(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

ic...do feedback on seanlau's photography yar

my bb fart also very smelly...she err 5 days no poo liao *worried* i started her cereal on mon..do you feed your bb water?

how to get bb to poop?

ya.. i fed him with some water becoz the iron fortified cereal might be too heaty for him.. dun worry about the pooing part, when it comes it comes in grand!! hahahaha..
yar the one in blue

does your bb take well to water?
my bb made an ugly face when i fed her water and din want to swallow lolx.
hahha.. mine oso.. but usually after giving him purees, he is willing to take water.. dun force him, just give bit by bit lo.. bo bian one.. tasteless is somehow weird to them oso.. hee..
Wah mummies so many trials and comig up, hv fun at kindermusic class!

BTW, are there gng to hv any several mini contest for our 6 months bday bash?
Eg: Baby& parent look alike, Best dress family, best dress baby etc? THese are the few came to my mind just now!

Ivy, I was at my fren's gal 1 yr old birthday party on National Day, she engaged Benjamin frm PhotoU, I must say he is very professional and capture the birthday spirit during the party!
His studio shots are not bad too

Mummies for those who are interested in PhotoU by Benjamin, can browse the latest photo tagged by my fren under my Facebook profile

SeanLau style is diff frm PhotoU but are good too. Hey u have best of both worlds!

BTW,Warm Welcome Victoria and Yuki!!
<font color="ff0000">blurgal</font> - u wanna share? Great! u stay at SK right? The BP ending tml liaoz...which colors u want?
p3pp3r, i had reply ur pm

hello mommies, today i bring my bb to chalet swimming pool in the end cry non stop then fall asleep. hai bring so much things there in the end only swim for 5 mins.... sian....

dunno it can use for how long. scare my bb use few mths cannot use liao

about 3 times a day. Actually the doctor told me to give a few spoonful of water after each feed to clear the throat of milk and also to clear the whitish layer on the tongue. Now my baby's tongue doesnt have the whitish layer anymore.

But i only give her water 3 times a day. about 7-8 teaspoons each time.
<font color="119911">re: baby food - wa u mummies very hardworking! Till date, Joel is still fully on milk, no signs that he is keen in food yet so i can relax a while</font>

<font color="0000ff">oh...i just came back today and when Joel saw me, he cried. Sianz! At the moment, feel so much to quit my work. Tho i don't miss him but i don like the feeling that he doesn't want me anymore. Luckily, I called my mum and asked if he was like that for the week and she say YES! Phew! So its not me..</font>

<font color="ff0000">queenie</font> - hmm..ya lor the material thicker cos i think they use it mainly during autumn in Korea thats why. So long haven arrive ah? wow sianz...my colleagues now in Korea. so tempted to ask them buy but paiseh!

eh...u don't ai mai ai mai on the machine lah....haha make a decision!

eh..i also donno if it is useful leh. but hor i like to throw things ard in a big bag...tot thats the purpose of a big bag mah.

<font color="ff0000">prosper</font> - u getting the bag organiser? hmm...this one much nicer than the usual one we saw at BP and also more exp lah. But i donno if i will use.

<font color="ff0000">p3pp3r</font> - haha Joel's smelly gas n poo also same as Ziv...cannot tahan one..we always tot he is pooing.

<font color="ff0000">ivy</font> - heehee...i came back and u r gone!! anything nice in KL to buy?? I will be going there in OCt for work too!
i'm using GOON!!! love it so much!!! kekeke
but they increased the price too... so sianz...

i'm oso interested!!! but there's another mummy sharing w u liao...
any mummies interested/available for 13 sept class??

Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class &amp; missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name &amp; surname, contact, baby's name &amp; baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt (pls pm Sun ur details)

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams
Yap, me stay in SK.Any colour is fine.. but can i not hv red for both design.. hee
u hv my HP rite? u can sms me.. incase i miss out any post. THanks.
wow this thread is moving extremely fast!! so fast that i have to note down who to reply heehee... sorry if i missed anyone out. Thanks to all for your welcomes ;)

Though your bb poos more these days, should be alright as long as she's feeling ok cos could be due to diet or teething. My gal poos many times each day... if don't poo then she don't feel comfortable and may be grouchy at times.

ya heard FM stinks.. esp NAN ...heehee

i thk my gal prefers pop music these days.. tried again today. She didn't cry and fell asleep haha

Duckie Bathtub
Price is S$34.90 before discount. I just bought it today at robinsons at 20% discount. Put my gal in the tub for "dry" trial and she seem to enjoy exploring the duck. After that i bathe her in it she cried haha cos i think she's too tired after shopping and wana sleep. It's quite narrow.. perhaps my gal too chubby heehee. But it's good cos my gal won't knock herself cos she wriggles alot in the tub.

