(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

*hugz hugz kayle* she must be hungry... lucky u found the fault, i'll oso take note to chk on the teat if my boi refuse to drink his milk...

congras!! must be happy to witness tat n now u must be alert at all times lor...


i cannot imagine anyone can be so cruel to a baby.. let alone their own..

i didn't finish watching the video.. i couldn't bring myself to do it..
Asura, yeap will chk out the fridge to go tomr at lunchtime, u remind me hor?
Yalor hubby want to upgrade to Honda Freed cos is 7 seater and he wants more storage so can fit his tri bike & our gal's stroller at same time, he gt enough of his crampy Getz car :p

Why u need another pump?

Donroxx, ya u can buy you NUK nipple wipes frm Kiddy Palace

Grave for unborn babies:
I read the article on Sunday times, was feeling very sad when I saw the graveyard photo cos I regret never bury my 1st stillborn gal properly, I let TMC do it for me
But I prayed for my gal so her soul rest in peace....

Vernice, take care of ur nerve, hope it will get well soon, maybe can TCM tui na helps?
sung, sun,
Thks! didn't capture it on video cos was with him alone, didn't want to risk missing his flip when i run out to grab cam.

Must really take care and see TCM tuina if possible to get it cured, else will have a lot of problem next time as we get older. If u stay in east, can recommend u a TCM tuina in bedok. Recommended by another TCM and Both my ILs and my hubby tried and is good
$350 is from the chinatown store rite? my sil got from there, free delivery to her house too for $350. i got mine from BMSG, tink $340+ for members rate. i got the member card no if you getting from there, cheaper than public rate. not sure how much selling at deptal stores.
I read before that its better to feed the solid then follow on by milk.

Kayla is soo clever, she doesnt want to drink from a spolit teat.

Re: Bf
I have stopped bf too recently as marissa has already reached 6th mth and my supply has dropped. I felt I have so much free time after I have stopped pumping.
But I do kinda of missed latching her on as its really a bonding time then.
Asura - mus be mdm rokiah who recommended the Ameda pump to you...why u need to buy another one leh? freestyle is not working well for u? And thanks for the weaning advice...i guess u r right need to experiment lor, trial and error kinda thing =)

vernice - take care ya...hurt back no joke...rest well...

mangogal - i got my ameda pump at $350..actually considered cheaper cos usual is about $360+ or $380+ can't remember leh...

prosper - same thing happened...that day the teat got one big hole so i tink my boy also have drinking problem, either choke or refuse to drink (though he usually always has drinking problem but i'm sure the teat is one of the reason too)...managed to change teat liao...

wintertime - u got so many uncleared leaves ah...

jojo - sometimes i miss being single too but i tink about how much joy this new bundle of life has given to me, its more than enough to compensate me for the loss of freedom in singlehood =)
i m using both ameda n pis..
if can, buy pis, i find better n worth the money.

hmm, act. why not get 2nd hand lei?

or see taka sale got better price.

same like u, i oso peifu myself that i can bf for 5mths liao!
no target for me, till i really cannot tahan.
but now more or less get use to the rountine liao.

last pump is at 10pm, 1st pump at 6pm. so quite ok, still enough slp.

good thing is bb bryan sure slp at 9.30pm! He cannot tahan any longer.. haha

hmm, there is no correct route to cereals 1st or brown rice 1st.
i guess the most impt is the bb must be able to sit upright then can intro solid, ie cereals, puree etc.
yes both can add EMB or FM as per the instruction in the label.

Yikes. saw the comments re the video link and decided not to watch it. No point starting my day with something that depresses me.

waaa baby K is very smart and stubborn at the same time. Die die refused to drink. Come to think of it, are you guys sorta of able to tell who her temperament resembles by now? Or she has her own temperament?

Other babies?

Interestingly, both Jon and I are wondering if Gracie takes after me a bit more - outgoing, sociable sort who can't sit still very well. heeee she is also very vocal with what she wants or doesn't want i.e. not a soft demand or whine to get attention, but a very loud and angry demand for attention. Ok for this I prefer to think that she is like Jon. Hahahahhaha bad traits are like daddy, good traits like mommy. Biased Kekekke

Sung, Donroxx,
hehehe yah he is I think 66 this year already but still going strong. I worry for him though. My goodness, those chains he uses are really heavy! Yah yah so I am like a celebrity kid. :p

still working?

