(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Ya lor.......actually i am more happy to work from home rather than sad that i need to work at night also. Wahaha.....can sleep abit late liao.

Yes, you are right. Hope that i got the self control determination. Maybe lock myself inside the room. :p

Where is that hotel for the dim sum? I seldom go any where without my hb so am a road/places idiot. Wanna see if i can go later or not.
kome: lock ur self ... ha ha i tried that too.. not very gd.. so now not very productive in work.. ha ha ha.. i keep finding excuses to come out to see him.. sigh..

anyway got to run.. got to pump before going or lunch!!
see ya
alamak, missed out on Prosper, in fact prosper took the No. 001 giraffe.

waiting to go lunch liao. Think baby dreams booked her lunch spot sometime ago but don't know why missing leh.

Sung, emailed you on the class already. Emailed a oucple of people but I don't know who's who. heee
Am thinking of doing a class on Julie the lamb but hor ... that one might require TWO classes. That requires a totally different technique. More work, more advanced, more complicated but damn nice lor since it has limbs.
Kome, caca,
I vaguely rem reading that you gusy are interested in the class? Pardon me if I got it wrong. I find sewing very theraputic actually.

will message you ladies.
Yesyes......i am interested and if the time permits i can go. Btw, you got a mail.

Mummies going to Dim Sum later
CAn anyone meet me at any NEL line or at orchard? I don't really know the way to there.
strawberry ... had a quick read on your post. Oh dear. So how now? confirmed need to pay the relative? Are you happy with his/her service and at that rate? If not why not you start shopping around for beter rates? I'm sure your relative will understand if you have to switch to another carer.

But yes, really have to do your sums first before hiring anyone. My hubby was thinkiing of hiring a maid so that I could get some sleep at night instead of work through the night all the time. With maid I can at least work a bit during the day time mah. Currently day time Gracie refused to let me get anything done one so I always wait till she sleeps at night then work on my dolls. Very chiam. But then I calculated that we would need to spend about $550 for levy and salary then another few hundred on expenses everymonth. My hubby loves to eat out alot and often at Japanese restaurants so this wouldbe like feeding one more person suddenly. We estimate it to cost about a thousand eveymonth.

So I ask myself, how many dolls do I have to make to come out with one thousand. Ans is a crazy no. Then it's damn stupid lor, like work so blardly hard (which can kill my passion if I don't watch it) just to pay for a maid. Machiam like the maid becomes my boss!

So decided nope. Not going to hire after all. cannot afford the luxury
cant help u on that, my dad fetching me there.. still don see him around. sigh might be late.
is at mariott level 3 wan hao restaurant.
call me if u still cant find ur way up, i will go and fetch u if im there already..

91848050 (no stalkers pls) haha
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - heehee enjoy ur fake status of 'SAHM' for the time being

<font color="0000ff">Mummies going for the lunch, enjoy! Too bad I can't join again!

Joel is officially 4 mths old today n just brought him to shave his head. Haha now can see his round n big head!</font>

<font color="ff0000">minnie</font> - ya...only realise his head is big n round only after he shave his hair. Baby A also got nice round head mah
Mummies!! Long time since i last VISIT u all here.
How are u ppl?? =D
I ve started working few wks ago, lagi no time to read/post in tis thread.

So upcoming prog is Hazel's workshop &amp; 6mth bash?
Anyone kind enough to update me on these?
I m interested in the sewing workshop leh, isit on wkdays? Cost?

Ya, anyone start solid food liao? I juz mix abit of brown rice cereal in her milk. I think she prefer it with cereal than milk kosong

Vernice-ur BB so cute. my MIL say dun need to cut so ist*4th mth also didn't cut. aniway now her hair also so short like boi
<font color="ff0000">hoho,</font>
thanks! i'll try not to tink n esp worry so hee!

<font color="ff0000">strawberrys</font>
sayang you! can imagine your frustration. is there any way perhaps to cut down on the amt to pay your hb's relative? perhaps to share with her your situation? esp if d amt is too much for your finances...sometimes i'm angry at ny hb too as i'm the only one waking up at night to tk care of bb too. hb will sleep thru, sometimes feel like kicking him haha ;P hugs hugs!

