(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Good Morning mummies

east side gathering can call me? if wkdays quite difficult cos of work unless i on leave. who is the HEAD for east side? haha

any comments on the spoon tat hazel/cindy have?I wanna get b4 the taka fair ends.

anyone (east side) going to the bash can help to collect one food jar for me? if ve then i can collect from u after this sat..thanks


me also stay in AMK..
opp bishan park
Morn, had a tiring nite! Good thing I am on leave today!
Not sure if Caroline is teething she was cranky n cried till 1:30am then sleep, then 2 hrs later at 3am plus she cried so latch her on to sleep at near 4 am...till morning 8 plus...shag!

Hiaz..my poor hubby is even more tired as we took turns to pacify her last nite..he gt so busy these few days bcos of the preparation of army open house..yesterday he told me he might not be able to go for Sat bday bash, if not need to ask my mum to replace him. Burn the weekend off w/o hubby

How to chk the gum? I didnt see any white pearlie frm her gum leh...
I stay at AMK Ave 3 near bishan park too. But I like ur place, opp bishan park. Can bring bb to park just using the stroller.

Hee hee.. but until now i havent bring bb there yet... dont think i can handle her plus stroller if half way she wants to get out of the stroller.. lol.. probably start going when hb is back.. hee hee..

if teething, u only need to suffer 3 days max..
wah.. very fast got teeth leh.. dont know when my gal's teeth would come out.. i hope not so soon.. prefer hb be ard to share the "problem" with me when it happens.. lol..but hor.. my MIL say my hb's first tooth only came out at 1 yrs old.. i was like.. so late, u sure??/
<font color="119911">Seabreeze
Let me know if Inya tt you? If not, I can pay for her first. Thanks.</font>

re: Food Jar

The BP Seller has replied to say that she can arrange for delivery by this sat - in time for our bash.


Please let me know your order so that I can inform her the items to bring down for the delivery.

Food Jar (Pink)
1. Seabreeze
2. Prosper
3. Lenny Susanty
4. Pei
5. Sportyger
6. pumpkinseed
7. daphne crosailo kang
8. Queenie
9. babe kazooie
10. Inya <font color="0000ff">(*babe will collect on her behalf)</font>
12. Kat

Food Jar (Blue)
1. minnie24
2. babydreams
3. jaszho
4. irene
5. sung
6. dragonbee (to be collected by sunshinebaby)

Food Container JCG500P $40
1. missycandy

pls tt $33 to POSB Savings 193-13734-2 and I (Seabreeze) will pay her everything at 1 go. I have gone back to the order list and included names of those that I know will be attending the bash.

I will confirm with her the number tom first thing in the morning so that she can get the stock for us.
Aiyo Asura, I hope she only cranky last nite...:p I dun want her to start teething so fast..hopefully wait at least 8 or 9 months old!

MY fren's son, who is 1 yr 1 month old just graduate to frm bo guay club!
Want to ask, any mummies using California Baby Calendula Cream or Dr Lily Aloe Vera Gel? Which is better? My boy's feet around the ankle is quite dry &amp; reddish.

haha... yah.. i hope too.. they look cute being bo guay.. and still latching now.. so dont wish for tooth to come out.. lol
By the way, just to share. I saw NTUC selling this organic baby food (comes in applesauce, carrots, peas &amp; rice, apples &amp; apricots etc.)The jar just stated Organic Baby and it's selling at $1.99 Never seen this 'brand' before.
Oh.. Is it? I'm trying to make puree from fresh food now, abstaining from food jar. Kekeke.. Was just curious to see it at normal NTUC outlet.
thanks for the compliment
yeah can dress up gal gal.. so will spend more money on clothes haha. my hubby ban me from buying more cos will outgrow very fast. Some clothes only wear once or twice now cannot wear liao.

perhaps your gal teething or just feeling cranky last nite. Hope she'll be ok and sleep well. Once a while my gal didn't sleep well, will toss n turn. Next day will be ok.

so far i have not brought my gal out on my own too, always with hubby or my mom. Not sure if i can handle her alone heehee.

Oh... i actually bring her out on my own quite often. But usually to friend's house or gatherings or lunch.. never to park on my own...

me opposite from u.. have been using those food jar cos bb dont eat a lot yet.. when she eat more, then i start making, then all the food jar reserved for when go out... hee hee..
<font color="ff0000">dragonbee/sharlene</font> - heehee i only lived a few floors below <font color="ff0000">asura</font> so we can having gathering over here

<font color="ff0000">lizy</font> - urs 1st day ah? mine now 2nd day but flow quite light leh

<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - call me on fri then but hor u must identify who's which cos i not following leh.
oh then u better than me heehee.. the only time i bring her out alone is when I fetch her to and from my mom's place everyday hahaha
<font color="ff0000">lizy</font> - i don experience cramps not even during pre-preg days but tummy just feel weird.

