(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

hi mummies!

my 2nd day as sahm n 1st day alone! phew, i really admire all the sahms here - pumpkin, alfafa, lenny, etc. not easy to entertain our little ones and you can still find time to come online! haha i only managed to sneak in for a while then bb "calls" me liao :p

yest bot my little boy for his 5-in-1 jab, got slight fever again. hee he's 7.6kg and 68.5cm at 5mths 2 wks. was cranky after the jab and refuses milk today. dun know why, yest was fine but today he only took slightly less than 100ml from morn till now. latch only once for abt an hr at noon time. wonder if he's hungry. kept offering him milk in the bottle but he suck less than 10ml then refused. aiyaah worrying.


the girls are so cute!

pig pig,
u 52kg ah? Me too...and have been for the past 3 months liao..never reduce..sob sob. I also wearing L now...PS..if u want to feel better, buy bottoms from Bossini..their sizes are "deflated" one..ha ha..I bought a pair of shorts size 27 and when I was trying them on, I was so happy I thought I slim down liao but when I go back and measure my waist..it was actually still 30! Sigh, happy for a short while only!
ohh seabreeze, add me pls. i'll tt to you by tom k

<font color="0000ff">
re: Food Jar

The BP Seller has replied to say that she can arrange for delivery by this sat - in time for our bash.


Please let me know your order so that I can inform her the items to bring down for the delivery.

Food Jar (Pink)
1. Seabreeze
2. Prosper
3. Lenny Susanty
4. Pei
5. Sportyger
6. pumpkinseed
7. daphne crosailo kang
8. Queenie

Food Jar (Blue)
1. minnie24
2. babydreams
3. jaszho
4. irene
5. sung

pls tt $33 to POSB Savings 193-13734-2 and I will pay her everything at 1 go. I have gone back to the order list and included names of those that I know will be attending the bash.

I will confirm with her the number tom first thing in the morning so that she can get the stock for us.
he had fever plus vomited twice yesterday nite and wee hr this morning....

will be great if you are driving to pick up your prince then swing by my plc to pick up the swimsuits. Shld be quite light, i can bring down to throw inside your boot, better dun strain your back....
Sung, it is norml for baby drink less milk after jab cos I encounter this prob before..I gave Caroline bottle she refuse to drink, so I latch her on for comfort and she suckel as to reduce the crankiness, u may try latching on for 1st 2 days after the jab
<font color="ff0000">pigpig</font> - at least urs come 2 mths later...mine like only 1 week lor so irritating!

big tummy - now that i hurt my waist right, i am wearing this waist binder and i find it quite food leh...very firm and the sinseh said some of his patients tummy got flaten after wearing some time. so i am always on this binder when awake hoping it can flatten my tummy and guard my back at the same time
<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - u let me know lor...see if the swimsuit will arrive this Fri. Today already Wed leh..can make it?
glad to c u bk online! you were the first amongst us to give birth and it's wonderful to see how pretty your little girl is now
she's so fair and such a pretty lady.

haha me too so far has never bot bb out alone yet. planning to do tat else tink i'll go crazy stay at home alone with bb everyday haha! :p
ok, thanks so much!

just realise your boy sick. hope he'll be better soon!

your back must take care hor. i juz went see tcm yest for my back too. now got to take yucky chinese med but hopefully can feel better soon! reminder, no heavy stuff!
haha so funny u ..happy for awhile only. urs 30.mine ard 32+ to 33! but these few days i think abit bit bit smaller liao, i can wear my M size panty liaoz.

i bot this pink binder from guardian seems good also cos got an extra belt @ tummy area for us to tighten it further. But lazy to wear now
oic, thanks! i was worried today,wonder why he's not drinking. then i try to latch him on more for comfort. thanks!
your 3 princesses are so cute! loves their innocent expression. you get triple our joy, stress, tiredness and fun! haha, zhen de tai liao bu qi le! can't wait for an opportunity to see your gals in person, wow!
<font color="ff0000">yuki</font> - ya lor..thats why my hb asked me if i want to buy another one so can interchange and wash heehee