*pat pat* Yah like what vernice said you have got yourself new friends too. But yah ... it's just not the same eh? I am quite fortunate I guess, hehehe most of my friends already have families so in fact I am the late one. And maybe it's just me, to be honest I have always been a bit of a lone ranger. =) yah yah I know I don't look like it. I have lots of friends cos I socialise alot but I'm the sort who totally embrace the concept that people come and go as we move on to different chapters in our lives. So I don't tend to get hung up over friends who have over time drifted apart. To me, it's just one of those things. But yah, I am a bit of a paradox I suppose - sociable lone ranger... I need to be alone from time to time type. Hmmm ... how did we even get to this. Hey cheer up ok? When your friends start their own family you will usually get together again one way or another. You are just preparing ahead so that you can help them when their time comes mah. :p

waaaa congrats! did both you and hubby witness this special moment together? I am now eagerly awaiting Gracie's first crawl forward. So far she has been going backwards only. Hope I can catch it!

Re" Munchkin Duck.
Before I forget. I really like this product but do note that I use it inside the adult bath tub, which is how it is designed to be used mainly. It is not the most safe to use it independently on a flat surface. Without water or with very little water to weigh it down a fidgety baby can cause it to topple sideways. So do be careful!

oh dear. Hope you ae feeling better. Yah no joke hurting the back. PLease rest till you are full recovered and don't try to carry baby too much during this period of time. Sit and carry if you have to.

Lenny, Pei, Yiyi, Donroxx
yah yah I got the Chicco Polly Double Phase highchair at RObinson during a feature sale at $239. Usual was $350 or something crazy like that. My friend has been using it for some months now cos her baby is 3-4 mths older and she says she loves it. Multiple functions so it owuld be quite realistic to expect baby to use it till she is old enough to use normal dinner chair. She likes the basic function of a Ikea highchair too but in the end discarded that and got one with multiple functions for longer term use. Mine is still in the box lah. waiting to clear some stuff before I fixed it. Baby is currently using the bumbo during meal times.
YAH! I did it for 6mths! Thanks for the congrats! Forgot to give myself a pat on the back. Really not easy to TBF. Felt like giving up half the time esp since my baby feeds round the clock, no luxury or 3 or 2 hour intervals that most mommies get. No breather at all. Now I am taking one day at a time. :) Will see how long I can tahan but I will not be overly anxious anymore.
Sunshinebaby, Sportyger
oh thanks for the info on brown rice cereal. So I can intro that as part of baby;s first food. Cool. So far I feed her purees once in a while, not everyday. Would like to give her cereal to try now. Something more substantial this time. Hope she doesn't get constipation
Speaking of babies and their moods, Baby K gave loud screams yesterday...hubby and i was wondering issit cos he shouted (his family always talk v loud loud like screaming at each other like that) until Baby K also started to follow..

in fact i was quite surprised that he actually shouted and shouted non-stop yesterday, till his voice went a bit hoarse...

so mummies, be sure to keep track of the words u say and the behaviours now...
u mean bb able to sit upright unassisted then can intro solid to them huh? my boi can sit well in the bumbo so consider ok to try out the solid on him?

no lei... but the sale realli gd catch...

when u start giving puree to grace?
you have a big and tender heart. That's nice.

Unfortunately big hearted folks always find themselves burdened by someone else's distress. On one hand I too feel like echoing the rest by telling you to move on and free yourself from the emotional baggages of this young girl going through growing pains... but on the other hand, it is just so nice to see that there are kind people like you who genuinely want to help another without any strings attached. I don't know what to tell you babe, but hey, do feel free to rant or share your burdens here yah? One gentle word of caution though, there is a fine line between a concerned adult and a over-protective or even obsessive one. When you catch yourself feeling anxious over this young lady, do stop yourself and ask if you are jus being concerned or have you gone overboard to being obsessive and over protective. Once the answer is clear I hope it can help you to choose your "reactions" better.
Gracie went through a stage whereby she shouted and screamed alot too. And not forgetting growlings. :p I thought she screamed till her voice became hoarse thus the growls but no ... she went on growling for a couple of weeks. Like darth Vader. Hehehhe In fcat she still does it from time to time. The screaming and shoutings too. I heard from the rest of the mommies that their babies do that too, albeit in lower frequency. So I supposed this is part of their disocvery process i.e. they are just exploring with the different sounds they can make? That and the fact that they realise they get different reactions from mommy and daddy with each type of sound.

I started introducing little bit of puree at almost 5mths. Now sh eis 6mth and 3 days liao. Times flies man.
yup, still working, another 4 more days till next mon, then freedom beckons! hee :p

oh yeah, i finished stitching my doggie last nite, phew! now waiting to stuff it up hee hee. but i drop it into the washing machine this morn to clean and noticed that my "E" is fraying sob, wonder is the fray stopper all washed off. any idea on what to do to stop the fraying? can't apply the fray stopper since already stitch onto my doggie body rite?

hopes my boy likes it, if so, am very tempted to get materials from you to do up a big doggie this time! :D sewing is kinda therapheutical hee hee.
Sunshine, I intro puree to Caroline when she is 5 months 3 days, today gng to intro rice cereal...

