(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

EBM mix with fM
I mixed before, no problem leh

I am using Maclaren Quest. Not sure how different from Day Tripper. But if I am not wrong, Day Tripper's backing is not cushioned. Perhaps u can check out and do comparison. But Day Tripper defintely cheaper. Both are light, easy to open and fold.

Hiazzz...My baby is driving me crazy tonite. Brought him back from my mum's at 8. LEt him drink milk at 8.30pm and he started crying at 10pm. Thought he wants a dose before sleeping, gave him 50ml. But still cry non-stop and not sleeping. Untill 11pm, give him another 50ml, but STILL cry and was like screaming kind of cry. No choice, another 50ml at 11.30pm. Then continue to cry until 11.45pm. Finally hubby took over and calm him down. Slept at 12am, wonder what time he will wake up again. I am so fedup cos he usually will sleep in my arms when I coax him, but he seems to be rejecting me today and prefer my hubby. WHY? Hubby usually can't make him sleep and only I can do it. BUT I failed today.

Sorry for ranting
Korean BBQ
there's a good n reasonable one at east coast above burger king. Max of 1 or 2 servings oh their meat n so much variety of sides n even have a choice of a main dish each at less than 30 before all taxes. If want, I organize in August

WTS- Spring exchange bpa free bottles
my girl still wan her nuk bottles n I exchanged 6! Wanna sell off the other 4 bottles still in box. $8 each.

thanks for adding me in.

I meet u at the lunch earlier? Say 1130am? Then I can order for the other mummies as well. The other time took them abt 20mi s to serve. Me greedy fat snake, wanna slim down but keep thinking of food. Think the additional 5 kg is going to b permanent.
hazel / alfafa ...lovely shots frm TOMATO...
Ya we oso had e BIG FRIENDLY guy as fotographer...he is very gentle w bbs...same feeling in e way we handled our boi...oso like clumsy mum n dad...hhmm...i notice big frame pple gentler w little totz...as for me, not so convenient to share here...but if any momz here keen to take a peek, jus add me in ur FB [email protected] n i hav oredi posted e link up...CHEERS!

I was not very prepared for e fotoshoot but on e whole e feeling was great! Managed to capture a lot of faarrrnnnyyy shots of abel...oso i chance upon this pro fotography <font color="119911">**Kids pictures</font> in FORUM e shopping mall...got qite nice style too...opp to TWINKLE THINKERS...Great to know Toys R Us selling Sophie e Giraffe...abel has been opening his mouth to chew anything his hands hold on to...so scary...

SEABREEZE...can i try 1 bottle of Fenugreek?
Saw ur name 4 Marriot DS buffet...possible to self collect?

Wt loss...tummy flatter than b4 but not as lucky as u ladies who share ur wt diff...still got >5, <8 kg to work on...hope to lose them when back to work...muz b e slow metabolic rate lar...oso not advisable to go dieting as still on bf...
Oh ya btw...happy to c some momz appearing in my FB
appreciate ur initiative...we c how our little ones transform in months to come...support one another...

BB transformers...!

bb's are turning into individuals with a mind of their own liao... guess cannot always expect them to be consistent.

better not fret too much now. when they grow older and can really start to think then we will know what erratic behaviour means. heh.

kids are for life man....
For mummies whose baby has cradle cap,u can use "Dentinox" to shampoo daily;it is very effective after 2~3wks.It will slowly peel off when wash or comb hair. Initally,I onli use olive oil..but does not seem effective.It is a green &amp; white box,can be bought at guardian ard $12.
tusky... u also in the "stubborn fats club"? me too. i still look 5 months preggie even got pple giving me seat on mrt arghhhhhh....
Esther... no fever is good. i'm considering not letting baby take all the vaccination together cos of the fever. so poor thing loh to see him so cranky
my baby yesterday night got fever... Sigh, can't slp the whole night... Hope it will come down today.
I'm also on the "stubborn fats club" real sian about it. i still have that flppy tummy and hard to find clothes to wear. I'm doing wholesale of clothings and over all the clothings that i sell, only 1 design i can wear as the tummy and breast area always can't fit and i don't wear dress, so hard to find clothes. Anyone know where to find nice tops and bottoms which i can fit?

i also got experence when someone give me her seat on train, don't know whether should sit anot, haha...
I face the same problem like you when my boy is around 4mths too. He will cry &amp; cry, after you done everything which you can he will still cry &amp; cry till his face turn red... at that time only my maid can make him stop crying... I was also upset why my boy want my maid more than me...
<font color="aa00aa">srumpee
u mentioned u mix ebm w fm... how u do tat? can adavise?
i've posted tis qn b4 but no mummies can give me guidance lei...</font>
tuskywoolie ...

