(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Breasts after expressing milk:
size - still the same leh. wished it will get a bit bigger after it has been emptied of milk :p
saggy - still the same? my breasts are small to start off with anyway! :p
touch - after expressing, both breasts are very soft to touch. no more milk! :p

my milk supply this week is terrible too. per pump not more than 100ml now. I also pumped 4 times a day. think the irregular pump sessions are the cause of it! trying to add in an additional session whenever I can spare the time!

thanks for the tip! Trying to master it keke

thks for the advice..my mum recommend me this Chinese sinseh at people park's Ctr this fri. So gg to try him out 1st while waiting for my doc appt..pls do share with me yr mum's contact.thanks very much!
congrats on being SAHM and goodluck on the packing (as i hate packing!)
we'll see u next january and take care

cas is really one active and fearless baby...last nyt, we watched her as she goes down from our bed to the floor on her own by sliding! hubby and i watched in amazement! after she was down, she walked for 10-15 steps without any support and then went all fours and crawl from our room to the kitchen! think she was looking for a night snack! hahaha!
DBaby, my boy also like that. He will scream in such a way like asking us to shut up when my maid complains to me about him being naughty when I come home after work. But when we really stop talking, he will stop screaming. Sometimes when I ask him "u dun want mummy to know u naughty hah?" He will go "em", like saying "yes" and it happened a lot of times when I ask other questions too. Wondering if they really can understand what we say.

Nowadays even worse, will scream until he gets the thing he wants. I think he knows the trick le as my MIL will carry him or give him bread whenever he screams in the past.
Lonerunner, you are very funny leh, the way u describe your breasts. But I am really worried and intending to stop expressing soon. At first I intend to stop when bb 1st bday over, but seemed like now cannot sustain until then le. Only gets ard 130ml - 140ml altogether a day. I cannot believe that I can maintain the records of my ebm till now - every pump amt is recorded and gets demoralising as days goes by.
Dear mummies, r you all still feeding your bb at night? My boy still needs to drink at 11 plus or 12 midnight, then around 5 am, need to drink again and he drinks FM at night! I wish he can sleep longer at night, if not I will get insomnia from this prolonged lack of sleep! Anyone got any advice on this?

And he is really smelly when he wakes up in the morning, he will sweat a lot when I put him in the playpen and cry, then whole shirt will be wet, so he still needs his sarong. I am trying to wean him off but he cannot sleep thru whole nite in playpen. Really helpless at what to do next.
my bb last feed is between 11-12pm. and then next one will be 7-8am. what i did before is that when she toss and turn in the middle of the night, i just give her pacifier or pat her to sleep again. after doing this for sometime, then maybe ur bb will be "trained" not to ask for milk at around 5am.
wow! u actually kept each record of EBM till now? u are good! continue keep at it and next time, frame it up to show bb!
dun worry abt each pump amt too much. our bb are now starting or started on solid food already. they dun need as much milk as before. if we have BM to give them, it's good. if we dun have enough, FM can still do the job! dun put too much stress on yourself. what we have we just give them lor.
the only thing that irriates me is the huge probility that I might not hit the 1yr milestone that I'd set for myself due to the low BM amt! :p But then again ah, even if I hit the milestone, most prob I'll go "I wan to continue breastfeed bb!!". Is like this one lah. the grass is always greener on the other side :p

Feeding bb at 5am:
my bb these few nites also kept waking up at 5am asking for milk! Else she will continue to kick, turn and toss in between us, causing us to have blue black eyes, nose, internal injuries etc. I'll try to put pacifier into her mouth to pacify her, but it only lasts a few more times before the pacifier also fail to carry out its objective. Usually she will finish up all 180ml of FM that is offered, which shows that she is prob quite hungary. But ok lah. Her last meal was at 8pm+ or 9pm+ previous nite cos she'll doze off after that.
my eldest sil is still having a tough time. my 8mth+ nephew is still asking for milk every 2hr! She tried all methods - pacifier, tanking him up for his last feed of the nite etc. All failed. She is complaining why her 2 kids just cant sleep thru the nite :p

