(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

wah, cas drinks so much milk now still? gd for her! i had no choice to reduce my gal's milk feeds, cos she'll take lesser solids if i give her too much milk...

Hi Mummies,

Just like to check with you, have your toddlers went for MMRV injection already? How's was the side effects? I am still thinking whether to give MMR and chicken pox with separate injection instead of combining them. Any comments from your side, as I hear few cases of seizures are caused by MMR + Chicken pox injections. Can't help worrying now.
my girl's ok after taking MMR + prevenar. PD let us chose between taking prevenar or chickenpox. We opt for prevenar. So not sure on the side effects of MMR + chickenpox.
she drinks the same amount as before and she still takes 3 solid meals + 2 snacks per day! i dunno how she do it...maybe coz she's super active that's why got hungry easily!
Sorry for being missing in action . No internet all these days aome problem . Keeps. Coming and going

Am planning to stay at home until I leave India. . Once am back to Singapore I will start working . How about u

My son loves to play in kitchen too . He takes off my things and pretends to cook like me

Around my house there is a huge campus so I make him run round and round to tire him out . And then he falls asleep
Hallo Mummies...

Wah, seems like most of our bbs can play toys quite well leh, even tho the interest may not linger as long as we like.

Mer dun seem to like toys very much tho but this mummy here keeps trying, in case there is some toy out there that she actually will play with that I did not see. she still cannot sort shapes into the correct holes, even tho she has 2 of such toys, one plastic and one wooden. I got her the rings on spindle toy from ikea, she has absolutely no patience to try to move it around, less than 5 minutes and she will just leave it alone and move off somewhere.

I got her wooden block sets, plastic stackers she is also not interested. She prefers to throw them all over the floor and then walk off when she is done throwing.

So, she simply don't like, toys and sometimes I worry if its because she has no idea how to play with the toys. Doesn't help that I am no good with toys either. My parents recall me not being interested in toys much and prefer talking and reading. But, Mer also don't really flip the books.

Until now, she still prefers her human toys aka my hb n I or my parents or siblings. She is happy if we sing with her, dance with her or play catch with her. Also don't know if this is good or not, cuz I sometimes worry about her development leh... afterall, toys help in their overall development right?

Then Mer also cannot say many words. She does alot of baby talk and can only say the following words so far: Ball, Bear, Five (short form of high five), Bye, Pa, Ma and Mumm.

And Mumm equals to everything that can be put in her mouth, namely milk, water, food and treats. So we are always confused over what exactly she wants when she goes mumm when it is not her feeding time yet.

but other than that, she is growing and happy and has a really good apetite as well. So just hoping her other milestones don't have any problems la... slow to reach is ok, just hope all is normal lor.
so how long will you stay in India? So I suppose Thooyan usually is in the kitchen while you cook?

baby can read
Bought the dvd. Was glad that I made the choice of buying. I didn't know a 3 year old kid will know how to read a book! Now I know why Naomi can read 20 over words. I want to be a proud mum like sandy too. So now am letting Zac watch the dvd twice a day.
Mummies who want to try, can get a starter kit first?

We are now in the new place. I think there will be no TV for zac cos there isn't much to watch. Feel like packing my bags and go back to Singapore.

I think emotional virtual support is available everywhere if there's internet? Haha.. Pack ur bags with lotsa of sauces! Any of your favourite sauces! Just had curry maggie mee... and it never taste so nice before!

What's the reaction of Xavier in the dentist room? Did he make a fuss??
re baby can read
(i think some mommies here might know this oredi) but i tell u ha... u will be surprised if u go to youtube. many babies can read well at our babies' age. one singaporean baby can read around 90words at 14mths and many others... some 2yrs plus can read books lo... most children are asians... my MIL also saw many programmes about kids in China, parents there very kiasu cos they only have one shot = 1 baby... so they really try very hard.

My attitude is i wanna know what kids around my baby's age can do so i can teach her. But i dun wanna be too pressured or pressure my baby... I want her to enjoy her childhood and raise her not in a tensed and competitive environment. However, I also scared I do not do my best so sometimes very mao dun... but i definitely salute those very consistent n disciplined parents... (like u, sandy *wink*) their kids r definitely not smart by accident :D

