(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Jas, i see..thks, cos still hesitating shld I take the vaccine cos I am still bfing...

Ann, hey my gal also 50th percentile, also average size baby...I miss ur gal, Baby K cutie face & her black hair!

<font color="aa00aa">was thinking of letting the bb to play n mix ard(read from somewhere that is always gd for bb to mix ard so tat they will not be autist) but i forgot i dun hv a playmat at hm...so if no volunteers no bring playmat.. can we confirm vivo which eatries to meet...or if anyone hv any preferences of places to gather...</font>
my boi oso can wave *bye bye*... he oso knows *gong xi gong xi*... now teaching him to 'Give' us watever in his hand... kakaka

i oso wanna join... =(
Hi Lizy,
which part of India? I remember my last business trip to India New Delhi many years ago, we went to our company doctor for accessment on all the necessary vaccine before flying there. In the end some of us still LS even though we avoid street food. North India food is not spicy and the local are fairer. Mostly vegeterian. I don't like the food there. There was once our clients invited us for lunch in a restaurant, it took us more than 1 hour car ride to reach there. We even have to hide our unfinished food (because really cannot take it; some of it is super sweet!) in our plate so that it doesn't look so bad. The place is not safe to bring children there. Not sure how's the condition now. Check the weather condition first as during hot season it can hit >40 degree, whereas during cold season, the wind can make you freeze.

I also have mommy's seperation anxiety! can't bear to leave my darling behind for a break. Thinking of going for cruise but till now still no action. HaHa... and haven't made bb passport.

BTW, anybody can advise how to book Royal Caribbean's "Legend Of The Seas" Cruise Ship? which tour agency?

Hi Sun,
Some cruise also come with land trip.

Now I agree that "the younger baby is, the more low-maintenance he is". As baby grow, the more things we need to bring along beside milk.

My bb also can wave "Goodbye" after I have been "teaching" her (by swinging her hand every times when bid goodbye to my mum when I fetch her home) and finally she starts to wave at 6mth+. Recently she seem to learn counting her fingers after following a TV ads. My bb is a TV addict. She got fav show one... and eyes will fix on the TV esp when got song or music. Haiz... BTW, not trying to "show off" here; just to share my joy too!

RE: Flying With Baby
FYI, http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/articles/flying_with_baby.htm
Hi Lizy, Me also no time to download the photos.. and now I realise that I din take much photos of him last month...

Wow.. so many babies can wave goodbye.. Zac still can't... but he will stretch his hand up when he wants us to carry him and will mumble "bua bua bua" as in "bao bao" (carry)..
Sun, wah Bryan is fast leh! We are trying to train Baby V "gong xi gong xi" now. Think should be on time for Chinese New Year. buahahhaha....! :p Or perhaps train her to say "Ho Ho Ho" first, since Xmas comes first. haha..

Idlecat, I'll be going to Chennai... Already taken Vaccine and Doc gave lots of medicine for me to bring along. Hopefully I can survive there... Oh thanks for the reminder, will definitely check the weather when I pack the luggage.

Baby V also watches TV loh. She loves advertisement coz got music and the ppl tend to have big movement. And also the Theme songs play before the shows start. Oh her favourite variety show is "Don't forget the lyrics" Taiwanese Version. I think our babies love music.

Lenny, Cool, cool! I'm sure you'll enjoy the trip with your hubby and Baby Bree.

