(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Lenny.. re little gym @ MS. baby enjoyed himself very much. we parents just have to make sure he is well fed and in a good mood before class starts to enjoy the class. wear pants as you will be doing most of the exercises.

baby had so much fun i sign on the mini term with them. we also learnt more ways to hold our baby safely. on the down side, with every new experience baby had, he would want to recreate it again and again. which means everyday hubby has to tumble around with him just like in the gym. tiring woah!
didnt knw u signed up with them haha.

hows the yvelyn dress u rec'd?

ya the organiser bag looks nicer than the lugmax one..but is it a need to get one.. haha probably get one if im getting LC bag
st and prosper.. i'm using shampoo and hair serum from beijing 101. it greatly slowed down the hair loss but i do not see any new ones growing yet. my hair loss is so bad (read huge bald patches on top of my head) that i avoid going out. sigh

btw they do not guarantee it is ok for breastfeeding so i would throw away any milk expressed within 3 hrs.
queenie.. hee ya i was to lazy to trial with other gyms so sign with them loh. most importantly it is only 10mins car ride from my place =)
haha no wonder.. ya location quite impt.. hehe for pple like me with no car tpt , prefer as near as possible. haha..
can i ask at how many months do u mummies introduce puree and cereal to baby?

kyan is currently 5months + 6 days, is it ok to introduce puree and cereal/powder to him already?
Kindermusik Trial Class
($25.50 incld gst)
(if there are 12 pax, 1 is FOC. we wil spilt the payment. So each person pays $23.40. If less than 12, will be $25.50 each)
(only 1 parent is allowed in the room, however, there is a glass panel which the other parent cn see. there will be a quiet time where you can swap position with your other half if you like.)
(no photos/videography during the session. They can be taken only before or after the session)

After putting ur name on the list, kindly pm sun96 for 13th Sept class & missycandy for 27th Sept class - ur real name & surname, contact, baby's name & baby's birthdate

Sun 13th Sept 2009 10am
1. Lenny Susanty
2. Sunshinebaby
3. wintertime
4. Annt (pls pm Sun ur details)

Sun 27th Sept 2009 10am (FULL!!)
1. missycandy
2. queenie
3. jtho
4. pinksorbet
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. Vernice
7. alfafa
8. Pei (pls pm me ur details. thx)
9. fatfish
10. corene (need ur details thanks)
11. sung
12. babydreams
queenie, ya i received the dress liao. very nice i can wear but hor very short. but i wear peticode(dunno how to spell) inside to lengthen it.. hehe
Hi P3, im in. see you guys on 1sept.

Lunch - 1Sept /Tuesday
Swenson @Tampines mall

1. Pepper
2. Jo
3. Annmelody
4. Kris
5. Bluebell
6. Vernice 80
7. Victoria
8. Keron & Jeris (kiv)
9. Missycandy (kiv)
whahahha play MJ with kayle ah? lol u tai tai leh. hehe
o what is peticode? i also got the Rose garden from her is so short.. am goin to wear with thights. seems like her dresses all quite short one. -sian-
but Jacinth is very nice.. hehe in her 5th collection.

i juz started tristan today .. he is 5 mths 2 weeks and 6 days old..
i started off carrot puree.. hehe should have start off with apple or sweet potato or avocado first.. didnt plan properly b4 deciding.
i bought the followings:
jayne - my boobs like bursting out even i add the small buttons. think can only wear it after i stop bfing
rose garden - length too short
jacinth - fits nicely
Lacy rose white lycra top - fits nicely
Lunch - 1Sept /Tuesday
Swenson @Tampines mall

1. Pepper
2. Jo
3. Annmelody
4. Kris
5. Bluebell
6. Vernice 80
7. Victoria
8. Keron & Jeris (kiv)
9. Missycandy (kiv)
12.Victoria Ong
finally do most of my chores liao.. sweeping, mopping, putting ziv to sleep, arranging his toys into another bigger box, yes last but most importantly i finally use my weaning machine.. hmmm.. kinda good but i find a bit messy le.. dunnoe about blender but washing part very easy one.. just throw in soapy water to wash will do.. i mashed the whole avocado, aiyo so tiring... place them in normal ice cubes storage n freeze them..

no my carrot is earth best same as urs lo.. ziv loves it.. as i mention he must be super sick of his rice cereal n is wondering y mommy not changing favour one.. wahhahaha...
will let him finish the carrot first than give avocado..
so sad thought can mix with my frozen ebm but then cannot, after thaw gotta use within 24hrs n n cannot re-freeze liao.. so bo bian can only freeze my avocado flash in the cubes..

yes yes!! mi n queenie still wondering where have u gone.. hopes everything is ok.. aiyo.. another testimony on duckie tub.. *biang*

mommies!!! ok ok!! i decided to buy liao!! DUCKIE!! wait for me!!!

yaya.. u can intro liao.. but then ur pd gives the green light? best to have their acknowledgement.. u can start with purees.. AVOCADO purees.. best 1st weaning fruit for baby.. hahaha.. but then mine started with applesauce la.. tat time too lazy to made so just buy off the shelf.. shld have start with pear,not so sweet compared with apple..

Re;Hair dropping
mi too.. dropping like nobody business..

so shiok ar??!! liew, hand itchy le, feels like playing but then got my little bui bui to take care.. somemore doing total latching one.. so funny to latch n play mahjong at the same time.. *FAINT*

GREAT!! seeya then.. u will definitely enjoy the lunch gathering one.. heee...

thought got a mini gathering at ur plc with asura n sinmey? finish liao ar? so fast? or i remember wrongly.. hee..
all my dress either too thin or short so i usually wear the peticode(duno how to spell) inside to cover.

not tai tai lah, just thinking kayle at my mum place last nite so then i can play. play till 6 plus wait up 10am to pick kayle. now zombie
Lunch - 1Sept /Tuesday
Swenson @Tampines mall

1. Pepper
2. Jo
3. Annmelody
4. Kris
5. Bluebell
6. Vernice 80
7. Victoria Ong
8. Keron & Jeris (kiv)
9. Missycandy (kiv)

vic haha paiseh......
i am waiting for kayle to wake up leh.. she slept from 1 till now still dun want to drink milk meh.. last feed 11am... waiting....
wooo okok i go and see dept stores have or not. hehe..enjoy life. me ytd msning until 3am oso zombified.

same tristan loves it. he even wan to try to feed himself. haha.. tink i shouldnt have fed him so much. i read 1st few times juz feed 1 or 2 spoons. diao ... im so anihow.. lol
wooo okok i go and see dept stores have or not. hehe..enjoy life. me ytd msning until 3am oso zombified.

same tristan loves it. he even wan to try to feed himself. haha.. tink i shouldnt have fed him so much. i read 1st few times juz feed 1 or 2 spoons. diao ... im so anihow.. lol
wa ur kayle can really sleep le.. sleeping beauty.. so long liao still not hungry ar? aiyo bui bui like drinking twice from tat time till now liao..

wa so cute he wanna feed himself.. whenever he saw his feeding bowl n spoon he will give a "ahh" sound.. so funny
i oso not tat good.. pay to learn one... tatz how u learn mj lo
queenie.. i also no car. always cab cab cab. dun dare to take bus with baby la.

pinksorbet.. you can check with your PD when to start. my PD wanted to start my kid at 4months but i dragged til 5mths before giving him mashed food and rice cereal. it's been 2 weeks since baby started solids and no adverse reaction so far.

pepper.. does your avocado oxidize in the baby cube? i tried storing them in slices after a lemon bath but it still oxidize. also after 1 week the taste is weird. dun know if i'm doing it wrong?

and great strategy for MJ hahahha
oo.. dunnoe le.. i just smashed them n put inside the cubes without doing anything le.. guess cannot store too long ba.. i got no lemon le.. how?? u freeze them? sorry.. heee.. first time storing such fruit.. :p
i read from the whole website, avocado don smash and keep inside cubes.. slice will be better to avoid turning brown..
haha i was stunned to see he wan to feed himself. and when i reported to my boss, he say he has been doing that when i go to sch.. when hb spoonfeed him drink water or ebm b4 doidy cup arrives..
1st week of introducing solids how many spoons to feed chubby chubb ziv?

haha very siong. tk cab to n fro...
i avoid going town.. ltr spend n spend n spend unnecessarily.
huh.. aiyo.. siao liao la.. wasted my avocado liao lo..
2 teaspoon of purees.. then two days later increase by another 2..increase gradually lo..
see.. tris is so ready for solid liao..
haha nvm la.. let ziv papa eat lor.. or u eat.hehe
alamak 2 teaspoons initially ah. i straightaway fed him 10 spoonsful? pengz. nvm tml i give him 4 teaspoons .. lol
lol.. wa so many.. actually feeding so little is to see can they swallow properly n digest well or not.. oso to see if they r allergy to it or not.. but nvm la.. intro lesser tmr lo.. :0
eee.. i dun eat avocado one lo.. yucks..
arhhhh!! i cannot stand ziv's fart n shit le.. his fart smell like shit n shit smell like leak wastage pipe.. aiyoooo.. so terrible!!!
Hi mummies,

RE: Diapers
Anybody used GOO.N ? someone says its good. I'm using Huggies ultra now coz Pampers was leaking leh...

RE: Kid pictures
I just came from Kid pictures to view photos that we took 2 weeks ago. got some cute one but then we can only have prints not jpegs... sigh. can only purchase very low res @ $15 each per pic ;p... and I need to wait for ONE MONTH to get them tada... Any good baby photo shop that mummies recon ???
hehe we got from http://lillacypearl.livejournal.com/
but muz tk note of the length.. shopping for clothes online always have risks. hehe

tristan juz farted too. smell like carrot. LOL
haha ya i had a taste of Ziv's fart ytd..
is realli YI BI JING REN..

im using pampers active no leaking..
u can try fitti? they have promo $60 foc delivery. per pack $10.. promos end this month end..
u can try tomato studio - alfafa tried b4.
or sean lau baby photography..
icic...the stuff are nice tho ;)
can pass me the fitti contact? would like to try
do you know if they give samples?

i saw the shopfront...looks good! didn't know cannot buy high res pix...that's a pity.
my friend rec:
have yet to try tho.
I tried goon once but tink is too exp hence i didnt continue using. Quality wise is soft and comfy for bb.
i used Benjamin. But i think David is better!We took the studio shoots.
For 2nd baby, i signed up for seanlau..haven gone down yet.

ya lo.. buay tahan.. can faint lo.. smellier than adult lo.. ok.. i think is becfed oz of his rice cereal which is iron fortified.. when fed him puree not so smelly lo..