Alfafa, ask u, can I hand wash the terrier? I hv nt stuff it:p
<font color="aa00aa">Thanks <font color="ff0000">sportyger, sun, prosper, sung, wintertime, mangogal, teddybear, pinksorbet, alfafa</font> for ur hugz n concern!</font>

<font color="ff0000">sportyger</font> - after seeing the doc slightly better but if i don move or lay on bed for long time, then i got problem getting it. The doc say i must move often, even say me to go shopping for an hour lor! anyway i got to go back next mth again for follow up cos of C-section, he can't touch my back area.

Ya will be couple time cos parent's don allow me to bring Joel and doubt my hb can handle him on the flight alone. He is becoming more of a lil rascal with bad temper. My mum say takes after me. haha

<font color="ff0000">jojo</font> - i also donno how i hurt myself. thats the best part. Will try to see if i am more agile by sat.

<font color="ff0000">teddybear</font> - i went to the one at Haig road, not sure will be effective. See hows the progress next mth, if no good, check with u again. Thanks!
Oh Sung/Alfafa, I was gng to ask the same quest to Alfafa abt the fray material cloth, can wash? I intend to handwash before doing the stuffing

Sung, wah so eonvy u can be a SAHM soon

Winter, njoy ur break!
glad you like it. I really do! Lols buay paiseh one. Lao3 Huang2 Mai4 Gua1, Zi4 Mai4 Zi4 Qua1
- booasting about my own wares. :p

tsk tsk you are amazing. I won't have been able to tahan living under the same roof with my inlaws. Goodthing my hubby knows this so he didn't even try to suggest. When he knew me I was alwasy renting my own place despite having my parents living in Singapore too, and despite my meagre pay at that time. Couldn;t even live with my own parents so if I stay with my inlaws I'm sure volcanos will erupt on a daily basis. Any plans to move out soon? Is this your place or your inlaws' place btw? Makes a diff I heard.
mangogal, wat abt getting a 2nd hand one? just get the moto, cheaper mah

sun, ya lor.. clearing my annual leave and one month of maternity leaves.. i took every wed off so that I get to rest in the middle of the wk..

Btw, my mum had start little porridge for my boy aleady..
3 mouthful for a start? or should i try out 1 tsp first? but u give her once daily right? need to reduce the milk amount??

u chg yr nick to blur blur??? wed is gd... get to rest in the middle of the wk... wilber likes porridge?
aiyayayyaya cannot machine wash lah. Looks like I must highlight that again and again for my next class. Yah once you have a handstitchefd applique you cannot machine wash even if the stuffing has not been inserted. Oh dear. Can try to salvage it still, but yah applying the fray stopper now will be very tough cos of the stitches blocking. Can try though. You have a fray stopper? Spotlight sells them from $7 onwards I think. Or come my place to use it. But very far for you.

Yeah happiness for you come this Fri!

handwash ah ... without stuffing you can do that but be very careful with the handstitched applique. Don't immerse the applique part in water.
icic... but old nick in SB can use here ma??

when u giving wilber cereal meal &amp; porridge, will replace his current milk feed huh?
Hi ann,
Heard ur woes over mil...strange why we dil always have issues w mil??!! Agreed w alfafa, itz best to get a place of ur own...enjoy couple time n bb a proper rm to live/play...somemore can deco...mayb we this generatn less tolerance towards crankiness...look for alternatives...i looking for a place too despite rising property prices...but feel free to rant here...we hear u...

e threads run super fast...really no time to read all in detail...but i believe we all r blessed to b part of this big family...i get a lot of gd advice...lobangs n great gatherings here!!!
Itz a swinging great place to make n keep friends...

thot of being SAHM next year but wonder if my hb n i can cope w adjustments as if we manage to get a resale ... i hav to rely on my savings...income substantially reduced despite paym of house comes frm cpf deductn...tsk tsk choices choices...

bfing...for me, no more than 6mths as my pre preg clothes were bought w a smaller chest size...now left shorts cant squeeze in...my tum area cut down...hope can wear them in mths to come...

regarding ugly stretch marks/saggy boobs...don feel upset yar...we all will exp imperfections over time... focus on e bb...unless u wan to spend on aesthetic options n re enhance urself...as for hbs...they muz realise if they wan to c our pre preg shapes, muz give us some allowance to work on them lar....hur hur...

