(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

thks, but abit slow leh, already coming to 8mths soon, line still visible

how long do u cook porridge in slow cooker? Do u use norm temp water or hot water to start off with?

i boil the porridge on the stove for half an hours before I put it in the slow cooker. it takes about 2-3 hrs for the porridge to really cook like puree.
oh ya, i soak the rice the night before so it is softer/cook faster
wow so many babies able to call ma ma.
my girl called me once mum mum mum....but i wonder does she knows the meaning. or i think she is hungry
mine faded off already but the skin colour looked very dull

for porridge if i want it to cook faster i will add hot water in it..i using slow cooker. I never sock overnight cos i bought those brown rice (the organic elephant type)where it's stated don't need to soak
Cindy ...

Think I missed your msg ... I can meet on Fri ... is anyone else keen to meet this Fri??

Alfafa ...

Dunno if you will read this ... your hubby popped by last night to pass me the bag .... and #1 saw and ask him ...

YC: Uncle, why you send cake ar?? hahahahaha
Hi Blurgal,
I tink my girl was angry when we chgn her cloth...coz she shouted 'MA MA' very loud n clear. :p

Hi Sinmey,
So touch to hear that ur girl's action.

Hi mummies,
Btw,my girl dun like to sit...like to stand a lot..as if got needle poke her bum like tt...wondering is she wanted to walk?
maclaren techno xt, saw some discussion on this and tot i'll add my two cents' worth. Have been using it since my son was born and its been really useful, mainly becos there are four levels that you can adjust, from lying down to sitting straight up. I call it my magic stroller cos my son falls asleep really fast when he's in it.

i go back and check the brand..normally i cook around 9 plus then around 11 to 11 plus okie liao..
last time i use another method...i use normal brown rice then i go blend it..so it's smaller also never soak then use hot water to cook also quite fast

My boy crawling is like a worm, & oso unable to sit steadily need to support him from the back, orelse he will fall in front or side.

Oh yah.. he start calling 'ma ma' when he cranky but not looking at me, so hv no idea is he calling me or making sound to catch attention.


I do oso have the brown vertical lines ... wondering how long it will take to be disappear.

Hi Mummies,

Have your baby know how to hold bottles? mine very lazy to hold the bottles

tristan first word is BYE BYE BYE and waving his hands..

2nd word is papa and 3rd is mama or mum mum

don worry .. all will go well for u fashionista mama! :p

enjoy ur lunch w val. i cant make it. now on last minute exams revisions. we meet after my papers?

re: slow cooker
thanks for the tips mamas. now at least i noe hw to use.. hehe juz got my slowcooker back few days back.
congrats!! srumpee, yiyi and cf! sending showers of blessing to you girls from northern california!

So happy to see the thread resurrected. Thanks to all the happy news.

Btw, re MacClaren

Not true that it doesn't affect Singapore sets. My mom almost lost her finger tip 2 years back while hsndling my niece's stroller. She was in pain for 10 full minutes as my sis and the Japanese wait staff (they were on holiday in tokyo then) frantically tried to free her trapped finger. I thought it was an isolated case but I guess not.



hahahaha your #1 thought he has cake to eat? He's really cute. Saw the video you posted of him and his gf dancing on stage. ooohh such a serious young man. you must be so proud of him.
hey i will back on 3 dec. will self quarantine 4 a couple of days. saw some discussion on diy hair accessories.

anyone wants to come to my place to do DIY ornaments and for some fun and laughter? paiseh i was supposed to host this in sep/oct but got tied up due to last min travel plans.

a simple gathering lah. Bring your own supplies pls. But I do have hot glue gun thread and needles available. I want to make some stuff for gracie and thought it will be more fun to do together w friends.

i might just start classes on this in the future. this is play play only

let me know. my place is a bit small though so can't accomodate too many folks

cindy? missy?
seabreeze, just saw your msg, sorry eh! friday i am meeting up with some of my friends liao ahhaha appt made very fast cause it's only during the hols then i can catch up haha, networking. haha!

alfafa, count me IN!!! missy, i think can count her in too. hahaha..
Cindy ...

No problem ... anyway my goods from the BP just arrived ... think I better stay at home to clear the stuff ... should take a photo and show you all HOW MESSY the house is now *faintzzz*
Hi ling,
I also email TollyJoy and just got their reply: "We regret to say that we will not be having any warehouse sale this year." so sad!!!
I need new long sleeve long pant as pyjamas for my darling.

Hi missycandy,
Is printed coupon valid for Fox sales? then I have to print a few copies leh...
Halo, pink, seeya later

Queenie, ya hope to meetup soon wif u after exmas.

