(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


I actually thought the organic section got limited variety cos they cant sell whatever carrefour carries. They even sell the Hipp Organic milk powder at the organic section. But hor, the organic section is not part of carrefour. Got to pay separately. So u probably cant exchange for food there.

I found all the flavours for healthy times at carrefour though. Cant remember if i saw earth best, din look for earth best cos i already bought 12 bottles of it back from US.

It is best to let ur bb try one food item for a few days before introducing another food item. Ur list looks like a schedule after introducing food to bb for 1 or 2 mths. Not to mention, the qty to be introduced need to be given gradually fortheir little bodies to get used to it.., eg. start with 1 tablespoon of rice cereal, then increase to 2 tablespoon one week later. They have been on pure liquid for so long liao..
ladies ....

Am back!! The corporate event is finally over and now i have time to REST ... i was totally exhausted and zzzzz lots over the weekend .. althought I must say that it was not siong or what but duuno why my battery went FLAT ...

Pumpkin ...

Yes I want the LC bag ... will msg you the design k ... pls drop my chanel slot for this round =)

sunshinebaby ...

Hahahaha me 'long life' ar ... so long never come into the forum and once you mention me ... I appear ...

Here are the links



I must say that the stock level in the link is not updated ... but PM me if there are anything that catches your eyes k

latching baby again liao. But when she hears the typing sound she keeps unlatching then turning around to stare at my lappie. I think she wants to kpo what mommy is saying on the forum.


ok slowly backtracking now.

paiseh. don't know which one is her.

you mean like those gerber bottles? I heard that once opened we can keep for 2 more days. Experienced moms, is this correct? I will remove from fridge to let it get back to room temp before feeding. I have also tried giving a little bit of chilled puree to baby to help her sooth her gums. But she gave me a funny look. hehehe

saw your msg. Sorry sorry too many messages so very messy. But I'll say, the cry-it-out method is not for me and Gracie. Think babies are like little persons, they have they unique quirks and definitely have their own temperaments. So what works for one might not for another. I suspect that Gracie is stubborn like me and prefers the soft approach to a hard one. No more after that attempt. Hubby also says he doesn't like that method. aiiiiiiiiiii when will she learn to nap in the day.

Me still debating whether to try lecithin or not. Does it affect the milk supply? how long does it take to work?

There was once that i give my bb chilled puree.. she spit it out.. lol...so now me do like u.. just remove and leave at room temp before feeding. Dont think need to put in fridge soon, in a few more weeks, i think my bb would be eating the whole jar.. lol..
oh dear. hope you are ok now? Jia You! I recalled that you want to BF until 1 yr old right? Hang in there!

I was thinking of intro FM a little by a little once when she reaches 6 mth, and wean off completely by 9mth. Well she just turned 6mth yesterday. hehehe (p/s Happy 6mth birthday to Ugin and Baby A). But now I can't bear to intro FM yet. Will try to stick it out for any long as I can.

I forgot to mention that the carrefour I went was the one in Suntec. Just in case the variety differs at different branch.
hmm, i saw some mention abt carrots. Coincidentally i noticed that my son had some mild rashes on the first day that i fed him carrot and also when he was fed sweet potato, it went off the next day though .. maybe he is allergic to beta carotene? I used the Earth's Best jars which are for 4-6months. will check with my pd..

Cupcake workshop,
interested! but unfortunately yishun is too far for me
have fun!
hahahha yours spat it out? So drama. Mine gives me a "what on earth is that" look... in fact, hubby says Gracie gives the same funny look as me when I eat something strange. Heeeee like mommy like daughter.

