(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

PigPig & teddybaby,
My tummy still numb but better than just give birth. Got a bit of feeling when touch but not as sensitive. When I try to hold some breath, the fat at the tummy area never move or become smaller. Hope u understand what I am trying to say...

hehe, i also bought the spoon at the takafair yesterday, haven't figured out how to use it though.

was wondering if we can premake cereal and put it inside the spoon? and when need to feed, just warm it up by placing in a hot water or something?
seabreeze, ask you ask you.. if we are driving to your place, what unit should we report at the guard house? or can just tell them we are there to attend the celebration at function room?
Hello mummies, long time never post here. Thanks Alfafa, for the giraffe, my girls like it very much! Thanks pumpkinseed for the offer too (to join you all in gathering).

Now it's still a challenge to bring my triplets out together, seems that we have to pack A LOT of things just to bring them for their vaccinations.

Check with you mummies, did anyone bring their bb for the pneumococcal vaccination? My pd said he heard a bit of heart murmur for my 2nd daughter and said that he will need to monitor. Did anybody encounter this b4?

Lastly, 2 pics of my daughters...
Ur three princess so cute! Especially the 1st photo, all look at the same direction. What were they looking at? Join the FB group and post some of their photo le...
Sharlene, in order for them to look in the same direction for the photo taking, mum in law and me were prancing around like monkeys to attract their attention.

Can somebody add me to the FB group? My email is [email protected]

<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - the bash at BishanLoft. If i am ard at SK on fri then can help u deliver

<font color="ff0000">sharlene</font> - i also c-sect but no numb feeling leh. The area is still flabby leh.

<font color="ff0000">annmelody</font> - that's a good idea! Then we can organise pte spree etc online

pmed u!

hows ur boy now? better?

<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - aiyo don angry lah...u must remember man are like that. forgetful..don angry

<font color="ff0000">pigpig</font> - from S to L size? so so big range ah?? or just the cutting too small?
Northvirgo: Did ur PD arrange you to go KK for heartscan?
My gal also detect heart murmur at 2 months, so went to KK for heartscan n thk God is only innocent heart murmur, so not to worry as it is very common for infant.
Ur gals are soo cute!!

Alfafa, hope u find the lid soon, I bought it yest at OG, selling at $14, think cheaper than taka fair?

Ivy, hope baby Z will recover soon, any symptoms of stomach flu for baby?
<font color="ff0000">northvirgo</font> - it must be a challenged for u to bring 3 of them out at same time right? how u cope? all put strollers? post bigger pic
re: Food jar
May i know where is the bash on this Saturday? Can i order the food jar and collect at the bash coz if i order directly from the BP it will take time and i am leaving sg soon?
mangogal: no leh, my pd said to just monitor, he also told me that it's quite common for bbies.

vernice80: ya, very challenging. esp during the injection time, all hell breaks loose. the doc's rooms sounds like a zoo with 3 bbies crying...
<font color="ff0000">dragonbee</font> - the bash is at bishan only. I think can order and collect from bash. which part of amk u stay?
vernice80: we do not use stroller now, using ergo and bjorn carrier. my maid is using those normal sarong to sling them. easier to carry them out like this.

oh yea, i remembered what i wanted to tell all of you. Those who have userid in singaporebride (applied b4 nov 06) can use it to post in the wts section.
<font color="ff0000">northvirgo</font> - so cute! the 3rd one looks smaller then the 1st 2? is she the youngest? did u give birth naturally ah?
<font color="ff0000">northvirgo</font> - oh no strollers ah? then go out each one got to sling 1 bb?

Sorry leh ask too much..cos i really cannot imagine how to cope with 3 bbs when i don't even go out alone with bb heehee
vernice80: Rui Shan (left, youngest), Rui Xuan (center, oldest) and Rui En (right, 2nd daughter). had to go for c-section, think triplets almost impossible to go for natural birth wor. anyway 2 of them were in the breech position. now the flesh on my tummy very loose, no elasticity at all!! alamak, doc asked me to do sit ups to firm it up..
vernice80 - thanks for your info
sorry ah... ask some more... which part of bishan is it? from wat time to what time? I stay near AMK Ave 5.
vernice80: no prob, nice to talk to you in the forum. very bored in the office! heheh, don't think my boss will be happy if he sees this!
No stroller, cos too cumblesome to carry it out. much easier to just carry bb on carrier. put them in stroller always end up have to carry them too cos they dun like to sit in stroller.
your gals are sooo cute!! all looking in the same direction heehee. Yes i understand how u attract their attention. I do that too.. but yours need more "actions" cos x3 ;)
thanks for the compliments! yup yup, will login more to chat. but i do come in here to read the threads daily.

What to you gals think about feeding bbies with bread now? my mil is feeding my girls a bit of bread now, cos they stare at her eating the bread and is drooling so much! but.....i don't know how to tell her to stop it. she will just tell me, she used to feed my husband with that and look how well he turn out!!
northvirgo, ur 3 bb is so cute.. luk abit lik my bb gal nw - she is now my botak bom bom gal..

yes.. northvirgo.. i got this prob too.. u noe wat, PIL go feed her (duno wat dey feed her) without my presence &amp; i accidentally saw iz.. i got so sad for a few daes.. dan yester i plucked up my courage &amp; tell them dun anihow feed her.. i go get wat i wan to giv her dan dey can feed her juz dat.. food jar example..
So total u need 3 person when u bring them out? Wow... Are they look alike? From the photo, the 2nd daughter look a bit different from her sisters. How you determine who is the eldest? Base on who come out first? Sorry, I am too excited to see triplet.
no teeth leh, my bbies dun even chew. simply suck suck a bit and swallow it! haiz. only shan has grown 2 teeth but i also dun see her using her teeth to chew it leh.