like me ahh, i think i try only for like 5mins then ho i just let baby play with whatever interests her... hahahhaha
Dun worry... If no red flags, i think u should be happy that Mer is a people person. Every baby has different interest mah. My baby doesn't like to play catch n strangers, even my friends that she sees every week. I am also scared she'll be anti social lo... Also like u said, she might be like u. My dad n MIL always say this baby like me n hb when we were babies.. like My hb n i r bookworms n baby likes books. I also used to have a very bad stranger anxiety n very shy til sec school.. so no surprises there too. My dad said my sister was a trouble maker, now my sister is very scared her future baby's gonna be like her, run here n there like monkey hahahah... we will no doubt worry about our babies. It's only normal but take it easy la...
thooyan is so cute, where do u put him when u were cooking? mine always walk here n there, i dun feel very confident with her in d kitchen.
Overload, simz
Oh don't ask!!! He is all over the place in the kitchen busy opening shelves taking my cups plates and happily spreading them . He has a gala time sometimes I worry that he will gift homaelf. Hey am stuck in India for another year . Oh I miss Singapore .

Don't u worry . My boy also wants me to play with him and he will pick only a few toys . He is crazy about balls. Now he thinks that all toys can be thrown. like ball and is busy throwing all down . He is not interested in building or matching shapes. . He just wants to enjoy . Some babies learn differently . My boys can say lot of words and even communicate with actions . So every baby has different way to learn and play .
hahaha... i like ur investment plan, very good!! and u just remind me something, i have always wanted to store my jumperoo. Can u believe it? It's still in d living room altho baby has not been playing with it for ages. hahaha... I can't follow ur investment's modus operandi tho cos I plan not to sell any toys until we close factory... hehe...
aiyoyo... he sure sounds very busy hahaha...
hey it's ok la, at least in india u get u enjoy those food that u can't get in spore, right? just remember... the grass is always greener at d other side!!!
Read this paragraph from a link on TV for infants.

"A separate New Zealand study discovered that those who watched the most TV were the least likely to go to university and get a degree."

Hmmmmm ... I wondered how true this statement is .... interesting ...

yeah. Prevenar = pneumoccal injection. Not chicken pox.

me same thinking as u lah. I very kpo to know what kids at my bb's age are up to and are capable of doing as well. then I tend to "tailor fit" the selection of tricks/stuff that I think my bb can learn to do or is good to learn (e.g. how to ride on a toy car, take off her socks). I dun wan to kill off her interest at such a young age which they should be exploring eagerly. I think 5 min is also better than nothing rite? ;)
hi mummies,
dj, joel quite the opposite of mer leh,
he likes to stack, my best investment to date is the cup stackers from ikea that cost $2.50 ... think from few mths back, he start to stack, un-stack, turn around n "cup" 2 cups together, now he imagine them as cup and feed me water and i pretend to drink from it, he loves the stacking rings also, played from erm 6 mth old, now quite pro, can stack using 1 hand and now learning to differentiate the colours, then he likes shape sorters too, at first, he just put all into the opening, now he learning to put the correct shapes...

however, he is not a people person... only likes familiar ppl, like me, hb, pil... even my parents, he not keen at all..

then again, i think he is like my hb and me when i was young (i WAS shy when young, haha) erm, now also la sometimes... keke :p (though maybe some mummies here wont agree)

oh ya just a word of caution relating to styrofoam box (those tabao boxes) and things in kitchen, joel played tip toe and reached for 1 on the kitchen table then bite off a piece of the box and then almost got choked. He gagged on the styrofoam and then made the vomit sound then he puke out the porridge and also the styrofoam box piece about 2 $1 coin size... so lucky he puke out the piece of styrofoam, otherwise, i duno what to do...so mummies, take care when babies are playing with such things..

Kitchen is one of the most dangerous places at home, so do keep a lookout if baby is in kitchen they need to be supervised 24-7 !!!
shape sorters:
cas has tried doing this...but she keeps trying to put the star to the flower so it won't fit! then she'll get irritated and just open then thing and put the star inside! i find it very smart! hahaha! ^_^

lonerunner and overload:
me also the same...wants to know what other bb at the same age can doso i will know what to teach cas. but my hubby always tells me to relax and let her enjoy. hubby doesn't even want to send cas to a playgroup/gym when she turns 2! he said can send when she's atleast 3! dunno what to do!
Hi Mummies...Morning~

Thanks for all your replies... hehe... I am not really super worried la... but just wondering why Mer doesn't seem to play well with her toys... Cuz sometimes, I also dunnno how to play the toys myself... and I wonder if it is because her mummy is not v creative with toys, thats y she is also not interested.

Ya, Mer is quite sociable and every inch a people person. Thing is, she doesn't exactly talk much sensible words like most of our bbs here... besides that handful of words, she is baby-talking the rest of the time going beba ya ma yo oh mo.... so I also dunno if that is normal or slow...