<font color="ff0000">sung</font> - what did the doc say abt ur case? no heavy stuff? difficult leh..cannot resist carrying my boy

<font color="ff0000">pigpig</font> - wear lah... mine also something like that. in the middle got a xtra strap to tighten further, also got 4 metal strips behind my back to support the back. still quite ok, getting used to it
wow u veri on hor..my passion always dies off veri fast except for MAHJONG-ing..
i dun feel comfy wearing it at work leh,it somehow push my bra/breast up like very 'fake' like tat..mayb shld start wearing it at nite to zzz

the spoon gd to use? if good, i wanna ask my sil to buy from taka she got extra 10%
<font color="ff0000">pigpig</font> - me bo bian got to guard my back now. I understand what u mean by squeezing..so i try to wear loose clothings now
i got old injury so said is i injure again. thru how i oso dun know. everytime i know is coz pain comes, sianzzz. haha d tcm doc said ok to carry bb leh jux not other heavy stuff :p haha! i still carrying, mine more painful when sitting, standing still ok haha.
Your 3 princesses so cute...must be a handful to handle 3 babies at the same time, but will be so nice of them to grow up together. San1 Duo3 Jin1 Hua1. Do you get alot of admiring stares when you bring them out?

If u can't find the lid of the spoon and need to get a new one, sms me, I help u to get one on Fri if I m going to Taka fair. Err...but if OG is cheaper like what Mangogal said, u can get a new one at OG lor. I know is very frustrating when u lost a part of an item and it can't work becos of that.

Baby contest
Wow...saw many new photos in FB, but hor..some mommies post pics of their babies only. Do note must be pix of babies with family members. Right Pumpkin?
sung: haha, yea triple the stress and $$. but at least i can close factory in one shot. I have never dreamt that i will have 3 kids.

yuki29: erm, i didn't shave their hair, just cut it at home. i will hold bb and my mum cut the hair. i don't find any difference in the volume of hair when it grows out, but it's more fine and silkier now.

srumpee: yup, when we bring my girls out, a lot of pple will do a double take and asked us if they are triplets. but sometimes hor, strangers will just come over and touch my girls.
<font color="119911">anyone knows if we can create an album just for the contest?

cos some pics are not for the contest i presume..</font>
i tried keying my email add but cant be posted. dnt know y. is it i have 2 pm u?

i also c-section but i dnt have e numb feeling lei.but sometimes i do have ants crawling feeling. but gynae said it's normal.hehe
<font color="119911">Seabreeze

Thanks for organising
re: Food Jar

The BP Seller has replied to say that she can arrange for delivery by this sat - in time for our bash.


Please let me know your order so that I can inform her the items to bring down for the delivery.

Food Jar (Pink)
1. Seabreeze
2. Prosper
3. Lenny Susanty
4. Pei
5. Sportyger
6. pumpkinseed
7. daphne crosailo kang
8. Queenie
9. babe kazooie
10. Inya

Food Jar (Blue)
1. minnie24
2. babydreams
3. jaszho
4. irene
5. sung

pls tt $33 to POSB Savings 193-13734-2 and I will pay her everything at 1 go. I have gone back to the order list and included names of those that I know will be attending the bash.

I will confirm with her the number tom first thing in the morning so that she can get the stock for us.
northvirgo.. planning for our babies can be very stressful. but their smiles and laughter is enough to make the stress go away (sort of go away heehee)

my boy has increased body temperature after his jabs. 1 day for 1st jab, 2 days for 2nd jab and half a day for 3rd jab. the more jabs he takes, the higher the chances of fever. the highest temperature he had was 37.4 degrees which is not high at all.
Well-traveled mummies, hope can help with some questions.

Which airline would you use if you travel to US? Northwest? American Airlines? SIA? EVA?

