(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

ok makaninf lunch liao. ciao bellas!
btw, can pm mre the date time etc of the scrap booking class? I seldom follow the thread these days :)

btw, let me know if we need to fill more people. I can try asking my sewing workshop participants
Most are frst timers at DIY so I imagine they might want to attend a class in scrapbooking too.Send me details ok>
Hazel, you wanna suggest a day next week? She is available 1st week of Sept and 2nd week of Sept, but I'm available on 1st week of Sept only.
Jasmin and I are ok with any day (tues to friday)
got yr pm!!!

Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class & missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name & surname, contact, baby's name & baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt (pls pm Sun ur details)
5. Lizy

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams
I just add water to avocado when grinding it

Can't remember how much is my grinder, I think about $60 plus. Its the french brand, Moulinette
<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - yeah! That's fun! Can exercise our waist leh!

oh not yet 10 days ah?! heehee ok

<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - this sun?? hmm..sounds good. let me check if i can use car..if not hard to go leh..anymore mummies keen?
<font color="119911">vernice,
tis sat/sun im ok. i tink the usual gang shld b fine. mayb can start a list here n c if anyone wanna join. u prefer sat/sun?</font>
I got the Earth Best puree from NTUC Upp. Thomson Plaza, I also saw some coldstorage selling but cold storage not much choice. NTUC only few outlets got sell Earth Best.
Vernice : Ya moving out of Punggol and going to stay near in law at Simei lor .. very xiong to travel thru and fro with 3 kids everyday ...

Sunshinebaby : Cannot make it on Sat as my 2 princess got classes ..
hi mummies... been really really long since my last post... always manage to read n by the time i finished reading.. #1 or #2 sure wanna my attention...

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mr big guy
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ethan was 8.88kg and 68cm when he turned 5 mths old. caught flu bug from his sis and has been ill for past 2 weeks. the med seems like not working for him.. could be the haze or the burning making it worse... i dunno... bringing him to see pd again... hopefully wont be on inhaler or something.. not easy when kids r ill..
U can try chinese medicine. My son also Ethan same like yours haha.. He was also sick for 2 weeks with cough and running nose from her sister also. I gave up on western medicine and gave him 2-3 dose of Pa Bao Shan fro Yu Ren Sheng and he recover from his running nose and cough.
mac bf juz mummies n babies?? or hb can tag along??

ohh... so sad tat bryan didi can't take foto together with bryan gege liao...

ya, only selected branch selling... thomson plaza seems to hv both brand, earth best &amp; healthytimes... tink will make a trip there...
jasmine.. what is pa bao shan? can i have the tiao ying for the three words? cos i afraid i might pronounce it wrongly.. sounds like pa1 bao3 shan1 to me.. am i right?
so qiao.. i just realised tt.. we both hv elder girl n bb boy both ethan.. n my nick is just a shorter version of yours.. haha
tanglin mall (market place) has quite a lot of selection of the food jars, if you can wait till the kindermusik class, you can buy it then

thanks for the recommendation on the blender, will check that out as well.
icic... okie, i'll wait till aft kindermusik class then go jalan jalan @ market place...
thanks for the info!!!
wanted to say here:

my baby can do the following
"Gongxi gongxi", when we show her the hand gongxi gongxi ask her to do it, She did it!! so cute

bye bye- she did it too

put towel on her head ask her pull it down- she did it.

so happy able to teach her all these
my boi oso!!! my mum tot he's hving cough as he tend to cough quite a no of times a day...
chk w PD n he said they 'cough' coz kinda choke by his saliva... he said now they r learning to swallow so tends to get 'choke'... dun noe true anot...
wish a boy
how do you cope w 3 kids? i already buay tahan w 2.. my fortune teller told me i will hv another girl in 2011 cos little ethan will chao mei when he turns 3 yrs old( chinese age) ... his prediction of my eldest girl will chao di when she turned three ( chinese age) came true... n my hb has been teasing me about getting #3.. think i will faint if this really happens..
he is a taiwanese shifu locating at tpy.. he is really quite good.. average waiting time is one year.. tts how long my sis waited to see him recently.. will need to find his tel then post here oki..

my bb just woke up.. super cranky.. gtg

my gal also... i actually tot she had a cough.. but end up is fake one!!! so now i ignore her lah.. she naughty... been trying to use cough to get my attention.
prosper, my gal also do the gongxi gongxi thingy, sometimes it looked as if she was rowing a boat, very cute and yes, she likes to pretend coughing too, and also choke on her saliva while sleeping in the yaolan, really a cutie pie..

wishaboy, still remember you sprinkled some boy dust to me during the time when we about to know the gender of the bb. in the end i din manage to "hop" the dust, but bb kayla is really very gu niang and fun!!

jme, your boi very cute!!!

blurjen, still tinking of getting of handheld blender, maybe will consider braun...

anyone give papaya to bb? can give papaya wif milk? i gave avocado but it seems a bit too dry and tasteless, but bb enjoying it, so i feed her with lotsa water after avocado. can we add fruits to the cereal? anyone can advise?
alfalfa, Minnie 24, sportyger &amp; mummies who are ordering tingkat dinner

apologies for the late reply. The tingkat dinner delivery that i am currently ordering from is Hilltop HongKong Cafe

They told me that they are not using MSG but using Chicken essence powder. After reading up, i told the lady, Mdm Lee that MSG is one of the ingredients present in chicken essense powder. she told me she told me that she didn't know and she will take note of my feedback. well, i called last thursday morning and my dinner is not as salty. i think they do make an effort.

i would say the portion is quite good and i do get fish daily which is good as i am Breast feeding.

