(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

welcome back!

bon voyage!

hahahha i dun feel anything, maybe becoz i m in bed playing with ziv..hehee

ya tris likes to buwee mommy le.. HAMMER HIM! lol

ogosh!! ur mil sounds like mine but nowadays i got too use to her nonsense just practically shut my ears from watever she says.. hahahaha.. bo bian la.. we r still under their roof.. so hugs.. ren yi ren ba.. :p
still not tat bad la, at least if being told then she still made tonic for ya, mine like practically dun made one lo.. hahahahah..

saw ur fb posting! hugs!!! y our bb r like tat!!??? ok next time gotta buy hammer n hammer them to sleep thru the night.. wahahahahhaha... but i think i drink alcohol to make him ma bor better.. lol

peps & queenie - thats for drinking coke... wahahaha!!! =P yes get the hammer!!! that day u nvr buy... lol!!!

eh dun eat also wil shit... lol!!!
i dun feel any earthquake leh... hmmm i only feel giddy but i think its becos im dehydrated la... LOL... not becos of the earthquake... =P
wow e mils tat r described over here qite a pain...hope e momz here can snap it out sn...b4 u go xiao!
Hi reverie,

your mil really talk like that? haiz..sometimes, they really talk without thinking one. can make others feel so terrible hearing them speak.
might as well dun talk. *pat*pat* just try to shut off, ignore her.
btw...anyone knows where to get nice children's birthday cakes? I actually enquire from cupcake divinity but they are either very slow with their response or they got too much business that they cannot be bothered with mine. I've decided to try others...anyway can recommend?
nhs seem always short of staff
is e test difficult?
how long is e test?
what kind of question they ask?
aiyo.....can reject one?
An update on Toys r us sale at United Sq. Wah, alot of pple in the afternoon, maybe its children's day, so many parents there with their kids. And its really messy, maybe becos I was there in p.m. Must really dig and find to get ur stuff. But bear in mind its sold as IT IS. Some boxes are torn and some maybe faulty, hence there is a TESTING queue where one test electronic items to ensure its working first as there is no refund or exchange. This queue took forever. And then there is the cashier queue, not as bad as the TEsting q b though. Lots of Activity tables for sale. Some high chairs too, saw the Chicco one at $80, not sure if its the same one some of u talked abt. I managed to buy the FP grand piano. UP $139, sale @ $105, and then there is an additional 15% today. So bot at $90. I only saw 1 pc of it and its right at the bottom of the rack. Not sure if they will replenish. Wanted to buy the leapfrog caterpillar (not the plush one), but its faulty. Heng the piano is not, else wld have q up for nothing. Good thing is with $50 purchase, u get their membership card for lifetime.

Now am having aching shoulders and legs for standing so long and carrying the bulky toy all the way home as hubby din go with me.

Alfafa, thks for ur reply. U must be up to ur neck now with packing and taking care of 3dogs + baby. Enjoy your USA trip!
strawberrys - some of the cupcake ppl ... have the "sekit atas" character... i cnt recall which one i asked as well.. then can tell me busy see how... -_-" ask me go find others... and they didnt phrase it nicely... it was macham one kind la.... pissed me off... you can actually search online... there are many pple doing cakes... il list a few webs for you....









see soooo many!!! heee but frm the looKs of it, i might get yummyumkins to do cake/cupcakes for Kirs's 1yr old burfdae... hee

the test is done on a computer - machiam driving theory test.i can't remember much of it but i think they give u like more than an hour. i think i finished it in 30 mins. everything they ask is from the big purple book from here http://www.lifeintheuktest.gov.uk/ and it's not difficult. there are some practice questions if u google 'life in the uk test' too, eg http://www.hiren.info/life-in-the-uk-test/1

i think it's a waste of time lah, but if u have to take it don't stress too much over it
came in to rant again. haha so buay paiseh ;PPP

So we want to book tickets to go back next year ard CNY. SIA has only two categories of seats for kids/babies - infants <2yo,>2yo. The former on a long haul flight gets a bassinet, and the latter gets a proper seat.