I miss the big gatherings use to hv at sassy place, so hope to meetup n catch with other mummies who hv nt meet for a long time :0
Hi mummies,

Any of you had c-section? How is your stitches ? Lately, I notice my stitches are reddish with another layer of fresh pop out,.... and itchy. Do any of you facing this problems ?
piggsg, teddybaby:
Was thinking of finding out more abt my c sectn scar. Saw your wipipedia link on keloid. think mine is the hypertrophic scar. Its still reddish. Didn't ask my gynea when will it fully heal. Should be healed (internally) i suppose? My scar doesn't itch though.
I suspect yours is keyloid, pls go to your gynae to get it treated...they are likely to inject steriod for you. Keyloid has to be treated quick, if not it will grow. I had two very bad ones on my chest, has been with me for years and still growing.
yes yes count me in!!! HAHAHA! BUT, im wrking office hours. and i dont have leave to take at the moment... only can take NPL
how ah? weekend can or not? btw, the mummies who will be keen are cindy, myself, keron&jeris, prosper & vicky. hee hee hee. these few i know la... kekeke...

idlecat - not sure if valid but the web posted it so i guess cn print n try...

im also waiting for the carters sale... how come no news yet ah... weird... shld be soon...
yes yes, count me innnnnnnnnnn. I am super hook to the ribbons liao..

sunshinebaby, i found out after my check up after birth. sian, but i think is common in women nowadays..

Hi missycandy,
Yes, printed coupon can be used. I just spent $195 (incl. $15 discount). HaHaHa... bought 5 pairs of shoes ($3 e.a), socks ($1/pair), rompers ($6 e.a), etc...etc... Can pay by NETS.
I also ve the scar and its seems like dark red (abit 'pop out' also) but not itchy.

yiyi!! u also preg?? haha congrats to u

My line also there plus the FATS as well!

I m keen! but muz see ur schedule then see can take off anot.usually fri pm i ve a higher chance to apply last min leave.

tristan can say bye bye liao ah? so good, we are teaching her tat. haha sometimes she ll wave but like AI MAI AI MAI like tat..
My gal wants to be carried to sleep recently and ll wake up crying if we put her on her own cot, in the end ve to put her on our bed. and realize tat she ll 'wake up' quite often (crying) and wriggles alot.She wasn't like this last time. wonder wat happen??

teething or separation anxiety? or maybe she is not feeling well in some way? my boy has days when he is like that, and then goes back to his usual self again. seems to coincide when he is displaying teething symptoms. also at this age they are requiring less sleep than before, so he is less willing to sleep in the daytime too. but i don't bring him to bed with me cos he still has to know the cot is for him to sleep in. at most i stay with him until he falls asleep. assuming she may be teething, maybe try some painkillers or teething gel for her and see if she is better?

mayb separation anxiety? Cos these few days she ll cry when we go to work, but at nite dunno y? Her bottom 2 teeth out liao leh, wonder how long this teething discomfort ll last?top one still no sign also. My hubby is going to ve backache sleeping with bb cos she ll occupy a big space in e center! Haha and he gotta sleep side way and cannot anyhow move about
my boy also some nites wake up middle of the nite and cry and we can't pacify him. Gotta put him to sleep with us, really no choice cos at 9kg now, we can't carry him for too long, plus middle of the nite, so tiring liao. Sometimes he may roll here n there on our bed and sleep in horizontal position, so both me n hubby no space to sleep too. Then sometimes he will move to opp end, with his legs kicking my face somemore. Most times, I end up not sleeping well as also worried he may roll off the bed, but i guess getting to lie on the bed is better than having to carry him for so long
Ya, tats exactly wat we are facing now.

i tried to pat her to sleep while sitting on her cot juz now( my hubby said cot gonna break soon!)haha no choice, i think she needs to smell me then can zzz but dun want her to ve the habbit to sleep in between us all the time. Hope she can sleep peacefully tonite by herself
~~~***X fingers****
Teddybaby, thanks for your info....

scrumpee, thks ! u r right! Better consult my gynea for the next visit .. 2 wks later for my last cevical jap. I.

PigPig, my itchy is ard the scar

My gynea did mentioned that internal healing needs almost a year to recover, thus, in the meantime I can't get pregnant.
count me in too..

wanted to do it myself (trying la.. not sure can make it ma ?)
also waiting for carter sales ...
haha ya lor.. he modify his bye bye hand sign from erm.. using the fingers to do the abu abu sound with their lips.. haha donnowad is that call.. so happy to see them progressing.. wonder wads next.. haha.
ok ok on. I think we can stop adding names liao. mY place not big enough. Wow would be fun! I will furnish drinks and chippies ok? Just come and play. Babies are welcome but I don't have a play yard so got to watch out for our precious crawling all over the place. hehehe

Missycandy (weekend)
Pig Pig (tentative, fri easier)

Weekend I cannot leh. Must be weekdays. Paiseh. I made something for my niece the other day. hehehe quite happy with it. Upload picture when I can

going skiing for the 1st time this weekend. a bit worried. bb is fine, bought a very pretty lavendfa plait snowsuit for her but i have nothing! no snow boots no gloves. die die.
alfafa, I am SOOOO EXCITED! finally I can put my ribbons to good use. hahaa. do i have to buy the snap clips? or the nonslip thing? u know, the huge amt of lace is really wasted csause tris has come to a stage where she pulls everything off her head! hahah!! clips are too small for her to notice. hoho...

CANNOT WAIT! and enjoy yourself this wkend! haha!! u really know how to dress and pamper your little Gracie!!

anyone used ergo and beco carrier b4 and can comment which is better? I'm using the jap carrier, but think now my boy getting heavier and can really feel the strain on my back after using it for sometime. Thinking of getting a better carrier which my hubby can also use. Currently, the jap carrier is too tight for him to use.