Yah yah mine can take 45ml pf pumpkin puree very quickly and still wants more. But I am super lazy lah. I don't feed semi solids every day. sometimes I miss for 2 to 3 days. bahaha Either forgot to thaw from freezer or didn't make enough, or decided not to let her have "yellow" foods too often to prevent jaundice.
u gg for the bash next sat?? can take a pic of yr Bryan and my Bryan together... LOLx

other than Thomson, where still got NTUC Fineness huh??
asura - thanks for your advice...yup i myself thought that the schedule was too heavy hence had to ask the opinion of u mummies...cos previously bought si sen powder for my boy, then i realise he doesn't seem to like the flavour when i give to him in milk bottle +EBM, so i wanted to give him cereal...i guess this time i stick on to si sen powder ba since my mil went to buy another bottle on top of the one i have now...i guess its either one or the other...will drop cereal for the time being...

hope yr blocked ducts are better already?
thanks for the pics! Btw, told my hubby about your enquiry on cooking. I encouraged him to try hosting some home based classes but he is a bit shy. Aiyo eh. Guess opposites attract. His wifey here is buay paiseh one but he everything also shy. But seriously, hubby is really good for someone self taught. I used to be very serious about food myself back when I was in OZ (used to love entertaining my OZ friends) so I know a thing or two about proper western food. I don't easily praise other people's cooking one ... errr ... ok maybe I do but quite often I am just being polite. LOLs

I saw the blog link. VERY PRETTY, I LIKE. But I am not a cupcake person. I know it is all the rage but I just don't like eatig cupcakes. So no interest liao. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Babydreams and you must post up pics of your finished product ok>?

interesting. Pumpkin also has beta carotene. You could try a bit of that too. If he gets a mild rash again then quite a high chance that he is sensitive to it.
haha yup yup bbs are unique! no one method works for all of them

i dun tink lecithin affect my ms, din notice any changes after i start taking. only change i observed is tat the bm seems "lighter" after taking lecithin, that is, more watery look. haha and coz i was tasting my bm, noticed not as sweet or favourful liao haha. but bb still take to it, no changes on his end. i started taking in may, tink only in mid jul then my blk ducts better. for info, i started with taking lecithin granules and now taking gnc lecithin pills. you tink abt it, if can help, maybe take to save yourself more pain?
speaking of being buay paiseh. I believe it runs in the family. Never mentioned this before because it never came up in the conversation. My dad and mom were in the papers, AGAIN, for the umpteen times on the National day special segment. Heheheh in fact they have had 5 min TV segment done on them a few times liao. Dad also appeared on front page of straits time in a standalone colour pic. Lols. My parents are quite "in"famous one.

My father is the self-proclaimed "wood ball hula chain" master. The busker at Orchard road? He is also the one who won the Busker of the year award on singapore Ok. My mom will also join him in his busking some times. Quite funny. She will swing and sing Hakka folk songs at the top of her lungs at the same time. Buay Tahan. haahhahaa

I also know how to use the chain leh.
<font color="aa00aa">ann
r u the one interested in the kindermusik on 13 sep?? can pm me yr name, hp#, bb's name &amp; DOB?
10 Q~~~

so far my boi still will drink his water so i tink ok for him to take direct...

ya lor... realli long life!!! juz mentioned u n here u POP in!!!!

i'll hv a look n pm u later...

my boi oso very kpo when i feed him bottle, any noise will make him stop sucking n turn to tat position where the sound comes fr... tsk tsk tsk</font>
oic... i saw them in orchard performing!!! so they r yr dad n mum lor... u oso know how to use the chain, show us a the bash lei... kekeke
can use the chain to slim down right?
haha talking abt funny looks from bbs,
my fav look from my little boy is the one he'll gives me when he's latching on and closing his eyes, trying to sleep. any sounds, e.g. me talking, suddenly moved on sofa, etc, he'll pop, unlatch and give me this cute quizzical look like asking "mummy, why did you wake me?". if i sayang him, he'll close his eyes again and go back to sleep. else he'll look for another few secs then start crying haha. love tat look, only happens when he's just beginning to go to sleep. once deep asleep, wun be affected liao

any mummies saw the same/similar looks from you bbs?
asura, thanks, so where do I find the jar food/baby cereals at Carrefour Suntec?