Irene, ya sometime we're jus so bz that we forget to take pic of our little ones.... How I wish I can turn back time.
My girl has this annoying cough (lots of phlegm) for past 2 wks. Been to 3 pediatricians and feeding her medicine but the phlegm still there. My hubby sucks out the mucus from her nose 3 times a day but it only helps a little. The poor baby often has disrupted sleep due to itchy throat and phlegm in throat/nose. Anyone has any suggested remedies? Diet? TCM? Thanks.
Princess, cannot take leave la..eh can change ur timing on Mon @ Vivo to 1pm?
hee 1:30pm abit late for me if I am gng to meet u mummies:p
Hi Nancy,
My TCM doctor told me not to feed babies bananas as they cause phlegm.
You may want to bring her to TCM doctor since the PD medicine does not seem to work.
You can also rub Ru Yee Oil and warm her feet and put on socks when she sleeps.
idlecat and mommies..

about sharing what our babies can do..
I am sure most mommies who post in forum on their babies' progess have no intention to "show Off" or "Compare"

Most of us here are first time moms.. and we are just amazed and exhilirated by our babies.. and just want to share the joy.. pretty much on the same concept of why ppl blog.. or write a daily diary in the olden days.. kinda let it out.. be it joy, frustration etc..

even for mommies who are having their second kid, every child's progress is diff.. i am sure they are amazed and happy that their babies are thriving.. and giving them surprises daily..

so to all Mommies.. go ahead and POST!!! hahah..

i may speak for many mommies who may be silently reading but i speak for myself.. I will smile or laugh out loud when i read about our March's babies progress .. and i do feel sad if our babies are not feeing well..
YOYO, Mommies!! TGIF!! So long din login, not many posts to read... So quiet...

Agreed!! Dun feel that u gals are showing off... Must share ur joy with us, of coz can share ur woes here too...

What med did the 3 PDs give??

Can try Fluimucil 100? Can buy from pharmacy, it's in sachets form; not off the rack, have to ask pharmacist. Dun need prescription though. U may want to ask pharmacist the dosage for ur baby. My nephew has alot of phlegm, took it less phlegm now.

I miss BB C as well. Nowadays BB K sllep so much in the afternoon under my MIL care that she sleep at 12 midnight and wake up 3 plus for a feed and then wake up at 6 plus in the morning and play all the way. OMG...... seriously deprived of sleep.


There is this chinese TCM which includes baby Tui Na as well.. Try to go on weekdays as weekends is packed like crazy... like a madhouse with all the babies and their parents.

Yu Goh Chinese Physician
8-B Jalan Masjid #01-04 Kingston Terrace S418929
Tel: 6447 4761
Its a short walk from Kembangan MRT station
Hey Mummies,
Long time no post. Had been a silent reader too.. haha..
Wld like to check with mummies staying in tampines Blk 8xx, is there any good playgroup ard for 18mths onwards? Thanks.
<font face="trebuchet ms"> Hi Nancy,

me got my girl to ths Yu Guo too... Can opt to see <font face="arial black"> HUANG yi shi... </font>she'll do the tui na for your jr personally. unlike the big shot yi shi, after consulation, the tui na will be done by others tui na shifu lor... actually can take number in the evening, then you go early in the am next day for weekend... like this you gotta run 2 trips lah, but you dont have to wait for long long lor.... </font>
Any one interested in buying friso 2? I have one tin unopened. My baby doesnt like it. Exp date 28/07/2011. Can let go at $25.
hi all mommies.

so long nv post. i have become a silent reader on and off as well ...

Tristan is down with flu n cough since 16 oct till now. 1 whole week down on flu, juz when i thought he is about to recover, he started coughing since last thur. -Drive me crazy- but now. can see his flu has stopped. so pray pray pray hard he can stop coughing soon.

As for his growing up progession.. hmm he can stand up since early of this month if im not wrong. hope he can wave byebye soon. hehe.oh ya, he oni managed to crawl 1-2 steps. most of the time he move his body fro n back and pounce like a tiger. haha

Thanks for your all advice.
Isabel - do you mean rub Ru Yee Oil on her feet?
nd warm her feet
Ann/Reiner - ok let me talk to my hubby abt Yu Guo.
Yes, you should rub some Ru Yee Oil on the feet and continue rubbing until the feet feels warm. Then, wear tight socks to keep her feet warm throughout the night. It seems to relieve the cough symptoms. It was taught to me by my friends and I tried it on my older girl too. Seems to work. No harm trying.
For the Tuina, you can observe and ask the Doctor about the method to use. It is better that you do it yourselve at home every day too. Of couse, you must know the correct acupoints. Just ask the TCM doctor and they should be able to tell you.
I have been a slient reader too.