So I asked the salesgirl: at that time my son will be 11 months old - too big for a bassinet surely. Her reply was that if he can't get a bassinet as he won't fit into one, he will have to stay on our laps. On a 13 hour long -haul flight. Yah right.

Guess what the price difference between an infant seat and a child seat is? 85 pounds vs 545 pounds.

Bloody day light robbers $!$#@$#@^%$#&amp;^%$*$&amp;^%#^&amp;
Hi Seabreeze and Missycandy,

Thanks for the links!
Wow..seabreeze..the cake really looks very nice.
So far i've tried cupcake divinity cake..but i find it ok only. edible la. But their service not very good..so i better give them a miss.
sinmey, I PMed you
oh man, I have never been back packing. Always thought about it but never had the guts. where have you been to? I'd love to do Bhutan, Patagonia, Macchu Pichu!

dianajs, cindy, princess, minnie24, p3pp3r, Hi and thanks
We feel so naughty doing this but everything just fell into place so we thought why not. Hope A will be a good girl for her grandma next 3 nights... I'm sure my mum thinks I an irresponsible twat for doing this but she agreed cos she hasn't seen the little one in 3 weeks. It's all in the timing haha

Areya, it is indeed a ripoff! I saw a mum on the same flight back from Paris. She had two kids under 4. One in a seat, one on her lap. She did not have it easy I can tell you that. Anyway at 11 months, the bassinet will be suitable only for baby to sit up in. A could barely fit in the bassinet this time round and she kept wanting to pull herself up and out. Good luck in finding something suitable!

missycandy, I'm still waiting for answer from my sis, sorry to keep you waiting! Remind me next week if I forget k? She seems to prefer the short handle but my mum took a beige short handle so she's trying to persuade my sis to take the dark long handle for variety haha, smart

sportyger, thanks for coming to pick up, for sunshinebaby and vernice too. Sorry I was so out of it.

Thanks to sportyger, jean, catherine and alfafa who helped to keep me awake today. If not for you girls, I would have slept all arvo again. I did pass out for the whole evening though. Eating crackers with boursin now cos I missed dinner.

Jojo, Vernice, SB, Fatfish, Foocj, I'll finalise the amounts by next week and transfer to you/e-mail you my account no. Still trying to unpack, do laundry and find my Longchamp receipt! There is the tax refund slip if you need proof of purchase in any case.
***busy busy packing***

thanks all for your well wishes. Teddybaby, wow you really got it at a steal. Lucky you. Your baby must be thrilled with the new toy

****** back to packing ******

p/s very irritated cos my SIL's family told me they have some foodstuffs that they want me to bring over. Foodstuff, I thought, ok no problem.

In the end guess what they brought over? A 25kg luggage full of books and foodstuff. #@%$^%&amp;^ I'm not flying directly to san fran leh. Hello??!!! I am going to Seoul first for a 4.5day holiday before proceeding to frisco.

Blardi hell

damn pissed off now

Think we would have to spend more $$$ to deposit luggage at the seoul airport liao.

**** really back to packing now*****

see ya fellas in dec!!! thanks again for your well wishes. I might still pop in on fri lah cos my flight is fri 11.50pm. depends on whether I am done packing, bathing the blardi dogs, finish the giraffe gift I promised to hand deliver to my friend in california (sob sob havent even have time to start yet)
by the way, from other thread
mother n baby mag.
hort park event
4th oct Sun

9am-1.30pm:free admission at The Gardening Hub.
8.30: start collect goodies bag, register for huggies dnim catwalk, explore park.
11:-heinz baby food-facts
11.30: nutrition tops
12: entertainment
12.30 JWT kids gym
1pm:lucky draw

type a real long message to mummies n end up computer fail me......


Thanks for your consolation on MIL but aiya...aft so many years and confrontations... now we juz give way and more considerate towards each other. She's a nice lady juz that can't expect her to treat me the same as her sons nor daughters. They wun b that heartpain for you. but give n take lor....wat to do... afterall now that we are mummies - we learn to "ren" more and I guess more understanding on how they might have felt. btw MUMMIES, YR MIL COULD BE GOING THRU MENOPAUSE!!!!!

Count me in as I will be in town for mtgs next week. PM on the details can as I dun log in that often due to work. Now in forum as doing reports to submit early tomorrow morning... sian...

Do hv a gd trip! Take the food stuff n call your SIL family say u cant manage the rest la.. Tell them to courier there themselves....so damn inconsiderate. Terrible!!!

U real gd. Can be non confrontational all these 5 years and yet not talk to yr MIL.... Pei Fu....

Welcome bk!

PM me if you dun hv my contact. Wanna pass you the contact of a gd PD. He's an very experienced PD that I've been bringing my kids when I sense their illness is going to be serious. Expensive but save your the trouble of all the incorrect diagnosis...so in a way wat u spend is the same but minus all the pain.
Morning! Been quite busy since my parents are back and now they're heading off to Aussieland for a short trip. Thankfully bb pooped big time yesterday after 4 days. Started on pumpkin which she doesn't seem to enjoy as much. Will start apple puree today.

My friend does beautiful cupcakes though I'm not sure how the pricing compares to the rest. Can check out her website.

Welcome back!

Hope everything's settled. Have a safe trip and enjoy your holiday!
morning mummies


my mum n hb will be bringing my boi for his last jab this morning... hopefully he'll be ok tis wkend... =p
actually tot of bringing him out tmr but since he just had his injection today, think will choose to stay at home instead...

This is the 3rd jab? my bb din have any problems for the 3rd jab so your bb would most probably be fine too..

eh... yesterday I working... only went to alfafa's place during lunch to collect some toys that I am borrowing from her cos gracie would not be using. Alfafa's place is near my work place mah.. Since I need somewhere to eat my lunch, i tapao there for all to eat cos poor alfafa dont have time to cook!
Hi all,

Found another website that has a good selection of baby food recipes. Notice there's a lot of conflicting ideas/theories on introducing solids... read until i sian.. now i just make sure there's no adverse report on the food item, then heck care and just introduce.. lol.
Good morning mummies,

A tired mummy reporting in today. Baby H Y woke up at 2plus to cry and then at 6plus to cry until my alarm clock rings. Probably only slept 2 hours. Now feeing quite giddy. He didn't drink any milk too. Wonder wats wrong with him. Could it be that he is teething too? Oh yes, last night caught him crawling army style. my hb say crawling style very macho. wahhahaha..

Hi P.seed and the rest,

Anyone going for the hort park event? If you all are going i will pop in too.

Hi Babe,
Thanks for the link. Does the cupcake / cakes your friend makes taste good?
i prefer to go by word of mouth. Cos im ordering for my relatives.
Yep her cakes, cupcakes tastes good but I've never ordered from her as she bakes for her friends' parties and gatherings all the time and we've always enjoyed them. I think especially if you have your own ideas of what you like, she'd be a good person to help you customise it. I find her designs simple yet delightful as you will see from her gallery.
my boi had his jab... the PD advised us to stick to NAN Pro1 till he's 1 yr old... reason being NAN Pro1 more towards BM whereas NAN Pro2 more towards cow milk...
since my boi poo once a wk, he advised better stick to NAN Pro1...
but he commented he might poo often once we increase his solid food n ask ask to monitor him...
btw, anyone giving pxxxx jab to yr bb? if the jab given b4 1 yr, need to jab 3 times at 2 mths interval... if aft 1 yr, then only need to jab 2 times...
wondering should give him the jab now or aft 1 yr old...
wan the EAST mommies send u off at airport?
awwwwww so long ! dec then u will be back. i will miss u alot!

thanks for ur wishes dear. my small tiny white bobo is home now . haha now i realised many dogs name BOBO. haha. recuperating from the dislocated hind legs. think he quite badly traumatised.

My bb basically got 3 pneumococcal jabs together with the oral rotavirus doses and 5 in 1 jabs. Only went 3 trips, 2/ 4/ 6 months to get all done. She'll be getting her flu jabs at 7 and 8 months, too.
fireangel, thanks for e infor

Pumpkinseed, now i scratching my head, wonder my girl will be good travelling 12hrs flight, which airline did u travel when u go back paris?

mummies, do u encounter ur bb dont wan to drink milk n play w teat when feeding them, mine spend 30min onli manage to drink 2-3oz n fall asleep :S

Alfafa, bon voyage! enjoy ur holiday
oic... my boi had his oral rotavirus together with 5 in 1 jabs which completed today...
PD advised 2 mths later then give him the pneumococcal jab... i'm thinking i hv to go another 3 times to settle tis jab for him... argh...
It's okay to take it after 1 yr but personally I'd take your PD's advise. My hubby and I are always worried about bb falling sick because we're always taking bb out and travel quite a bit.
sun, we also let Baby V take the pneumococcal jabs. Also need 3 jabs. The first one was scheduled this month. Sian right... I didn't expect 3 were needed when I said I want the pneumo jab for V. Everytime we sent V for vaccination, she sure will have fever one. I think this pneumo jab will give her fever too... Hai... poor girlgirl..
Pumpkin, Got your pm .. Thanks

Thinking of this also make me excited .. haha
hmm, been backpacked to Thailand(from south to the Burma border but in few seperate trip lar), Korea(i traveled there in yr 2002 which Korea is not a famous travelling spot that time), Philipines(boracay is my favorite and i saw ur photos in FB, i went during mar-may when i think is better season), Cambodia, Vietnam, Egypt, Sikkim(north India, near borders to Tibet).
Wanted to go Machu pichu(haha, i wanted to backpack south america...), north India, Tibet, east/north europe and NZ .. but i need at least a mth to travel these location so always end up with other location, as I can only get 3 wks for my trip each time.
Hmm, where is my next location ??? i want to go North India/Tibet next, but with baby is a little bit difficult. See if i can convince hb to go without bb or hb stay at home with bb .. haha. But i think i have to stop bm first which might be next year liao ..
Queenie, help me to give your Bobo a hug and a few pats..? Poor Bobo... Or give him tummy rub.. hee.. my Bobo loves it everytime I do these to him and he'll close his eyes somemore and enjoy.
my period came last week &amp; the BM really drop like hell(like 30% dropped).. somemore baby Moiiesha drinks more these weeks(growth spurt??) and she had depleted all my reserved.. i am thinking to give her FM for the night feed, don't know if she can accept it ..
Will my BM supply back after the period stop ?
I'm bringing Andrique for his 1st pneumococcal jab this mth. Next 2 will be @9mth n 1 yr. Dun wan him to have too many jabs at 1 time so start pneumococcal jabs after he finishes his 6-in-1/rota. So Heartpain to see him taking so many jabs...Doc says it's ok to take at 1yr if u not bringing bb overseas.
sinmey, for the last 2 times when I had my period, my BM did drop but went back after period. Ever since my first period, I had already substitute one feed with FM. No choice, my girl is drinking more but I can't increase my BM... the most is just to maintain the amt of flow... I think my third is coming coz my BM drops again and have been having pre-menstrous syndromes like backache etc... aiyoh... super sian leh...
huh ? each time period come BM will drop.. lucky it will be back after period over. I am only worry that bb dun wan to drink FM as she is on TBF all this while.. anyway, i will try to give her tonight .. haha

been a tiring week. my girl is still not well yet. brought her for a blood test on wed and PD said she has bacteria infection, so took an antibiotic jab and need to be on a course of antibiotic. fever still going up and down.

glanced thru some posts..
Lenny, seems like there's a stalker here who keep tracks of your postings.. gosh.. that person must be darm free to do this to you. Hopefully she/he will read what we wrote here and stop harrasing you.

brought Zac for his last Hep B dose. He weighs 8.5kg and is 70cm tall now. Poor Zac is now at my grandma's place, cos need to seperate him with the sister.