Just hoping that I am not short changing her because I am not diligent in playing or doing stuff like flash cards with her lor... hee....

Tomorrow is finally Friday... this Sat going to bring Mer for her chickenpox jab...

have a good day mummies!

The dentist very good so Xavier's first experience at dentist still considered ok. He cried for few seconds as he open his mouth which Xavier dislike but he see him very very fast only... But there are many toys there to distract him so still ok lor...


hb philosophy is toys also can go outdated one haha so even if have no 2 also sell first and buy new one for him/her when the time comes, though I don't foresee that happening

little neuro tree/shicida

mummies attending, can I have your feedback pls?
toys...naomi's favorite is the cheapo wooden ABC blocks..she likes to stack them up and make them tumble down..and then repeat the whole process..she also does this for the stacking cups ..same as cas, she was trying to sort the shapes but once they dont fit, she just opens the entire sorter and place all the shapes in and close it...although its a smart move, it doesnt fulfil the objective of differentiating shapes lol..


i think too much of everything is harmful..i guess the effects of TV is dependent on many factors and not just the box itself...the types of program, the frequency and the amount of time spent per day on the tv...whether there are any interaction between the program, the parents and the baby. therefore when i read research articles, it is important to look at the details of the study rather than only the outcome...details like what kind of programs the subjects were exposed to, the frequency etc. the same goes to all other researches on other health concerns etc.
yes, i also ahn wei myself 5mins is better than nothing. and sometimes i think depends on d kid. Mine doesn't really wanna read out loud her flashcards but once in a blue moon she will perform one go in front of her dad or something... i feel good cos that means she does learn something..

my hb also only will send baby to school as late as possible... haha

my hb is very different, he prefer to keep everything related to baby cos he's sentimental. hey u brought Xavier to dentist? is it compulsory? my pd din say anything... What check up are we looking at?
shape sorters:
I think this toy lasts my girl the longest. she, like cas, also just put the star rite into the box instead of fitting into the flower. no patience but good to think out of box. hahahaa!

yeah ... the scope and details on which the study is based on is very important. Thats how the conclusions are derived at anyway! hahahaa! key word is still "moderation!" :p

no need to send bb to playgroup or playgym. you can just bring cas to those playarea and let her explore on her own! good place to flatten out her batteries anyway. heehhee!

woah ... luckily joel is ok. it could have been worse!

my girl will sometimes bring the flashcard box to me, sit down on my lap, then slowly pull out one card after another and hold it infront of me .. wan me to read to her, then she will throw the card away before repeating the same progress again. until today I duno how I shld react to this. sometimes when things get too routine, I am the one who gets very bored. hahahaa!
overload...my pd nagged me for 2 visits already to visit pd dentist and she decided to take things into her hands and made the appointment for me lol...the pd dentist checks the kiddo's teeth and do maintenance work (if necessary)...recommend appropriate toothpaste and teach us parents and the kid (when they understand) how to brush the proper way...its not compulsory (i think) but my pd is very meticulous i guess...especially for filipinos, they take very good care of their teeth and oral health..they really brush after every meal..my hb's pd aunt was the first to nagged at me to brush naomi's teeth when she was 8mths old lol..
aiyo, me so sad
Does your baby cry or at least some form of sadness when u leave them? haizz, my daughter simply wave goodbye and cant wait to close the metal door when my hubby and 1 leave my in laws place. Geez, then whenever my in-laws leave the house perhaps to water plants or go out, she will cry so loudly. So unfair. haiz. Ya, it may be good that she dont cry when i leave her, at least no heart pain but now i heart pain cos she "heartless"...eeeeks

happy>oooh, im going first lesson for lil neuro tree this sat. Will keep u posted.
My girl kept pulling out the drawers and opening doors of the bookshelves. Is there any type of lock that I can purchase to "tape" the drawers up? I'm currently using tape to tape the drawers. Ugly leh ...

oh. my girl is only too happy to see me out of the door on most mornings (especially towards Friday). She'll either wave bye bye to me while hugging my mil's legs, or ignore me completely. What you think? :p Think Monday is the only day that is exeptional (maybe it is cos we spend more time together over weekend?)

u made me feel very guilty :p I forgot to brush my girl's teeth tonite :p

the paedatric dentist says shd visit from 2yo onwards... I brought him there because he got a chip on his bottom tooth so I was concerned and brought him to dentist lor... Sigh the dentist says most likely was due to him biting on his toys, very upset... Must be my mil or maid never stop him from biting... When I saw the chip and ask them, none of the two knew what happened, made me so gek sim... Anyway this dentist good, I already made an appt to see him in 9 months time, he say Xavier got cross biting problem, may need to do braces sigh


thanks!! Which lnt u attending?
Eh... Is it because u dun bring Sarah home at night? They say kids stick to parents a lot if we sleep with them... Xavier will always prefer me and hb to mil anytime, he so sticky until I go bath and he dun see me also cry pengs lol

I think ikea got sell those "locks" for cupboards and drawers, go check it out...

Eh... According to the dentist, they cannot use finger brush now, must upgrade to bristles toothbrush liao, he recommend kodomo pro 0.5-3 toothbrush, then he says cannot drink milk to sleep and must try to wean milk bottles liao .. Xavier always drinks milk to sleep, how to change this habit?? Any ideas?
Also, he say pointless to use first teeth toothpaste as it contains no flouride so as good as no effect but use also can la, just that no benefit... Anyway I still use just cuz this is to entice him to brush teeth as he likes the taste of the toothpaste...
Btw, the dentist shared sth so scary with me that he extracted 16 teeth from a 2 yo earlier this yr due to cavities... So better take care of their teeth lo
I still using clothe to wipe my girl's teeth leh. she has got only 6 of them at the moment. out of which, the 4 teeth at the top are still halfway out only. Hadnt start to use bristles yet. So still got a bit of the vampire smile :p hehehehee ....

I let bb drink milk at 9pm+ before her 10.30pm bedtime. So got time to brush teeth lah. :p Otherwise, dirty for 1 nite I think shld be ok one :p
Wah.... I think I am really a super lazy mummy leh... although I prefer to think that I am a pro-natural mummy... hahaha...

Until today, Mer dun have the habit of brushing teeth regularly yet. I tried a couple of times but she was more interested to lick the paste off the brush. Then I simply gave up. Mer seems to want my toobrush more than hers but I think ours is too strong and "spicy" for them, so I just ignore her when she tries to reach for my brush when I am brushing.

She is still needing a bottle to sleep. If she dun drink some milk during the get to sleep routine every night, she will never fall asleep. So I have no blinking idea how to wean her off the bottle or even not hv her take a bottle to sleep leh.

Tml am going to bring her go pa zham.... will ask PD abt this then. Hopefully she is like me la, v little problems with teeth... else I think I m going to headache soon. Cuz her daddy has got not v good teeth...

Finally its Friday! Hope all mummies here have a good day to end the work week and start the fun weekend~

Oh ya, just FYI, mummies who are using the maclaren xlr stroller, the front bar for the stroller is in stocks now at Mothercare, retailing at $49.90 a piece. Comes in Black and Grey, so do check out the color of your wheels then head down to buy if you want one. I have been looking for it the longest time, finally saw it at Mothercare this week and bought one le. V easy to install and remove and its lightweight and sturdy. Hope it will be a good help to deter Mer from leaning out frontwards all the time!
Hi happy. Ya I dun bring her home on weekday nites. But even if we bring she sleeps In her cot in another room. So also pointless right. Sad
I realised that a water bottle for my girl is a very good purchase. Previously I have to give her sips of water every now and then. Now I just have to fill up her water bottle and leave it where she can reach. whenever she's thirsty, she'll be taking the water bottle and drinking. I find that she is drinking more water than I tot she is capable of taking. Nowadays these type of small small tasks can be sub contracted out easily. good that she's growing up. mummy can relax abit. hahaha!

Wishing all mummies an early Happy Mothers day!
yah, smaller tins are better in tat sense... but think as long can finish within a mth, it shd be fine... so i dun mind getting e 1.8kg tin, to save some money...
my gal oso can only say a few words, even those few words are not tat clear... e rest of e time, oso babbling... dun worry so much bah, they will reach there at their own timing... oso my fren was saying, our babies are speaking in tongues! haha...
mia for a long long time....but i have been a silent reader. very busy with work and 2 kids. i so happy to know that all our children are growing well. mummies..jiayou. anyway, take a break and tomorrow is our day. You sure deserved it. Happy Mother's Day to all of you.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY, Mommies!!!!!

re: water bottle
that's why i was asking for sippy cup before cos my MIL bought a simple one for baby and she keep on drinking. Much more than usual and i notice her stool also looks nicer (sorry TMI :p) so i was thinking on investing in one good one cos this one, after drinking she will pour n pour d water on d floor, n she fell down once, luckily not a bad one. what water bottle r u using? isit d straw type?