BTW, mummies who went for the Little Gym trial at Marina Square, will you sign up your little one soon?

I m going to sign my boy up for the 3 Jan to 13 Mar term. Sign up before 22 Nov can enjoy 10% discount, so you pay $394.20 inclusive of $50 one year membership. Classes is either on Sat,9.55am or Sun 12.05pm. I m going to take the Sun class. Hope to see some familar faces there.
<font color="0000ff">(mangogal added yr name in n had changed the timing to 1pm... think should be ok for the other mummies if not late also never mind lah)
date : 02/11 mon
time : 1pm
venue : (think we confirm at vivo lah cos i realise i dun hv playmat at hm unless someone volunteer to bring to my place)any suggestions??

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny
5) babe
6) Annmelody
7) Mangogal</font>
<font color="0000ff">date : 02/11 mon
time : 1pm
venue : vivo
pls state yr preference..pls also state whether if u bringing bb so that i can make reservation wif bb chairs..

1) Earle Swensen's #02-117
Tel: 6272 3306

2) White Dog Café
Tel: 6376 9970

3) Brotzeit German Bier Bar &amp; Restaurant #01-149-151
Tel: 6272 8815

4) Bakerzin #01-207
Tel: 6438 8700

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny
5) babe
6) Annmelody
7) Mangogal</font>
Princess in dreamland,

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny and Baby Bree
5) babe
6) Annmelody
7) Mangogal

Venue: i m fine with any of the proposed

i will going for trials at both little gym n gymboree before deciding which to sign up

If Its little gym, i would likely take Saturday at Forum as the timing fits bree more.. She now takes her dinner at 5.00pm - 5.30pm so she actually gets almost an hour break before her dinner.

If Its Gymboree, likely will be on Tuesday at 3.30pm at Tanglin Mall.. Harbourfront weekdays class timing that is right for bree only falls on Friday, but the current class are almost all 10 mths old.. Bree will be left out.. as for the weekends Play &amp; Learn Stage 2 and timing also not right.. both sat n sunday.. its bree's afternoon nap time.. hehe
oh how i wish i can join, but monday's still a normal work for me for now :p

I am really "injured" last few days. Keenan fell forward on me and while i was catching him, busted my ring finger. Whole finger swollen up and knuckle was almost twice its size. Turned blue the next day and PD gave 1 day MC (thats the only good part). So oh well, PD's advise, the moment it hurts, take out the ring, dont wait. My ring is still stuck in the middle like hamburger, the whole finger is all red coz the blood is not flowing in nor out, and all blue/black around the knuckles.
Then, Kee started using my nip as teethers again. Sometimes when we let him bite the hankerchief, he will be like "very geram" and clench his fists together and whole body shaking to bite the hankerchief. Like puppy to a bone. He partially does that to the nip, or maybe wrong latching position in the middle of the night for night feeds. So anyway, finger injured, nippies injured. Not to also mention back aching. He's like on a growth spurt or something, drink milk 3 times at night, from the lack of sleep, and backache from the "manual yaolan" service soothing him back to sleep...omg..one word....persevere.."pat on my own back"....

oh yah, he can't bye bye nor clap hands nor gong xi gong xi...but he can stand pretty well, like when he wakes up, he'll stand up in his cot to call for us and he's so much fun to have at the dining table joining us when we have our meals :p
Starflower, all injuries caused by Keenan..haha. But er...u went to see PD for your finger??

My boy can't bye bye too but as for gong xi, not sure if its intentional, but he does gesture that when he is playing with his own hands.

