(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


Brian is so cute.. i remember him trying to talk during our baby signs workshop and u were trying to cover his mouth and stop him.. hahaha..

actually.. u should let him.. good that he is vocal.. it just shows that he has his own opinion! great for bb at his age learning how to epxress himself vocally. i would rather have a talkative and blabbering Brianne than a quiet one cos i will know what is going on in her little head. hahaha..

you should encourage Brian and give him a pat on the back..
.. I really love his chubby cheeks and when he talks during workshop.. i cannot stop laughing. Muahaha.. so cute!!

any mummies interested??? hopefully can hv 12 babies so we can enjoy their promo, 1 FOC for 12 babies... 3 more slots available...

Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class & missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name & surname, contact, baby's name & baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt
5. Idlecat
6. Lizy
7. Kat
8. Jassy
9. Babystarlet

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams
<font color="ff0000">jassy</font> - welcome

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - slightly better but pain coming on/ off whenever i move. thanks for concern
Asura, I just went to buy the pump, Mdm Rokiah only Ameda can fully empty the milk, so I try liao let you know tomr

Alfafa, thks

THink I will handwash gently n hope the alphabet colour will not run out.

Wah Prosper, Kayle is so obedient

Jassy, welcome!

You confirm want a pack of fitti from me?.. if yes.. i bring on the birthday bash and pass to you.

I ordered 2 cartons of M, will last till she is 9mths old..hehe.. i no need to worry about diapers running out while hubby is away. phew...
hello jassy!

lenny:: haha i saw the things you got from creampalour! me gg to get some more stuffs too. Hoho. I also have that book from Ginaford but i find it's a little too hard to follow. I'm using another book... can't remember the name ahha!
<font color="aa00aa">lenny
hahaha... mayb i should let him blabber but he'll gradually increase his tone if we ignore him... LOLx
i'll give him a pat 2nite telling him fr auntie lenny to encourage him... kekeke
rem last sun, brought him to NTUC Extra @ AMK HUB to do some grocery shopping... dun noe y suddenly he hiccups n we r inside the lift...
his hiccups so loud n somemore got rythmn tat pple inside the lift all laughed... my hb n i so pai seh...
thks for sharing the title of the book, will go find...

re: fitti
yes, if u dun mind
M size right?
will try out tis pack to see whether gd anot... btw, no wetness indicator right?


Fitti donlt have wetness indicator.. i tired goon before.. but the wetness indicator.. not accurate.. Pampers is but really way too expensive
u tried pampers active huh? agnes mentioned Giant got promo for pampers active - 2 for $28+ (UP: 2 for $43+) tempted to buy n try too... to replace goon if is gd...

no need to paiseh.. when he is loud.. means he has strong lungs.. which is good!!

sometimes Bree breakwind really loud and me and hubby look at each other then burst out laughing.. Bree laughed too when she saw us laughing.. if in public then i say.. oh dear.. excuse my little girl then laugh it off. well.. she is a baby afterall.. she won't be able to control and say excuse me ya? muahahahaha
Ok mummies, gymboree just updated me on the trial classes.

They are giving us a special promotion. By paying $50 for the gymboree membership, they are giving us 2 trial classes instead of the usual 1. The 2 classes will include Play and Learn class and music class. The usual price for PLay and Learn class is $40 while music class is $28.

In addition the usual membership package will include:
1 exclusive Gymboree t-shirt
2 free international classes (if you travel to any country where there is gymboree, you can just flash your membership card and get 2 free classes)
$12/hr per child for Playgym(instead of $20/hr for non-members)
5% off merchandise

The date for the play and Learn class is 19th sept at 12pm (The max number they can accommodate is 15). So please indicate ok if you are keen.

I can arrange with them for another date on the music class if you gals want to go together too.

The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby
3. prosper
4. minnie24
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron &amp; Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura

yep.. ordered stuff from cream parlour, headbands with bows and velvet rose plus 2 leashes.. 1 for her sophie and one for her flat teether. .. trying to complete her outfit for my bro in-law's wedding at Goodwood Park Hotel late September.

Dreading to go cos will see my freaking in-laws.. i show up cos give my second bro in-law face... he did help us during our ROM when my PILs try to screw things up, so kinda thank him for that. Else i won't even bother.. The last time they saw Bree was her full mth celebration, it will drag on longer if not for my bro in-law's wedding.

now thinking how to manage bree cos its a wedding lunch and she is supposed to be sleeping.. well.. she will scream her lungs out if she dun get to sleep during that time.. haiz..
ya hor... strong lungs, i should tink in tis way!!!
bree so cute... she must be wondering wat daddy n mummy laughing at... kekeke
bryan breakwind not only loud, smelly oso... my hb norm cannot ta han n commented why his fart so smelly one... kakaka

re: fitti
i'll collect fr u next sat at the bash okie??