Just to check with those who are currently using the duckie bathtub. Do u bathe your bbs in the bathroom or bedroom? I bathe my gal in my bedroom so i will prepare the water in the bathroom and bring the bathtub into my room. But with water in the duckie, the middle section kinda sink in... quite difficult to hold the whole duck, water almost splash out from the sides. Is it becos it wasn't blown hard enough?? but read the instruction that it shouldn't be blown too hard.
hi mummies, long time no login.. baby HK's fever is gone aft 2 days, so relieved. Yeap, think i also too stressed at work cos i feel that my boss is hinting me that i'm not really cut out for my portfolio, so am worried abt that too..haii..

re dropping hair, mine dropped like nobody's business too.. bought the beauty language shampoo but still dropping hair leh..have to always pick up my hair from my son before he chews it..kee..

oohh..the items on http://lillacypearl.livejournal.com/ looks nice, but i sure cant fit, cos i size M liao..haii.. I've been shopping from gmarket instead, hee..
Re: Water
mommies, how much water do u give ur baby each day? my gal on full FM and she drank abt 100-150ml of water each day. She drinks from bottle and she loves to drink water!! No rejection le.. give her and she drinks happily! Give her milk sometimes she will struggle awhile before drinking it. Weird huh...
Re: Hair Loss
Perhaps can try Phyto shampoo for hair loss. My friend used that after giving birth and she said its quite good in controlling hair loss. I think i will get that too if my hair starts to fall in abdundance...so scared.
i oso gave my boi a lot of water... but he dun likes it... when he's thirsty, then he'll drink a lot... no choice, still must give him...
yr ger so cute, prefer plain water than milk... kekeke

re: phyto shampoo
i'm juz start using tat... hopefully it helps!!!
ya lor maybe she's sick of milk cos been drinking it for almost 6 mths heehee so water is a refreshing change for her. Can't wait to start her on solids soon!
I bathe my boy in the bathroom with the duckie tub cos he kicks and splashes water alot! Its heavy to move it around when filled. I think it shld be quite hard, else no support. Yup, its narrow thats why they will slip off to the side
thanks for the tip! will give her water after each feed from tmr :D

re:duckie tub
how to inflate it? does it come with any tool?

so good! my bb hates to drink water!
my hair also dropping like nobody business...i can pick up hair every other minute on the floor.
mangogal, yes there will be contests for 6 month bash. I'm organising the BPs and contests sponsorship but busy these few days. Will have more time when DH goes away to Tahiti for biz trip the whole of next week. A bit stressed as this is the first time without him and my mum around. Seriously aaalll bbbyyyy myssself ( like the Mariah Carey song)

For anyone else who hasn't gotten replies from me via e-mail, I'm sorry. Will try to get to them asap.
duckie tub - i use it in the toilet. luckily my counter top has space for it. hee. i dont fill it full.. i fill the tub half way only.. she lurves to kick... so if put too much water i will get soaked!

p3ps - right la. lol. asura &amp; sinmey did come by. lol. was really funny. all stare at each other.. then cry... wahahaha! was quite funnie.. lol.. took some pics.. will upload later.. hee hee... then all looking at "teacher sinmey" when she played with the activity panel of my play yard... lol... very cute...

inya - u nt goin for 6mth bb bash ah? hmmm.. im getting my bro to go and help us take photos.. heh heh heh.. he's not pro... but i think his shots not bad la... =P

for the fitti diapers, i just ordered.. hee hee... and delivered to me le... im nt sure when promo is ending but do act fast ba... i ordered 3M and 9L.. lol! kiasu... the M is quite small... so i buy L to keep.. siao siao me...

vivien - lookin for u leh.. pm u but no reply le... pm-ed u again.. do reply ok? thanks...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jus heard thunder gonna storm tonight
anyone keen on baking cupcake workshop??

