(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

I am worried when I read posts from mummies. Most of your bb like understand things and can do certain things. My bb cannot do anything! He can only mud-crawl, but not for long, like move 1 metre, then lie on back le, my hb says lazy, but I don't think so. Mayb we did not let him try. My MIL still says maybe he dun need to go thru crawling stage, can walk straightaway. Got like this one meh? MIL refused to let me buy playmat, says the "holes" will collect dust, then diffcult to clean, no place to put etc. REfused to let me buy high-chair also. EVerything cannot, toys also cannot.

I think my bb not exposed enough, only books, cloth books, and some tikes toys and soft toys. THat day I let him play beachball, he din even dare to touch. He very no courage (no dan) one, toys also scared.

SAndy, we need to read to them ah? I usu show him the picture board book I bought - Counting COlours which is very colourful, but he also bites, then others also but he not interested leh.

So far, he only knows a little "hi-5" and "shake hand" - he will extend his hand towards ours, turn to the fish tank when we say fish and turn to TV when we say dian shi ji. Will shout for attention when we having dinner, want us to look at him, then smile. Got 8 teeth, 4 on top, 4 bottom, but dun want to bite and chew when eating porridge, just swallow. Is he just lazy or slow? But so far, we only give him bread which got a bit of texture, nothing else. But at 8mths, I gave him an apple to bite on his own, he was so happy, but after hb says bad for teeth, I stopped.

HIs teeth also got gaps between them, I scared next time not nice. He keeps biting the pacifier and bites hard, then pull out, do I need to bring him to see a dentist?

I wanted to buy push walker, but HB says bb cannot even walk, how to push? Does push walker help them to walk?

Is it bcoz my boy too heavy,that's y cannot crawl or stand? Last Fri he is 10.7kg at PD's visit. Usu after injection, he will reject milk, this time very different, he asks for milk every 3hrs instead of the usual 4hrs, then gobbles all the 240ml, sometimes we add a little more water as too hot, becomes 260ml also finish, then after that belly will be bloated, can really see it expanding, is it ok for them to have the belly expanding after each meal?
ya snow, just need to soak longer

liting, what is sit to hard for girls? naomi sits on one thigh and my thigh is quite small so she dont have to open her legs too wide.

your situation seems like u have little control over your boy and your MIL is the one making decisions. is it possible that you decide for your boy rather than listening to your MIL?? you are your baby's mother and you should stand up for yourself and make some decisions for your boy. babies learn through exposure and the more exposure, the more opportunities to learn and develop. is not that he has no courage, is that he hasnt have much opportunities in getting in touch with toys. the more you let him venture on his own (under adult's supervision), the better for the child's psychological, cognitive, physical and emotional development. same as for textured food..the more opportunities he has to chew (i.e. giving him texture food more often), the more chances he gets to practice to chew..so he is not lazy nor slow..he just hasnt learn how to chew (since swallowing is the reflex that they are born with, not chewing).

my baby also has a gap in between her incisors and i guess many of the babies here also have them..dont worry that next time not nice because these are milk teeth. they will drop and permanent teeth will replace them. dont need to see dentist
it is good that you allow him to bite from the apple..if your hb thinks that it is bad for his teeth, then u steam them and cut into cubes and let him bite on it (prefably self-feed with his hands under adult's supervision)

naomi's stomach also expands after eating solids. it is perfectly normal..us adults also have a bigger tummy after meals and flatten tummy in the morning when we wake up. our stomach is flexible and it expands when its full with food (just like a plastic bag)..so its normal ..
hi, do you know you can actually give your baby supplement like fish oil?

I am giving my baby Biomega now by mixing the oil in his food or milk.

A 2-day BP offer on now. End tomorrow 6pm. Take a look here.
shoulder to head twitch
my gal has been doing tt on and off.. lately she start to want to learn our actions, if i do tt and tell her, irisa sleeping, she will follow me.. a lot of little actions tt the little ones is learning from either Tv or at home...

ya, i am very willing to spend on toys but of cos dependin on the size & type of toys, i haf my own budget range to keep within.. same like DJ Mama, also SAHM so must spend wisely... =)
vacuum: i discovered yesterday that cas is afraid of the sound of the vacuum! was working from home coz maid is sick and my hubby opened the vacuum...when cas heard the sound she got up (she was sitting) so fast and snatch my leg to carry her! she dun wanna go down until we turned off the vacuum! it was so funny coz its the first time we saw her being afraid of something (in fact my hubby calls her his fearless angel!)

imitating sounds:
do any of ur bb imitate the sound that you make? cas' favorite past time now is imitating the sounds that we make and sometimes the things that we do. it's so funny hearing different sounds from her! ke ke!

hubby also wana have #2 mid-next year...so prob we'll deliver again on 1st quarter in 2011! hoping for a boy this time! :D
Sandy, thanks for your advice, ya, I will need to gain more control over my boy's development. But my MIL is domineering snd my HB listens to her, so I am hesitant to have a 2nd one too, else I will be really over-powered as now every time MIL around, she will be the one to go out with HB to buy dinner, shopping, etc. She will never help look after my boy for us to go out alone. If we want to go out, must bring bb along, as to her, her duty is just to help us look after bb when we are at work, bcoz she had no choice, not bcoz she enjoys it. I have limited space to put bb and my things as I am staying in my MIL's hse. I have my own hse with Hb but bcoz my HB wants to stay with MIL and bb no one to look after, so no choice, she calls the shots.

I mean when girls open their legs too wide, it is not so gd for the reproductive system right? Sorry if it sounds a little sensitive.

I mean by
liting you have to have control! He is your baby! I understand your situation. Shall not comment much,cos such would be quite personal? but i would say some thgs i have gone thru b4. I cant control everyt since baby not with me everyd.but wat i can i try. Just like to encourage you to know wat you wat, n think thru wat might be good for baby, do not just listen n accept everyt
Lonerunner, you used morphine for delivery? C-section need that ah? I also c-section and fortunately, I did not feel any pain at all and I was on LA Spinal, according to my gynae, my jab was not epidural, got less side effect.
I did not experience any vomitting, etc and no pain at all until 2nd day after anaesthetic wears off. A nurse told me to eat painkiller in case the pain sets in, as I did not eat it since no pain. I am supposed to eat it at 9am, but I only took 2 pills at 2pm, in case the pain really comes. Then, I did not take any more painkillers after that le. I think I must thank my lucky stars for a fast and smooth delivery - 40 mins, I saw the time I went in and the time I came out.

Of course, the only bad thing is the scar la.
But my mum brewed chinese medicine supposed to heal wound for me 3rd day of my delivery, so maybe that helps. Occassionally, I can feel a little discomfort from 4th day, but not considered pain. Maybe u want to try TCM for ur 2nd one? I can recommend u my TCM. I took TCM for whole pregnancy and he said the last mth, he was going to give me medi to help me have strength to push but bb will become bigger faster, although in the end I din use my strength, my bb almost doubled in weight after the medi.
hahahaa ... I was doubling over in laugher when I read the sentence that you'd wrote "she thinks mummy is a danger to her during bathtime!". Goodness!!!
Me also still in dilemma - duno if wan to have a private celebration for bb's 1st birthday or have a family celebration. nvm we still got time to ponder this over

Xmas present - me not buying for bb. Her mummy got no space to put her toys so not buying anything! hahahahaa!

hey both our hb have the same mentality! My hb also feels no need to buy too many toys for bb. He said the toys are now WEAPONS for her to hit us with while we are sleeping! wahahahahaa!
Actually hor, there is pro in your hb's and mil's method. (1) Cost savings - no need to spend on toys/play mats etc (2) bb can use imagination to play.

Training bb - oh ya, tell u a story.

my bb is hyperactive. die die also wan to move around. my nephew is so much on the heavy side (nearly 11kg @ 8mths old!) until he can only sit in the walker unmovable, and be a victim of my bb's noshadow-kick or punches. So now he is learning to how walk in the walker to get away from her! Now what happens if my sil or mil kept watching over him and protecting him from my bb? He is not going to learn to start walking to get away from my bb (Not that I'm encouraging bb to kick him lah). Let him have opportunities to explore around. dun overly protect him.

Oh ya, I know wat it is like with a domineering parent(or in law) cos my own mum is like tat too. hhehehee. maybe u can start small - start with taking charge of your bb's development like letting him opportunities to have more tummy time to crawl. then slowly move on to other aspects. we need to start somewhere rite?
Learn to ask "why?" and say "No" nicely but firmly when you disagree with the explainaion or instruction. jiayou!

TCM - oh u also taking TCM med ah? me too me too! TCM bb are usually bigger and stronger (although I duno why my bb is still so small but she dun catch flu/fever/LS as easily as my nephew). I took TCM med thruout my entire pregnancy partly cos my health isnt good and TCM med gave me the energy to work and walk. My TCM doc and gynae got tell me before that most prob I would not be able to deliver naturally becos my "qi" is weak even after years of treatment. But I heck care and continue the natural way only to end up in c-sec as well. haiz. But yeah, for #2, I'm continuing with TCM! I can see the good effects on both bb and me!
came back from robinson sale. most bb stuff are at 20% to 30% discount. the condition of the kids' section was as if a tyhoon had just went passed! toys and clothes all over the floor. items being swept off the shelf, leaving them empty. Wanted to get a nice top/bottom set for my bb. End up giving it a miss cos no time to dig thru the piles to find the piece I wanted. haiz.

btw mummies, how to teach bb to put their toys/stuff back into the box where they took out the items ah? Cos I am getting lazy tidying up after bb's mess. thinking of teaching bb to do it herself. heehehehe ....
shower: i started bb on shower when he had his LS.
too ley-chey to wipe so we started to wash, so end up bathing.
bb's enjoying his shower more than bathtub.
so now me and hb taking turns to bathe with bb. so fun!

vacuum: yap, bb also scared of vacuum noise the first time our domestic helper on it.
then we off it immediately. followed by me humming "hong...." to him. then we on again...
he is fine after getting used to the noise
Hi Lonerunner, my boy also hyperactive, like a wriggling worm when we carry him, so we find it easier when he sits in walker. But he will still use his leg to tiptoe and push himself around in the walker after getting through the gaps at the back of the stopper (mine is a cloth-like kind of stopper that cover the whole area of the area where legs are placed, but there are gaps at the sides and in front and back. He always tries ways and means to get thru those gaps in order to move. I think we are really depriving him of the chance to walk, so much so that he also stands with one leg, the other foot on the foot that is standing, or cannot put his feet on the ground.

When u all let us bb crawl, do they crawl out of the playmat or mattress? How to prevent them from getting a bump when they hit the ground once they are out of the "safe" cushioned area? That's y we find it very tiring to "follow" him as he crawls, else he will venture into the "danger" zone (hard floor) and end up with a bump on his head.
hello mummies.. jts from the posting went tanglin mall, airport n vivo n united square was quite fun n its free!!!
One Christmas One Hope
Various venues in Orchard Road area & in front of Plaza Singapura
Nightly performances featuring mimes, plays, musicals & a Floats Parade, starting from 7pm to 11pm
Click here for more details.

Avalanche*: 7.30pm - 7.45pm & 8.30pm - 8.45pm
Snow*: 7.45pm - 8.00pm & 8.45pm - 9.00pm
*subject to weather conditions

Sesame Street LIVE Show
1pm, 4pm & 7pm
Yew Tee Point, 20 - 22 Nov (Meet & Greet only)
Compass Point, 24 - 29 Nov
Causeway Point, 1 - 6 Dec
Northpoint, 8 - 13 Dec
Centrepoint, 15 - 20 Dec
Meet-n-Greet for first 40, no purchase required.

The Green Sheep play
Forum the Shopping Mall
21 Nov-6 Dec (except Tue), 1pm & 5pm

Looney Tunes Musical Live!
Downtown East, Event Square
22 Nov - 25 Dec (Weekends & Public Holidays ONLY)
6pm - 6.30pm (extra show on 21 Nov at 12.30pm)
*Meet & Greet for first 50; no min. spending required.

Looney Tunes Nite Parade
Downtown East, Event Square, The Alley & E!hub
21 Nov - 27 Dec (Weekends ONLY)
8pm - 8.30pm

Care Bears Live!
Tue-Thurs: 1pm & 7pm
Fri-Sun: 1pm, 5pm & 7pm
Plaza Singapura, 1 - 6 Dec
Sembawang Shopping Centre, 8 - 13 Dec
IMM, 15 - 20 Dec
*Spend $30 to redeem a pass for Meet & Greet OR Tea Party session.

Barney’s World of Imagination
United Square
2 - 14 Dec (except Tues)
Mon-Fri: 2pm & 7pm
Sat & Sat: 2pm, 5pm & 7pm
*Meet & Greet; min. $30 single receipt required.

Hi-5 Musical
Takashimaya Square, B2
3-13 Dec*, 1pm, 4pm & 7pm
*No shows on 6 Dec, 1pm & 7 Dec

Mickey & Friends Meet & Greet
Vivo City
4 - 14 Dec (except 10 Dec)
2pm & 3.30pm at Central Court, Level 1
6pm & 7.30pm at Amphitheatre, Level 3
*Spend $100 to redeem a pass for Meet & Greet session.

Bob the Builder Live! Show
Jurong Point, JP1 Centrestage
5 - 13 Dec
Tue–Fri: 1pm & 7pm
Sat & Sun: 1pm, 4pm & 7pm

Narnia the Musical
Forum the Shopping Mall
12 - 20 Dec (except Tue), 1pm & 5pm

Santa on Sleigh Meet & Greet
Jurong Point, JP1 Centrestage
15 - 25 Dec (except Mon)
5pm & 7pm

Changi Airport
11 Nov - 4 Jan

- Big Musical Ball
Over 6 metres high, this revolving creation of wonder will play your favourite Christmas carols; Sweets and Gifts will be dispensed at the end of the musical performances from 7pm to 10pm on weekdays and from 12noon to 10pm on weekends.

*Terminal 3, Public Area, Departure Check-in Hall Level 2 (in front of Departure Immigration)
*Musical performance will be at half-hourly interval from 6am to 10pm every day – 6am, 6:30am, 7am, 7:30am, 8am, 8:30am, 9am, 9:30am, 10am, 10:30am, 11am, 11:30am, 12noon, 12:30pm, 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm, 3pm, 3:30pm, 4pm, 4:30pm, 5pm, 5:30pm, 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm, 7:30pm, 8pm, 8:30pm, 9pm, 9:30pm and 10pm.

- Big Snow Fantasy
Kids will love spending hours bouncing and sliding at this delightful wonderland and experience the magic of snowfall.

*Terminal 3, Public Area, Departure Check-in Hall Level 2 (Check-in Row 11)
*12pm - 10pm

Its like he telling me 'don't know', a shrug. On and off. I spoke to my pd. He told me to try capture in video. Either motor tics or smtg serious. Hoping just a bad habit. I don't want to put him thru mir scan etc. Doc suspected my bb a bit developmentally delayed. Trying to monitor him. I don't mind he is slow as long healthy and normal.

Re: birthday

I am so ks and overly excited. Hehe. Sent out invites already. Cake, cupcakes, catering and venue settled. Juz decor and treat bags. I chose but havent email the supplier my order. I am going back to flying. Next mth training so no time.
hello mummies.. sorry back to our 1yr old baby celebration.. anyone ordered cakes alredi other than those on blogs.. looking for nice cake shop to do 3-5kg cakes hope not pricey... any recommendation???

btw any mummies ordered balloons n deco /banner?

hw is everyone baby progress???
my gal too super active like snake.. just grow 1 small tooth at lower gum..cant walk yet but loves to stand n drinking less milk think still weigh less 10kg..my boobs shrink by 1 cup size after i reduce pumping wonder if it will become even smaller if i stop..

hello grace hw r u? yeh me too whenever bb poo we rinse her in toilet faster n cleaner too..babies luvs water..btw any mummies tolet train bb alreadi??

lonerunner u trying no2?? congrats!!! sorry still trying to catch up with threads..

hello liting .. i also same problem .. i only have those mattress for bb crawl if cross boundary will pull her back in place poor thing only limited space to crawl..hope she learn to walk in no time...bb luves to open n close cabinet door too n repeat..think its phrase they go through..
hello nana... oh congrats u going back flying?? my friend ask me too.. im still considering but i left 3years alreadi heard tat they d- for people
hello nana bb n i enjoy barney bb clap hands all the way..show must go early very pack...nw we bcome parents really change to find things to do for our little ones

I ordered choc brownie cake at dis cake shop at great world city. Name of shop 'chocolate giving' or smtg. I bought a slice. It was so yummy. I just put a pic of barney on top. Total for 2kg $75. I ordered cupcakes. 3 flavors. Oreo, choc fudge and nutella fr somewhere. So dowan a big cake. And i have choc fondue too. So by time cake cutting everybody full.

Yes going bk flying. I left 2yrs.
just nice training finishes after my bb bday. Want to couple code wif my hb when bb 2yr old.

Your bb loves barney too? Hehe. My bb bday is barney themed. So guests encouraged wear purple and green. Dats y i sent invites early so my frens can apply lve or cof when roster out.
hello mummies wana ask hw much milk ur bb drinking ...
my gal still stuck 120ml 4-5 times aday.. is it enough??? n still at 1 cereal n 1 porridge ..bread/puffs as snacks
nana.. so fun..wow..hw long yr training???hope would be so great can go out station again..i just hate the job..went airport last night saw those crew remind me hw slender i used to look in those uniform.. hee..wow u can do plenty shopping
orrr ... ya I can imagine ur bb doing that! hahahaa! my bb juz zoom around in her walker. din put her legs around the gaps lah cos she prefers speeding around :p
I dun have play mat so bb's on the mattress. I'll let her crawl around as she likes while I sat at a spot watching, but I'll stop her as she gets too close to the edge cos I scared her arms not enough strength then her forehead will knock against the floor when the arms 'collapsed'.
But hb's style is to let her go ahead and get a bun on the forehead when tat happens. His theory is that this will teach bb that knocking head against floor hurts. heartache lah. there was a period of time I was thinking of building a homemade helmat for bb! :p so now after she had learnt that, we let her onto the floor already but under supervision just in case she go and perform dangerous stunts.
oh ya, I got injected with morphine on top of the epi. to numb from neck downwards. tats wat the doc told me lah. maybe I shld ask gynae next time for LA Spinal instead of epi cos I suffered all of the stated side effects from epi. definately not fun. hehehehe ....

hey thanks for the info! Will be going tanglin mall this weekend. wan to let bb experience "snow" in singapore! :p

think both our bb's meal instake abt the same.
my bb's rough meal intake as follows. approx 4-5 meals per day, depending on her day's requirements.

breakfast: 180ml FM
tea : 40ml BM + cereals. 120ml BM an hr later
lunch : 180ml BM
tea/dinner : either (1) 40ml BM + cereals. 120ml BM an hr later, or (2) 180ml BM
last milk of the day before slp: 180ml BM

btw my bb is only 7.5kg @ 9mth 2 weeks old :p

wah u are so fast! Sent out bd invites already! I'm still hadnt decide wat I wan to do yet! hahaa!

My bb's intake 400ml a day only. I gave cheese to substitute.

I couple code 3mths and flew less than 20times together and got pregnant. :p i have 4kg more to lose but can fit in my old kebaya. Shopping wld be for bb. Now dun buy for myself.

I asked my hb n he also said can be a tic or something serious depending on ur baby's development n other symptoms. He says a twitch is usually split second, very fast.

Liting, naomi also likes to venture out of her playmat. I never stop her cos she can cross crawl n wont fall n bump.

Wish my bb drinks as milk as yours! My bb loves rice. *faint* my pd was shocked. Bo pian. He dowan porridge and pasta animore. Yes i sent invites. Keke. 7wks more! But my sis getting engaged a wk before my bb's bday. So i have so many things to do. My training on saturday also. So no time. My hb cannot be depended on planning. He just executes.

Re: maid

I sent my maid 3mths after she worked wif me. Now 1wk already i am doing hsework and taking bb. She lied alot and always answer bk.

Any mummies install security cam?

It happens very fast! And not repeated. My bb cant sit well last mth check up. But now he can get up fr lying down position and sit steadily. He loves to bury his head, butt up and pushes himself up. I dont know wat his development shd be.
we get foldable mattresses, start from 1 when she flipped, then slowly increased. around we secured with furnitures. that's her "fort"

if u wanna buy something etc, can u just buy and explain later? when u r back, u can say things jokingly like "mom, pls dun scold me...i feel so silly/guilty to buy this actually baby doesn't really need it but i kiasu, when d sales girl said very good etc i also buy... i really hope this will aid baby to be able to crawl/walk/something..."

my relationship w my mil is very good cos i have learnt to explain in non-explaining way, do/buy what i want and blame it on my kiasu-ness/sillines/over-protective on my baby. My mil gets it, whatever i do/buy, i just want the best for baby. vice versa.

d only side effect is when my hb get surprise visitations by d bills... hehehe
Until Erna was six months old, we bathed her in her own baby bathtub using the shower. But she was sitting on the net attached to the bathtub, and we let the water drain from the small hole inside the tub. Now she is bathing with us in the normal bathtub. We first fill the bathtub with water, and let her play for a while. After that, i hold the baby, and hubby bathes her, or vice versa. She just sits on my lap when he applies the soap. Then we rinse of the water when she is standing. Then again sits on my lap to wash her hair. When we wash her hair with the shower, i protect her face by placing my hand on her forehead. No direct shower water for her face and ears. Really not that difficult, provided u adjust the temperature of the water correctly so that bb does not catch cold.

I keep babies toys on the mattress, and if she throws any toy (except for the ball) on the floor, i keep putting it back onto the mattress so that she learns that she can not scatter her toys all around the house. Yet, i haven’t started to practice putting them into a box. Maybe u can play a basketball game with her, and clap hands after each successful try.

I read b4 that if bb is afraid of vacuum cleaner, u can keep it somewhere in the house, maybe living room, until she becomes familiarized with it. She can touch and explore it like any other toy or furniture in the house. Once she gets used to the presence of the item, she will probably will not over react at the sound. Hope this helps..

When Erna first started to crawl, she was staying within the borders as she cld crawl for a limited distance. But since she mastered crawling, standing, cruising skills, it is very difficult to keep her on the mattress all the time unless she is very busy playing with her toys. It is inevitable that bb hits head on the floor sometimes. But they really learn from it. At first my girl only knew how to stand up, but not sitting down. Bt after a few bumps, she quickly learned how to bend down her knees by holding onto sth before she sits.

Just curious.. for what purpose do u use the stopper? I thought walkers are meant to encourage babies to walk and make them more mobile??

Regarding the problem with ur mil and hubby, i just wanted to share sth. Whether u buy a playmat or any other fancy toys for ur bb or not will not have much negative effect on ur bb at this stage. Bcoz most of those things u mentioned are optional items. But, the way we handle issues directly related to our bb, and the way we interact with them will definitely affect our relationship with them in the long term. Today he is a small baby, bt tmrw he will be a school kid, a teenager, etc. at the time u will find it more difficult to include urself into the decision making process if u can not start to do so now. When ur husband and mil have their reasons for not doing/buying things, u also have urs, right? Not to judge u or sth, as u know, we all are exchanging different opinions here. But if i were u, i wouldnt hesitate to explain my reasons to them. Whether u agree to what they say or they agree to what u say is a different issue already.. Today we were watching “my big fat greek wedding”. One woman in the movie said sth which i really liked: “Man is the head. But woman is the neck. She can make him turn wherever she wants”. but careful, now there are two women in ur house
dont let that neck be ur MIL. LOL.
gerly: work's busy. am happy and stress that yr end is near. happy cos celebration season.
haha... stress cos still got a lot of things not done lah.
and it's appraisal time, so... :p

MIL sort of toilet train bb since many months ago. before we had our chalet in Oct, he can still indicate to us when he wants to go toilet.
but ever since the chalet, maybe we left him to pee in the diapers for too many days, he stopped his indication, gotto restart again.
so now MIL tries to bring him to toilet every 30min to 1 hr depending on his day's pattern.

we encouraged bb to crawl as much as he likes. even if he is out of the mattress, we just leave him to crawl so long as the place doesnt have major hazzard.
likewise he will fall, knock himself lah. but nevermind lah. bb never gives up.

day b4 yest i was accompanying bb to z, while my hb was working on his laptop in the living room
end up i z. then bb is bored, crawled out of his bed and out of the room.
we usually off the lights along the corridor leading from living room to bed room so bb was crawling in the dark.
my hb heard some noise and checked. he saw bb crawling v slowing along the corridor, looking left and right.
once he spotted my hb, he crawled super quickly to him.
my hubby was telling me bb's funny and cute. :p

nana: u are super fast. done all the planning, ordering, etc liao.
think i should start soon.

bb's still majority on milk, so approximately 5 feeds of 200ml, with 1 porridge or sometimes when my MIL cooks then 4 feeds of milk with 2 porridge
by the time we go home is already v late, so have to rely on MIL's schedule to see if there is a porridage meal for the evening or not...

luckily the infantcare does serve porridge. so consistently he is having his porridge in the infantcare.
and they alternate fish & chicken with veg and some fruit puree.
hiya dear all~

its been a long time since i last login to the forum... hows all mummies & babies doing? hope everything is fine & good.. GOD BLESS

in a couple of months, our little ones r going to upgrade to the BIG 1.. excited? haha.. yes i am... my little Bre is growing fine, toothless for 10+mths & FINALLY i can feel something sharp at her gums
... she can hold on to the wall & stand up, crawl w big stride, play anything under the sun (not necessary be toys, it can be prints on bedsheets, pots & pans, rockstone texture on the wall.. etc), loves babbling all the way, great copycat & fast learner too. I am glad that i've been w her for the 1st year...

while some mummies become SAHM, I m going to be a FTWM soon. My new year resolution... work hard, earn more $$$.. & i know Bre will be my motivation
wah! rice! tats very unique! is it becos of the texture? my bb still very lightweight. mil is trying to get her drink more milk n eat more cereals. think she burnt lots of carbo becos she is always here and there and everywhere! haahahaa!

hey tats a good desc! I din know that woman is desc as the neck! now I know what to answer when ppl say "Man is the head of the family!" :p

hahahah ... Han's super cute leh! so adventurous! confirm he is still not prepared to sleep! wahahahaa!

wah .. bb just woke up. there goes my personal time in the morning. now she's trying to pull out my avent pump's wires again! arghh! signing off ...!
overload you are my learning example from now on. I look up to you for you lik patienc n willin To tak thgs down one step in terms of gettin across in a nice way to ppl. At tis stage i cant do it. Mayb its e character, keke im a scorpio. If i think wat i do is good or rite i find dif for me to swallow to do smtg then blame mysel for silly, ks etc. But to maintain good Rlnshp i think i Shld start to learn tis .
liting, you put e stopper is it scare baby leg kena stuck or rolled by e walker rollers? Cos now my gal 's leg wil go below n e roller is so close to her feet to lik wil roll over when she stretch out leg. But we nvr put anyt to limit her. I wil watch her from her distance instead, to be ready to react. Hehe do you realiz now you have chance to buy useful fun toy for your baby? Its Xmas time! You have valid excuse to got for baby. I have wrap up my baby Xmas gift last month, just waitin for e day to come n let her ' unwrap'- tear open!
nana, which area is ur bb developing slow? Why did ur PD say ur bb is developmental delayed? Hmm my gal is still not able to and no strength to pull herself up, think she's sort of delayed too... worrying. She only stands if we carry her to standing position.

gerly, my gal is still liking milk a lot. Drinking 5-6times ave 200ml each time with 3 feeds now cos she is getting hungry faster these days so now gotta give 3 solid feeds.
nana & gerly:
bb first celebration here in SG will have barney theme! good idea on encouraging guests to wear purple or green!

what snow in tanglin mall? wanna go there and experience it with bb as well!

i will "display" our vacuum then and see if bb will get used to it!

8am - cereal + fruit
9:30am - 180ml milk
12:30pm - porridge (meat/fish + 2 veggies)
3pm - 180ml milk
4:30pm - yogurt + fruits or bread
6pm - 180ml milk
8:30pm - porridge (meat/fish + 2veggies)
11pm - 180ml milk
i think so too! when bb knocks his/her head, then will learn e "hard" way so wun do it again... honestly, i dun remember my gal hitting her head while crawling leh... if she did, think it's only once very early on when she 1st crawled on e floor...
hehe, so i heard from corrine... congrats ah, it's wat u've been waiting for! anyway, think u'll be in e same batch as my buddy...

oso, juz remembered something... if u still wanna send ur boy to lnt, i juz found out tat they got lessons in malay too! for ur consideration...
Hi Nana,

I hardly post here but saw your posting on your baby. I think from what you mentioned, it sounds like tics. It is unvoluntary body movement caused by the central nervous system. But don't worry too much, there are alot of children with with this problem but they still function normally. You may want to ask your Pead to refer your baby to go and see a Neurology Pead. There a few in KKH, NUH and private practice. Take care!
Hi mummies... so many posts today again...hehehe.... our thread is heating up!

My poor Mer is down with fever... this morning my mum called just when I was prepping my portfolio for an interview... by the time I rushed over she was down with 38 deg fever....stayed n monitored her all day but it only went down abit to 37.5.... and she had paracetamol twice already...

Dunno why suddenly like that... and I was planning to bring her out shopping tml... sobs... she also rejected her milk feeds today....then my dad say no porridge until the fever is gone.... so also dunno she hungry anot... water also nv take much.... sigh....

Luckily she still can play and laugh abit and hug n kiss me... just called my mum and she say Mer is still walking ard the hse playing.... feeling so bad for not bringing her home to take care myself cuz tml got interview to attend.
oh dear ... how's little Mer now? maybe could be due to the weather or teething. dun worry, think little Mer is well looked after by ur parents. just concentrate on your interview tmw and then bring her home afterwards to make up for it!

ei u rejoined your old company ah? ;)

Orrr ... check out gerly's post at the top of page!

Avalanche*: 7.30pm - 7.45pm & 8.30pm - 8.45pm
Snow*: 7.45pm - 8.00pm & 8.45pm - 9.00pm
*subject to weather conditions

think cos my bb's upper arm strength is still not there yet? cos she "picked up" crawling quite recently only. nvm, practise makes perfect right?
hehhehehee ....

dun worry, I think bb will stand sooner or later! we have to give them more chances to pick up the skills! And, hahahaa, I think I have to "display" the vaccum cleaner more often too.

enjoy ur long weekend!

oh btw mummies, I just got notified today by the mgmt. company's retaining me so my hopes of getting retrenchment payout and be a SAHM etc are dashed! But on the other hand, I dun feel like staying behind and "clear shit" again. sianz. So to go ahead and quit or not? hmmm ... tough decision ...
Dear mummies, thanks so much for all your valuable advice and concern. I will implement all the suggested methods and try to "win over" my right over my bb.

I think my bb really not exposed enough, just now at 8plus, he insisted on wanting to "crawl" on the floor - he was trying hard to crawl, but think his long pants hindering him as kind of slippery at knees, so he was moving backwards, so funny. Even when he starts to mud-crawl, he started moving backwards!

But so far, we have used the foldable mattress and my own bed, for him to learn crawling, maybe these does not train him to crawl? I used stopper for walker as he will go around pulling tablecloth and anything he can grab hold of. How do you all manage if they were cruising at fast speed in the walker?

He was like very hungry, even after a bowl of porridge at 7.30pm, he was crying for food at 8.12pm, then another 1-third bowl, then milk again at 10.50pm - 160ml.

Dun noe y but he suddenly consume a lot these days - 3 - 4 or even 5 servings at times of FM and inclusive of very miserable amount of around 170ml EBM, each milk feed is around 240ml and 2 -3 bowls of porridge every 24 hours. I count 24 hours bcoz easier as sometimes earlier, sometimes a little later for each feed.
DJmama , u were a SAHM al this while rite? decide to go back wrk?

lonerunner: hee thks wil treasure the time wif baby!

liting: exercise wif ur baby! if too fast n u scare he destroy ur thgs keke pls follow him.
jus try to make sure the area is free of hazards wen he's on walker, then dun wry, let him cruise arnd n eye hawk him . my eyes are nvr away frm my gal the day she starts to flip.i use my eyes to protect her instead of restricting her movements
Morning mummies...hb was late for reservist this morning and made such a din so I woke up... :p

Lonerunner, yes, I am always thankful for my parents and siblings altho sometimes my mum drives me up up up the wall with all her funny antics... But cannot help but worry....last nite all I dreamt of was Mer.... sigh...now still too early to call to check on her... everyone sure still sleeping.... think I am gonna wait till 810am then call my sis who shd be up by then to prep for work....

Iceblue, no leh... I have been a FTWM all these while then I got tired of living, as my mumm quoted.... and quit without a job... hahahaha... dunno why, there is this immense weariness ever since I gave birth... I think partly due to thyroid, partly due to my disillusionment on the work front... and my general lack of patience for anything... I need to be on the move all the time or I start thinking of bailing out at work....

So now, at home lobo and look for a job lor... job search not going very well, think its cuz I hv been rather picky and maybe the employer can sense that I am not keen enough or desperate enough? Hahahahaha....but today's interview, the job seems interesting and I do feel like I am bored enough to go back to work already.... so silly right....can never keep still!

Hopefully I can rush back to see Mer after my interview...
And that she is completely ok now!
the tables in my hse are table cloth free, and all items within reach of bb are moved out of the way. sometimes things looked abit out of place lah, but this is a small trade off for bb's safety :p
Oh when bb is crusing at fast speed in walker, I'll get my toes and feet out of her way! Becos this little one's driving skill is very "good" (she loves to follow us at our side so unfortunately she kept running her walker's wheels over our toes!). Anyway she dun need a license to "drive"! :p
morning mummies!

any mummies here experience bb with high fever?? normally how long before they subside? my bb had a fever of 39.7 deg in the middle of the nite and we went to see 24hr GP. They say just sponge him and observe him......sigh.... so worrying...

good morning mummies!

so many posts, i really have no time to finish reading. been so bz at work and shuffling to and fro my mum's place to see baby. cos i miss him so much. at 10mths, he's really getting v fun and adorable to play and see. simply love him more each day!

DJ: Poor Mer, hope she's better. Hmmm might be teething, though PD dun think teething leads to fever, but i think maybe cos they bite anything and everything so maybe they ate some bacteria in the course, that may lead to fever? Caleb also "suddenly" fall sick abt 2 wks ago - Lao sai then fever then runny nose. But cheerio! His front teeth sprout out this wk after tat episode. Dun worry, just need to monitor her temp. As long as she's still eat & drink and active shld be ok. My mum told me bbs "grow up" after each time they fall sick. PD also told me before sometimes virus attack can help them build their immunity.

We still havent plan for it!! Most likely it will be a cozy family affair..

dun worry too much. every bb's development is diff. I used to worry abt my bb's advancement too. cos i saw many of u ur bb can do tis and tat, while my one still at a certain stage only.

got a list of shopping items, but no time to do it! how i wish i can have 12 more hrs each day just for myself to do my stuffs and sleep!

ok, got to rush my work, next week on leave... yippee! take care!
