(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Feed my boy EBM too. My boy oso farts alot too.. can fart while drinking milk. Sleeps oso fart. To me I think it's normal, better to let the gas out than stay in the tummy...kekekeke =p Now Poo alt days sometimes everyday, used to poo every 4-5days. Greenish or mustard poo.

sun - hahaha ya they told me usually is sunday 10am. but I said I saw empty slots in the schedule online... anyway I've also emailed them. hehehe so the lady says wil lemme knw again.
Hi All Mommies,
Below is the list of mommies with confirm slot for the aquaducks trial lesson.

List of mommies for AquaDucks Swimming Lesson (26/9/09, 2pm slot)
1. blurjen
2. jtho
3. Lenny Susanty
4. babydreams
5. daphne crosailo kang
6. starflower

List of mommies for AquaDucks Swimming Lesson (03/10/09, 2.30pm slot)
1. Minnie
2. Jasmin

** Please kindly PM me the following information for registation:
- Mommy Name and Nick
- Baby name
- Date of birth of baby
- Contact number

Venue for the trial class:
Soprano Restaurant
7, Portsdown Road S(139298)
thks mummies!! at least i can be more assure is norm for my boi to fart... but suddenly his milk intake reduce, is tat norm too?? should i reduce to 5oz?? if not quite wasteful, he can't finish for every feed...

re: the gathering @ yr place tmr
hb joining oso for those mummies except asura gg??
Going for gymboree trial in sept cos they are having 25% discount for the trial classes and would like to try so that can make a comparison between kindermusik and them. The class will be on a sat at 12pm (havent really decide on which sat I want to go). Pm me if you are interested to go together

i second to prosper. rather bb fart then colic.. sometimes really smelly.. i even thought she pooed.. kaka..

as for milk intake,.. i cannot comment cos i do direct latch.. cannot measure amount.. once she got enough, she will unlatch..
eh.. I think jo's hb bz with training. then sinmey hb bz with squash. lol. so only mummies. my hb may be ard or may not... supposed to b wrking... but going frn's bachelor night tonight... if ur hb is comfy with al females and ok with entertaining himself then jus come lo. lol! heee.. im fine with it.. =)
erm... wow, all hbs bz...
dun noe my hb wan to join... but a bit weird hor with him alone... hahaha

icic... agreed w both of u...
mayb will reduce first to prevent wastage, will increase if he's still not full...
aqua swimming, may i know where is the location ?

Missy, tmr need me to bring anything, like kuehs or sth ??

sun, my baby is on total EBM. she also 'used' to fart a lot & poo at least 3-5x everyday. But since she started on her semi-solid 3 wks ago, she only poos 1-2x for the 1st 2 wks & 1x per day last week. This week even worst, she only poo once every 2days.
Any mummies having problem with bb poo pooing patent since semi-solid ??
but if BB K realli enjoy herself, should sign up so she can hv fun n learn stg thru' interacting right?? yr hb wouldn't kill u one la... kakaka
sportyger - cn put me on the list as well first. I confirm again tonight. nw read a bit messy becos using mobile. smallsmall words. lol! thanksss! *kisses to marissa ann*
he will think all these are not useful,baby still young. if i really sign up, i will use my own pocket money.
but i will definately let her go for piano and drama class. hehehe. planned liao. hb got no say
when yr ger on semi-solid, does she still fart a lot??

can ask him to be few hrs nanny while i enjoy my chit chatting session w u girls hor!!! LOLx

100% supporting u!!! piano class is gd... i oso wan to enroll my boi... wat abt ballet?? i find it very graceful when they dance...
Don't want to trouble you. If both the dates you've mentioned are full, I can call them up directly and enquire the next available?
these classes are gd for the child development. Definately gd to go for trials... Dunno to enrol yet, maybe when he's bigger. But I'll definately enrol him for music n swimming lessons.
thanks sportyger!

gymboree trial in sept 12pm
1 sportyger
2 sunshinebaby
3 prosper
4 minnie24
5 misscandy
6 lenny susanty
7 blurjen
8 babe kazooie
lenny, y want to set up a schedule for Bree? let her be natural, if tired then sleep lor. i heard some mummies here giving schedule one, but i dun practice leh, cos like that very difficult to bring them out.
sun and minnie24,
ya music is gd for them esp piano. those who play music,usually their brain development is fast. all my cousins went for piano when small, now all very clever go in good sch, gd result.

