(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

i tried to let him use Magmag, he managed to learn how to suck out water from the straw after some trying. But I guess the flow is too fast for him so he tends to get choked. And then some days after learning how to suck, he begin to spit out water while drinking. I m not sure it's out of "mischief" or the flow is just too fast for him, because initially he don't do that.
hmm.. so my Mum ask me revert back to his bottle for water drinking.
WOW, so many babies so smart, can drink from straws already, so cute hehe
I want to go home to try on Xavier, today he is officially 11mths old! how time flies yah ;)
wah, ur gal is fast! congrats ah!

eh, my gal doesn't noe how to pull herself up using e cot railings still... and i'm not teaching her yet! cos my hb still hasn't adjusted it to e lowest level, dun wanna get a shocking surprise in e morn!

drinking from cup
juz started training my gal to drink from cup today! wah, not easy leh... very messy, cos she doesn't noe how much to tilt... intending to feed her milk from cup, but dun think tat's possible anytime soon! then now she drinking less milk for some reason, i suspect it's e teat... but she oreidi on avent #4! she will drink then while waiting for e air to fill e place of milk drank, keep biting e teat... then after a while, no more patience to continue... then again, it could be teething? but now she finishes her porridge lunch...
hi overload & sandy,
thanks.. but then again, is too much protein not good for them? cos i am aldy giving fish and some chix meat. Is it considered a source of protein. somtimes eggs too..

try it.. maybe ur BB Xavier can also drink but jus tt you dun knw yet..
hi all,
hope everybody is fine.

two days ago, brought Erna to PD for the rashes on the side of her buttom. at first we thought it is a diaper rash (though i was surprised coz she didnt have any diaper rashes until now), and we applied desitin and tried panderm cream. bt it turned out to be a fungal skin rash
now we are trying a new medicine, and washing and airing her buttom b4 every diaper change. lets see how quickly the skin will heal. but the airing is the most difficult part. bcoz she wants to crawl around and i worry she will pee and poo.. hehe, lucky the flashcards keep her a bit busy.

yesterday, hubby's collegaue diagnosed with H1N1. since yesterday hubby is also sneezing and coughing. when he is at home, he is quarantining himself on one sofa with his laptop, and sleeping in the other room. i am washing his glasses, etc everything separately. hope his is just a normal flu. cant help worrying for the bb

Erna also does not want to drink water from the bottle. while she grabs the bottle from my hands for milk, she just runs away, shakes her head or pushes the bottle away when she sees water inside. babies r so smart. b4 they taste it, they already know what is inside. i will also try the straw. u mummies are so smart!!

tdy is the first day Erna used a toothbrush for her small 6 teeth. at first she rejected, bt then she liked it when i rubbed it against her itchy gums. hehe.

mibebe: cas is super duper fast. 10-15 steps without support is great success!

I had 1 tin of 400g of Enfapro A+ stage 2 (Expire on 05/09/2011) + $5 voucher off for 900g Enfapro A+ (Valid until 07/02/2010) letting go $10. Self collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(Weekday only). If interested can sms me at 97905232.


I had 1 tin of 400g of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (Expire on 23/07/2011) + $5 voucher off for 700g Mamil Gold Step 2 Newgen (Valid until 31/12/2009) letting go $10. Self collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(Weekday only). If interested can sms me at 97905232.

oh okok I wont give egg tofu then. I tot with egg taste nicer :p wahahahaha ...!

wow ... ur bb can pull herself up to stand already! tats wonderful!!

aiyo rashes now ah? the last time my bb got rashes after fever outbreak, we gave gripewater and chinese med combined. after a week it disappeared fully. maybe u wan to use a clean towel and wipe face to keep it dry and clean.

u can carry bb, but just make sure u try scope bb up in your arms instead of palms. not easy lah, but will do with some practise. when my eldest sil proposed this idea to me initially, I tot she was mad. But after awhile I see her point liao. But careful. if during recovery, u accidentally reinjured ur hand again, the pain will return. cos back to square 1.