boohoohoo... me no. 16...
but i would indicate my preference first... post it up next so that others can copy and paste.. no way to allow 16 pax arh?
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper
4. minnie24
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron &amp; Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura

do organise for us to attend music class 2gether =)
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper
4. minnie24
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron &amp; Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura - ok

oh... good good.. u not moving..

mdm rokiah say she came down for me on a sunday only cos i sounded quite urgent and got pus somemore. Else she can only come mon to thurs. Actually better now cos i increased my suction power. Freestyle is ok... but i cant help but wonder if other pumps would work betterfor me. Ameda is not that cheap in us.. would not save a lot, unlike medela.
yes should be $50 nett bah, she didnt say must add GST. The duration for the play and learn class is 45mins. Will need to check if both parents will be allowed in together.
u got pus? painful? or u wanna try out ameda b4 u buy?

TIA!!! if both parent r allow, then the classroom will be packed w 30 adults + 15 babies...

I just swap pumps with my colleague for today.. shall see if the yield increase. Actually mdm rokiah is comparing medela mini electric with ameda. Which is true lah.. so far all who use mini electric say that it is lousy and dont empty breast. Those who use other rangeof the medela pumps dont seem to have aproblem... In fact, mdm rokiah say that some of her clients say that medela is better, guess they were comparing other type of medela pump to the ameda . so mini electric is really lousy. i shall see how much more yield i get and decide worth it to buy another pump or not.
Your ger born on the same day as my boy.

My boy will hiccup when he is excited or play too much. Guess ur boy is excited over the shopping trip.
u using mini huh? i must said mini realli dun empty breast one lor... i oso switch to swing aft using mini for 3 mths...
Asura, yalor maybe u wan to try out before buying...
This morn, one of my colleague demo n let me try before she sterlise..
The list for the gymboree:

1. sportyger - ok
2. sunshinebaby - ok
3. prosper
4. minnie24 - ok
5. missycandy
6. blurjen
7. babe kazooie
8. keron &amp; Jeris
9. pinksorbet
10. JoJo
11. vernice80
12. Idlecat
13. Jean
14. Queenie (??)
15. Seabreeze
16. Asura - ok

count me in for the other class. Would like to go 2gether. Which gymboree are we gg?
I can double check with gymboreee again. Anyway not sure if all the mummies on the list are still keen also, so we can see how.
my boi sometimes get choke by his own saliva when he's excited or play too much... we need to ask him to cool down coz he'll choke till face red red... LOLx

when got pus, it was very painful... in fact, i tot my boobs were feeling more and more painful and was wondering why... then one nitedecide to giveit a hard squeeze and pus came out. Then call mdm rokiah immediately.. now not pain and no pus liao.. whew...

I just swap pump with my colleague today.. shall try ameda later... hee
initially wanna get ameda but tried out still prefer medela swing...

lucky the mini belongs to my gf, now act as backup in case my swing not working...
Cindy and Alfafa
Thanks for the advice. I m hanging on to her because she's not a bad girl, just someone who doesn't like to stay at home, has low self esteem and emotionally needy. I just met her today, brought her to see doc as she has been sick for days. Hope alls well.

>> Alfafa
I think u hit the nail by saying that I could be overly-protective. I think I m because I want to know her every move to make sure she did not go astray. My hubby also talked to me last night to give her breathing space as long as we know she is not in danger. I will have to learn to let loose...I must so that I can get on with my life. I believe things will be better once she finishes her O levels, 2 more months to go and I intend to bring her on a cruise holiday next Feb with my family.

Baby making noice
My bui bui Eames also makes lots of noice, My mum said he woke up at 4 am last two days and started singing to himself like 'wo wo, ho ho', so funny.

I made a point to initiate meet up with my single friends as I don't wish us to lose the friendship. Somehow, when with them, I will be cautious of what I said, less on my family life and more generic topics incase some are sensitive. But luckily, most of my friends are married and with kids borne within these 2 years, so got lots of similar topics. But one thing is for sure, no more party life, actually stopped partying eversince I got married 4 yrs ago, somehow, am not interested anymore.

Your girl so guai. For Eames, when I tried to show him the GD flash cards, he looked everywhere except the cards. Aiyo...sometimes when I try to give him the 2nd lesson, he will fall asleep. Alamak...don't know should be angry or laugh lor.
1 wk earlier... actually tot of staying a night there but rooms already fully booked due to F1... dun tink bryan can stay up tat long for the banquet, mayb let him sleep in my sis hotel rm first if he really cannot ta han...

glad tat mdm rokiah clear yr pus... hope ameda works well for u!!!


mine is medela freestyle and not medela mini electric. Mdm rokiah did mention that me quite different, i got no let down at all.. so milk just come out when squeeze lor.. so not sure whether ameda would make any difference. shall try later.. i wouldnt bother if the yield only differs by 10 ml.. lol
