(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

snow in tanglin:
i'm afraid we can't visit now coz cas have a bit of runny nose
i think she's not feeling good coz she keeps tossing and turning in her sleep and then would sit up with eyes still closed and touch her nose! poor baby!

me too, on leave next friday til jan 4! yahoo!! so exciting!!

Wow so many posts haha

Hope Josen and Mer recover very soon, poor babies, feels terrible to be sick, and I am down with food poisoning
Trying to clear some work then will leave office ASAP, supposed to be on MC today...
Snow, did u bring him to the PD? 24hrs GP usually not so good, because midnight usually are those trainee doctors, not very experience, and yes u have to sponge him and monitor him lor..

Re drinking milk,
WOW, many babies appetite very good yah, I think my bb is not drinking enough
Till now, he can only take 120-150ml 3-4 times a day, he takes 2 times porridge a day... I am always so worried abt his milk intake, but this boy simply dont like his milk leh... hmmmm
that's y i'm so excited! going back to the philippines to celebrate xmas and new year with the fam! actually, they are more excited to see cas than me or hubby! hahaha! :D
thanks happy...
i went to PD in the morning....then middle of the nite no PD so have to go GP....yah nite doc not so exp....but no choice....
wahhh!!! ur leave's so long! Envy!!! opps ... bb has taken over as the center of attention now! heeehehehe ...

aiyo how's bb now? u n hb must be walking around like a zoombie today. maybe u wan to standby a bottle of the fever medicine (P something one). u can self medicate and observe bb. I used to sponge bb and give her water/BM.

*high 5* me on MC today too. High fever.
think the weather is really no good ... U take care ah ...
for today, don't know how he is now... haven't call home yet... sigh... we try to give him lots of water yesterday but he doesn't want it....maybe sore throat so hate puting stuffs into his mouth now...
see already heartpain....

he has medicine after seeing the PD...
oh... guess cos my gal can't crawl on 4s yet, i dun have to worry so much? haha...

i noe how worrying it must be... but yah, nothing much can be done except give paracetamol, sponge, give lots of fluids and monitor... it's probably an infection,, shd clear in a few days... may or may not be followed by other symptoms... my gal's pd oso said it'll help babies to build up their immunity after they recover...
Bre can crawl very fast... was on her 4s, now 3s & 1 big stride w 1 foot! she loves to crawl.. but i only leave to crawl when i m free & on sundays when we are at my granny's house (hse free of obstacles & cos alot of people to crawl after her

sheepish, its a matter of time ur gal gonna crawl.. haha.. just let her be on the mat, free & easy to explore... u know wat, i still cant stop thinking of ur gal.. she so cute yday!

snow & dj mama, when babies r sick, mummies heart break... poor babies... mummies take care! so can look after babies yah!
yah manz...super worrying...somemore they dunno how to speak yet... dunno how they are feeling...sigh...

i know...the fam doesn't care about seeing me or hubby...they only want cas and her tricks!!

oh i had fever too last week as well as hubby! maybe it's the season. rest well ya?
Hi all
sorry to intrude... I have 2X <font color="ff0000">Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Concert</font> tickets to let go - $83 per ticket for Tues 15 Dec 2009 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Unfortunately, hubby and I are unable to go. Please PM me if you are interested, thank you.
i do keep putting her on playmat, but she doesn't like to stay on it for long... after a while, she will leopard crawl to me, pull my fingers and wanna stand liao! haha, yah... she was so funny yesterday... very rarely, u all see her so happy hor? hers is million dollar smile/laugh!

i noe how it feels... everytime bb cries, u'll wonder is it cos he/she feeling unwell? somemore, i always let my gal cry wan... for eg, to sleep... then when she wasn't feeling well tat time, will tend to think she crying cos uncomfortable... but will oso wonder is it cos she wanna sleep? however, gd news... tis anxiety will pass and all will be well! so dun worry too much yah?
thanks everyone... feeling much better after napping and resting, although head still feel very heavy...

oh dear ... really heartpain to see bb suffer. nvm u shld already knocked off by now. can rush home to see bb!

I "sub-contract" bb out to mil in the day so that I can rest. at nite hb takes care of bb while I sleep in another room. dun wan any virus to pass to bb. but when I really need to tend to her, I try to avoid talking directly into her face and keep her at arm length.

no worries lah. my nephew also cant crawl yet. every bb is different

ya I know. my bb's grandparents also exhibit this tendancy :p my sister was complaining that eversince bb was born, we all got "cold storaged"! :p
Thanks mummies, I am much better today, at least now I can eat food without feeling bloated afterwards and having gastric pain, which is a good sign!

Poor you, take care yah, hope you recover soon! Little Chi Mun must be missing you so much now... so cute, sub-contract haha
Hi mummies,
anyone whose bb is on Bellamy's Organic Formula? There is someone selling Step 3 (12mths and above) at a discount (even better than RP's and BP's pricing). Delivery free for 5 tins and above. Expiry date ranges from August 2010 to May 2011. PM me if interested. I'll pass you the contact.

glad to hear that you are nearly ok now! take care ya. Not nice to be sick over weekend! hahahaa! Dun think Chi Mun missed me now leh. She is now busy dragging empty boxes due for recycling around the room while seated in her walker as I typed. Then when I call her, she'll look up, give me a cheeky smile, and continue her task
Now the boxes are all over the room. She is quite happy with her handiwork
bb's idea of interior design? hahahahaa!
hi mummies!

Lolaz, catmomo, sandy..etc thanks for your concern. So happy. My bb stops doing the 'shrug' or tics. Just now i wasnt looking he stood up by his toy box on his own! He looked at me, smiled and dropped on his bum. Cried abit. I think he was shocked.

Any of your babies like to do the 'downward dog' position? My bb been doing that. He shovelled with his head and walked. So funny. Yesterday, i asked him if he wanted to drink milk. He shook his head and said 'na..na..na'. Hb and i burst out laughing.

Haiz. Going to miss these moments when i work.

Oh are you mummies still losing hair? I am still. So worried to become botak.
haahaa, nana ur boy's so cute!!
I'm losing hair quite abit! even the hairdresser said so! hope that this will stop soon. Going botak soon!

btw mummies, anyone giving bb tofu? is it ok to give on a daily basis? my bb loves it but mil said tofu is not good to eat too much becos of the substance "shi gao" that jells the tofu together.
thanks sheepish
but no doubt, as a mother, we still tend to worry...

how are u now? hope u feeling better. Yesterday left on the dot manz... cannot wait to get home to see my bb... today is third day of his fever... still hasn't go down yet.. makes me worry more manz...
hope he recover soon... see him cry uncomfortably and during medication, really heartpain....
regarding tofu, so far only give him once a week... yah... not good to give everyday...even adults cannot eat it everyday...
At 10 mth old, our baby is really a joy to watch. My Yu Kiat already started to say "ga ga" or "car car". I think he is going to learn to talk. He also got 2 teeths at bottom, 2 teeth on top. But he also started to get closer to my helper who sleeps with him every night.

lonerunner, my hair used to dropped alot after birth. It is really scary. But after I seen my Chinese Sin Seh and also use a hair tonic call "Yang Mao Duo Li", tiny hairs started to grow already. The hair drop has lessen also. I find the tonic very good. I apply it almost every day. And its not expensive. Around $12? Cannot remember already cos I am sill using the first bottle. You may want to try to get from Chinese Medical Hall.

But because I used it and at same time take Chinese medicine to regain back my health, so I am not very sure if its bcos the hair tonic or the Chinese Medicine makes it works. U may give the hair tonic a try first.
Hallo Mummies, DJ Mama reporting into the forum sick... I caught the bug from Mer! Faint... now HB n I both sick and looking after Mer who is recovering... super duper shag....Just logged on to reply my BP posts and going to sleep soon...

Losing Hair: I lost a fair bit of hair after giving birth and due to my thyroid condition I started hairloss right after Mer's full month... Princess Adeline recommended the Wella Energy Shampoo which I found to be not bad, altho initially I had some itchy scalp.... then I made a trip to my hairdresser and she told me to continue to use my Cleansing shampoo once a week and follow up with treatment conditioner...

Dunno if its becos my thyroid got under control or a combi of all, my hair loss stopped... now got alot of baby hairs... face forever itchy cuz these baby hairs will tickle my forehead and my cheeks...so mummies, dun worry.... the hair will grow back once the hormones regulate...but make sure u use a hair loss ccontrol or prevention shampoo, so that when the hairloss stop, there will be hair growth...
thx thx ... hmmm ... maybe it's time to revisit my chinese doc again. I'm still BF. Can still apply "Yang Mao Duo Li"?

no worries!
I think after my hsework workout yesterday morning that worked up a sweat, suddenly I felt much better!
btw u try give bb a little of the gripwater? sometimes this helps. at least for my bb lah.

hahaha .. I was guessing that you are updating the BP cos of the nick used! new BP ongoing ah?
U take care ah. think weather's no good leh.
Hi mummies
can any1 recommend a gd tui na TCM? My wrist has been getting quite painful after excesssive carrying of bb?? Gp alreadi given steriod jab but doesn't help...

Can any1 plse recommend? Thks alot!
Hi Mummies

How everyone? kekeke. Just to share, BB Sarah can drink from straw...hahaha..silly me but small thingys done by her amuses me.

Im on leave so can post more. Temporary SAHM. keke.

Oooh, my hair also became beri little. Haiz. Tink my figure also not so good liao..u know...hahaha...
wah kao my breasts dun wan to produce their usual BM amt after I fall sick on friday. kept pumping less than 100ml every 4hr. looks like bb has to take FM for most meals tmw.

oh dear. u poor thing. No need to get a good tui na or TCM or steriod jab. Just give ur wrist a rest from carrying bb and it will be ok after some time. if u need to carry bb, put bb's weight on your arm instead of cupping bb's butt using ur hand. The idea is to get as little weight as possible on the injured wrist. Might take up to a mth to be fully healed.

hey welcome back again! :p U also clearing leave ah?
Hi poppi, i'm also havin same prob.. Like wat lonerunner says, as little weight as possible on the affected.. Mine has been bugging me for at least 4 months n still goin on...

SY, irisa also jus started drinkin frm straw like a week ago.. And she drinks 200ml of water on top of FM n 2xporridge daily.. Last time only 50ml or less.. Hahaha.

hi mommies,

hope everyone who isnt feeling well, get well soonest..its xmas!!

hairloss: my hair stopped dropping 3 mths ago. i read before that hair can drop up to 1 yr post partum.

lonerunner, agree with snow not to give tofu daily cos it has added stuff as what you said. i read ur previous post regarding packing away toys keke..i did start packing away toys with naomi keke..i made a "toy crate" using the abc puzzle mat and tell her that she has to keep her toys inside after playing..i leave her toy crate on her playmat. we will play "packing away" game and see whoever scores the most toys by putting them in..when she put one toy in, she'll get big hug,kiss, claps and cheers..of course im usually the winner haha..so far she knows how to take them out more than put them in ..anyways slowly but surely..its not too early to start i feel
drinking from straw..is it a must to teach them how to drink from straw?? cos naomi can drink from normal cup (thanks to doidy). at home she uses doidy but outside she has her own lock and lock water bottle..i just pour the water into the bottle cup and she drinks from it.
hi lonerunner, I stop BF liao but I think shd not be problem lor.

hi popipi &amp; Dbaby, I used to have wrist pain also for one year! after my first bb. The seniors told me its bcos I touch water due to bathing the baby on first month made the "wind" get into the hand. So for this 2nd birth, I did not bathe bb at all during maternity. Its sad, but better than getting wrist pain again.

That time, I use Bengay-a pain relieving cream (u can get from pharmacy) to rub on the pain area on my wrist everyday. Of course still internally, I take alot of supplements to build back my health and the eczema skin goes away too. That time the eczema really very bad. Scratch until the neck and inside elbow area become rough and black.

So after the first lesson, I take more care for my 2nd birth. Can see the difference. The eczema did not come back, no pain anymore. Only this time, hair drops.

Sigh..does man know how we woman suffer?
hi happy/djmama/lonerunner n other mommies who got sick.... *HIGH 5*

yesterday I saw my fren and she made so many smocking dresses for her daughter... Me so jealous. Me also want BUT dun think i have d perseverance... sigh...
Dbaby, congrats!!!
i hope Irisa dun have much pain, my dear baby cried for 3 nights *heart ache* still wakes up regularly for d past days, luckily din cry anymore just wanna BF to comfort herself i think...
how do u train baby to drink from cup and straw?
I let her drink from cup but mostly still spills n caught by her bib
hehe... she does not drink from bottle ever since 2mths old, so i think harder to train straw since it require sucking ho??? hmmm... i let her drink for those cup with spout too but she think it's a teether
she also bites my tupperware, cos they both have spout haha...

good night mommies~
Yah, clearing leave. So happie. Keke.
200ml of water! That a lot. Wow. Shld we start to wean bottles ah? Yeah, congrat! Tooth fairy is here!
Wow, Naomi can actually put toy inside! So clever. I will start tomorrow. Keke I think is even better if she can drink from cup. Sarah spills whenever she drinks from her sippy cup. Anyway, I think all babies can drink via straw. Sarah didn’t manage to drink from straw the 1st few times too. Somehow, they will know how. Try and error. Keke Initially, she use the straw as teether too.
Today i bought tofu for Sarah too. I mix tofu with chicken with chicken stock. I think taste realli blend but she still eat so im happie. haha.

Sarah has two middle bottom teeth BUT now she has one "vampire" growing on top! WHY!!! so weird
drinking from straw/cup:
aiya speaking on this topic hor, my heart will pain leh. I went to buy the Avent magic cup sometimes back for bb to learn how to drink from cup but mil said she is too young to learn how. the next thing i knew, mil had already trained bb to drink plain water from CUP!
There goes my money spent on the magic cup!

hee ... think I'll keep tofu to like once a week for bb :p think is better lah :p hehehe ...
btw which type of tofu to buy for bb ah? the tube one with egg or the cube on without egg?

ohhhh ... toy crate ah? heee ... good idea! I'll try out the same pack away method too. I'm very lazy to keep putting toys away. :p
haahaa u are very funny when u wrote "of course i'm usually the winner" :p

orrr ... okok thanks! think most prob will go and see the chinese doc and ask him see wat he says

me confirm have no patience for making dresses :p but I also duno how lah. wahahaahhaaa!

hey tooth fairy is here for irisa!
dbaby, haha congrats on ur bb's first tooth finally! hehe...

Glad u gals talk abt tofu, lucky i'm feeding like once a week. My gal likes tofu in her porridge too.

finally my gal can pull herself up to stand on her cot... very slow compared to all ur babies... but i'm glad she finally did. She'll probably be one of the last few to walk here too i think, booo doubt she can walk on her 1st bday. I really wonder is it really bigger sized babies are slower in development?? my gal is prob ard 9.5kg and 75cm tall. Many are surprised when i say she's 10mths old leh...

Btw, Sandy, how did u train Naomi to like and drink water? my gal is still rejecting water. I tried using doidy and bottle and spoon. Spoon she'll spit it out when i feed her during meals. Doidy and bottle, she'll just refuse to open her mouth cos she knows it's water! sigh.
so far we give those plain white tofu without egg...

i did that too...but then my boy has no interest to keep at all...everything i throw in, he take out and throw...sigh...

my boy loves drinking using cup but then he always overpour... do you have this problem with naomi?? he also loves to drink from straws but then cannot suck up all the way...hehe

btw, he just recover from his fever which lasted for 4days...and now he got rashes (red dots) all over him esp his face
is this normal? How long will this last? any knows??
cas can walk about 10-15 steps without any support or holding to anything! huray!!! and now i think she's learning to be independent coz she always wants to go down (when we carry her) to walk with mummy while holding her 1 hand. she already gone "strolling" in orchard last weekend and she will smile and bat her eyes to strangers!hahaha!

cas also drinks from her doidy cup since way back...but i just want to teach her to drink from straw so we can just bring the magmag when we go out and get her to drink from there so it won't be that messy! haha!

huray for the tooth! our bb are late bloomers! hehe!
hi lonerunner, dbaby, daish

thks for your advice.
but i cant bear not carrying him when he crys for me? pains me la so i hv to carry..din knw the pain just got worsen..
is there a need to see a specialist on this? just called one and my appt is next year jan 26th! goodness..the gd tui na i knw now on long leave, bk 21dec..guess i hv to endure it abit longer..

straw drinking
i started my boy on drinking from straw after the sep gathering. few bbs have started on it liao so i just let him try on his own. at first hv to make the sucking sound to encourage him to suck the water up haha was amusing but amazingly he seems to knows how to..will get choked up during the first few trys as the amount of water he suck up and din swallow down at the same time. now he's ok already
mibebe &amp; dbaby:
re: tooth... even tho ours r late boomers, beware~ my fren's son's teeth grow all 8 within a month. he was a late boomer too. My baby's upper 2 grow around 2 weeks after d bottom
ur baby might not grow more than 2 also la, just for ur info... haha
i think u may be right! cas' 2nd tooth (bottom) maybe very well on the way!
and she now has a habit of biting whatever she can grab...including me! ouchy!
Hi overload,
straw - I didnt really train her to drink from straw, jus by chance tt we found out she can suck frm the straw. Cos daddy was drinking some cold drinks and as usual, the glutton wants to have some. So 'we tot' tt she cant drink from straw then jus like her bite or suck for fun. Who knows we saw the 'coloured' water comin up the straw.
Teethng - I think she didnt really have much pain. Actually i think she is a high pain tolerant BB. cos sometimes she fall or hit her own head against mine too hard (when she trying to rub forehead with me), she dun feel tt pain or cry.. but i feel lo. i guess tts why i didnt really realised she is teething except for the 2 whitish thingy on her gum. Ok for me, if jus 2 teeh but at least nt toothless.. hahahaha.

Hi SY,
i wont wean bottles yet.. cos i think if we feed milk from bottles, they might take ages to drink.. ahhahaa. i plan to wean after her 1st bday...

lonerunner, mibebe, ginn
thanks... finally tooth fairy is here.. once the first tooth grow out, i wil bring her for hotcakes.. hahahah =)

i saw quite a few adding tofu.. is it really good? wat is the rationale behind feedin them tofu? can someone help explain...
mibebe: yipee!!! Cas' so fast!!! My baby only has found out to push laundry basket around d house so that she is able to "walk" without another human being...

she is able to vocalise "fish" for d first time today tho... woah me SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! hahaha
wah...she can vocalize fish! so good! cas usually just grumbles things (but she does this a lot!) that i don't really understand! but she can say mamama and dadada! when i sing ba ba black sheep to hear she would also say ba ba ba! hehehe!! our babies are so smart! ya?!

let her try and learn to walk through this laundry basket...in no time she will surprise you and would be walking on her own!