wow ur bb can voice out "fish" already? Tats fast! u must be overjoyed today! :p

oh. there is avent #4 teat ah? hahahaa I actually tot #3 is the biggest leh! heheehhehe ... now I know! :p

maybe ur hb can drink more mazuka honey? it will aid in recovery.
think bb shld be ok since she is on BM? last time my hb also sneezed, had a super sore throat and coughed for 2mths until we all suspected he got H1N1 but this was never confirmed cos the doc din order a test before issuing hb the strongest antibotics he has at his clinic. I got infected 2 weeks after hb did but with milder symtoms. It was a terrible time cos I was breastfeeding so I avoided taking antibotics at all cost. bb just got fever only but recovered soon after, despite both her parents fell ill at same time. we suspected this is becos she was on BM then. Maybe her immure system came from me?
whao seems lik most babies here are alrdy using straws n cups to drink water. haha but my baby stil milk bottle. but im taking it easy nt in hurry to train her, slowly.

but one mummy mention try drink milk via cup. y is tt needed?shldnt baby drink milk from bottle?
your girl also the same ah? fever and rashes? last nite took my boy to see chinese doc and now starting to give him chinese med too... hope he recover soon....really heartbreaking to see him like that...

so gripe water can mix with chinese med? as in can take gripe water while taking chinese med?
Hi Mommies..

apologies for intruding.. I came in to say thankyou to a feb mom who shares with me her experience on bb rejecting food.. (tried to PM but it doesn't work

ya my bb ganna fever and rashes previously too. the chinese med was like 2 course per day. So in between, we gave gripe water (1 teaspoon) diluated with plain water. This ensures both med dun crash with each other. To play safe lah. Of course you might wan to try out the chinese med only to see the effects first.

The biggest con abt chinese med is tat it is very difficult to get bb to drink it. :p Cos it is not nice mah :p hehehehee :p
PS: Gripewater was given becos my mil said gripewater better n tat chinese med dun work. I disagree. so we compromised and went halfway in between the option lor. :p
ahh noted.... i was concern abt the clash also between chinese med and gripe water. The chinese med that my boy is taking is 3 course per day... so i guess abit difficult to "add in" gripe water....hmmm...

but i'll observe him taking this chinese med and see how it goes...thanks for the tips!

i hv 1 tin 400g Nan 2 HA wanna exchange with similac follow-on containing Advance EyeQ Plus with Immunify ingredients..pls pm me if interested..tks !
thanks! her mobility is fast...but tooth rather slow! hehe!

drinking in straw:
was so amazed last night when i let cas drink from the straw again (2nd attempt)...i just showed her by making a sound on how to drink and then she tried it herself...first biting the straw and playing with it...and then...there...she can drink from it! yey!

i am surprised as well when she walked that much! she's a very daring bb if i may say so! last weekend we were in gap store in centerpoint and cas keeps on wiggling coz she wants to be put down on the floor and walk! and then when she's tired she will just crawl all over the place....and we just let her! hahaha!

bb with rashes and fever:
hope they do get well fast! its a pain to see them not feeling well
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude, I'm from Jun '09 thread. We've 7 babies keen in Sean Lau Photography baby shoot. Is anyone here organising for their photoshoot or are keen to join us?? Pls take a look at www.seanlau.com Pls contact mi at 97932771 if keen, thks!

Sean Lau BP
10 babies sign up @ $208 ($30 off our Classic Baby Package)
20 babies sign up @ $188 ($50 off our Classic Baby Package)
30 babies sign up @ $178 ($60 off our Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com
- 02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
- 05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
- 01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
- DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/pax instead of $35.
If both parents join in for a family portrait, will throw in an additional picture worth $30.

* Recommended age: Below 1 year
tat's me, cos tot drinking water from cup faster mah... anyway, think i read somewhere tat it's recommended to wean off bottle and teat... so i oso dunno... then my gal now like cannot finish her milk due to e bottle and teat, hopefully drink from cup easier lor...
wow! so many posts that i have a hard time catching up.

straw: bb's finally have better control when drinking from straw. haha... as advised by sheepish, this comes after repeated practise.
hi sheepish, mibebe
ya, i think after 1yr old can slowly wean them off... I guess, nw get them to learn to sip from the straws first.. to get them into the momentum of sucking and drinking water ba..

i read the article (i cant rem who posted for me) and saw tt soft tofu is more recommended than silken and another type. So wat is soft tofu?
dbaby, for the box kind of tofu, there are 3 types i think. Soft, silken and firmer kind. Perhaps the more firm the tofu is better since more beans in it?? just my guess...
woah everybody training baby to drink from straw, i havent tried...

sheepish/dbaby/mibebe & other mommies...
i dun have to wean baby off bottle cos my baby doesn't take bottle~ HUAHAHHAHAHA
less 1 headache but ho come to think of it she still doesn't drink much water so... sigh.... still have to buy those straws.... haha
i am not 100% sure about d tofu types... but i guess we should not give them d egg tofu (which prob are d ones they called silken) and firmer ones r prob "tow gua" so d soft ones r d ones we call "tow hu" (that directly translate as tofu)... and yes ginn is right, even "tow hu" has different density, more beans/ more concentrated ones r firmer...

just a guess, other mommies might wanna clarify???
yes, me very happy!!! now she can say 2 other words also. not very clear sometimes, cos i think she is still practising... she used to say a few words clearly just like Gamze's baby then never said it again... but i am sure she said fish cos she pulled out her fish toy and told me "fish".... SO HAPPY LO... my husband banned me from asking her too many times cos i kept on repeating "what is this?" and show her d fish... my husband said she can get tired... me like obsessed *roll eyes*...hahaha...

i even called my dad and told him d story... he boh chap le, he said his baby was faster (yours truly *wink wink) so he said it's expected... wahliew....
huh? tat means 1yr old bb and above shld drink from cup? for both milk and water? so fast ah??

Oh ya, I read the article abt the tofu too. Whats tofu is wat ah? wahahahahahaaa!

hahahaaa ... I bay tahan (cannot stand) ur dad leh :p He is so proud of his daughter! :p hehehehheee ....!
i have alwys seen many kids lik 2-3 yrs old stil drink milk frm bottle. i tot tt is the norm? haha i stil cant figure out hw we make milk , giv cup to baby outside.keke
drinking from cup
i oso dunno leh! tat's wat i tot when reading e articles, tat's why trying to get her to drink from cup now...

yah lor, u can skip 1 step at least... haha, ur dad so funny lah!
lonerunner & sheepish:
my dad is not proud of me, he's proud of his one n only precious grand daughter... his attitude is like "my grand daughter is smart, u only discover now??" hahahahah..... sometimes i also wanna faint talking to him... haha
ya lo, i think he really has no confident in me to raise his grand daughter, u know? he saw me bathed baby, he said i am still learning "beh soon" (not smooth) eh i bathed her since she was a week old, ok? and d only one who bathe her every single day for d past 10mths... and then he bought me books n books on infant-care, solid for babies and such... like i sure dunno anything... hahaha... eh actually ho.. the only person reminds me of him is ur mom!!!! nehh d time she scolded u cos baby fell down or something??? hahahaha..... it was u right??
just now received an e-mail from baby center about giving up the bottle

"This is a great age to begin moving away from the bottle, before your baby begins to grow overly attached to it, as she might to a "lovey." Most doctors consider 9 to 12 months to be an ideal bottle-weaning window — the longer you wait, the harder it will be. Switching over to a cup is also better for your baby's dental health, as prolonged slurping from a bottle of anything containing sugar (even things with "natural" sugars, like formula, milk, and some juices) increases the risk of tooth decay.

It's helpful to use plastic cups with spout tops, or "sippy cups," during the transition between the bottle and a "real" cup. In fact, you might stick to sippy cups throughout the preschool years because the top tends to prevent spills. If the sippy cup is a little hard for your baby to get used to, consider a cup with a spout that's more like a bottle nipple. Whatever cup you decide to use, make sure it's unbreakable.

Introduce the cup by filling it with some water and letting your baby experiment. Or try filling it with some breast milk or formula and offering it instead of a bottle for one feeding each day. It's best to substitute cup for bottle at times when your baby is alert, rather than using it to help her fall asleep."
Eu Yan Sang Brown Rice Si Shen Powder
Bought in Singapore
I bought too much for my baby would like to exchange for ntuc voucher
I had 5 bottle with me
One bottle exchange for $5 ntuc voucher
if interested kindly email me
oh ya, yeap yeap! tats my mum correct! so if she is coming over on sunday, hb and I will make sure that bb dun get as much as a scratch on sat! wait our ears get the brunt of her grumble again! hehehehehee ...

thx! tats a really helpful article!
Morning Mommies.... wah this thread seems quiet today... i wonder why.. xmas spirit oredi??? or mommies r all busy crossing name list of presents to buy??? or headache cos so many presents, so little time. well in my case, too many presents, so little dough hahahha...

may b we can recruit some more grandparents n let them form a club with tagline "my kid is raising a kid and i am nervous!!" hehehe... my dad sure qualified as president
Hi overload & mummies,
Good Noon... Ya, seems so quiet... Me too, haf a fair share of gits to buy for exchange.. As well as preparing for my frens to come over for an Advance Xmas Party... Still haven finish buying presents...
Hi mummies,

Anyone of you have good photo studios to recommend? I want to book for Justin's 1st year shoot. I used the Studio Loft, quite good. But thinking of finding another one.

Blueb: i saw that you want to book dphotofolio. Have you heard anything about them before??
yes, today very strange... almost 2pm but only 6 posts... *yawns*... what's Irisa up to now??

This morn fed baby papaya, i think she doesn't like the smell... Stored d remaining puree in d fridge and when i took it out at noon, its consistency is like pudding hahaha so funny... asked my hubby to finish them... my hb is my rubbish bin for baby food... :p if i cooked porridge and not finished by baby, i'll add salt & pepper n present it with love to hb :D hehehe...
hi ladies,

sorry to intrude.
have a good lobang here. need to confirm fast. please pm/sms 90011 110 me if interested.

rainbow hydrocleaner E2 (latest model)
usual price $3424 now $2800
only 3 sets available
8 yrs warranty and full accessories with receipt
there will be 1 person to give 1 hr demo - teach u & yr maid.
$30 per lesson if u forgot in future

it is very good vacuum cleaner. can effectively clean the bed/bolster/floors/cars. able to vacuum the mites n dust very effectively. good investment if you have kids at home and worry abt their health.

please see this link for ppl's comments.

hi mummies

Just wanted to pass on some good news to you

My hand is better now i can type well.

I have resigned my job and am gonna be a SAHM from december 23. Also we are moving back to our hometown soon. So more support and backup from parents and relatives ..hope its gonna be fun

I will be in touch with you all guys and I will login from there and still post in the forums .. Just that i need a month break to help pack things ..and then i will be free for posting ....

lonerunner, sandy ... all other mummies
i hope to keep in touch with all of u from jan onwards ...
wonderful idea!!!! wahahahaha!!

think one popular studio is seanlau's?
I might be joining June mummies for the package.
alternative is to look under the business thread. there are a couple of studios there ...

SAHM? congrats! lucky u! see u next mth!
Dear Mummies, I am getting worried. Anyone experiences your breasts getting smaller and more saggy? I wonder if I should stop pumping as everytime after pumping, my breasts feel very soft, almost like tofu and seemed like my milk supply really going to end le as now 4 pumps every 24 hrs only get around 130 - 140 ml.

Regarding injured wrist, Popipi, you must see a sinseh asap, my mum had the same experience after a fall, get to hosp as well as chinese sinseh but too late, so that wrist no strength now, so always drops things when she uses the hand, sorry, not to scare you. I am still waiting for my mum to check the number for the sinseh to recommend to you, will post the number here once I get it, but it is located at the shops at the HDB void deck along Zion Road, facing the former "Glass hotel", I think called Holiday Inn now.

Irisa getting noti and noti... She can really got character.. she cannot let ppl talk abt her.. She poo-ed, my aunt say she smelly and she make noises.. so young and so noti..
wat abt ur BB?