- L2 baby section, next to the diapers
- L1 organic section

anywhere else?
Oh ... for those who book Rasa Sentosa ... I was there for my corporate event and they gave me a Seaview room ... NICEEEEEEE

A pity that I only went up to express milk and zzz only =p
sunshinebaby, pumpkin,
yah yah they are quite famous one. Too bad the govt decided to stop all busking activities at orchard road so he has to "perform" somewhere else since some time back. The ones you see at Orchard road now are probably doing it illegally. Actually I suspect dad still goes there once in a while to try his luck. The police tends to leave him alone since he is so old. Heeee He gets a kick out of performing in front of the orchard crowd lah. Plus he says, money is good. *faints* But even he can feel the economy downturn liao.

Yah yH can use for slimming and myh mom taught me before. It's actually very easy. Way easier than the hard round ones as this chain will swing along with your waist. But I don't bother to use lah cos you need alot of space.

Cannot perform there lah. Need alot of space even for a small swing. The type my dad performs is like 3 times the length. Aiyah my mom better, can swing plus sing songs to entertain you. Wahahahhaha I can't imagine the scene.
from annabel karmel if I'm not wrong..
but then although tracy said food first then milk..why she gives schedule like this (page 96):
7AM milk
8.30 solid
11 milk
3 milk
7.30 milk
that means milk first followed by milk a few hours later right?

Btw, when will u give 3 meals to bb? tracy suggests 3 meals on the 3rd wk...so fast..
<font color="ff0000">kris</font> - very busy ah? hardly see u ard..then come in only post 1 comment?

why u letting go ur duckie?

<font color="ff0000">asura</font> - u vey cham leh..always kena. u didn't bring back those u expressed in US? no need stress one..mix a bit of FM is alright since u still give majority BM

<font color="ff0000">pumpkin</font> - received ur msg. Will reply to u fast!

<font color="ff0000">wishaboy</font> - u moved?? no longer in punggol?

<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - have u received ur playmat from Gmarket? hows it?

<font color="ff0000">alfafa</font> - wow...the busker is ur father?? that wooden hula looks real heavy to manage leh
YAYA u shld perform!!!
Good Morn mommies!!

Today my bb is 6 mths old liao! Yest tried porridge on her but she spit it out. I think i had to keep on trying.
Happy birthday, blur jen's bb!

ok ok due to popular demand. I shal borrow one chain from my dad to demo to you. Kekekek

not yet leh. Think it says roughly 10 working days so not yet. Should be here by end of this week?? Crossing my fingers :p

yah the standard size is 2kg heavy. My dad performs with those 3 times longer (roughyl 5-6kg each) plus sometimes he will swing with two or three of them together. Crazy one. We told him to take it easy so many times already but he doesn't listen. :p stubborn as a mule. No wonder I am the same.

oh cool you are coming. Vivo ok? But I am meeting for tea at 1pm, not joining them at noon though. I prefer to have lunch at home. Jon cooked a beef stew for me last night, meant for today's meal. Unless you are going later too if not I think I will cab there by myself lah

Yah... both sections you mentioned got baby food..
Unfortunately, i still think making ourselves would have more variety. Probably would just buy butternut squash only next time cos tat's the only food item that is too big to buy from the supermarket... at least pumpkin can buy one wedge.. heh..
Re: aquaduck session

V BAD NEWS!! For all mommies who choose 26/9 session, v sorry that the session was canceled. And I had emailed the details to u all.

For those that choose 3/10 are not affected.

Eh... i actually give her solid and milk in the same feed... going down quite well now. I think her schedule's meaning could be during the times indicate, intro the solid. That's how i interpret lah.. cos dont think bb would be take a full mealof just solid until a few months later.

