinking, he tend to have the sniffles. so now my parents keep stuffing me with soup again so my boy will benefit. i feel like a cow.. argh!
sunshine.. i gave fresh full cream milk that is warm to my boy when i forgot to buy his formula. he likes it more than formula and so far no problem =P
jo's mummy/ kiston
I stop bf at 4months plus too (anyway my supply not much from start als0) so far my bb fall sick once after her ist birthday (fever/running nose) but otherwise all is well! **touchwood**

hope BB A is well and starts to DRINK again..ever tot of bringing him to e tui na?
i wanna aim for a july 2011 baby!!

i might be going tmr...
minnie - me!!

sun &amp; donrox..thanks..actually just feel very sian my boy always got so many problems so ranting here..sorry..

also bcos im very moody &amp; worried recently...bcos 2weeks ago I go for health screening..my blood test shows that my red blood cell is very low..its due to malnutrition and monthly heavy menstruation(only after i gave birth)..now gotta take Iron medication for 2mths n after tat go for blood test again to check Iron level..so my TTCing plan gotta drag another 3mths until im fit to get preggie again..also will go for ultrasound of pelvis to check if my ovary n womb got any "tumour"!!

i will be going Hokkaido next week from 9th-15th May for my REAL Honeymoon(only me and hubby) tot of making a hokkaido baby since last yr..but then now like very sianz..all the plan gotta change...
yap yap.. the baby will have to fight themselves once bf stops. agree w sunshinebaby and don..

babies fall sick very easily when they contact other sick children. That's what my PD always say.

My boy also have problems here and there.. and i'm looking positive each time. Part and parcel of growing up.. :>
jo's mummy,

Aiyo... dont stress over making baby. Enjoy ur holiday. All will be well. Dont worry.
by the way, would not be getting the gino cutter from missycandy this weekend. If u need it urgently, pls collect directly from her. Else if u dont mind waiting until after ur trip, i can still collect for u.
jo's mummy,
aiyoo, sayang to bb Jo.
Not sure if bb Jo sleep in aircon room. if so, maybe u wan to try let him sleep without aircon, i think it help to ease the block/stuff nose, and the coughing too ..
hi dabin,
i'm a silent reader too. I've read that babies between 12-18mths, should slowly kick the habit of having morning naps, i.e. by 18mths, they should just be taking one afternoon nap a day (can be up to 2hrs).
kirsten has been having the sniffles past 2 days. now becoming almost full blown.
anyway brought her to GP. got more meds. lolx. i asked the GP abt air con. he says its better than without but must make sure that the filter is cleaned regularly... if use fan must make sure the blades are cleaned regularly too.

gino cutter - i havent used mine! lolx! but i believe its for cooked food. its for bringing out u knw? when outside food the noodles.. meats... veggies... cut cut cut into bits... at home also can la... i think u shld ask the BP seller PoshPaire for more info

jomummy - aiyooo... dont stress urself!!! next time tell her nurses dont touch bbjo head... or u ask to take it instead
go for honeymoon and have fun!!!!

oh yes.. tmr i will be going to city hall to collect something at 630pm... if any of u wants to meet me there to collect cutter, do let me knw!!! erm u have to let me knw by tonight so i cn pack it with it. lolx.
eeks. saw wrongly. my meet up at city hall is on wed. not tmr. bleahx. so tmr no city hall. but i can do novena at lunch... or... woodlands at dinner... lemme knw...

I understand what you are going through.. Bree is also very small sized. she is not even 9 kg as now that she is already 13 mths old..

she nibbles her solids but kept asking for milk... i was planning to wean her off now.. but her solid intake is still not stabilized so.. got to wait.

Re: Bunny baby..
we were hoping for one as well.. doesn't matter if its gonna be a girl or boy.

initially, we were planning to try after june... but got to postpone till Bree is more settled. if cannot get bunny baby.. then i won't conceive liao.. growing old.. no more energy. hahah..
Same as pigpig, I don't bf for long and so far her major is once.. and if small symptoms started kicking in, she will recover by herself..(also *touchwood*)

I think putting the kid to enjoy the external environment as often as possible under the sun with greens is good but do avoid the hotter time of the day..especially we are sleeping in aircon or with fan at nite.
sinmey,THanks! bb Jo only sleeps in air-cond when he co-sleep with us once in a weekday and weekends..but only for 2hrs(timer).

Asura, riverie &amp; missy - THANKS! im not stress over making baby lar..just that feel sianz over my health condition now..gotta eat a lot of red meat (beef,pork) which I hate so much especially beef!!

bb Jo can sleep better at night althou he still got a lot of mucus..he also got a lot of phlegm which when he cough, feel very irritating staying in his throat so he tends to cry as he dunno how to vomit it out. i know cough and flu will not so fast recover..just hope he will quick quick recover lor..think his weight will drop to less than 10kg..

thanks for the suggestion..hmm..which tcm ler..EYS can? im now drinking the longan, red dates + coral drinks..recommended by a friendly ppl from an organic shop..its says that the iron n calcium level very high which helps to create red blood cell, this is also good for skin bcos of the coral...
r u sahm? cos we can meet up to let bb play nxt time.. haha..


jo mummy
what kind of check up should we go bef we decide to conceive again?
hi mommies
wow the thread is moving fast, can't catch up. Can ask for some advice? My gal fell from my sofa about 3 weeks ago. Had a super big bump on her left forehead. The bump and bruise subsided after 1 week. Lately we noticed that spot where she hit her head is kind of "dented" in. Can such impact be so serious to cause a dent on the forehead? Should i bring her to the doc for a scan? I asked my PD before, he said as long as her appetite/behaviour, overall ok then there's no need to worry too much. But that time when i asked him we haven't noticed the dent because it's still bruised. I'm so sad that she has such "scar" on her face
sob sob

don't worry about things like that. bbs and kiddies actually heal very well as they regenerate injured tissue quite effectively because their bones/skin/connective tissue is after all still growing with them! don't worry about that dent - it will go away eventually. there are more serious things to worry about than a "scar" after a big bump on the head! your pd is right as long as she is behaving normally then it's ok.

actually i dunno..i go for the health screening is becos company give us this benefit..so i go do it lor..the package includes checking of breast for tumour marker, pap smear,ultrasound breast/pelvis.

re: running/blocked nose
my gal had running nose for about 3 weeks during CNY period. Visited PD 3 times, on medication for 3 weeks till her running nose recovered. PD said she has sensitive nose. During that time the air was polluted with haze. It was a difficult time cos LO can't sleep well with blocked nose. I still let her sleep aircon room at night because the weather is too hot. PD said aircon is ok as long as it's not too cold for them.

re: bunny baby
i'm hoping for one too.. but i think hubby not ready yet. he said 1 already cannot cope.. how to have 2 haha

re: washing machine
i'm using ariston front load. is this brand still in existence? hehe. Bought this 5yrs ago and still in good condition. will throw my clothes and bras in the netted bags for washing. So far so good. Someone mentioned and i agree one disadvantage abt frontload is you can't open and throw more stuff in when it has started. Happens to me few times lolz. But heard that frontload can save more water.

re: HT cereals
I think i will stop giving my gal this for the time being. Bought Nestle Honey-Joy cereal but haven't let her try it. Anyone giving your LO nestle cereals?

re: classes
my gal starting her classes at GUG on 8th May, any mommy bringing your LO there too?

re: rejecting milk
my gal rejects milk once a while too. She loves solid and enjoys her solid meals. But sometimes she doesn't want to drink milk. So I'll just let her drink whatever amount she wants. After a few days or a week, she'll resume her milk intake. Is it because our LO is kind of sick of milk?? But after awhile it's back to normal?

My gal is about 10+kg coming to 14mths. Very tiring to carry her now. After carrying her for awhile i'll be catching my breath lolz
