(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Joannelim, ya!!!! Mine also likes to look at my clothes...especially if I am wearing the red sarong....wah piang....she stares at it like she can find TOTO numbers lor... then smile with my nipple still in her mouth....can die... LOL...

Ya, outside have to find quiet feeding room.... last time I went to Raffles City with Lili and Saro... the nursing room there not bad...the one at the basement....its for one person to use only... but abit cramped....but quiet lor...unless ppl using the changing station outside make noise la...

Hi ladies, I'm new to this site.
Have a little girl born 28 Feb '09 and is now 3 mths and 2 weeks old (abt 14 weeks).
Just curious, how many times do your babies feed at this age? I'm pumping bmilk still as have returned to work already and she does 2-3 EBM feeds of 5 oz and 3 formula feeds - total 5-6 feeds a day. Is this normal? I remember she used to do a solid 6 or 7 feeds a day!
sandy, joannelim,
yah loh... super regret tat i miss the Philis sales leh... now the 2 in one blender and processor cost abt 180+... haiz... should have go to the sales... now got to go walk walk n c got other sales anot... luckily now got GSS...


it is the percentage between ur baby weight n height... they got weight n age or height n age oso... so u need to c is which one... mine is weight n height... 50 percentile is average... so over tis is overweight loh... but my pd said cannot control one loh... if baby is hungry got to feed oso... haha... maybe when they grow older the percentile will drop oso...

my gal oso... she get so distracted that she keep turning the head left n right... den my bottle got to move left n right oso... den when i wan to scold her... she gave me a smiley look... pengz... even in a quiet room oso... she can look at the light or ceiling... now every feeding time is a war time with her... haha...


my gal is feeding 5 times per day... baby will need lesser feed as they grow... so tis is normal... my pd said baby should be drinking ard 750ml per day now...

my gal keep sleeping nowadays leh... she will just sleep if nobody play wif her... so she can like sleep the whole day...

is tis normal?
Thanks Yaer!
So 5 times for 3+mth old is OK? I was a bit worried as my milk supply has dipped quite a bit since I returned to work 2 weeks back. I pump twice in office and make betw 6-8 oz. Which is only enough for 2 feeds max. But I try to alternate her feeds between bmilk and formula. Am gonna try till she's 6 mths old but looking at my supply, it is really uphill

My next question is, do we need to sign up for pre-school now? Am considering Pat's Baby Haven a few times a week but hear that it's super ex!

My mum, who looks after my little girl, says I'm damn kia su! But early nurturing and development is good, right?
if any mummy wanna buy frisocrem, can buy from me... i'm gonna use heinz instead and maybe add my own bm, cos frisocrem comes pre-mixed wif milk liao... i got both rice-based and wheat-based... e former for 4 mths onwards and e latter for 6 mths onwards... $5 each only!

i bought tis brand called u-like in isetan... my cousin says it's gd, so i juz follow... haha... dunno other dept stores have not, it usually has a promoter there to do demo...

ur thermos snack jar so cheap only mah? where u buy from? e philippines?

i oso wan leh! sorry ah, always so slow to react to buying stuff... gotta think thru lah... wait till sep yah? think can lah, but normally when do babies start teething?
the thermo jar BP also have.. but i think close already. i also waiting for another one to open up.

u all hor dont remind me of percentile la.. sob sob
my son's weight is more than 100% percentile, his height 95%. at first PD said he is overweight, but after tat plot the chart, says he is quite portionate to his height. bigger build. really leh, he doesnt look fat.

i bought at the homeware in the department store here..they place it together with the thermo lunch jars like tiger or zojirushi...maybe places like taka, metro..those departmental store that has thermo jars can find

ya, the snack jar i bought is only 3 plus in the philippines..its 8oz and only cold food; different from those kind where u keep hot food. for hot ones, i bought Tiger lunch jar.
baby cubes
and oh, think spicegal is referring to ice-cube trays wif lids if buying from daiso ($2 each)... e baby cubes tat bps normally sell are trays wif abt 8 containers wif individually covered lids ($12-13 each)... tat's more ex and can hold more food...
U are right. Wont be getting it at that price. Haiz. Thanks for checking 

I am keen on the teething giraffe too but not sure whether it will be too late

Ya, I am in a complete lost on what cereals etc to buy. Should start off with Rice Cereals right? I thought of getting the organic ones. Then feed with spoon or put inside milk and drink? Amount to give? So BB will be drinking lesser milk since they have cereals to make them fuller right? Aiyo, no enuff BM for her nowadays cos supply kinda of dipped and she is drinking more.

Lunch Jar
I bought the zorijus(dunno how to spell) similar brand to Tiger from a spree too. In fact, I bought the thermo flask together with the lunch jar.
e snack jar u bought is very cheap leh! think sg dun have tis kind of pricing... it's from thermos rite? as for e tiger lunch jar, how big did u buy? dun think we need such a big 1 rite?

anyway, u very hardworking leh... make new puree for naomi everyday... cos initially they wun eat so much rite? so if dun freeze, so little how to make?

yup, the snack jar is from thermos. as for the tiger lunch jar, we only need a small one but i bought the medium size..i wanted to buy the smallest size but its a difference of $6+ so might as well get the bigger one (0.36litres)@ $62.50.

i wanted to make 1 batch of puree and eat few days..initially my mom objected but i thought shes just being an elder and say bb needs to eat fresh so i went to ask hb because he has less chinese thinking..but hb said the same thing..said its not fresh anymore cos fruits/veg shld be consume once prepared...to avoid lost of nutrients and bacteria..so i just make 1 fruit at a time..like apple just one, banana just one, papaya (they have the small hawaian papaya) just one, avocado just one...any remainder we eat...no choice
wah I'd been so busy until dun have time to come in!

Welcome all new mummies to this forum!

i think I'll be teaching my bb at home until she goes nursery. I feel abit young for her to start formal eduation leh :p

I like Amara Hotel buffet n high tea. Worth a try
Dear all, finally got chance to come in again. Was so busy after going back to work on 26th May. It was a crazy rush on the 1st day back to work, rushing things which were not done properly by the relief teacher before I returned.

My baby's 4th month milestone:

went for Jab on 1st June - 9kg! and 67.5cm tall. PD says normally 12mth bb abt 9-10kg, but mine only 4mth!

6th June brought him out for breastfeedg workshop - drank only a little milk when outside and the reject-milk cycle started again (he had the same symptoms 2weeks after 3rd mth jab), and I very heartpain, had to waste some ebm when he did not want after trying to feed him for more than 1 hr - in the end drank 70ml of ebm together with horlicks - felt queasy after that. HB was saying I disgusting but gd coz during war, I can be self-sufficient - pump milk to feed myself.
Anyone of u drank ur own bm b4? I dun dare to taste it alone, must add something to it.
Hi hi,

lonerunner, I work full-time so very hard to be teaching baby a lot of stuff. She's looked after by my mum in the day-time and I'm afraid the exposure also not very much.

By the time we reach home, it's playtime for 1 hr before she is put down for bedtime. We do read and show her fun/ interesting toys but not the kind of interaction at a learning centre.
But what are u doing for or planning to teach bb at home? Maybe can share?

Wow glt1! Your baby is 9kg?!?! Really solid! My girl is only 6kgs at 3m+ but born early and weighed 2.73kgs, so she's caught up her weight already but she seems small compared to your baby!

In reply to drinking own EBM.. no, not specifically. Only tasted to make sure stored EBM is not sour.

kwoli24, does your girl turn and stop? Mine does a semi turn but not enough strength to go all the way so she's sort of sleeping sideways. When she realises she is not moving or cannot move, she gets very 'pek chek' and starts to cry. I'm not sure if I should assist her with the turning and flipping.
Liting, haha am laughing abt what u said abt pumping milk to feed urself during war... that's a good one hehe. I dont dare to taste my own BM.. it has a fishy smell leh... haha

i am clueless abt weaning baby too. If we were to add cereal into BM, we have to spoonfeed right? cereal will be stuck in the teat isnt it?
buffet: i like the UOB plaza one. good scenary and food. it's ala-carte buffet, but it's more fun to go with more people, can eat more variety and can enjoy from the promotion.

vaccination: bb has been cranky since jab, keep wanting to be carried.
this morning bb woke up at 5, play with himself till 5:30am then kept wanting to be carried. my hb carried him, while i zzz after pumping. :p
yaer: i hope he can sleep if no1 plays with him. yawn

feed: think my bb is one that is the "yao gui", no problem with his feed and not distracted by other things. will definitely finish his feed fastest possible and ask for more!!!

percentile: the way i interpret percentile is that e.g. weight is 90% percentile, i.e. for every 100 babies, bb is heavier than 90 babies and lighter than 10 of the others. so seeing weight percentile only not enough, have to see the weight and height combined percentile, cos taller supposed to be heavier mah.
joannelim: ermm... if more than 100% percentile than i dont know how to interpret liao.

kwoli: my bb also cant flip. not interested to try to flp, just interested in what we are eating and keep drooling.

liting: ermm... i just taste my BM once, never drank before, cos dont really like milk.

giffee: am interested, but hb kept commenting expensive. that's why delay till now still thinking. pumpkin seed if you are getting from france, buy for me? :p

bellebubba: you latch when u are home? then it should be ok ba. i do total express, also planning to bf till 6 months and then see how's the supply like then decide.
as for pre-school, not doing anything yet, cos so far the infantcare activity sheet mentioned that they do story telling, singing, etc.

bf and hunger: i have been feeling hungry! last fri i was so disgusted by my appetite! after finishing a $3 wan tan noodle, i can still finish one full serving of chicken chop! think i will ballon when i stop bf.
weaning food
i dont do the icecube thing for my first kid.. cos that time doesnt know much about puree. started with rice cereal then follow by rice cereal with papaya or banana. also steam some pear n apple n chop it til its very fine. from 9th month onwards i only cook porridge with added carrot, pork, brocolli. ocassionally put egg yoke n dessert still the same.. banana, papaya, apple n pear.

now i read more already.. so understand i can actually puree the food n frozen it. last time normally i puree it already, if too much, i will keep it to next meal or second day. after tat, excess i throw. ice cubing is more time saving. imagine u have to steam apple or pear everyday.. sian leh...

for initial feeding, its 2-3 spoons once a day for baby. then change food after 3-5 days. then slowly increase the intake loh.. but milk feed still around 5 times per day.
4th month shaving
do we shave them on the 4th month lunar calendar or English calendar?
As both dates are on a weekday, can i yi shi yi shi cut abit then weekend shave? Else i'll be late for work wor.......
can we list down who wants giraffe? at least djmama or pumpkin seed knows roughly how many. DJMAMA's deal is 29 right? pumpkinseed's deal is about $25 but need to wait til sept.

listing for sophie the giraffe (teether) (djmama u list down the rest here also ba.
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish (thinking about it)

ya, spoonfeed lor..soup like texture..i think the idea is to make them accept eating via spoon rather than drinking everything from bottle..i ordered munchkin rubber tip spoon for spoon feeding
Haha... Thanks Jo... otherwise I think I might lose track:

listing for sophie the giraffe (teether) (djmama u list down the rest here also ba.
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish (thinking about it)
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal

Omg, I need to go home and check....suddenly cannot remember who else... :S
i confirm wan lah, dun think liao... haha!

sleep workshop
hey, suddenly remember e workshop... how was it for mummies who went, any gd?

yah, u really read extensively and prepared urself well for bb huh? i only read pregnancy bks... by e time i wanna read bb bks, my gal came liao and no time to read anymore...

weight percentile
joanne, me worse rite? at least above 100% not so bad, mine dunno got negative not!
u can try MELT the world cafe at Orential Hotel. I just had it last week with hubby, its super yummy. the seafood spread is good and fresh. and their desert spread is wonderful, lots of nice cakes and must try their waffle. ard $65 per pax (weekdday) after 15% discount for DBS, Citibank, HSBC card.

4th month is base on chinese calendar. you can do it earlier, but not later. my parent going to do it for my gal this sat. i think they are going to use chicken drumstick to rub her lip which means that she can start taking solid food.

i think thats the advantage of being a SAHM..have more time to read n prepare for baby's next milestone ba..so i just share what i know
ya the shicuan rest @ uob plaza food is superb.. i have been to the rest b4 for wedding dinner.. the foods was very nice compare to those hotel dinner ..
is it a must to cut/shave bb's hair during his 4th month??

I didn't do it leh... and it has passed his 4th month liao...how??
the buffet is really nice lor.. if u r a seafood person, its worth it. the sashimi is also very fresh. only eat once in a blue moon with hubby, so still ok.

its just a chinese custom. its up to individual to follow. no worries, ur baby will still continue to grow well and healthy even u didn't do it.
I was like u. Bb left abt 50ml EBM and I heartpain to throw away so I mixed with HL milk to drink...hehe ;p

How does the giraffe teether look like?

I like the buffet at The Line Shangri Lai
i also recycled my own EBM.
bb can't finish i drink it up.
i didn't add or mix any drink, just drink up like that.
i'm afraid if i make milo with it, i dun dare to drink it.
so one shot just gulp it down and flush it with water.
i think yours ok la... very cute u know..
abit worrying as well i guess for u.. me also.
i think basic thing is as long as they are healthy never mind the weight n height for the time being. i guess being proportionate is important. my older son is extremely underweight. only 15kg age 5. i think joel will catch up with him within a yr.
Those mothers who have curious babies, I experienced that too after my bb's 3rd month jab. It was terrible, always have to "fight" war with him at each feed, sometimes lasting 1.5 hrs! But it happened ard 2 weeks after the jab, so PD says should not be due to jab leh. Now, the same problem starts again, but 5th day after the 4th mth jab. From average of 180ml every 4 - 5 hrs, since Sat, 6th Jun, he only drank 50 - 60ml every 4-5 hrs, but will drink some 150ml 2-3 hrs later, then pattern changes again, really hard to predict, so wasting my ebm. I cannot bear to waste it, hoping that it will really get recycled if I drink it, so added it to beverage and drank it. Anyone faces the same problem?
By the way, Spicegal, I still persevering with my bm! Just bought Ameda pump on Sat and trying to "increase" my supply by pumping more often. I think my Avent does not suit me, though it suits some of my friends. Anyone interested to buy Philip Avent ISIS iQ UNO? I bought from Kiddy Palace on 6th Feb for $279 and there is still warranty for 1 yr 8mths, can even get 1 to 1 exchange for the motor. Willing to let go at around $180. It comes with the convertible into manual as well. Interested, pls msg me at 90287770.

Sandy, you mean you have started giving Naomi puree? How is her feed? How often do u give her? Do you still give the same amount of milk or u reduce the amount of milk given to her?