The stupid company that i am ranting about in FB is HOC. This stupid woman can tell me firmly that chicken essence powder is not MSG! even though i told her i read up *sigh*

There is one that my gf tried, think you met her before in our babysigns workshop. feedback from her was good and no msg but the only set back was the price. Its double of what is charged in the market. cos they calimed " strictly no MSG, use Canola oil etc. http://www.momscooking.com.sg/

Today is my last day of my 10 days trial with Hilltop and i will try them out for one month. if things doesn't get better then i will try others. last resort.. go to Mom's cooking.

when i had my first order with Select catering, my ears swell after dinner and i couldn't sleep every night.. was up drinking loads of water and yet still thirsty.
Gymboree Trial on 19-Sep 12pm @ Harbourfront is it confirm?? my coll organised a bbq party @ his condo on tat day too... need to confirm b4 i reply him whether i'm gg anot...
Re: food

I had my orders from www.melvados.com

1. Beef Pepperoni Pizza - too salty
2. Rum &amp; Raisin Gelato - yummy!!
3. mango Sorbet - a little sour for me
4. Tropical fruit punch sorbet - haven't tried
5. Mushroom cream sauce - i find it yummy and i added picnic ham
6. Cream of Mushroom soup with bread - haven't tried
7. Black Pepper chicken - nice but spicy cos they added chilli padi

Their food are pre-prepared and frozen, i went to their food tasting at their factory outlet. they held it once a month.

i like their Black &amp; white brownie and curry chicken is ok..

the dates for this month is:
28th - 29th August 09'(Fri - Sat)

10:00am - 5:00pm (28th Aug)
10:00am - 3:30pm (29th Aug)

Mummies who are keen can go there and try them out before buying home. just thaw and then oven bake or microwave.

i kinda buy them for my lunch when i am too lazt to get out of my house for food while dinner is taken care of by tingkat dinner delivery
re phyto shampoo
Guardian selling..now having 20% for this brand.

just went to buy the shampoo but no sales person there..so i got the thinning hair-woman REVITALIZING SHAMPOO is this correct?

I actually gave my gal 2 teaspoon of puree twice a day.. (breakfast and dinner) in the first week. She took it quite readily. Actually i think there are so many school of thoughts for weaning. Just try and see which is ok for bb. I was lucky in a sense that she can still finish up all her milk after the puree.

To add, i think i have finally introduced the right amt of food for her... 4 teaspoon of puree + 210ml milk cos she was waking me up at 4+ last week cos she is hungry.. after i start on 4 teaspoon of puree + 210ml milk, she wakes up at 5+, slightly better. Hopefully next week with cereal during lunch, she would be able to sleep longer.
tink the hairloss type only salon exclusive if i'm not wrong... tink i saw it on the box...

mine not tat one lei... can't rem the full name but orange in color w ginseng extract...
<font color="119911">sinshinebaby,
hb can come along, the last gatherin, some hbies were thr. its at anchorvale cc.

my #1 oso the same. got cough n running nose, shes normali better on wkend n after gg to sch again, she got worse. she oreadi had 2 courses of western med till i gave up n actuali wanna get pi pa gao but the pharmacist dun recommend, mayb i will try the one u tokin abt, will go yu ren shen n ask.</font>
Finally have time to log in.

I have called gymboree to check if we are able to do the trial on 19th sept. They will get back to me the date and also the 25% discount. Apparently the 25% discount is a voucher which they give out and to date the lady was telling me no more vouchers. So I am negotiating with them on giving us 25% discount cos we are going as a big group. Will keep all updated.

The list for the gymboree:
1. sportyger
2. sunshinebaby
3. prosper
4. minnie24
5. missycandy
6. lenny
7. blurjen
8. babe kazooie
9. keron &amp; Jeris
10. pinksorbet
11. JoJo
12. vernice80
13. Idlecat
14. Jean
15. Queenie (??)
Am keen for gymboree ... have added myself in. OK??

The list for the gymboree:
1. sportyger
2. sunshinebaby
3. prosper
4. minnie24
5. missycandy
6. lenny
7. blurjen
8. babe kazooie
9. keron &amp; Jeris
10. pinksorbet
11. JoJo
12. vernice80
13. Idlecat
14. Jean
15. Queenie (??)
16. Seabreeze
Yes the medicine is right. Is for flu and slight cough. If his cough is bad than have to take Hou Ning powder also from Yu Ren Shang, but Hou Ning is very much more expensive than Ba Pao Shang.

Kris if cough is bad than have to take Hou Ning Powder. Its very expensive 1 small little tube is $66 whereas Ba Bao Shang is $23 for 5 tubes in a box if Im not wrong. He tell me if the cough is bad have to start from taking Hou Ning finished the course than fllow by Ba bao shang for flu will be better.
My boy just know how to flip over since last week only. And he already turn 6mths plus, also late learner.

Wah! U still wants #3. I closed factory, my hubby also say too tiring cannot look after 3.
i oso tot of getting one... hopefully
taka bb fair, there's 20% off for munchkin stuff

last sat i went harbourfront center n saw gymboree... their area looks small, wondering they can accomdate how many bb n mummies...
<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - i am fine with anyday as long as i have car. I don stay SK leh..heehee

<font color="ff0000">sun</font> - everyone is welcome..with or w/o bb n hb

<font color="ff0000">wishaboy</font> - ya true..quite tiring to lug 3 kids to/fro everyday...1 less in SK/punggol

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - yeah my bb pretends to cough too..trying to catch our attention so we sometimes ignore him or 'slap' him lightly
I dont know if the sale is still on this week, but last sat, pigeon and munchkin still having 20% off.

Gymboree will get back to me how many bb they can accomodate in a class.