Learn to make Chocolate Chip &amp; Vanilla cupcakes, frosting and decoration of cupcake with
1) Cream cheese with Fondant flower
2) Chocolate Ganache with white chocolate decoration
3) Strawberry Italian Meringue buttercream
4) Various decoration with piping tips (Swirl, Flat, Sunflower, star decoration, fondant)

Class size = 4 to 6 pax
Cost per session = S$75/pax
Early bird cost per session = S$65/pax (Confirm and paid by 13 Sep 09)
Buddy cost per session = S$62/pax (Confirm and paid by 13 Sep 09)
Available Date: 20 Sep 2009 (Sun); 2.00pm to 5.30pm
Closing dates: 13 Sep 2009
Email [email protected]
Visit www.BakinCalf.com for details. Organised by BakinCow.com.

im really keen! lemme knw who is keen. thanks
read some posts that some mummies planning for another baby liao..sigh.. me too intially hv this plan, but now i really hesitate. Ever since we have baby HK, hubby and me been quarrelling quite often. Before that, we seldom quarrel, and even if we do, hubby usually will apologise if he's at fault.. Now, he just think it's nothing even if it's at fault and this upsets me. Baby HK is now his no. 1, which is really alright as baby HK is my no. 1 too.. but I feel that both of us should spend more time together as well but we dont anymore. We dont even cuddle these few days, aii..
pepper.. thanks for the link!
u got freeze yours? i freezed my avocado. cut into big chunks, dip into lemon bath (1 rice bowl water with 2 drops of lemon juice), then cling wrap, put int baby cube before putting into bag n seal. but the outer layer became brown. looked unsightly so i trim the brown parts away before giving baby. first 4 days still taste nice but after a week became soft n not so nice loh. u r right cannot store too long. so wasted to throw leh, may ask hubby to finish the rest today heehee.

queenie.. agree very siong to take cab all the time but hubby n i no license n i dun dare to take bus with baby =( . the cab industry should thank me for keeping them alive hahaha

re baby fart.. my boy's fart also v smelly. small baby yet farts as smelly as adult *faint*. i noticed his shit is "firmer" after giving cereal. tried giving water but he dun like to drink. argghhh

viven.. maybe both of you are stress or tired or both? having a baby changes a couple's life. hub n i also dun do couple-ish stuff since baby arrived, also quarrel more. sometimes i wonder if getting married was a mistake but aft looking at baby, i know we made the right decision.

take leave n ask MIL/mum to babysit while u n hubby go for date? that;s what i did. hub n i recently went for our first movie since baby arrived. we enjoyed it a lot =)
pai seh, missed your post on Fitti Diapers, you can call them at 68619155 for a order form. Promotion ends in Aug

Avocado puree
I just made the puree this morning, wow, so messy, spent 20 mins cleaning up. Will be feeding Baby E later, hope he likes it. I actually pureed the entire avocado as lazy to keep and blend again.
Hi Vivien,

Me too, now when my hubby come home after work sure cuddle baby C 1st not me lor.... We already 2months dont have S--. I feel that am I fat or what. feel sad. Maybe we just moved in to his parent place he not use to it that house have people and baby C is in our bedroom. Or due to his job very stress etc.... Or outside have woman!!! I dont think have lah. I feel sian, tired, lost, sad &amp; stress.
Heng I have my mil to help me day time to take care of baby C if not me more stress. Every Sat my mil not at home whole day, I'm the one to look after baby C, my hubby will never help me. He only know how play game mahjong. Now to me, I dont think i have a husband. Sometimes i wonder if getting married was a mistake but after looking at baby, i know i made the right decision, but I even thought of bacame a single mummy. Maybe if he change a new job, everythings will get better. Pray hard to God.
Could be just a transition, cheer up. U ever ask him for help with baby? Maybe you didn't ask and he thinks you can cope. Men are like that, sometimes when I m too occupied, I will ask hubby to help so that I can take 5. I also caught him playing online games instead of helping me, when I see that, I will purposely bring bb to him and get him to carry while I go watch TV haha.
*sayang vivien &amp; serene*

initially for me, hb wasnt really into helping with kirsten.. plus with my low ms, i was almost goin into depression... cried for no reasons (blame the hormones hee =p) then everytime i walk pass the study rm, hb wld be playing game inside.. then i wld jus hang my head low and start to tear... damn emo la... then initially kirsten didnt respond much to him... so he didnt play with her... i felt like i was alone lor... then when bb started being easier to look after, he helped out... but this kinda hb, must ask lor... seldom will volunteer to help... so like scrumpee, i will jus hand ovr bb to him and do my own things... lol! another thing is luckily my mum is staying with me to help me jagar kirsten... so sometimes HB also buay zhi dong... my mum tired le.. when we come home, she expects us to take over but i reach home late at times.. then HB will be earlier than me... so he will bathe, do his exercises, play games... sometimes play with Kirsten then walk away... when time to feed or change diapers, he wil leave it to my mum.. so my mum also smart lor... go n bathe or in toilet... so when kirsten cries, HB no choice have to attend to her... lol...

