(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


re: hb
my hb lately is crazy with what taiwan singing contest - Xing Guang Da tao or something. so he everyday after work come home snatch the laptop frm me. and refuse to bath tristan in the evenings.somemore watch until 10 tell us he wan to slp tml got to wrk. normally evenings i get him to bath tristan so to let them have bonding time..

men are 98% all the same. the other 1% in woodbridge.. another 1% hard to find.


<font color="0000ff">Hi sportyger, I'm also interested in Gymboree. Can I join? </font>

Gymboree Trial on 19-Sep 12pm Harbourfront

1 sportyger
2 sunshinebaby
3 prosper
4 minnie24
5 misscandy
6 lenny susanty
7 blurjen
8 babe kazooie
9 keron&amp;jeris
10. pinksorbet
11. idlecat
sorry didnt see ur post ytd.. hehe aniway u got the number already right? good good..

oo heng ah. i oni buy 2. still tot of buyin 2 more.. now i think can forget it. haha..
ask them help u lor. or wait till u go korea. haha maybe shanghai selling it too? *winkWink*
im still ai mai ai mai on the weanie. LOL...same here i oso like to throw things in a big bag..

im good.. juz finished exams. hehe

u buy from which seller @ gMkt? can share share? keke

ya me same as u .. no license. but hb is the one.. he don like to drive. haha..
missycandy/viven/serene - poor mummies...i guess some hubbies jus dun help out ya...mus tell them to do so or else they will buey zi dong...my friend's hubby oso like that...sometimes i think i have to count my own blesings that my hubby does help out so i cannot complain he's not doing well...i guess u all jus hv to voice out and tell them off lor...or else leave them with babies alone...i advised my fren to do that, but she said don't want baby to suffer, which is true la...haiz...wait poor baby...u all have to keep drilling the thought in them that its not just your baby, the baby belongs to both of u so the guy also has to play a part...

queenie- i saw earth best or heinz (can't remember which one or is it both) that has carrots puree for 4 to 6mths, so i thought carrot also ok woah...never mind la, let tristan try abit lor...i just started kyan on sweet potatoes puree an hour ago from earth's best and he loves it leh!!! he's so cute lo, i was feeding him with the spoon...initially he gave that sort of a "hmm...what taste is that" expression when he first savoured it but later on he loves it and wants more!! cos i scoop the puree out then i asked him with the puree in the spoon...want anot? he kept sticking his tongue out and plunging forward then i knew he loved it..hehe

asura - i hope yr blocked ducts get cleared soon...sian rite...i thought since my milk ss reduced no more milk ducts but i faced that few days back it was so painful...i used the hot stone to remove lor...
vivien - hubby and i quarrelled quite often too, cos of difference in opinions with regards to baby...i oso v sian lor, then sometimes feel like crying like yesterday...why he cannot agree with me wholeheartedly each time i brought up a topic, he will definitely disagree one...haiz...sometimes i oso v sian liao
cheer up!
i think is earth best bah.. at tampines One's cold storage only have pear, apples and carrot to choose from. so limited. haha. only cold storage have earth best?

HUGS.. hope ur blk ducts faster go away!

block duct again ... hope it cleared soon ... moomoo career is really not easy ..

queenie, i fed carrot puree leh .. the Health Times one is for 4mths+ leh .. dunno cannot feed carrot
ilyena - welcome hee.

actually i think bb growing then hb a bit more zhi dong.. initially its like me against the world... but hb cn sleep thru kirsten's cries -_-"
donno leh .. i read from online one... mayb not zhun. think as long as no reactions shd be fine?
im going to start avocado the next .. ask hb to go n buy soon..
Re: Rice Cereal (solid)

mummies, apart frm the puree, understand that rice cereal is recommended to introduce to baby as 1st solid food. Which brand of rice cereal do u mummies give to ur babies? Is Heinz good? There are some like Friscocream and Nestle but some say sweet...need mummies opinion
smile - i give nestle.. but im nt doing the right way... i add into her milk.. =P hehe. nt recommended... hee... but only 1 spoon... i use nestle... tried feeding her the white infant cereal with milk already in it... but she rejected... i will only start brown rice cereal when she turns 6mths.. so for now, im feeding vege and fruit purees...
aiyo september is very pack for my lil one and myself... hopefully dont overkill it... every wk also have something on... jialat...
missycandy - ") thanks. Nestle, the one that is rice cereal with milk or the one that's just rice cereal, they have 2 diff type i saw at carrefour yesterday?
queenie - i didn't buy earth's best from cold storage...the other day was walking in this japanese supermarket on the top floor of ion and saw earth's best organic food so i jus bought about two bottles for kyan to try lor...i got heinz from supermarket...tink heinz got two types right, one organic type the other non-organic one...