This is the 2nd week i am giving bb solids. So far is for breakfast (930) and dinner (530). 4 teaspoon of fruit or veg puree each time.Next week i plan to give her 6 teaspoon of fruit or veg or breakfast and dinner, follow by 1 tablespoon of rice cereal during lunch (130).
Seabreeze, no i jus the organic millet and quinoa to cook the porridge for her which is v v small rice so dun need to blend liao. And i had tried it, it really dun need to chew lor jus need to swallow only. But she like the organic puffs tat i gave her, it was like those bb biscuit but in small puff shape.
asura - i presume u started with one feeding of puree during your first week of introducing solids?

my boy hates to drink milk again...i tink this is his cue that he wants solids already...cos yesterday when i fed him sweet potatoes puree he enjoyed it tremendously...
can i check how long can a cut avocado be kept? was thinking of cutting it up and scraping the necessary amount for one feed and ziplocing the rest for the next feed - is this ok or would it have oxidised? am not a fan of avo so would be quite a waste if i have to discard the rest of it

wow, u have famous parents. they must both be very trim and lean!

can i also check what are mummies using to puree food? i bought the munchkin grinder but i lost one of the parts (boo hoo
) so now i need to hunt for another equipment! any recommendations?

how many slots left for the 6 month bash? i am still trying to see if i can make it! haven't attended any gathering since the very first one..
your parents are professional buskers ah? wow! They must be very outgoing, not easy for their age to still want to perform, must love the adrenaline rush alot. Maybe Grace can learn when she knows how to walk

btw, my boy likes your giraffe more than the lamaze catepillar I bought, at least he doesn't fought with it.

I started avocado puree on my boy, he didn't reject but did not cry for more either. My mum tried feeding him today and he spat it out. hmm...perhaps I will start him with banana puree this weekend, sweeter so he may like it better. I tried the avocado myself, quite bland.
And yes, avocado turns brown very fast, but I think can keep for a few days before discarding.
<font color="119911">vernice,
when i come in, im actuali catching up on all the postings, watever time i come in, thrs sure to b archive. after reading, forgot wan to post wat liaoz so usuali onli reply to the latest post, keke. wan to have mac bfast this sun? same time, same plc?</font>
How much does the grinder cost? am toying with the idea of a handheld blender cos i can make mushroom soup with it
Just wondering if grinders are more for dry items? But i am not so in tune with cooking equipment, well, unless they are used for baking then i know abit more!

thanks for the info on avocado - will try to buy a smaller one and see if it will last 3 days

tanglin mall,
by the way, i work really near tanglin mall so if any mummies need to check out info ($, stocks etc) from any of the many babies-related shops there can pm me
waiting for my beef stew to heat up. :g

srumpee, Ann

Ooohh so do I qualify as "celebrity kids?" =D bahaha

hahaha professional buskers? Waaa I must tell my dad. He will be very happy. Btw, he calls himself Master Oh ok? don't play play. Yah both my parents aee very outgoing. They are both in their 60s already but my dad esp, is a health FANATIC. They used to swim at Toa Payoh swimming pool at 6plus in the morning. They have a special pass that allows them entry into the pool before it officially opens to the public. Don't know how that works but anyway ... then they would have breakfast followed by another two hours of "hula performance" at Botanical Garden or wherever they fancy. My dad will continue with another 2 hours of hula exercise smetime in the evening.

Siao one.

Thank goodness he is more relaxed these days. Mom seldom joins him now as she is busy with my Sis' 3 children. But she still tries on special occasion.

Actually, I am very very very glad that my elderly parents are kept busy. A bt concerned about my mom as she is getting more and more forgetful (I hope and hope that it is just a sign of aging and not something worse). My dad though, is in the pink of health. When he gets excited you can hear him from two blocks away. :p

but I like how he wrestles with the cateripllar leh. Damn damn funny. I showed my hubby and he also laughed. Say your boy is very funny. Glad he likes the giraffe. One of the mommies say her 4mth old loves to twirl the tail ribbons around her little finger and then will happily stare at it for very looooooooong.

my dad is skinny like the pork ribs at Sheng Siong :p But my mom is bah bah, round round one.

Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class &amp; missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name &amp; surname, contact, baby's name &amp; baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt (pls pm Sun ur details)
5. Lizy

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams
