(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi feb mummies!

update on my bb boy milk intake..tried bbyang adv to chg the teats to med size, sad to say still behave cranky towards his last 30ml feed so wat i do nw is giving him alternate feeds of 120ml and 90ml..and also try to stretch his feeding time from 3hr to 4hr slowly..see how he goes. haha

post natal weight
heard frm elders if dun try to lose weight at 4mths after birth, will stay at this weight for beri long time which means beri difficult ti regain back yr former weight..aiyoh scary

enfalac bbs
my bb is taking enfalac also..found out from another mummy that there is $36.50 and $1 off min 3tins at this medical hall at west plaza..haha went to stock up liao, save alot $$

bb flipping and fist/fingers sucking
my bb likes to flip nw and enjoys fist sucking and fingers too...starts to drool, hopefully not teething soon! haha

any mummies also experiencing hair loss? haiz, my hair starts to drop quite abit since last week..hope not too much..any remedy on tat or just let nature takes its own course?


Naomi was using S teat...she is willing to suck but after 20ml, she doesnt want it anymore..i guess shes tired..i tried changing to M size, even worse..doesnt seem to know how to suck and let the milk flow out of her mouth..so i quickly went downstairs to buy the first years breastflow bottle and she drank 60ml without stopping, within 5-10 mins.
Hi Happy,

I have the Peg Perego UNO Tango, newer version 2008 of the Pilko P3, me got it at $998 too. Looking at selling at $500, still got 6 mths warranty, excellent condition, red in color. Good news is flexible baby can face you or outside. I am letting it go coz' I have another maclaren stroller which I am going bring it with me to London (gonna move there with family). Let me know if you are interested, can email u pic. My contact: 8112 0004 or [email protected]
Thanks will check out capella. Thanks! Hope ur boy recover soon.

Hi mummies,
I just bought BPA Avent bottles 260ml, & facing problem with it.. it keep leaking. Any mother facing this problem? How to solve?
U can buy a seperate car seat cushion for Britax Royale but I am forgot the $ thou.

Hair Loss => I am having it now too :<

Wanna ask if your babies always puke a few mouthfuls of milk after feed huh? My PD says quite normal as long as not forceful vomits.
i think my gal is teething, can see a whitish dot on her lower gum and when i felt it it was a bit sharp...hmm.. and yes she drools a lot now.

Haiz... talk abt hair loss make me sad, see so much hair on the floor every day.
sorry that i forgot to inform you tat the NTUC centre @ 269D only start to operate next mth... so sorry .. but u didnt see any signboard thr ?

Too bad I dont stay near west side, else can save a lot on the Enfalac milk powder! Me started losing hair long time back since post delivery, so sad, because to start off with I already not much hair, now turning bald soon liao haiz


When I switched my boy to M teat initially he also cannot control, let all the milk flow out, it takes 2 days for him to get use to the teat.. anyway, glad you found a bottle that Naomi likes


I will check with my hubby and let you know, also I need to be able to sell off my existing combi one leh, cuz hefty investment on this stroller


*wave* haha, our blocks just next to each other!
You staying corner flats or inside ones? i.e. those slanted living room one or no slanted? I went to see a showflat by Coos design the other time on a slanted living room one, but that person stay so high, view so nice leh, unblocked...


Its normal to regurgitate a few mouthfuls after feed, so long as not vomit a lot its ok, try not to move baby too abruptly after feed, because my son got reflux too and last time he had forceful vomitting, lucky now not as bad liao, but so long as weight gain is fine, then its ok

btw, mummies, anyone know where to get teething toys for babies to bite, but i am looking for those not made in china one, cannot find leh... sorry ah, not meant to be prejudiced, but i am concerned as teething toys babies will put inside mouth, not sure whether will have a case later on poisonous teething toys or not, scary leh, better be safe than sorry....

That means yours not the corner houses, those corner houses on 275d, i.e. those corner near to kopitiam i think got afternoon sun, very very hot...
me stay super low floor
queue no then was 1178!!! u leh? I was thinking sigh, my house so good and convenient, but too bad too low floor, so I am super motivated to want to move out, but yet cant bear to live away from the convenience! Last time before I give birth, hubby and I always go downstairs for midnight NTUC shopping plus supper, so nice, where to find haha... even during confinement, I sneaked downstairs at 1+am for supper too! keke
mine not corner type. im staying mid level &amp; facing playground..heheee..wah seh..u still can remember your Q no#? urs is facing PG ?
its really true tat our place very convenience with 24 hrs NTUC, 24 hrs makan place.. 24 hrs 7-11 somemore.. all in one place.. and tats at buangkok ! hahaaaa...
btw, u got msn? if yes, add me : [email protected]

the vulli sophie giraffe teether that dj mama was mentioning is made in france. nowadays its difficult to find toys not made in china. for teething i bought a teething tag along blanket that is locally made n intend to just use icecubes wrap in clean baby washcloth (or just simply wet and freeze it)to act as teethers when time comes..but will be messy
Added you already
We can even meet up haha, org a buangkok gathering! Mine is not facing playground, my house is facing the hard court, I think yours is facing another side one, mine is facing the rest of the Aspella houses, think yours is facing Atrina correct?