missycandy - ya like abit overkilling right...hehe...sep seems to be a busy month...its also the milestone mark when our baby will reach six months! so exciting...i tink bb kyan can't wait to try solids...hehe
smile - my colleague recommended me frisocream cos she says its v smooth so good for babies...issit sweet? hmm i was thinking of buying frisocream for my boy...

i tink i have too many foods for him in mind...i have the brown rice powder for him (same as missycandy i added into milk and fed him thru bottle)...puree and now i'm thinking when to feed him cereal..

cereal in the morning and brown rice powder for lunch? and purees in between? is it too much? i also don't know how should i arrange my food schedule...hmmz
pinksorbet - frisocream is the one that is already with milk so just add water will do. I read somewhere in the forum, some mum said it's sweet so me trying to get more feedback.

ya, babies now are so spoil with choices that mummy like us not sure which one to give. umm i was told to intro rice cereal only for the 1st month, reason is to make sure that bb is not allegy to solid and that don't intro so many new food at a time so that u will be able to know what food ur bb can't take or allergy to.

heinz - ya got 2 types.

earth's best - i think i saw this brand at carrefour yesterday, can check it out. There is a corner that sell a lot of organic food. hee hee me looking around, not sure which brand to buy. Thought buy heinz but scare like too blend and tot want to buy Friscocream scare too sweet. Am still total breastfeeding my boy now but since he is already 5 mth time abt time to intro solid liao..haizzz
I try all out for my baby liao.

Healthytimes with FM this morning (bottle feed)
Heinz- apple and pear puree mixed with water (spoon feed)
Si Sen powder mixed with FM (bottle feed
Friscocream - spoon fed alone
pinksorbet, i think friscocream if added more water will not be too sweet lah, my ger loves it.

I will start my bb on the following:
morning (6-8am): FM
morning( 11-12am): Fricocream
afternoon (1-2pm): FM, half an hour later, apple or water
afternoon (2-3pm): puree
evening( 6-7pm): FM
nite: (10pm): FM
haha i think im going to stop giving him carrot after tml's feed.
in fact today i fed him lesser than ytd's portion. oh ya btw , thank u !
ok next time will drop by jap supermarket @ tampines 1 and see if they have it there as well.
i bought heinz organic cereal but wont be trying out so soon.. maybe after a few varieties of fruits..
smile - ya lor exactly...babies are now spoilt with so many choices we dunno what and how to feed them...

prosper - u feed yr baby the si sen powder too?? hmm...under which milk feed ah? cos i don't see it in yr schedule leh...

queenie - like that ah, i dun feed kyan with the carrots puree then...
smile - i give her the one without milk mix into her milk feeds... i tried spoon feeding her the one with milk and she doesnt seem to like it leh... maybe too watery... but i added as instructed on the tin... maybe il add less water... it will be a messy affair.. be prepared! lol.. anyway, need to bring kirsten out more often to socialize... she's stil timid la... ppl come her house also cry.. tsk tsk...

earth's best... think quite a number of mummies are feeding this brand.. i started out with earth's best as well... the jar is small and dun have to worry abt wastage when u 1st start out... now im feeding healthy times becos i bought with some other mummies...
i think nt too bad... im also going to try the heinz(non organice) my dad is getting frm msia for me.. much cheaper there.. heh... see what be brings back ba...

pink - yalor... i think everywkend is booked for something.. on top of that, wkdays also meeting some of the mummies...
missycandy, Si sen powder is at my mil house. Only feed her in the afternnoon when i am there. most of the time, under maid care, will be frisocream
i feed my baby Bellamy Organic rice cereal mix with a little FM. Make like porridge and spoon feed her. Two days ago i steam a little banana and add into it.
Everyone is using a different schedule for bb feeds. I haven't started yet!

But here is my plan:

Rice Cereal
I just bought Heinz Organic (White) and Healthy Times Organic (Brown). Will be starting at 6 months on the dot.

Fruit &amp; Veg
I will only start introducing veg 2-3 weeks later and fruits 4-6 weeks from now. Also remembering the 3-5 day rule for trying out new foods.

