(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Thanks missy for the update.

Hi fireangel / Missycandy,

i will try and find out more about sleep training. I've long suspected that my boi is waking up due to habit. Just that i dunno how to train him out of it. probably i'll check alfafa's fb blog..
i tried to make less milk for him last night but he still have a lot left over...*faint*..

btw...another thing..i need to check who wants to share cab to the baby one year old bash on 03 april? Im staying at tampines. Hubby will most likely not be free so i need to see if anyone wants to share cab with me and my boi.
can pm me or post here lor. i try to log in more often
Hi Misscandy,

I've added myself to the list. Will transfer $15 to you tonight.

updated the list here
Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm
The clubhouse is confirmed. We are going to order cake and buffet lunch. Each pax $15 ok? Those who agreed and confirm in the list, kindly make payment to POSB SAV 205-03736-5 and PM me details ok

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb & kayle
2. daphnecrosailo & ugin ( paid $15 )
3. starflower & keenan (paid $15)
4. jtho & oli (paid $15)
5. asura & charlene (paid $15)
6. missycandy & kirsten (paid $15)
7. cindy, hb, travis & trishelle (paid $30 via UOB)
8. lizy, hb & vera (paid $30 POSB)
9. sunshinebaby, hb & bryan (Paid $30)
10. babe kazooie, hb & bb shayna (paid $30)
11. mangogal, hb and bb caroline (paid $30)
12. piggysg, hb & bb ryker (paid S$ 15, hb kiv)
13. P.seed & baby A (paid $15 )
14. alfafa and baby Grace (paid DBS $15)
15. lemon_tea & bb Mik (paid $15 )
16. fatfish & bb Cadence (paid $15 POSB)
17. jacqueline, hb and bb Jovan (Paid $30)
18. babydreams & bb Dylan (paid $15)
19. Strawberrys79 & bb Hong Yi (paid $15)
20. Jo_mickey & bb Eddrick (paid $15)
21. Kris & Kerryn
22. p3pp3r & Ziv
23. sinmey & Moiiesha
24. Janbebe & bb Jayden
25. cfchangdee, hb, philson & philston (will tt to u tonight)
26. lingmama, hb(tbc) & destinee
27. meebaby, hb & bb Chyng Shiuan
28. donroxx, hb(tbc) & bb Lucas

1. Queenie n Tristan
2. Serene & hb & bb Charlene
3. Pigpig & hb + BB Shermaine
4. Keron&jeris & hb & Kayla
5. minnie24, hb & andrique
6. kome & mother + Aven + Anver

i heard sharlin mentioned before Neo garden caterer is not bad. i think per head is $13plus. includes drinks.

And just recently i had ordered from good luck kitchen for my boi's first birthday party. No drinks but comes with 1 desert. $12 per head.
Can consider.
Hi Ann,

for small buffet, maybe u can consider Lee wee brothers buffet. It is something like a nasi lemak buffet. Min. no. of pax is 20.
Per person only $4 or so. My office people had just ordered it yesterday cos' we strike the consolation prize for 4D.
for 1st yr bash, prosper is ordering frm neo garden. cake will be decided by me. thanks for suggestions.

re tt of funds for bash, it is to prosper not to me. do take note. do pm her after u have tt-ed the amt.
<font color="0000ff">Our Babies 1 Year Old Birthday Bash

Date - 3rd April 2010
Venue - Glendale Park Condo @ Hillview
Time - 12pm to 3pm
The clubhouse is confirmed. We are going to order cake and buffet lunch. Each pax $15 ok? Those who agreed and confirm in the list, kindly make payment to POSB SAV 205-03736-5 and PM me (prosper) details ok - for those who knw that they would be going, pls tt the money automatically

We will order a big #1 birthday cake! woo hoo!

Attendees -

1. prosper, hb &amp; kayle
2. daphnecrosailo &amp; ugin ( paid $15 )
3. starflower &amp; keenan (paid $15)
4. jtho &amp; oli (paid $15)
5. asura &amp; charlene (paid $15)
6. missycandy &amp; kirsten (paid $15)
7. cindy, hb, travis &amp; trishelle (paid $30 via UOB)
8. lizy, hb &amp; vera (paid $30 POSB)
9. sunshinebaby, hb &amp; bryan (Paid $30)
10. babe kazooie, hb &amp; bb shayna (paid $30)
11. mangogal, hb and bb caroline (paid $30)
12. piggysg, hb &amp; bb ryker (paid S$ 15, hb kiv)
13. P.seed &amp; baby A (paid $15 )
14. alfafa and baby Grace (paid DBS $15)
15. lemon_tea &amp; bb Mik (paid $15 )
16. fatfish &amp; bb Cadence (paid $15 POSB)
17. jacqueline, hb and bb Jovan (Paid $30)
18. babydreams &amp; bb Dylan (paid $15)
19. Strawberrys79 &amp; bb Hong Yi (paid $15)
20. Jo_mickey &amp; bb Eddrick (paid $15)
21. Kris &amp; Kerryn
22. p3pp3r &amp; Ziv
23. sinmey &amp; Moiiesha
24. Janbebe &amp; bb Jayden
25. cfchangdee, hb, philson &amp; philston (will tt to u tonight)
26. lingmama, hb(tbc) &amp; destinee
27. meebaby, hb &amp; bb Chyng Shiuan
28. donroxx, hb(tbc) &amp; bb Lucas