What are the things to note when traveling with babies?

and most importantly.... What goodies should I buy in US???
<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - u also come for some time liaoz ah? sigh...tot can delay a bit hor..enjoy wingless days

<font color="ff0000">donroxx</font> - maybe i a bit biased. but i stick to SIA as much as possible. UA and AA not good in terms of entertainment. Cathay still ok. Northwest havent tried before.

For bb, bring layered clothings cos aircon is very cold at times.

Goodies - depend on which part of US u at. But Coach and Kate Spade are all time fav.

<font color="ff0000">sung</font> - oh carry bb not considered heavy ah? heehee ok
i also standing walking no prob but get up from sitting position got prob.
Girls, I have a few items for loan.
They need to be collected by 7th Sept 5pm from my place. Just need to return when you are done with them.

- Bumbo (reserved by starflower)
- Ikea high chair and tray in white
- Playmat with inflatable sides, looks like swimming pool. Good to put our little roti pratas in when you need to leave them alone for a while.

kinda received a message from my ex-company today.. asking me if i am keen to go back to work.. haiz..

early this yr, our company restructured with a new management and my whole department was posted out of SG.. i was then preggie, so can't move out and had to leave cos the management do not want to accomodate my situation. I was given the other alternatives but i chose to leave cos i was pissed with the new Management and their beaurocratic &amp; authoritative management style

one of my colleagues, who is close to me, got to take over my stuff.. apparently, she is not happy and left without a job. today, our COO's PA contacted me asking if i am keen to go back and ask me to give it a try.

from the looks of it.. will be reporting to my ex-boss.. who is my mentor and i respect him a lot... i stayed on my previous job cos of him but he is posted to KL, Malaysia.

Hubby will not be keen for me to get back to work at this time cos Bree is still too young. on my own account.. its the new management that i cannot swallow.. i have been very vocal with them... even to my own boss, my mentor.. well.. he is the one who always encourage me to voice out. Yap,.. and he is not an asian..
<font color="119911">FB photo contest: Please submit pics of baby with family. Let's submit those with only baby in the pic after the contest is over.
No entry will be disqualified because let's face it, all the pics are fantastic. However, pics with family members included will have a better chance of winning

I'd also like to ask that each username submits max of 5 pics to let everyone have a chance.

I will ask Kome if can create separate album for the contest. Thanks for the suggestion

northvirgo, welcome back to the thread!!
You've got 3 lovely girls. Hard work I presume but triple the rewards

Ok gotta run, be back later if anything else
Hi Mummies, I have the following items to let go, please PM me if interested:

Avent Disposable Breast Pad 50 pcs (Brand New Shrink Wrapped, comes with a box of Pigeon disposable pads 24 pcs opened box) - Selling at $20

Baby-Lucky sling (lightly used) - Selling at $10

Avent Baby Carrier (brand new) - Selling at $20

Nepia M 48 pc - Selling at $12

Prices negotiable, thanks.
<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - think mine just come today lor! urgh..urs finished liaoz good can enjoy this sat. I hate having it when i have some event going on

For ur job, the same reason that u quit is still valid now then no point thinking abt going back.
Lenny.. Heading to Austin, Texas and maybe LA. Will be in Austin for 6 days and may spend a day at LA. Am concerned how baby will take to the long flight there and climate change.

maybe have a chat with your mentor and 'check out' his view on you going back?

Vernice.. thanks for the tips! If i see Coach or Kate Spead factory outlet sure will pop in. SQ is $200++ more than other airlines. means about $500 diff for the whole family. still thinking leh.. $500 can buy 3 coach swing pack or 5 wristlet woah...

any idea if we can put lip balm on baby?

<font color="ff0000">doroxx</font> - yah i know SQ more exp but offset with comfort lor. What i understand from some mummies taking long flights is that some prefer to break up the journey. i think u can check with asura/p.seed/jtho who brought their bbies on longer journey