me was thinking of 2nd pump for long time cos i feel tt my freestyle dont empty my breast properly but a session with mdm rokiah made me think no need 2nd pump cos even she cannot empty my boobsduring the 1 hr session.my milk is just stuck. sian. Ask my colleague to let me try herameda later to see if i can extract more milk. Haiz.
if bb bryan can sit in the bumbo think can liao.
as long as his head is not toppling.

enjoy n hv fun!

try 1-2 tsp 1st for the same food for at least 3days, to see if any allergy.
my pre preg clothes oso smaller chest size, hopefully aft i stop BF-ing, i can wear it...

tot of starting off w puree first as he's coming to 5 mths tis sun... then ard 5.5 - 6 mths then start him w cereal... u mix how many EBM to the cereal huh? warm the EBM first b4 adding the cereal to it right?
alfafa and mummies,

i do not know my baby is stubborn or what. But she seems ok to whatever we gave her. give her milk-she drink, give her sleep-she sleep. So far tell her cannot do this , she will not do. teach her the right thing, immediately she did it after a few tries. My hb and i so far concluded that Kayle is really a good girl. so far no prob. TOUCH WOOD lah. But hor, she can dun drink but cannot dun sleep. sleeping beauty. whoever play with her, she will smile and laugh melt the person's heart. Buai pai seh here. hahaha.
I think this take after me but her intelligent follows my hubby.

U wanna move... ooh... then cant walk over to ur place liao... sad sad

by the way, ameda is not much cheaper in US so no point. I still toying with the idea but i think would borrow my colleague's ameda later to see if it makes any diff on me first... hee
ooh what an angel she is. Really a very sweet natured and good girl. Mine is bona fide notti girl. :p Think takes after me. hahahahah

same here. House is deducted from my CPF ... but I think my reserve is running out soon as it has been one year and 2 mths since I last drew a salary. I think it will run out by sometime next year. Sian. Then we will need to fork out cash liao.

Got to run but before I do

Re: Playmat from Gmarket Korea
Silly me was just wondering how come they just sent me an email in Korean and how come it still hasn't arrived. Logged in to my gmarket korea yesterday and finally realised why. My playmat has been delivered locally but it has been stuck at the international courier side for quite a while as I needed to top up for the delivery charge. Alamak .... wasted so many days. Paid yesterday and received a mail that says my parcel has been shipping internationally on tjhe same day. So total confirmed cost of the playmat is SGD215 for the same one that they are selling SGD248 at BP. Don't know how come I am paying more than the rest who tried the same leh. They said they paid $185 or so only.

Oh well.

yr ger very easy to take care lei... so envy...
i'll play w her next sat @ the bash... looking forward!!!

wilber is hyper active one la... or mayb boi is diff fr ger, ger more gentle n ladylike ma... not like our boi... hahaha

u can loan ameda pump to try out... can't rem the shop name which i loan for trial... but recommended by mdm rokiah one...
<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - envy u leh...bb K is such a darling. mine ah...if he cannot get what he wants, he will scream his lung out. we stayed at 17th floor and i think 1st floor also can hear lor! fainted...really lil rascal!
same here lor... my boi oso love to shout!!!
so loud until sometimes i need to cover his mouth n tell him to be quiet... kakaka
jojo:: u know i've had the same feelings as you!
ever since i had trishelle, i totally had no time to meet up with friends! Feel really quite upset but they're so nice cause they always keep me updated when they are meeting and said if i could, i can join but i always can't. feel so upset.

Alfafa,what you said really made me feel SO much better. I do agree firends come and go and I hope to make more mummy friends cause they are the ones who actyually can uinderstand how we feeeel!
hey you can consider having a lace workshop during sept hols ma? haha this is the only time i can make it ley. informal.. we can test things out and go mess up your place at the same time haha! else don't worry too la. Muacks to gracie.

vernice:: hope you're feeling better!! muacksss! smelling good sofar?

sung:: i can see you're looking fwd to your new phase of life! good for you! hehe!!

scrumpee:: hope things work out for you and the girl. Not worth it to mess up your life over her messed up life. it's not your fault and you've done the best you can. At least you are answerable your conscience. heh.

missycandy:: OKAY reserved the NEW friso tin for you. PAss you on 9th sept.

sportyger:: hugs to Marissa. hope she gets well soooon!!

sunshine:: me just gg to start off with cereal when she is 6.5mths. haha
Puree i tried for my #1, he doesn't like them so end up have to throw away a lot. this time, i just zooming in on cereals haha and some juices for one meal, Hohoho. another 2months later then intro porridge for another meal.

Hi, sun96

Im a March 09 Mummy (SAHM) and new to the group. Had my first baby ger on 20 march 09 and her name is Joleigh Tjhin.

May I know if my gf and I can join yr kindermusic class on 13 sept at 10am.

Already PM you our particulars. Looking forward to your reply.