i think for men, u have to speak to them directly.. cnt beat abt the bush or expect them to knw how we feel... for my hb, i knw he wans xxx... but i really am too tired at times...

but to be fair to hb, he helps out with household chores once in awhile... sweeping n mopping... plus he irons his own clothes... LOL... and helps me to iron my uniform too... hee hee...

btw who is asking abt fitti samples? i jus ordered... so if going for the gathering on 25th, i can pass to u a few to try...
donroxx - eh, i didn't check whether hair loss shampoos are actually safe for breastfeeding anot...i jus use lor...since i thought its not eaten but used so should be ok...with regards to solids, my PD recommend it at six months...then i thought now should be safe to intro cereal liao rite...

queenie - why cannot start with carrot puree? should be ok rite...u bought the bottled ones from heinz/earth best issit? read that u said cannot smash the avocado then how to make puree from it ah, won't be mashed enoough to feed bb rite?

p3 - my PD told me to introduce the solids at six months lor...so since i saw those supermarkets selling 4 to 6mths puree should be fine to take rite....i was thinking of buying avocado from supermarket and use the wean machine to grind it...btw a silly question - do we have to warm puree before feeding?

Inya - GOON is good lor, but expensive...my friend is using Goon and she likes it alot...but price not cheap about $0.30+ per piece?

vivien - same case, bought the beauty language shampoo but still dropping hair leh...sighx...dunno what shampoo to try next liao

yuki - how much is the phyto shampoo and where can i buy it?

Re: Rabbit baby

Yup i'm also hoping to have a rabbit baby...hehe
<font color="ff0000">sun</font> - haha u reply so late! anymore mummies wanna share?

<font color="ff0000">blurgal</font> - i already placed order for 1 each. Eh..ur contact # ah think i misplaced it cos i mixed up with blurjen heehee...I contact u again thr pm when item arrived. Yaya..if got same color in both set, we take 1 each lor
ilyena - u gimme ur email.. i email u the form.. dont have to call them... jus send them the email.. they wil call u to tell u when they will deliver... quite fast... heee im nt sure hw many packs u can order up to...i think max is 3cartons... then 1 carton has 6 packs.. so 18pcks then.. lol... il send u the email.. u jus fill up ur details and email to them can liao...
<font color="0000ff">Hi Sun, plse count me in. Thanks for coordinating.

Thanks to missycandy too!</font>

Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class &amp; missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name &amp; surname, contact, baby's name &amp; baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt (pls pm Sun ur details)
5. Idlecat

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams
haiz... my boobs are irritatng me. the right side kena block ducts and had a bit of pus last week. Got mdm rikiah to come and better liao with all the massage n hot stone as follow-up on my own. This morning wake-up, left side got blk ducts... sian! my moomoo career really tough!
i read carrot to be given somewhere 7-8 mths onwards. haha nvm la. juz let tristan try abit lor. yup i bought earth best. think for carrot will try to serve him organic ..
avocado, it will turn brown after mashing it .. so cut in big chunks can reduce.. when wan to serve juz cut away the brown part and mash it ..


I tot im the only one who feels that my hubby doesn't help me with the baby..now then i know all men are the same. My hubby has a hobby he really loves..and he'll go and indulge in his hobby every weekend leaving me alone at home with baby H Y...
Last time hb will kiss me goodbye and be cuddly before he leave the house..now i've to remind him. But i give and take as long as he does it.
Serene i think your hb may be stressed from work/because he moves back to your mil's place...and thus became withdrawn or feel awkward. Mayb you should have a talk with him.
Talk nicely and dun make him feel like you are blaming him or wat (even if you feel resentful). I realised i must talk to my hb nicely..so that he'll listen. He's really like another child of mine. haiz...i didn't know i actually have an older child until baby H Y comes along. haha