Before I forget to ask, if you can make it for the lunch this coming tuesday, can you also bring the doidy cup for me, please?
If not, then get it from you at the 6th month bash. Cheers.
At first when i started giving my girl the Bellamy organic rice, i followed the instruction and mix as well. She doesnt like it at all..it was way to watery for her. And she finds it weird to have watery milk using a spoon. So i mix my own and slowly experiment until i found the nice consistency that she like. Very fussy girl.

At the moment i only feed her..the rice cereal mix into FM and a little fruit as added flavour once a day..at 10am. Is that too little?
wah i 3 weeks never log in looks like ppl have started weaning/planning weaning liao
same here. hehe. unfortunately my boy is constipated from being in hot and dry weather while on holiday, not to mention with the poo change with solids the poor thing has been seriously straining when he is pooing.

not gonna read 3 weeks worth of threads, but message to alfafa if u are reading this: if u posted anything pics wise here, can repost them on fb - am more likely to see it there than here
<font color="119911">victoria,
ur gal born on 31/3? my gal oso. my hair drop like mad nw.

Re: Duckie tub
i wanna sell mine for $25, PM me if anyone keen k.</font>
victoria - hw much milk does ur lil angel drink? im nt sure if its too little... but as long as bb seems content and not asking for more milk feeds might be fine for the moment... but for me, when i started solids, i gave 1 spoon a day... and gave 1 spoon a day for a few wks... didnt realise supposed to increase it aafter 1week LOL!!! so blur.. plus im wrking so i jus tell my mum what to feed lor... aiyo.... now we have upped it to 5-6spoons a day.. she's taking it well.. plus in every milk feed(3hrly), we add 1 spoon of nestle cereal... but, she doesnt always finish her milk... and it takes awhile as well.. sometimes she will drink half.. sleep then wake up then feed her the remaining... sometimes she wld finish all at one shot.... depends ba... heh
wa biang!! i gave my boy carrot purees this two days le.. aiyo.. he finished them off on the second day liao.. ok.. will stop on carrot liao.. so thinking which one next then.. heee..

hi^5 i m feeding my boy with bellamy's white rice cereal too..

actually last time my little cousin who my mom babysit oso tat timid like kirsten lo.. bo bian one.. itz really her personality.. but bringing her out more often really can help.. *hugs kirsten*
ya must let her meet her lil frns more regularly.. hmmm see how the gymboree and kindermusik classes go... if she shows interest in any then il sign her up ba... heee
yesyes.. mi too.. i more likely to sign up kindermusik.. hehehe.. but will wait till he reaches 8mth old, big enough to sit n play better.. =)
prosper - oic...

p3/missy - the kindermusik class like onli in tanglin mall rite, which is too far from my place
even if i wan to sign up for my boy like so far away leh...
pink - ya... they have many places island wide for the class

btw, anyone keen on baking workshop. $60/pax. at Yishun. will be either on 12th sept or 13th Sept 2pm to 530pm. Let me knw asap pls. Only up to 6pax.
yay...same birthday with Andrea. Im also born in the month of March.
My also dropped like crazy. Every day when i sweep the floor..i can lots of my hair in the dustpan

I think she is alright. She doesnt take a lot of milk in the morning. im not sure how much she drink the whole day cos i latch her on. She only take FM at abour 1.30 140ml and at 8pm 140ml.

Hi5...do you mix the rice with fruit puree?
no le.. hahaha.. din mix with fruit le.. will try tat later on.. coz still exploring on individual fruits n vege for him first..
yes yes.. i read in other threads... they actually mix the fruits with the rice cereal for their babies so more palatable for babies.. if not jus plain cereal also sian.. heh.. but wld be gd to feed fruits on their own jus in case allergy...
veggies too...

vic - u r SAHM?

I think is recommended to mix. But only aftre bb has tried the item on its own wihtout mixing first. Eg. if try sweet potato for 5 days then apple for 5 days... if no problem then can give bb sweetpotatoe + apple.

Think must start making food soon liao.. getting expensive.. lol..

<font color="0000ff">Lunch - 25aug/tues
pasta de waraku @ illuma bugis</font>
3.inya fren. - most welcome to join
4. Babe kazoole
6. babydreamz

<font color="0000ff">Lunch - 1Sept /Tuesday
Swenson @Tampines mall</font>

1. Pepper
2. Jo
3. Annmelody
4. Kris
5. Bluebell
6. Vernice 80
7. Victoria
8. Keron &amp; Jeris (kiv)
9. Missycandy (kiv)