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - if i were u, I will just stay at home since DH supported u anyway.
Wow just came in and saw the string of happy birthday wishes...

THANK YOU THANK YOU MUMMIES...i'm v v touched...thanks for the kind wishes... =) realli make up my day =D
re: Food Jar

The BP Seller has replied to say that she can arrange for delivery by this sat - in time for our bash.


Please let me know your order so that I can inform her the items to bring down for the delivery.

Food Jar (Pink)
1. Seabreeze
2. Prosper
3. Lenny Susanty
4. Pei
5. Sportyger
6. pumpkinseed
7. daphne crosailo kang
8. Queenie
9. babe kazooie
10. Inya (*babe will collect on her behalf)
12. Kat

Food Jar (Blue)
1. minnie24
2. babydreams
3. jaszho
4. irene
5. sung
6. dragonbee (to be collected by sunshinebaby)
7. princess_in_dreamland

Food Container JCG500P $40
1. missycandy

pls tt $33 to POSB Savings 193-13734-2 and I (Seabreeze) will pay her everything at 1 go. I have gone back to the order list and included names of those that I know will be attending the bash.
pinksorbet, happy happy birthday!!!

alamak late for my date. come in here to report first


I just successfully fed HT brown rice cereal + pumpkin puree with my boon spoon. Consistency is thicker than the usual pre made bottled purees somemore. Still cannot find my cap. Nevertheless I thought I'll use my spoon anyway by holding it upright till I reach the destination lor. I also left like 3 teaspoons of the puree in the baby cubes to feed her with normal baby spoon before I leave. In case she cries in the cab. Took me 5min to feed her the normal way cos it was messy with food on the underside of the spoon. THen I thought, aiyah heck lah, might as well feed her some befor I leave with my boon spoon since I have it prepared liao. WOW she finished 3xTBS of HT cereal mixed with 1TBS pumpkin puree plus thinbned with water in less than 10 min. Comparing the two feeding methods the boon spoon won hands down man. No food on the underside on the spoon plus once she opens her mouth for more and I inserted my spoon in, I can keep squeezing more food into her mouth as she hungrily laps everything up. Damn fast!

Cindy, hope this answers your question.

Still cannot find the cap though


gotta run liao. Late again. Heeee super busy so hardly post, either "working" or out all the time. In fact slept at 5.30am this morning busy with new craft work.

see ya!
Happy Birthday Pinksorbet!

u got pm

hahha.. yesyes.. actually mommies in mar thread super funny one.. will mass sms out if there's one in the east..

dun worry.. got ur no, will let u know in before hand if there's any gathering, actually no head la.. just some actives mommies from the side who gathered more oftenly.. me n queenie r one of them n annmelody is makan queen who always chio all out for lunch one.. hehehe.. if to say bedok.. hmmm i think i m the only mommy active in most gatherings liao..
re: Food Jar

The BP Seller has replied to say that she can arrange for delivery by this sat - in time for our bash.


Please let me know your order so that I can inform her the items to bring down for the delivery.

Food Jar (Pink)
1. Prosper
2. Lenny Susanty
3. Pei (paid)
4. Sportyger (paid)
5. jtho
6. Queenie
7. babe kazooie (paid)
8. Inya (*babe will collect on her behalf)
9.fatfish (paid)
10. Kat

Food Jar (Blue)
1. minnie24 (paid)
2. babydreams
3. jaszho (paid)
4. irene
5. sung
6. dragonbee (to be collected by sunshinebaby) (paid)
7. princess_in_dreamland

Food Container JCG500P $40
1. missycandy
2. Seabreeze

pls tt $33 to POSB Savings 193-13734-2 and I (Seabreeze) will pay her everything at 1 go.

I have informed the seller on the order already.
ivy &amp; vernice,

Think the new offer will not be attractive.. cos a few of my colleagues who left due to the sme reasons as me were asked to go back as well, but they end up working for our competitors.. that's how pissed some of us were with our new management

the items that you asked about. one is for us to bring food out.. i used to bring my own lunch to work and i use thermos container. as fot the other two.. its hotflask.

if you want.. can buy smaller one to contain hot water, then u can use the ater to make milk or creal for baby A.

else.. use it to store cold fdrink and then drink if while u are suntanning at your pool?
we can use it for our kids when they go to school? like preparing lunch for them and let them bring to school.. my mum used to do that for me when i was a kid. i was so looking forward to my lunch everyday. hehehe
if i prepare my own apple puree, wat should i mix to make it more watery huH?? coz aft i steam the apple n mash it... tink the texture is kinda rough hor...