1. Queenie n Tristan
2. Serene &amp; hb &amp; bb Charlene
3. Pigpig &amp; hb + BB Shermaine
4. Keron&amp;jeris &amp; hb &amp; Kayla
5. minnie24, hb &amp; andrique
6. kome &amp; mother + Aven + Anver</font>
Hi mummies

Came back to work after being on mc for the past 1 1/2 days.

BB sick, mummy also sick...haiz..

I have been making homemade purees and freezing for my MIL to use and mix with cereal/pasta when i am at work. On monday midnight, bb K has a bout of fever, flu and a slight cough so we brought him to see the PD yesterday morning. This morning he started to have diahorrea too. For the past few days he has been poo-ing at least 3 to 5x a day, though it was not watery stools but i got worried so i ask the PD as well if it is normal.

The PD asked what we gave to him. Upon knowing i froze homemade purees and gave to him, he strongly discouraged it saying fresh is better, that we can't even freeze the stock as it contained meat.

Now my mil has to cook homemade stock and porridge for him everyday and i have to stop freezing purees. Which means i can only cook for him if i am on leave, and i can't freeze leftovers. It just makes me wonder if it is really bad for bb to take frozen purees? PD said his stomach can't take it and it is bad for his stomach too.

It'll just be additional work to us cos cooking fresh everyday takes alot of energy.
its really not a lot of hassle to cook fresh everyday. an easy way is to steam the porridge overnight in a slow cooker. that way it cooks slowly and its ready in the morning. the consistency in the porridge would be just right. So not so much work in the morning.
My girl doesn't take porridge anymore.so now i steam her rice and veges in the pot for half an hour or so in the morning. i cooked two portion in the morning. one for lunch and one for dinner.

did u ask ur pd if its ok to freeze vegetables stock? if ok then u can try carrot, corn and turnip (ummm we call it mengkuang in malaysia..its the white vege that u eat in rojak).

hope the above helps u.

Your BB can eat rice alreay....? So nice...my little chilli padi still eating porridge and she only have 2-3 teeth.

actually cooking in the slow cooker is very easy. I out 3 milk scoop of rice and 1.5 bowls of water together with some other ingredients and let it cook on high for 3 -4 hours and her porridge is ready. Before I feed her, i place some chopped veg and fish/prok or chicken meat.

plse PM me all your contact number again. My phone had some hardware faults and juz got it replaced.thanks a lot!

my namecard holder I almost forgot. Can collect from you next week?
ya she doesn't want porridge now..she prefers soft steamed rice. so i just steam it for her and make some dishes for her like steam pork or steam egg or steam fish. the root veges i will steam with the rice together.
Victoria/Ann - thanks, in fact my mil cook porridge for him everyday for dinner time...afternoon, she will mix the purees i do with the cereal or with pasta.
Now since the PD says has to be fresh, i guess mil will have to cook porridge meant for two meals and for me, i can only cook pasta with puree for him over the weekends or when i'm on leave.

Usually mil will be the one doing the cooking since she's the caregiver. For me, i chose to made homemade purees to provide him a better variety rather than having porridge both for lunch and dinner...

i know its not a hassle, but need to cook smaller portions of puree each time.

Moving on, my bb is still gagging on chopped or roughly mashed foods...i am having a bit of trouble moving him on to chopped foods.
i chopped my meat and veg with a chopper and rather fine. My girl also have problem. I have yet tried her on pasta though.... wonder if she can take it.

actually for porridge ,u can serve her a variety as well as you juz change the ingredients...

Veg &amp; fruits: corn, carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin,tomato, potato, apple, lotus roots, yam, broccoli, spinach, xiao bai cai, red spinach, baby spinach, kailan, tapoca leaves etc

Meat : salmon, threadfin, codfish, red snapper, chicken, pork, liver

Others: dried scallop stock, soya bean n pork stock etc

I tend to place a small slice of ginger to cook the porridge.
Its really a hassle to prepare homemake stock and porridge everyday. Instead of preparing the stock, i place pork ribs (cooked in boiling water first) into disposable spice/tea bag, then put it into the slow cooker together with rice+veg. Once ready for lunch, I just throw the bag away. I think it tastes as good.