OK, I will order for you ... if the batch 1 comes in time i pass you my bottle first since i can place order for my own on batch 3 =) but put your name for batch 3 first k?

lenny ...

hmmm think the TMC is based on the minimum required and since your milk supply is good you can go for the minimum required ba ... cos according to Kellymom ... anything less than 6 capsule (3500mg) will not have much effect.

mummies can read this link for more information

Good morning mummies,


I went f&amp;e too in new zealand! Superb place for a driving holiday. Love the south islands, just talking about it already makes me feel like going NOW! hahaha. Can we actually mix ebm with fm, I tot it wouldnt be a good idea to do that, just my personal opinion.

oooo...have never been to hokkaido and will like to go there too. But when you plan to go? winter might be a bit too cold leh for eddric and you will have to wrap him up in layers hehe.
u ordering fenugeek? Can I order 1 bottle too? Thanks!

Mixing BM &amp; FM
I feed him separately. I'll feed him the BM 1st, top up with FM. Dun want to mix coz if he cannot finish, have to pour away the mixed BM &amp; FM... so heartpain for BM. Every drop of BM counts for me coz SS dropping.. But that's up to u, dun see the diff if u mix or dun mix as long as the BM is warm up to the same temp as FM. SS really dropping, dunno coz i'm tired or really SS gg to stop.

nice place to go ALL seasons. Went there before in winter. Want to go there in spring/summer to see lavender.

This year havent go for trip yet. Hubby dun wan to go coz BB is ard. So sianz....
share on how you increase your bm supply with the Fenugreek?
I used to have 200ml per 4hr pump. But ever since i started on flu and sore throat med on monday, supply drop to 130ml per 4hr! So sad...have to start using my freezer stocks. No lumps feeling, usually breast will feel full by 4th hr, but now is always soft soft!
how how? will Fenugreek help or this marks a start of the end of moo moo career? sad....
Pei ...

Yes, I will bring the fenugreek and pass to all the mummies who are at the dim sum. Provided it arrives by Tues ... crossing my finger cos I just checked with Borderlinx and they have already send it out from their end.
vernice80 jasminebc miss83 seabreeze... I didn't have time to say earlier but I have 2 of the you know what that MIL brought last week. I don't have time to meet you all til after 9th aug so if you can pick up from my place that will be better. First come first served ok?

alfafa sorry haven't had time to reply to everything, my laptop time is when they are writing postcards... D is ordering for me through vpost so don't need to wait for mine. Or Oli's nanny will scold me next time she sees me lol

bluebell, can try to wipe the eyes with saline first to clean the crusts off. The do gentle massage on the inner eye ducts to open them. It worked for my girl

daph, not supposed to mix as it will alter the effects of your BM

Baby A woek up at 4a for the last 2 nights... I'm looking like a panda already. Wonder why

any of you know where to get baby hats with false hair? like those stretchable ones and has curls on the sides?

Brianne is bald now, she will attend her uncle's wedding in sept so looking out for her outfit. heheh...
hi mummies!

sorry din reply yest, was rushing off home to my bb
i also didn't really mix fm with bm. i feed bm first, if my little one still hungry then i make fm to feed somemore. ur ss quite good hee to me lah. i can only pump at most 6oz on very good days or if i stretch past 6 hrs haha.

thanks for advise, i'm going try tk 9pills a day to start out at first. haha i oso dun know why alwyas blocked ducts,seems like no matter how i clear will also kana. somewhat used to it liao :p

oops, sorry hee realise you must be working too coz read abt your business trips to korea last year and china/india this year hee. what are you working as? so many trips, quite cool. haha would luv it if i'm single but now tink will miss bb quite a bit hor, yes?

very nice collage! hee i want to try it out too, then can show all my colleagues hee hee ;D
Esther.. your pd got give fever meds? hope your baby's fever goes away soon.

abt clothes. i'm a plus size gal and even bigger aft baby. usually shop at dorothy perkins, topshop, river island, mothers en vogue (nursing tops) n spring maternity (stretche pants). before baby will shop at Blum too (they have pretty dresses; ignore the auntie stuff ya). lots of places carry bigger clothes now, just walk in and ask
<font color="aa00aa">sportyger
icic... tink most mummies here practise feed bm n fm separately if bm not enough.. will take note!!</font>
<font color="ff0000">kome</font> - where is lifestyle shop?