<font color="ff0000">vivien</font>
thanks vivien, i agree. i oso thank my hb for his support, if he says no, i'll prob be stuck n very stressed. i will give him lots of luv hee must rem n not neglect him ;D
hee your son very cute!
i noticed he only has 1 mitten left on, he took it of himself? haha must be coz my son always do tat too!

<font color="ff0000">kome</font>
wow, good for you. haha but really must hv discipline else very distracted n hard to work fm home hee.
yup the cow's really cute hor, i'm crazy abt cute soft toy. dis cow looks like it's smiling somemore, half a mind to tk it off for my son haha! luckily gave away liao.

<font color="ff0000">mangogal</font>

got to go out now, read more later. ciaos mummies!
sung, thanks! Yeap, my son alwayysss tear off the mitten off his hand, but shortly after, he will cry for mitten again and I have to put it on for him..*roll eyes*
<font color="ff0000">fatfat_junior</font> - thanks. My boy balding at both side so better shave. furthermore boy mah..ok lah.

If u keen on Hazel's workshop, need to email/pm her on the details.

6 mth bash still the same
Joel soooo....cute. Yup, his head is round, but look as handsome as last time even after botak. So nice to see cute photo after logging here.

I had added you. Nice to chat with you just now.
Vernice ...

Very nice ler .. Joel look v cute and 'cooling' with his botak head hahahahaha

Just back from the dim sum lunch ... nice catching up w all the mummies and super envy that they going shopping aft lunch .... arrgggghhhhhhhhhh me now back at work
Me dozing off frm the desk after the dim sum lunch...:p
Seabreeze, what time the gals left?
Aiyo shopping , my fav! Too bad cant take leave today

Vivien, nice chatting wif you, add you tonite
Mangogal ...

I left at around 2.10pm ... luckily my big boss on leave today hahahahaha

if you all meeting for lunch at anywhere along NEL can call me lar ... me convi heehee
Hihi.....don't forget me. Lunch any where along NEL line also convinent for me. Of course, cannot go all the way to seng kang. Think not further than boon keng will be fine for me.
can I join too? Vivo/harbourfront would be great! I can take a few minutes bus journey to there. hehe... I've been lunching alone.
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - thanks..all bb boys are handsome one. i also long time nvr see anver (right spelling?) liao. hows he?

<font color="ff0000">seabreeze</font> - thxs leh...shao han also mah.
who went shopping?? so envy!! oh so u got the new toy liao?

<font color="ff0000">mangogal</font> - thxs...me still trying to get use to his new look
sorry march mummies. the feb mummies decide to have their gathering solely for feb. my apologise
if need help for ur gathering let me know
Yup, correct spelling. Aiyo.....he is getting thinner lor. Morning he can drink alot of milk but night time he drink very little or worse don't want to drink.
Kome, I have added you to facebook. =)

shopping...love it and hate it now at the same time..dont know whether i should resign to buying 'm' size or wait till i diet and buy 's' size.. =(
He is an old man. Till now he still using 1st teat (Slow flow). If change to 2nd teats(medium flow), he will cried and refused to drink. Maybe will only start solid food with him after 5th mth.

I will send a request to invite you to the SMH group.

Oh dear. I agree with the other mums - definitely shop around for better rates. Don't stress too much - when you have calmed and cooled down, sit down and talk things through with your hb nicely so that u are both completely open and not over emotional about your feelings and worries, esp when it comes to making decisions that will affect your finances as you are both breadwinners, not him alone. Re: household/baby responsibilities - if u were a SAHM and he is really the sole breadwinner then it's still understandable, but if u are both working equally and contributing to the family then, of course, depending on your work conditions, both of u shd help out with that too.

Then again, u know lah. Men will be men. That's why we are tougher, see? *LOL*
Vivien- added u too.

me too.upsize from S to M/L. Give up e hope to wear my S Size clothes liao. ( pack 2 big bags of clothes away~but no heart to give away) =D

talking abt maids, ,maybe you shld consider a p/t cleaner rather than a living in maid.
it will help you in the chores, so you can play with gracie or do your sewing.
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - oh what happen to him anver? become thinner..so sad. u tried other methods for him to drink milk/
