(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

today's newspapers - Tangs selling Maclaren Techno XT at only $299!!!!!!!! *faints*
but they indicate "limited pieces".
i wondered how many they're selling at $299.
better quickly go and grab.

I used cooled boiled water. Nothing visible stick leh, but then again this method is taught to me by that stupid CL and my MIL also does that. Think I will take sandy's advice and use sterile gauze or clean cloth that has been boiled in hot water previously.

phew! I tot u wanted a divorce leh! okok good that it is a joke
Oh.. my PD said no need to clean the tongue. He mentioned that dentist only wants us to clean the teeth, never the tongue.

Mrs Wong from TMC also said the same thing. Her concern is bacteria might transmit to the tongue if we use an unclean medium to clean it. Which will caused baby not able to drink. That's also the purpose why we sterilised the milk bottle.

But then.. there's always different sch of thought.. =)

Side track a little.. I'm glade it's fri!! 2days to spend with my baby!!!
the simz, ya lor theres different views..my pd says the milk stains on tongue can encourage bacteria growth thats y must clean n use gauze cos its sterile
SY> The motherhood fair selling Nepia at $14 per pack instead of the usual $17 (as indicated there) wonder if it helps u ?
bb tongue: as i'm on antibiotics again last week, bb got oral thrust again.
gave him the same medicine.

went for 2nd vacc jab on thurs. bb had fever on the 1st and 2nd day. gave medicine and temp is down.

bb profile at 3 months 3 weeks:
w: 7.1kg, l: 61cm, hc: 42cm.
drinking 150ml 3 hrly

his weight has dropped from 97% percentile to 75%. dont know to be happy or not. :p
but have been putting on weight fine.
Spent a bomb yesterday!!! ;p

I went to motherhood fair yest too. Not as crowded as I expected. We tried both Ergo and Beco carrier. Hubby no preference. But I like Beco coz it has a feature whereby we can transfer baby to another person while baby is still in the carrier. Beco is also prettier lah.

Bot a Kate Spade baby bag too..... :-(

In the end keep "complaining" to baby that Mummy spent so much $$$ on him. hehe ;-)
never met u before but yesterday i also there. if met u before should have seen u hehe.

me also spent a bomb. sign up the photo package with seanlau(sign only 5 photos), bought avent manual pump so i can pump outside, bought a nuk bottle, bought a nursing cover. i think i really need to nurse until he is 1 yr old to make my purchase worthwhile.

need to order the nepia in order for the exchange of seal? anyone of u tried the L size already.. wondering how many inside.
Alamak...so RA lay the photo....very shy looking at it...hahah

Re:Maclaren Techno XT
Woah Jas... $299 lay....woah woah....think i too late liao
I am sure that Hb sure don want to drive me there one. Booboo..

Re: Motherhood Expo Fair
I went to yesterday night after work ...but i think i am a lousy shopper lay. Besides signing up for the motherhood magazine, i don see or bought anything at all.

Re: Baby recognising Location
Yesterday was terrible!
After chionging to Expo, picked baby up at 9 plus (way past his bedtime oso). Once he stepped into our flat....cry and Cry and Cry and Screammmm... non-stop.
It happened last week too but the crying yesterday was more marathon lor.
The disppointing thing is....after like 30 mins of non-stop crying, i ask maid and hb to make milk as i was holding him....then both came back and say waiting for e water to boil subsequently maid proceeded to sweep the file while hb just
kept following me around, giving me the disapproving look and kept grumbling that i should not have gone shopping and brought him home so late.

i had to then put the baby down, go to the fridge, take out a FEBM and dropped it into the slightly warm yet unboiled water.

woah liew, what i want to vent is , if u want to do the blaming game, solve the problem first lay, then later we talk about it. instead, hb just kept following me ard giving me that stoopid look and grumbling...

Was disappointed cos he should noe how to handle such situation beta than me mah cos his job nature also like that one. wah liew.

And the thing is cos the baby find our flat foreign that was why he cried mah.....woah liew
BBPower: cannot BF when I'm having antibiotics. so gotto pour away 3 days supply. but i realize this oral thrust always come after 1 week i have antibiotics. 2 occurences liao.
yah, read abt tat too... so was thinking if i can pump out 50ml, then she must be drinking abt 50x2+~20=120ml? haha...

pmed u liao...

glad tat all is well wif u and ur parents now...

tongue cleaning
some said dun clean and some said clean... i cleaned for a while, then became too lazy liao... recently saw her tongue, surprisingly quite clean leh... was oso taught to clean using sterile gauze and cooled boiled water... anyway, e gauze very cheap - abt $3 for 100 pcs...
haha thks for the comment on the pic

anyway .. wanna ask any baby over here .. same as mine never everyday poo poo ...the longest is one week till the kk ask me to put the pill in the backside..

so scare that she everytime need this thing then can poo ... checked xray everything was fine lei..
and she is on total bf

i am so worried for her..
we got 1 bb who never poos for 11 days! so dun worry... bb on tbf can dun need to poo everyday, juz means they are absorbing e nutrients very well... as we can all see from ur gal's pic! :p
Oh... as last time my elder daughter .. i also tbf she everyday also poo and is many many times per day...