My hubby also asked me to check out the timing for Little gym at Forum, they have Sat aftern I think. Will find out more and update all to see if anyone is interested. Oh...but I will only start Eames in Jan 2010, a new term for the 10 to 19 mths old. He will be 10mths old by then, just nice.
Hi momz...been so long nvr log on...how r u all?

abel is currently 9+kg/70cm tall...jus turned 7 mths...

abt momz showing off wat bbs can do...tink itz e motherly pride tat hastens us to share w other momz...i share ur joy but hopefully, other momz don feel pressurized n end up 'training' ur LO to catch up...hohoho...every bb is unique...if he/she happy...they will reach their milestones in no time...jus b w them n enjoy them...

Christmas is coming...i gather many bbs here like to c light...bring them to Orchard n b bedazzled...
Princess in dreamland,

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny and Baby Bree
5) babe
6) Annmelody
7) Mangogal
8) Daphne Crosailo..

Venue: pls sms me in case i can't log in. Daphne will call me on mon morning to ask me for venue
<font color="0000ff">date : 02/11 mon
time : 1pm
venue : vivo (let confirm at earle swensen.. i will cal them up tmr n reserve the table.. will reserve 10+5 juz in case any mummies wan turn up can juz join in..)

Earle Swensen's #02-117
Tel: 6272 3306

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny
5) babe
6) Annmelody
7) Mangogal
8) Daphne Crosailo..

date : 02/11 mon
time : 1pm
venue : vivo (let confirm at earle swensen.. i will cal them up tmr n reserve the table.. will reserve 10+5 juz in case any mummies wan turn up can juz join in..)

1) Earle Swensen's #02-117
Tel: 6272 3306

1) fatfish
2) princess_in_dreamland
3) P.seed
4) Lenny and Baby Bree
<font color="0000ff">5) babe w/ baby Shayna</font>
6) Annmelody
7) Mangogal
8) Daphne Crosailo..

As promised, the Parent-Child Motor Development Class for 4 - 10 month-olds, BUGS schedule for The Little Gym

Their current Fall Term runs from 13 Sept to 5 Dec 2009 (a total of 12 weeks) and their Bugs schedule is as follows:

Wednesday 9:10 am - 9:55 am
Saturday 3:20 pm - 4:05 pm

Friday 10:15 am - 11:00 am
Sunday 4:10 pm - 4:55 pm
<font color="0000ff">date : 02/11 mon
time : 1pm
venue : vivo (let confirm at earle swensen.. i will cal them up tmr n reserve the table.. will reserve 10+5 juz in case any mummies wan turn up can juz join in..)

Earle Swensen's #02-117
Tel: 6272 3306

1) fatfish w/baby cadence
2) princess_in_dreamland w/baby ian
3) P.seed
4) Lenny w/baby Bree
5) babe w/baby Shayna
6) Annmelody
7) Mangogal
8) Daphne Crosailo w/baby u </font>
oh didn't know the friday BUGS class was available at marina sq? they told me it was canceled when i tried to enroll my boy for this term. BUGS class was pretty fun, except i got bored after the first few lessons cos some of the skills r repeated. attended classes with teachers Jerry n Zul. both r great in their own way.
hi all, been a silent reader too all these while...i'm getting on well n fine with elixir after the big turmoil...anyway my boy also cant do all the bye byes n gong xis though i kept doing it with him...but my greatest consolation is he can 'sayang mummy' n only mummy...hehe...when i say sayang mummy, he will place his hands on my cheeks n sayang me...so heartwarming...then i tried it on my sister but he refused to do it...

nites everyone...

careful of your finger. if the ring gets so tight the blood supply is cut off, it needs to be removed immediately - cut it off if need be. better u send the ring to be repaired than risk permanent damage to your finger.


i second to fireangel's suggestion.. go get it done soon to prevent complications

Great to hear that you and baby elixir is doing fine.. i think bb elixir is trying to encourage you and love u back for what you have gone through and done for his in the way that he knew he could.. *hugs bb Elixir* u are a good baby.. "Dong Shi"