<font color="ff0000">bluebell</font> - thxs!! For the privacy screen, supplier say can provide better pricing if can get more than 10 orders, price will depends on the size of the screen. Min is $50 (which is abt $10 off original price) but still cheaper than what i found outside lor which cost like $100+. u keen? heehee

<font color="ff0000">aymanbunny</font> - me also stubborn fats..still got <5kg to lose but donno how to get rid. ur treatment so far effective?

<font color="ff0000">pumpkin</font> - u got pm!

<font color="ff0000">sung</font> - haha ya..i started flying ard after married till now. I am a regional auditor for asia pac.
I haven really try flying w/o bb yet so wont know how i feel heehee hopefully not too bad cos i lazy to find job now
Which Toys r us selling sophie? I went to suntec branch last week but didn't see leh.
ur bb cry cry during what time? day or night?

pumpkin seed
hee...did i miss out anything? don't really understand what you say ^^
re:habitual waking
any of ur bb wake up at the same time at night?
just want to share this trick..coz my bb has been waking up at 1.30am for the past 1 wk. I followed what tracy hogg said..you wake him up 1 hour earlier by changing his diaper,rub his tummy..he won't be totally awake, don't worry..but this way it can mess his internal body clock..do it for 3 days..i just tried this and last night was a breakthrough..he only woke up at 3am for milk..
I got mine from Hougang Festive market (Hougang Point) branch, not so sure where are their other branches.

Let me know once you confirm the pricing for the privacy screen. My hubby want it if the price is cheap.
I just pour BM into the FM, but temp must be same lah. I hesitated in the beginning too but my colleague told me can, so I just follow.
Anyway, I have stopped BF or pumping already. Now baby on total FM. My MS just dropped from 80ml per pump to 30ml per pump just a week before i started working. So I decided to stop. Good also...at least i don't have to pump at work. Work getting busy, and really got no time to pump. My breasts are almost back to its original size and I can also wear most of my tops liao.

Today just tried on one of my pre-preg skinny jeans. I can wear le!! yeah.

Yah lor, felt very 'hurt' that baby rejects me. BTW, we have the same name

my baby usually gets cranky around 8 to 9plus pm

Little Gym
Good to meet Queenie, Prosper and Lingmama at the gym today. I think there are one or two more March mummies, but I have no chance to introduce myself. The gym session was so thereupeutic that my boy fell asleep during the class. Alamak, so embarassing! Luckily the class was about to end already, if not he will miss out the fun.
And he is still sleeping now.

Anyone sign up after the trial session? I am still deciding cos want to see how's Kindermusik. Though the Little Gym and Kindermusik are different, I probably just want to go for just 1 for now. My colleague has good reviews about Kindermusik, so am looking forward to the trial class on 16 Aug.
My boy ah, he normally cry in the night around 8-9plus for few nights in a roll.

pumpkin seed,
I dont get what U mention also?
Hey mummies,
Bata got warehouse sales at Tiong Bahru Plaza #02-26. I went during lunch. Got a lot of good buy. I brought 3 pair of working shoes for myself. And 3 pair for my gals as well. Very cheap... kids shoes is like $5 &amp; $9, Adult shoes pricing start from $9. Sport shoe also start at $9
my boy too..around 9-10pm..he is already asleep but cry cry abit, wants our attention..once we pat his back, he will sleep again..but a few mins later cry again..dunno why..but after 10.30pm usually ok already..
is your bb asleep already during that time? or still awake?
My boy will nap in between 8-9pm, than wake up to play for a well than around 10.30 he will cry for his milk and will sleep after drinking.
Than we have 3 or 4 mummies in March thread having the same name wahaha... Thats why Kris say when I order the wetbag from her she also confused. I have to state my nick as jasminenbc so she will not be confuse hahaa..

what is the lesson at Little Gym like?
is it worth paying $40+ for the trial class? coz their promo for free class only till 1 aug and all classes are full now =(


I enrolled my first kid at kindermusilk after 18 months though I attended their trial when she was about 6 months cos I think when the babies are too young, they may not appreciate the class and sometimes fall asleep or become cranky...then have to leave the class...bon hua ah..

btw, I'm the one who had to leave early becos #2 also picked up the bad habit of being cranky during class and she was unhappy at being manhandled by hubby! So sorry did not have the chance to say hi to everybody then but I saw a group of pretty mamas clustered together...must be u gals lah..

I've two videos of the activities today, pls PM me if anyone want the file..but hoh, I'm going to my in law's place later, so wont have access to internet till Monday.