THks sheepish

Sorry me really forgetful these days, I saw the seat but somehow now cannot remember its 69.90 or 79.90, i think if i remember correctly is 69.90, anyway it was a $20 off orig price...

Re teethers

I finally managed to get some from Robinsons yesterday, there was one Chicco brand one made in Italy, and i bgt NUK ones too, never say make in germany but i assume leh, cuz NUK pdts are from germany right? oppsss hahaha
spent lots of money yesterday haiz... went to gap too, goodness got 50% off, min purchase 5 pc additional 20% and UOB additional 10%, really cheap lor, so end up impulsive buying again hiaz
Hi Ladies

Sorry to interrupt.

I have 2 packs of M size Pampers Active (68 pcs per packet) to let go of @ $45. My son's moving on to L size.

Please PM me if you're interested. Self collection @ my place.

Hi Mummies,

I am a silent reader and cant help when i read about the post on tounge cleaning part.
I myself notice my bb having some 'white' stain on the tounge some time ago. I was taught by a caretake to let bb drink water after every feed.
Well, mine doesnt drinks, he plays with the teats but at least there are some water going thur, the idea is to rinse his mouth after every feed to rinse off the milk stain that causes the white stuff on the tounge.

My bb is on TBF and although some mothers do not think its necessary for them to drink water but i guess it better than having foreign objects in the mouth.
In fact, my bb's stain wears after about a week plus.

Just my 2 cents worth, hope it helps.
Halo mummies,

so long didn't post oredi.... been busy wif my gal... hope all mummies is fine!!!

just to update... my gal is 6.4kg on 12 feb (3 months)and length 60cm... doc said she is 90 percentile.. which means overweight... haha...

my gal has been going to infant care for one week oredi... really feeling very sad and keeping crying a week before sending my gal there... keep hu si ruan xiang... scare tat my gal will be left to cry or dun noe wat the teachers will do to her... but no choice... going to start work on 22 jun... so got to send her early so tat she can adapt to the new environment... so far the teachers said tat she is very quai... didn't cry at all oni cry for milk... she oso still the same at home... can drink and sleep... so hopefully tis can continue...

there is a fisherprice sales at raffles city now till 24 june... saw the display jumperoo so put my gal in to try... but too bad she is too sleepy so dun noe whether she is interested anot...
mummies... should i get 2nd hand one? cos scare if buy brand new she will outgrown it very fast...
yaer: welcome to the infant care group.

yah, sending bb to infantcare can be quite sad. but bo bian. at least your gal's doing well in infantcare. mine cry until no voice on day 1, now he is more used to it liao.
i keep tell myself that there is a specially trained person there, so sometimes it can be better. ah Q a bit. :p

which infantcare did you send her to?

me send her to kiddy academy @ simei... saw the reviews for tis ifc in SMH... like not bad so try loh... like there cos of the timimg... till 8.30pm... gd for me cos most of the time i off work at 7pm... cos cannot go for ifc tat close at 7pm... yah... the teachers there quite gd oso lah... cannot be too choosy oso... they will record down the activities all these... the place very gd ventilation oso...


hmm... i saw 2 prices leh... one is $238.90 but the display there they put $229.90 leh... didnt ask them cos in a rush...
hi sy
what i meant about the nepia is... do u need to order the diaper then can exchange the voucher? cos i have the seals but dont feel like ordering more nepia.. just want to exchange for voucher only.

yea yaer
how much is the jumperoo?

mine again today reached the 9th day of not pooing again.. *headache* highest record is 10 days... but this time i think will be longer.. cos no smelly fart yet.
totally understand how u feel sending your bb to infantcare. It will tk a while to get over the seperation blues.

I also keep telling myself that there are trained teachers at Infantcare so everything is fine...

oooh, is that before 20% discount? Cos member has 20% discount now. If so, may be more worth it to buy BN cos preloved is selling about $170 now. Cos is a popular item.


haha, now i understand what u are asking. Okie, just mail to raffles city po box 1783 s911760. Maybe behind write down ur address in case undelivered.

Maybe can update me the price of the jumperoo just in case i cant call through. What time u going?