wahh i never thought babies really have to see dentist... really a lot to learn being a mom... haha

re: speaking in tongue
LOL that's a good one!!! baby's dictionary is me cos most people dunno what she's talking about so I have to translate n if failed, now i can tell them she speaks in tongue too hahahaha
now oreidi noe need to make braces mah? dun think so lah... e bb teeth not all out yet, not to mention adult teeth... how to possibly noe need braces?

anyway, my gal oso likes to bite hard stuff... metal spoon lah, her cot lah... it's those bite till got wood shavings come out kind... her pd says juz distract her...
do u mean xavier sleeps while drinking milk using bottle? or juz have milk then wind down then sleep? if e latter, i think it's okie leh... wat i do for my gal is let her drink milk, then read bks then brush teeth, then sleep...

yah, i heard of tat story too... e story i heard is tat e mil gave e siblings those biscuits wif sugar in shape of a flower everyday... then both by age of 2, have to go for extraction...
i'm using e pigeon mag mag straw cup, find it quite gd... been using it for e longest time... din recommend it e previous time, cos my objective is to teach her to drink from open-rimmed cup eventually... now not doing it yet, cos i find it difficult when she doesn't really communicate verbally wif me... so tot it's e same for u... but since it's to encourage her to drink more water on her own, i guess u can get 1...

hehe, e speaking in tongues is a gd 1 isn't it?
happy mother's day mummies!!!!

Someone looking for good straw cup cab try the one I'm using - zoli tilt . Eversince my girl started using it, she is a water monster! And she can drink til cup empty because of the weighted straw. Only issue is that the replacement straw not avail yet.

With regards to reading, geez!! My girl can't read a single word. She does recognize a few pictures and speaks about 20-30 words correctly in context. Pronounciation a bit off sometimes. I was so delighted but to think there are 14m old babies who read so well... Is that the exception or the norm?!
somehow today I dun feel that I had a break leh. been rushing like mad doing hsework and settling both bb and hb until beng san now :p hahaha!

the one I bought should be a water bottle. Got straw one. It has got 2 "ears" at the top so bb can open and close the cover after drinking. also got side handles for bb to hold. Think is from Tollyjoy ah? Cant remember. I bought it at Carrefour suntec. So even when the bottle drop onto the floor, the water wont spill out (unless the top came off lah)

where did you buy the zoli tilt straw cup?

my girl cant even speak "papa" well yet, let alone recognise words! hahahaa! But she can understand us when we instruct her to do things lah.
it's me! i need a sippy cup! hehe...

Dun be discouraged! It's definitely an exception la... How many kids we have here combined? How many read that many? See? The statistic is obvious.

I only saw one that read that many words at 14mths. But there are many kids who r really good.. just that they might be older or parents dun write many explanations. This 14mths old also has very good pronunciation (some not really) and should be gifted in this area. I always remind myself~ There are other areas that our kids might be better at. God is fair.. hehe...

hehe i think i have to be more specific if asking for recommendation next time, right? haha... daughter can tell me when she's very thirsty but she doesn't drink much at one time lo less than 2oz per sip n now try to be independent. Tried to hold her own mini cup and spill everywhere...

i told my hb about speaking in tongue too haha...

Re: Baby teeth extraction
that's really scary!!!
Happy mother's day to all mothers! This is our 2nd yr as a mother.. My son didn't treat me any better.. Still in e changing diaper, feeding him, state. Hope next yr he will be more independent.

P. Seed
as for me, I think it's e expectation on myself of whether did I expose him enough. For eg, during my time, probably the alphabet A, B, C was taught when I was 5 yrs old. So I will thought that will be e age for e exposure. Only when sandy told us Naomi can read, then I realized I had limit my boy's exposure. Haha, I'm not working, so I will expect myself to put more effort to see that his exposure are not limited by my expectation. Easier than say done. I'm still not doing much with him.. Hoho

lonerunner, overload
I think I got the name wrong but here is the link to product info

Just mention that I intro you to get 10% discount. But you must give my real name lah. Haha. I bought at www.loveforearth.com . $19.90 but you know me and my eco friendly BPA free nonsense...

The Simz, Overload, I just panicked for a moment! But I guess I'm not too stressed about it after all. Most of the time, she surprises me by showing me all the new things she learns at daycare or from other people, most significantly her papa. He's my personal enrichment center! I think it's the way he grew up, makes learning so fun for her. I'm quite a typical mum, worried about food, hygiene, bedtime etc. but really should be more involved in exposing her to as many things as she is interested in picking up. They are like a sponge at this age! We keep reminding ourselves - no 4 letter words in front of her :D