Cooking for 2 portions: That's what I do every weekend when my helper is not around. I just use a bigger slow cooker and use double the portion of every ingredients. After lunch, I will put to 'keep warm' mode. But gotta stir once a while. Doing this free me up in the afternoon for other activities with my son.
ikan bilis stock:
Mummies, how do you treat the ikan bilis to avoid being too salty? Soaking in water? How long do you do that?

What about grinding it into powder to add into porridge? If i were to take the whole packet of it out of the refrigerator, there will be bound to have condensation. So thinking of how to grind it to ensure its dry so that I can store it again.

ikan bilis powder

this is how my mom did it..rinse it twice..then soak in water for half an hour...and then rinse again. then air dry it in the sun or cooling place. when its dry, my mom baked it in the oven...until crispy and fragrant.- occasionally have to stir it so that its all crispy. (my mom says in the olden days ppl use to fry it..but requires a bit of oil..but if u have non stick pan..then can dry fry it). and then cool it before u grind it. after grinding it, have to cool it again. then u can bottle it. its best to kept it in the fridge.

Hope it helps.
my boy also still cant take chopped or roughly mashed food, we still need to blend his food well, otherwise he will gag and can vomit all his food out...is this normal? i thot of asking my pd when we go for his chkup next week.

if i rem correctly, ur boy also born on 17th, right?
we will be having a small celebration with family and close friends this sat. how abt u?
I also cook my son's porriage in a mini slow cooker every weekend when im caring for him for the whole day.
For weekdays, my bbsitter will cook the porriage for him. I dun question how she cooks it and what she puts in it as long as he's healthy and growing well.
strawberry:: haha kids i wanna buy the booster chair to put on normal dining chair for my #1 cause now he like wanna snatch with trishelle to sit on the HIGHCHAIR for meals loh!! no point get another high chair hahaha!! and i wanna buy new BRA and panty... and i wanna buy a weighing scale.. and look see look see haha!!

oh dear, i am most lazy haha i actually use the no MSG commercially prepared stock. sighs no time to really make stock all the time la. those commercially available ones, no MSG, i think can la. and it's only on wkends when i am caring for her whole day.
Thanks for the info! Do you know what is the oven's temp for this? And how long can we keep in the frig?
Ann - tks for the list, yup we did try to add different ingredients into his porridge...i think mil did a good job of cooking the porridge, my son is lucky..

Agnes- sounds like great idea, like making tea! hahaha...and yes cooking two portions can free up alot of time, and some rest time for yourself too...and re ikan bilis, my mum rinsed it a few times to get rid of the salt b4 putting into the water to boil. ANd if u wan to grind it, u got to wash and then dry it under the sun...alternatively can microwave but not for too long in case they got burnt.

Elina - I dunno if its normal, perhaps u can ask your PD and let me know too? Hee i forgot to ask him. Yup he's also born on the 17Mar. But we will just have a small celebration at a restaurant with hubby's family and my family...and a small humble cake...won't be a big celebration.

Ikan Bilis powder. I made it myself. I soak 3 times.. 1 hr each time... hahahah.. so i KS dont want to leave any salt behind. Buy those without head and stomach, cleaner. Then i drain the water and put in oven.. about 100 degree. Then i keep checking every half hr to see if it is dried and crispy yet.. cant remember the time. Then grind and store.. Now wondering if i can do the same to scallop... hee hee..

I am going isetan sale on fri.. so happy that it is on fri and not thurs.. hee.. Need to shop for more clothes.. hahaha... be there between 12pm to 330pm.. hee.. what time u would be there?
hello mummies...
i am selling my preloved quinny buzz lime green stroller. comes with original accessories as well as a cup holder and shopbasket (total to $100)

pls help to circulate...hehehe
contact me at [email protected]

Prosper.. transfered $15 to you but will take a few days cos from another bank to posb.

Transfer Details
To Prosper 205037365 (SGD)
Amount SGD 15.00
My Initials Donroxx
Transaction Reference 1003110012700155
asura:: i can only leave school at 1, so i will probably be there at 130 but need to eat first, else no energy to shop hahaha!!!
hehe Hope to catch you THERE!
wah..cindy, so many things you are thinking of buying. hahah..happy shopping to you and those who are going to the isetan sale this fri.
i cant go...*sob*

Wanna to earn extra income need abt 30 mummies with babies age fr 6mths to 36mths to do a survey for 2 hrs

Interested pls call mdm Lum - 62874715
tell me about it man. Now that my boobs are sagging after one year of latching, all my old bras do not fit anymore. I have a sneaking suspicion that one has shrunk from pre preggy size in fact, so one big one small now. Oh Woe!
Date: 20 march, Sat
TIME: 12.30pm to 1.30pm
(COME EARLY BY AT LEAST 15min or it will eat into your play time as it endes ON THE DOT. Need to register, put on socks, take temperature etc etc inadvance)
Cost: $20 per non member / $12 per member baby (tanglin mall membership) for ONE HOUR gym time

*parents must put on socks. Babies to be barefooted

Note: this is not a class. No instructor will be present. We would be left alone to do our own thing, which is great cos the whole point is that we mommies want to catch up with one another in that 1 hour. And the best part is that our babies would be safe in this environment. Daddies won't get too bored since it is for a short time only. Besides, they'll probably get busy with our crawlers going amok at the gym.

Any small groups who want to chat for longer can always adjourn to somewhere else on their own.

CONFIRMED (max 25)

(1) Alfafa + hubby + bb gracie (paid $20)
(2) Inya + hb + bb Violette (I paid $12 on your behalf)
(3) lizy + hb + bb Vera (paid 20)
(4) Mangogal + hb + bb Caroline (I paid on your behalf $20)
(5) Sharlin + hb + bb (paid 20)
(6) Sunshinebaby + Hb + BB (paid 20)
(7) Lenny, Hubby &amp; BB Bree (paid 20)
(8) Piggysg + Hubby + BB Ryker (paid)
(9) babe kazooie + hubby + BB Shayna (Paid $20)
(10) teddybaby + hubby + BB (paid 20)
(11) idlecat + hubby + BB (paid 20)
(12) Strawberrys79 + BB (paid $20)
(13) wintertime + hb + BB (paid $20)
(14) jacqueline + hb + bb jovan (paid $20)
(15) P.seed + bb Alaia (paid $12)
(16) meebaby + bb + hubby (paid $20)
(17) Meerkat + bb (paid 20)
(18) Daphne (crosailo) + baby ugin (I paid $12 on your behalf)
(19) Jtho + small oli + big oli (I paid $12 on your behalf)
(20) fatfish + bb (paid 20)
(21) Sportyger + bb M (paid 20)
(22) babydreams + bb Dylan (paid 20)

Inya, Mangogal, Daphne, Jtho,
I have paid $12 on your behalf; $20 for Mangogal. bring cash on that day to pay me back yah?

See you on 20 March! Oh yes, all the ones paying $12 please please bring your membership card along on that day.
Any of your bb somtimes sitting in hunched back manner? My boy does that sometimes, though he can sit straight at other times...wonder if its norm or something wrong with his back?
Hi Kris, i would like to join, will contact Florence. Thanks

Re: 15% ecreative cake discount

1. Kris - 27/3
2. Bean (10/4 or 17/4)
3. Powerball - 27/3 or 28/3 or 2/4 (to be confirmed)
4. Ida (28/3)
5. Ida (28/3)
6. Ida (28/3)
7. dodos 10/4
9. juxta (17/4 or 24/4)
9. ipanpan (10/4)
10. HappyLittleWoman (17/4)
11. B512A (15/5)
12. Seabreeze (14/3)
13. moomoo2 (7/3)
14. shwufy (20/3)

You may email to [email protected], attn Florence and quote ur nick.
jus a bit of info abt the survey thing posted above. i called mdm lum. they r lookin for babies drinking frisogold 3, enfagrow, nan pro and progress gold... the othe milk powder brands already full
anyway, it the survey is conducted next friday 3pm. will get paid a sum... those keen cn go call n sign up!
(ps im not related in anyway to them la. jus that i called to enquire and i cnt go cos im wrking. sigh. plus kirs drinks similac... bummer...)
oh no... poor bb Jo. How is he today? Feeling better now? I hope Jo gets well soon. Jo's mummy, you take care too!
yo wintertime,
the one at hillview is by prosper and missycandy. I think there should be space to fit you in but I'm not sure. Best to check with prosper.

How often are you travelling? I'm also trying to take up a more local portfolio but that's been taken up by the old birds here. I'm stuck with Australia and China. Actually that's a huge improvement over my previous role, which covers North America as well, so I'm quite blessed already. Can't complain.

Gracie will be 12mths and 3 weeks old by this Sun. Weighing 9.6kg and looks very tall. didn't measure her recently but she looks like she gained some height since her last measurement at 75cm. A milk monstress that's what she is. Drinks milk 4 to 5 times a day and each time no less than 180ml, sometimes 240ml. Beh tahan. Eats well too except that she's teething again so her solids intake dropped recently.

She's progressing well i.e. can take more than 10 steps now. Just the other day she walked to both me and hubby to give us a hug each. *heart melt*

:) our little prince and princess are growing up so fast. Mixed feelings. Aiiiiiiiiiii