bb sliding down from bed to floor:
my bb also does this now, although she is still too short to reach the floor feet first so she'll usually land with her feet, then her butt will follow next onto the mattress below. really super independent liao!
Need a favour from you. I bought Drypers Size L for a promo 3 packet at $36.95, 1 pkt is about $12++. I am willing to let go at $10 per pkts if you can help me buy over if your BB is using the same brand.. Pls PM me if keen cos not suitable for my gal.. Self Collect.. Thanks a lot!!
high five on bb going down from the bed! they are getting independent,i agree, and in no time might not need mummy that much anymore!
mummies who stopped breastfeeding:
anybody can advise if i shd nurse my gal if got leaking but no engorgement? then if got engorgement (lumps) but no pain, need to feed?

so weird, i oreidi never breastfeed her for close to a wk liao... now then leak milk...

Eu Yan Sang Brown Rice Si Shen Powder
Bought in Singapore
I bought too much for my baby would like to exchange for ntuc voucher
I had 5 bottle with me
One bottle exchange for $5 ntuc voucher
if interested kindly email me

Location: Jalan Kayu
so many people posts selling stuffs nowadays? is it cos it's xmas??? hmmm...

glad to hear u r better...

i have moved my mattress down long time ago so that baby would not fall down. She has learnt to pat on d floor first and if she felt that it's safe to crawl head first, she will position her head as high as possible so that when she crawl downward, her head would not knock against d floor.
If she felt that it's to high to crawl down, she has learnt to move sideways to let her legs down first... she's all about being independent but if all failed... CRY FOR MOMMY!!! haha...

ok baby's bed time....
wow ... is weird leh. maybe clearing remaining milk from inside breast tats why got leaks? else maybe it is due to auntie visiting so hormones caused milk clearance? :p
But if is me hor, if got leaking breast, I'll nurse bb .. dun waste milk lah :p
if got engorgement but no pain, hahaha, me super lazy one. I will just ignore if can :p

hehehe ... smart move ah? "CRY FOR MOMMY!!!" :p

hmmm ... I think I'll miss bb's dependency on mummy when the time comes
Hi Lonerunner, u funny leh, ask me to frame up my ebm record. I wrote down in a book and very messy as I laid on the bed to write most of the time esp during confinement where every 2 - 3 hrs pump once.
Ya, I initially wanted 2 feed until 1 yr, not sure if that can happen with my current super low rate.
Morning mummies,

Can someone please tell me again where to find the happy puffs please?
I think I got very bad memory, forgotten about it though some kind mummies did mention to me where I can find them some time back!
Kindly refresh my memory, anyone? keke
Morning Mummies... DJ still reporting in sick.... sigh... now got sore throat n flu.... FAINT. YTD brought Mer to the PD... this time round, its HB got the sore throat, passed to Mer, Mer passed to me... faint... the year end weather is great but the sickness can be a b***h~! LOL

Happy, you can get Happy Puffs from the Living Pharmacy under NTUC. I saw some at the one in West Coast Plaza. I am still trying to finish the 2 bottles at home leh... Xavier can eat so fast ah?

nowadays Mer is called "Chi Bu Ting"... meaning non-stop eating... eat n snack all the time... luckily PD says no problem... let her continue.... lol... so scared she become ah bui....
heehhee ... TGIF!!! Weekend's here!!

My weekend will come in 2.5hr's time when my PM leave starts!! HEHEHEHHEEEE!!

DJmama, I wished my bb is like Mer ... can eat non stop! U take care ah. Dec time fall sick then cannot go shopping leh! :p
Lone... hehehe... I think I did my share of shopping ytd at Carter's sale liao...wahahaha...

Shiok eh, long weekend!

Eat non stop got good got bad lor... I dun ever hv to worry she is hungry but, I am v busy... never a peaceful moment during mealtimes... plus she is ultra sticky to me nowadays... really no rest de...
oh ya ya ... same here. bb super sticky to me during meal time too. She likes to put her hand into our food. *yucks!!* But sometimes at nite she super sticky to her dad. So her dad has no time to play his PC games until she sleeps. hehehehe!

PS: I am not complaining! :p
i agree with lonerunner, make sure u keep it and present to her when she has her first baby... woah sure very meaningful. I regreted that i din take some time to write during pregnancy. I think she will appreciate to read it when she's pregnant next time. I am writing a bit down now so that i myself won't forget all d funny stories. Seriously I should have started earlier so pl dun waste yours...
WOAH u r a sahm now? sorry ha, i always speed read.... missed out important points sometimes... my baby doesn't eat much, u know? how come she is still champion?? may b after u bcome sahm now Mer will take her place soon. hahaha... more TLC in her food mah....
i wish i can say TGIF... my maid is going back tomorrow
I am dreading to do all d chores... mop, cook and wash.... sigh...
ya, :D it's funny n never ceased to amaze me. My friend came back with her March baby for a short visit d other day. She wears size S diaper!!! To my amazement, cos my baby is in size S diaper for only 1 month. Which is fr her full-moon til her 2nd month bday. Now she wears size L (since 3mths old)

by the way... her baby eats A LOT... My baby dun even eat half her portion..... n my baby is VERY active, hers is not really, mostly carried by d maid here n there.... well, it doesn't make sense, u know?

but then again, my hb is 6ft tall, i am normal height (but fat lah sshhh
) while both her n hb hv small frame... So may b gene lo...
hi all
been a long while since i log in n post. been very busy with lots of stuffs - my clip biz lah, shopping for christmas gifts, shopping for clothes to wear for both my son's photo shoot lah.. etc.

lots of ups and downs.. always login to FB to play a game or two to keep my sanity.

anyway, sorry yet to able to catch up with all the posts.. but i can see so many of u becoming SAHM..
i think i am too used to staying at home now, so if u ask me to go work.. i dont think i will get used to it. Moreover i gained so much weight after stopped breastfeeding.. now on diet n trying to slim down.

for those who wants to slim down, u can try changing your diet to eat just one fistful of food every meal.. first 3 days really feel hungry but after tat, really dont feel it anymore. if hungry just snack on fruits or salad. cut down on rice, noodles n bread. cut down on fried stuff etc.. learnt alot talking to some slimming centre consultant.

update of my Joel
he just turns 10mth old with 6 teeth. knows how to cruise around n stand up with support. this two days he is trying to stand without support..
communication wise.. he is really chatty.. can talk n talk if u answer him. can call dad dad, ma ma.. can repeat some words if u read to him.. but cant repeat after that. heard him repeating words like : apple, banana, yellow, Joel etc after we tell him. other than that, just babbling.
he will initiate some games with us too .. such as peek a poo by standing behind a chair n popping his head out left n right of the chair.
i really thank God for such a joyful baby. i believe everyone of us is enjoying every moment of our baby now.

oh ya.. christmas is coming.. this is our baby's first christmas! anyone bough christmas gift for them? i bought a playyskool "EXPLORE n GROW" a walk n ride... can be used for learning to walk n turn into a scooter after tat. 39.90 i think.

so anyone organising baby's first yr bash?
wow speaking of eating..
i really need to know how much u mummies are feeding.
joel currently each day 4 x 180ml milk and 1 bowl(pigeon green colour bow) of cereal in the afternoon and 1 bowl of porridge at night. on top of it, its 2 oz of fruit with every meal.

speaking of his weight n height.. not sure about now.. but at 9th mth , he was 11.5kg and 75cm tall.

after stopping bf for quite a long time.. u know i still have breast milk in me. if go squeeze squeeze, still have milk flowing out. never leak though. i think it only stopped leaking after 3 weeks or so. i regret stopping altogether.. should have pump out.

separation anxiety
i think joel is experiencing tat now. as long as i step out of his play yard after playing with him, he will scream out loud. or his daddy out of his sight, he will cry.. sometimes no need to be out of sight, just move away from him alone can cause him to cry. anyone of yours experiencing that? i read from internet, they mention only from 11th mth. mm i guess mine start early.
jo, technically it can start from 6mths but norm is 8 to 10 mths and peak at 18mths. Naomi started since 8mths plus. Also like joel, doesnt want to be away from me n hb. But she doesnt hv stranger anxiety, shy but sociable keke. By the way, y u stop bf?
jo, sandy: han also same... just move away from him can cause him to be cranky. but we try to distract him by giving him his fav toys or just leave for a while and be back again.

sheepish: that time i stop bf, also leak without engorgement. it will be on and off. i did not feed bb with it cos i used cabbage, can see content is more dilute.
jo: i still cant control my diet. bf that time eat too much. now want to control keep feeling hungry. really a torture to diet.
that time i kept thinking of the pain of his bite.. so wean him off. true enough he loves biting now.. very scare. i guess too overwhelmed with his bite n forgot i can pump out n feed him. Another reason is.. my health deteriorates alot.. my mum n hubby asked me to stop bf so i can work on my health n also to give myself a break. actually i was planning to have a 3rd but then.. i guess hubby not keen now after feeling very tired without another helper. if anyone of us is sick, he or me have to take care of 3 if we gonna have another one. also partly bcos he doesnt know if he is going to go for another trip to Israel. His trip there is always for a month or so.. i dont think i can handle 3.

as for stranger anxiety, ya joel doesnt has as well. he is very friendly to everyone especially women. He will smile brightly n gave a very cute "twist" smile. tat kind which open mouth n show teeth but close eyes type.

for dieting now.. dont go on diet immediately.. slowly reduce your intake until its one fistful. my brother who always never fail to slim down also told me the same thing. eat one fistful he said.
why u kept feeling hungry cos your stomach already expanded.. so now slowly shrink it back. i read an article it says actually our stomach is only 1 fistful big.. if taken more than 1 fistful will result in slowness in digestion. also good to chew all your food properly n eat slowly.

hopefully we can all slim down.. jiayou.
oh no grace, i feel hungry very frequently and usually dont feel satisfied after a meal..if i had a very full meal, i will still end up eating again within 1- 1.5 hrs later. i hope i wont be like this after stopping bfing..but then i intend to bf until at least 2 yrs old, or she self-wean, whichever comes first.

jo, are you exercising too? it is advisable to eat well and exercise at least 3 times a day rather than dieting..one fistful of food per meal may be too little to give us the nutrition we need to maintain good health and energy to run after our kids keke..
u already took up the package? i got mine from last yr exhibition.. price roughly the same except we dont have to pay for both parents inclusion in the photo. anyway their dates are quite full. Joel's photoshoot is scheduled for next yr end of jan when i called about 3 weeks ago.
hi mummies

i have a set of almost-new Baby Can Read double sided flashcards (Set 1 and Set 2) for sale at $35. this is quite a good set of flashcards, just that i didnt realise that I had a similar set already. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Cheers!
okie, so leaking is normal huh? hmm, i din feed her in e end... true enuff, e engorgement went off on its own... juz tat now still leaks milk at times...
Thanks Iceblue and DJ, will check that out..

DJ, I am getting for him and my nieces because my nieces likes these puffs leh, I personally find it taste better than Gerbers hehe... then hor, I never transfer the puff to another container so abit soggy liao, so thinking to dispose this bottle and buy another, then transfer to tuppleware or lock and lock...
thanks to lemont who warned me tat e puffs will become soggy, so i put e bottle in e fridge... whenever i need to give my gal, i juz pour out e portion i need into a small tupperware...

as for self-feeding, i was training my gal (wif raisins) for very very long and she couldn't do it! then i started using e puffs to practise wif her instead... after a while, she can do it liao! but hor, she cannot identify e other foods i give her to self-feed yet... think it takes a while, so be patient! :p

ya Joel knows how to take food using his thumb n index finger n feed himself. got to train.. put some puff on a plate n let them learn. perhaps xavier doesnt know tat is food?

ya its normal.
