(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Sunshine, I see...yalor my mini will act as a backup liao:p

Asura,hee hope u like the Ameda, does PIS hv cycle and vacuum control? Cos Ameda one has...

thanks in advance!!

oh yah... if i can join this slot.. i would want to join the music class with all of u as well..
Your boy very active le. As a mother, our heart melt when we see them happy and playful. Just can't take my eye off him sometime.

my colleague just finish her pumping... she say medela freestyle gave her the same yield as her ameda one. But she thinks that cos i got no let down, the ameda one is better for me.. i shall go try later.. cant wait.. but not time yet.. heh..

Gymboree's schedule at Harbourfront is:

Music 1(6-16 months)for weekends
Sat: 11.15am to 12.00pm
Sun: 2.00pm - 2.45pm

Play & Learn 1 (Birth to 6mths)
Sat : 12.00pm - 12.45pm

Play & Learn 2 (6-10 mths)
Sat : 12.00pm - 12.45pm
Sun: 1.00pm - 1.45pm)

I will try to go on weekdays if i dun get to join you gals due to the timing.
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper
4. minnie24 - ok
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron & Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura - ok

1. Wintertime
Hi ladies, and lenny, hehe

Any SAHM wanna go for gymboree classes on the wk starting 7th sept? hehe...

Lenny, u wanna go together? I can go for wkday ones with you, we can share cab together cause that wk i am having hols. haahaha.

Don't worry about Bree. hehe I am sure she will do you PROUD. and for your in-laws.... aiii. hope they will keep their eyes, mouth, and hands and feet to themselves! hehe.
ya lor... miss my boi a lot when at work... can't wait for KO n rush back to see him...

gymboree music class meant for 6 mths n above huh?? bryan not yet 6 mths old lei, he still can attend?? or u organise in oct, at least my boi already 6 mths old by then...
Winter, no choice, my charger spoiil, so gt to buy new one...
U mentioned Wilbur taking solid, so how much is he drinking for EBM?
So 2 solid feed and 3 EBM feed?
i tink i oso dun get too many puree, juz buy 1-2 jars for my boi to try out first...
chk w u, once open, need to put in fridge right? but can only keep max 3 days only right? my boi sure cannot finish 1 jar in 3 days one, then i finish myself?? tsk tsk tsk
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper
4. minnie24 - ok
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron & Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze - OK
16. Asura - ok

1. Wintertime
same lor... mine oso pass down fr my gf...
mayb yr frenz used for quite sometime b4 pass down to u ba, tat's y spoilt liao...

how u let him finish the puree within 2 days?? if i'm gg to give him 1 tsp a day, sure cannot finish in 2 days lei... or u suggest increasing the amount everyday huh? eg, thur-1tsp, fri-2tsp x 2 ???
i intend to make apple puree one but i dun hv blender so scare not tat fine for his 1st attempt, tat's y go buy 1-2 jar for him to try out.. once ok, then i'll make for him...
Winter, wah ur mum make fresh puree for Wilber everyday?
Well the cubes can keep, hee..maybe can use to make jelly, I also just order the bb cubes.
sunsun:: yes max 3 days but my advice is always to try yourself first before giving to them eat loh eheh!!
babycubes i have many ah... in the end didn't use so use them to bring snacks out. haha!!

if u want can pass you some, but find sometime to meet.
shucks... i might not able to attend the baby bash.. my company got an event on that day... sport and family day.. and the bosses is forcing us to attend..
i'm trying to find excuses not to attend
BB cubes
I also bought a tray but haven't used it to store puree yet. Used my Avent VIA cups. I think I will only use the cubes if I have to bring puree out cos smaller to pack.
faster find excuses... i tink some for u...
ummm... not feeling well?? nobody look aft bb coz too hot to bring bb along???
i'm so bad... encourage u not to attend yr co event!!!

can use bb cubes to store snack?? tot each cube very small size right?

you are SAHM?

Re: Gymboree
I will most likely go for the trial first.. if Bree is ok with it.. we will sign up and it will be on weekdays. i am normally our with 2 october 2008 mummies.. one is a friend whom i have known for 4 yrs through our bellydancing class. She is the one who attended our baby signs workshop.

They normally bring their babies to Free Play classes at harbourfront and i will join them apart from meeting up weekly for lunch and shopping with our babies..
sun, i was complaining to my boss actually..
hahaha.. saying it's weekend and they shouldn't force people to attend it, as it's our personal time and we have our choice to choose what we want.
kinda pissed off actually..
but he wanna please his boss la... so find ways to counter attack me
Winter, yalor I just tt last nite, nevermind la.. will make attempt to use the cubes,Wilber so bless for getting fresh yummy puree everyday

Sunshine, get frm Winter lor , u both stay so near
Hi moms,
Any of your darlings drool excessively and always sucking/licking whatever they can lay their hands on? If so, do you use a teething ring for bb? Any recommendation on brand? I feel like buying one for my girl..
i'm not able to join u girls tis sat for mac bf coz will be gg to taka early morning...

Anchorvale CC Mac breakkie. Time: 930am
1. Kris
2. Vernice80
3. Sportyger
4. Asura

ic... i chk w my mum whether she want to prepare fresh puree daily for bryan, if yes, then dun tink i need the cubes... let u know later okie!!not sure whether i'll be tat hardworking to make puree for bryan... tink buy liao then got motivation hor... kakaka

yup, will get fr her if my mum can't prepare fresh puree for my boi daily...

boss r like tat one... scarli yr boss oso not gg?? last min oso find excuse... kekeke
I have called up gymboree to check with regards to your question. You will be able to enjoy this offer if you sign up together with us on that day which is 19th sept.

I have checked with them, it is prefectly ok for babies who are 5 mths plus to join in together. So you dont have to worry about Bryan not being 6 mths yet at that point.
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper - ok
4. minnie24 - ok
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron & Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura - ok
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper -ok
4. minnie24 - ok
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron & Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze - OK
16. Asura - ok

1. Wintertime

updated list
i got the combi - teething step 2 for my boi...
tat's light so easier for him to grab n put into his mouth...

u joining the kindermusik class on 13 sep right??
u interested in gymbroee too???
sportyger > txs for ur help.

sunshinebaby > yepp,i'm joinn my fren,jassy with u all on 13 sep.
i'm keen in the gymbroee,but i see ur list is packed,so i intend to call them and check it out.
u can be in KIV list to see whether last min any mummies not joining or cannot make it...

np!! will keep a look out for u...
<font color="119911">re: TAKA fair
Who is going tml? </font>

<font color="ff0000">Irene</font> - say u sick that day lor
<font color="ff0000">p3pp3r</font> - oh is it? okok see if i online tonight.
hey i realise i don have ur msn...heehee happily chatting that day but nvr add. wanna add me?
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper -ok
4. minnie24 - ok
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie - ok
8. keron &amp; Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze - OK
16. Asura - ok

1. Wintertime

updated list
<font color="ff0000">scrumpee</font> - korea beanie a bit thick so better to wear in aircon places only..outside not advisable.

ya lor the stuff so exp...

Actually my mil a nice lady but she has been born in such a family that I think their relatives are not that nice to her. She was lik saying when she was sick last time she still have to look after the kids herself and last time there no such thing as couple time etc......

Actually I dun fit into their family and last time she was telling me that as mother , I should not work so late but I was thinking then how...not as if the family business is paying my hubby that well that I can quit my job. Then i asked her if she wanted me to quit my job,...haha then she says no. Think she scared if my pay drop or cannot find job...I will blame her.
Think she using the "carry it forward" wrongly...sigh