Fed them pear puree yesterday and they gave me this comical look. priceless memory.
Northvirgo, ya their comical look are so pricelss! did u take photos?
Ermm..maybe u shld tell ur MIL nicely nt to feed them bread as they are nt really teething yet
northvirgo.. 3 princesses! so pretty! are you a SAHM? have 1 is hard and u got 3. U r one amazing mum.

my baby has taken 3 pneumococcal jabs. next jab at 12mths. PD said it is more painful than 6-in-1 and the pain lasts 10 secs more than 6-in-1. i felt it is an important jab n babies willnot remember the pain anyway
Northvirgo, your 3 princesses are very adorable! Must be very difficult to look after 3 right? For me even one i already feel so tired. Can't imagine how you take care 3 of them. :p
ling: actually i did tell my mil not to do it, but seems like i'm talking to the wall. she will do still do it lor. now i give up. even when i tell her DOCTOR says cannot, she will still do it.

sharlene: yea, need 3 person to bring them out. they look different, xuan looks like combi of hubby and me. en looks like me and shan looks like her daddy. yup, who came out first is considered the oldest. during c section, the doc will push out the one who is nearest to the cut lor. just nice that my eldest girl is the biggest one.
Wow so long no 'see'! I was wondering about this mummy who had triplets some mths ago..
I tot one BB already quite siong, and u got 3! but so glad u managed it well anyway and they are so beautiful and cute..i wanna hug em!

i dunno cutting small anot but alot of M size bottom i cant fit in also.
I used to be 42kg then 60kg when preggie and now still 52...
<font color="ff0000">northvirgo</font> - stretch by 3 bbies skin sure lose elasticity. we only have 1 already no good liaoz. not to mention ur case.

ooh..3rd one is #2 ah...3 of them looks different. heehee good lah easier to identify

office bored hor? me too sigh..so bo liaoz..

<font color="119911">re:bread - got salt and sugar leh..no good at the moment right?</font>

<font color="ff0000">dragonbee</font> - its at bishan loft condominium. oh u stay ave 5...me at ave 1 heehee. ave 5 near <font color="ff0000">sunshine</font> liaoz

time is like 11+ to 3 i think
mangogal: didn't manage to take photo. will try to take tonite.

donroxx: oh, so did you bb develop fever after the job? I'm working full time, have to feed so many small mouths now, can't afford to stay at home. have to plan for my daughters..

dragonbee: it is very tiring..but i'm glad to have the support of my family in particular my mil and mom.

pigpig: it took me a while to stabilise my emotions. i was very depressed after i gave birth. only sort of regained my "sanity" abt 3 mths back. so now in better frame of mind to mingle with other mummies..
52kg with big tummy la...i also cant believe i m wearing L! my old clothes all small size, never M one..
i stop bf 2months plus liao, auntie juz came few days ago also.

dun quite understand wat u mean when u breath in..the fats..??haha i think soem sit ups would help to firm the tummy but i was juz so lazy to do anything but complain
problems with in-laws.. can understand that. they always say thats what they do in the past and all's fine blah blah blah.. *sigh* quite difficult to communicate with them hor.

but personally i think its better not to feed bread now.. seems like too early to give them bread?

indeed u r an amazing mom, taking care of 3! me take care of 1 already so busy liao. hee
Northvirgo, I think bread contains wheat/gluten which is allegic to some ppl. That's why we have to be careful when we introduce new food to baby. Moreover bread we buy outside usually contains preservative and other ingredients that our babies might not be ready to digest....

Ya, I know it's really hard to stop our pils or even our own parents not to do something. And whenever they say things like "You're also brought up this way what", we really have nothing to say since they've got tested and proven "products" to show... :p
northvirgo ...

So cute the 3 of them ... was the teething tablet useful?

re: entering bishan loft

Just tell the guard that you coming to function room will do.

re: Food Jar

The BP Seller has replied to say that she can arrange for delivery by this sat - in time for our bash.


Please let me know your order so that I can inform her the items to bring down for the delivery.

Food Jar (Pink)
1. Seabreeze
2. Prosper
3. Lenny Susanty
4. Pei
5. Sportyger

Food Jar (Blue)
1. minnie24
2. babydreams
3. jaszho
4. irene

pls tt $33 to POSB Savings 193-13734-2 and I will pay her everything at 1 go. I will confirm with her the number tom first thing in the morning so that she can get the stock for us.
re: food
My mil also feed my gal with food like fish,biscuit and bread when we eat at e table. My gal see us eat cannot tahan ll "ask" for food also.
ve already start feeding her with porridge/ceral/purees..cos she 'dislike' milk.

re: Food Jar

The BP Seller has replied to say that she can arrange for delivery by this sat - in time for our bash.


Please let me know your order so that I can inform her the items to bring down for the delivery.

Food Jar (Pink)
1. Seabreeze
2. Prosper
3. Lenny Susanty
4. Pei
5. Sportyger
6. pumpkinseed
7. daphne crosailo kang
8. Queenie

Food Jar (Blue)
1. minnie24
2. babydreams
3. jaszho
4. irene
5. sung

pls tt $33 to POSB Savings 193-13734-2 and I will pay her everything at 1 go. I have gone back to the order list and included names of those that I know will be attending the bash.

I will confirm with her the number tom first thing in the morning so that she can get the stock for us.