Haizz, going to start work coming fri liao. XIANZ!!!
Cuttin baby's hair:
anyone tried the services at Hua Xia Int'l before? There's one brance at Harbour Front, with baby swimming fac. Thought of trimming baby's hair... and heard that its good to do at 1mth and/or 4mths... is that true?
oh btw, any mommies do the tai mao bi for ur lil ones? contemplating if wanna do this at the same time...

ur thoughts? dunno if this is one other gimmick? else, whats the true significance huh? wonder if the penholder/wood will lasts

oooh, is that before 20% discount? Cos member has 20% discount now. If so, may be more worth it to buy BN cos preloved is selling about $170 now. Cos is a popular item.


haha, now i understand what u are asking. Okie, just mail to raffles city po box 1783 s911760. Maybe behind write down ur address in case undelivered.

Maybe can update me the price of the jumperoo just in case i cant call through. What time u going?

Haizz, going to start work coming fri liao. XIANZ!!!
mummies: i need HELP! i hav pro bathing my gal liao..nw wen i let her neck rest on my arm, while i clean her front...wah headache she kp want head n body move forwrd! pls advise me wat to do !thks
hi yaer: i also consider kiddy academy before. like not bad. but since i shifted, changed my choice of infantcare.

hehe, my old place is at simei blk 112, it is like next blk only. :p

BBPower: it does help for us first time mummies to have someone experience to provide some advices. so far, the infantcare do manage to highlight some things to us.
somemore they do frequent temperature monitoring, so anything happens to baby also can detect earlier.
the other thing i "ah Q" abt is that with infantcare, i'm not changing my in-laws/parents life too much that they have to give up their job/freedom. :p also hopefully with infant, we will have less conflicts.
jus to share a happy news- my gal knw how to flip over loh! easy day to remb 060609 her first flip! yst let guide her 3 times ]'roll over' then sudly she aft awhile ownslf sleep to side then rolled, n tummy dwn, n finally her arms got energy to push herslf up! so happy cos she listened to me! she let her mummy be the first n only one to witness tt..haha until my hubby dint wat to believe lor

i use my left hand instead of arm to suport her neck. i hold her head/neck area, and she lie in the tub, kicking while i wash her..hope this helps
i tink tat is the after discount oredi... it is at the open space at level 3... not inside robinson leh... tough it is under robinson oso...

bbpowper, grace,
me too... keeping telling myself tat maybe the trained teachers will do a better job den me... at least everytime i go fetch my gal... she will give me a big smile... really melt my heart when she smile like tis... so from the way she behave... at least i noe she is happy in the infant care... somemore tis infant care is alot cheaper den those in pasir ris and the closing time is alot later oso...

woah... tat is very near leh... wish i can stay there oso... den no need to drive my gal there everyday... yup... tats wat i tink oso... my mum she got no energy to take care of my gal oso... one day maybe ok... but long term wise cannot... somemore my mum is those type must go out everyday one... haha...

me oso let my gal lie on my arm leh... but i use my hand to grab her arm too... co tat if she move too much... she won't slip down...

woah... gd leh... my gal now can't even flip sideway... haiz... still no sign of her flipping leh... can onli lie flat on her back or tummy... but now she try to sit up oredi... dun like to lie down anymore... she can sit steadily at the corner of my sofa without any help...

my gal like to watch tv now leh... on hose disney channel dun wan to watch... but if i on those taiwan show... woah... her eye like glue to the tv leh... i cover her eye she turn her head... if i put towel on the face... she will shake her head until towel drop... if not she will use her hand to push it down... sigh... i tink she like her mummy soon... keeping watching suai ge in the taiwan series show... haha...

I cut my baby hair yesterday at hua xia at habourfront...quite ok. thereafter gave him a swim too.
but the ladies there very pushy sale pple lah...kept telling us to let baby join competition for swimming. i not sure but think need to sign package then can join.

i don intend to do the brush. but they did wrap his hair in an angbao for me to keep.
halo mummies,

my gal is very cranky today.. dun wan to finish her milk... onli drink half den keep crying liao... today oso cry until no voice leh...

how ah? should i bring her to see pd tomolo or should i c tomolo if she is still like tat?
thanks... will c how tomolo loh...

re: hair loss
for mummies who experience hair loss... can go try tis place... http://www.beechoohair.com/why_us.html
went today but didn't manage to do the treatment cos the place super crowded... the whole place is full plus alot pple waiting... got to take queue number somemore... the treatment quite cheap... the price range is $25 to $50 onli depending on ur hair length and thickness... since got so many pple so i assume tat it is quite effective oso...

prob is becos she wanna slp?? or weather too hot let her wear lesser... obseve wat causes her to cry.

i felt u bring to pd also no use de..

yaer: that time my bb goes infantcare cried until no voice, brought him to PD cos also got cough. then the PD said he cry too much is like that de. nothing can be done and wait for him to regain his voice.