sun, haha u planning to let her baby b go for ballet?? hehehe
i oso dun practise tat... same as prosper...
when gg out, i juz bring my boi out... if he's tired, he'll nap in the car or stroller...
but if near his feeding time, i'll try to feed him first b4 gg out...
sun, same same. only feeding time, i got schedule. she must drink one time at 7pm so that at 10pm she will have the final feed, the can sleep all the way till morning 7 plus.
ballet of coz not for my boi la... wait the class only my boi surrounded by bunch of ger ger... for yr bb K la... hope i'm able to enroll my #2 for ballet... hahahaha
add me add me!!!

gymboree trial in sept 12pm
1 sportyger
2 sunshinebaby
3 prosper
4 minnie24
5 misscandy
6 lenny susanty
7 blurjen
8 babe kazooie
9 keron&jeris
my boi veri kpo if feedin him outside... very hard to make him finish his milk... he'll drink until a bit then his head will start wonder ard liao... if got noise, even worst... jia lat
kayle will be like tat if u feed her outside?

envy yr ger can sleep till 7 in the morning... mine aft his last feed ard 10pm+, sure will make noise in the middle of the night for another feed b4 continue his sleep till 7am+... *sigh*
Thanks all, nice knowing all of u!

Sunshinebb, my gal farts alot too even when i already stop bf and ebm from 3 & 1/2 mths becos she doesn't like it. Somehow she prefer FM but after a few weeks of FM she drinks lesser too. Checked with PD before and he said there will be certain period of time when some bbs will "reject" milk. Just don't force bb to drink cos will make them reject more. When they are hungry they will drink. As for poo, my gal poos during every feed heehee.. very disruptive. But now poos lesser.. about 2-3 times a day, sometimes once a day. I think it's good they fart, to get rid of "wind" in their tummy.

I haven't start her on solid cos intend to start when she's exactly 6mths old.
sun, yes, she also cant concentate drinking. then i will hug her tight and close to me so that she only looking at me then she will drink if not i stay at one corner. usually feed her before going out. haha think all babies are like that.

if 10pm she dun drink, middle of nite sure wake up. so i know liao, must must 10pm feed her. play smart mummy here. (like real)
sportyger, i'll be interested in gymboree! count me in! =D

gymboree trial in sept 12pm
1 sportyger
2 sunshinebaby
3 prosper
4 minnie24
5 misscandy
6 lenny susanty
7 blurjen
8 babe kazooie
9 keron&jeris
10. pinksorbet
hahaha...if i got galgal, sure to enrol for ballet. But BB A is a boy, cant picture him in the tights. kekeke...

BB schedules
I oso dun keep schedule for BB A. Hungry give milk, tired sleep. if not, play with him.
Just as I mentioned my bb poops once every 2-3 days. Just now, she pooped again which is twice today and both times are a lot and stinky! She hasn't pooped more than once-a-day for more than 1 month. Don't know what is going on. She is teething but I hope it's not a sign that she's ill.
quite a number of SAHMs here.. so envious ;)
my gal's last feed is ard 5-6pm.. then she sleeps ard 7+pm. I'll feed her while she's asleep around midnite before i sleep. Then she'll continue sleeping till 5-6am and wake up for next feed and poo heehee. Sometimes she will continue to sleep till 7+, just nice the time i fetch her to my mom's place before i go to work.
i have a schedule for my girl cos i find that its easier for me as she knows what to expect.
She just nap in the car seat or buggy when we go out.
oohhh... noted... then i'll ask my mum not to force him to drink the bal coz my mum use spoon to feed him the bal when he didn't finish...

kayla so cute!!! so chunny oso!!!

at least u can feed her final round n she can ta han till next morning... my boi cannot one... i've tried few ways but failed... i oso wan to play smart but looks like my boi smarter than me... hahaha
my gal's poo used to be super stinky too... and few times a day. Did a check with PD and nothing was wrong. I think sometimes its due to diet. Any changes in diet?

yuki, my ger poo also very smelly until cannot tahan. they say FM usually smelly lah.

sun, haha ya ur boy smarter than u wor... smart boy