Sorry didnt follow the earlier posts, where can I get that giraffe thingy? Nowadays mostly make in china, sigh, i always try to find toys not made in china but cant seem to find at all... lucky milk bottles still have not made in china ones :D btw, following your mtd right, will your baby end up drinking a lot of water? Because babies younger than 6 months not supposed to drink too much water...

my baby hasnt drank water yet n im using the teether blanket now..shes not really teething yet but like to put things into her mouth to suck..i only intend to use the ice teethers after 6 mths

hmm..im not sure if dj comes to the forum often but i will ask her when i see her on msn
hello hi .. dont know isnt too late to join in ... my daughter was born 10 feb 2009

There is my 2nd precious darling

Harlow Zekevon,

Your daughter so cute and chubby!!! haha


What is teething blanket? The ice cubes use after 6 months should be fine, since they can drink water then i think...

dj is organising the purchase of sophie..so far only 8 mommies interested and she needs 26 pieces to get 25% off..if you want to get sophie with dj, you can PM her...if not its now retailing at $39 at DJ's PD's clinic..theres also an ongoing BP selling at $35

keke icic, i suaku, dont know what is teething blanket...
Ok, will try to PM her, thanks...


May I know who is your PD, maybe I can go down take a look and see if I like that teether first... thx!
any mummy going to robinsons sale? can help me check price of an item? fisher price healthy care booster seat... thanks in advance!
3mth milestone:
Went PD yesterday. Bb is now 3mth 1week and 4 days old. Weight is 5.662kg, height at 59cm and head circumference is 40cm. She is drinking between 100ml to 140ml (depending on her mood and the taste of BM being offered) at 4+ hr interval, and at nite can slp 6hr straight before a feed at 5am. No fever to date, unlike the 1st jab.

jab when bb is sick:
PD said it is ok for bb to have slight cough and still take her jab. as long as no fever. No need to take med as bb is too young. He preferred bb to recover naturally. Supposedly will take a few days.

Intake of milk:
my bb isnt even hitting 800ml per day. Her daily milk intake is now 100ml x 7 times only. she even lost weight in the past 1 week becos of her cough and slight fever, no thx from my dad's virus. PD assured me that bb will drink when they are hungary and it is normal for bb to refuse the normal amt of milk being offered from time to time. just let them drink as much as they wanted and wait out this period.

bb recognising caretaker:
I believe this is true that bb recognise caretaker. I went back to work on Monday and bb drank much lesser than her usual milk intake until MIL called me as she is worried abt bb. Today I did not work to take care of bb just in case she has fever after jab. I found that bb is feeding quite well, can even drink up to 140ml each time! My dad commented that bb wants her mum to feed her tats why she is always looking forward to evening time when mummy is back. Naturally it broke my heart to see bb losing weight and being like this.

caretaker problem:
my mil also urging from time to time to give bb FM as "You dun have enough BM" and "nvm if bb dun have enough to drink, we can always take a taxi to to your eldest aunt's (my eldest SIL) there to drink!" and "Why u did not give bb water to drink?" when I am BF-ing bb. headache. Made me have a greater desire to be a SAHM so that I can do things my way.
I used to trust and juz follow the advises given by the seniors like the CL, MIL, aunts,my parents regarding taking care of bb. But after my encounter with the fake CL and the too many contrasting care points given to me, I now consider each point very carefully before applying to my bb. And those that are simply stupid advices like applying oil to bb's gum, I'll just walk away from those ppl offering them.

offering of cereals to bb:
my PD yesterday advised us to give bb cereals starting 4th mth in the belief that bb will have lesser allegies if intro to cereals and food at earlier stage. We'll see how things go then. starting to research on organic cereals soon as both hb and I are pro-organic.

separation from bb:
haiz. I cried myself to slp 1 week before starting work and now that I'd started work, I'd been trying to concentrate on work so that I wont miss bb. Then faster rush home at 6.15pm to hug her. Not easy woah. heart still pain pain when I kiss bb goodbye everymorning. Today me very happy cos I with bb at home

my bb also refused NUK teats. my hb said most prob the flow is too slow for bb and as she is quite impatient she will be in a bad mood after trying to suck in vail. Bb is quite alrite with Avent teats to date. We'll try to reintroduce NUK teat to bb soon, this time using a bigger teat.

the simz:
my hb is the pro-mum type one. he has a tendency to listen to wat his mum says over what I has got to say. divorce is not the way out. if it is, I'll have divorced hb thousand and one times liao! you'll need to sit down and voice out your views really diplomatically and at the rite time to hb. it is easy to get married but it takes tons of commitments to work the marrige out. sometimes for bb's sake, we really need to open 1 eye and close the other. Sometimes I have both eyes tightly SHUT!
I feel having a 2nd bb wont help to resolve the issues. Maybe things will be worse as there is another terror in the mist!
As long as the subject in concern is regarding dealing with a human, there will always be conflicts as everyone has their own viewpoints and not easy to compromise with each other. Otherwise there wont be the AWARE sega liao.

HAHAHAHHAA ... u are so funny! Still got drumroll one :p
Think I'll go kiddy palace to buy the things

pigeon warmer ok for Avent btl.

Welcome aboard!
Btw u sure ur bb wont mind u posting up the "RA" photo of hers? hahahahaaa! Just kidding lah :p

after reading your post on crying to sleep before gg back to work, i feel so xin suan and also want to cry liao hahahahaha
your gal so poor thing, waiting for mummy to feed... hiaz, how i wish my boy is like her, everytime mummy feed means dont want to drink, drink slowly, play with teat etc etc hiaz... mil feed very fast finish drinking and can drink much more... everytime mummy home, bb immediately become cranky, wants to be carried to walk ard the whole house, and cried loudly at times when mummy carry, makes me very low morale and super sian... i really wish bb can look for me like your babies do... sad sad... the thought of bb rejecting me makes me want to cry haiz
thanks ah! am preparing for solids feeding liao...

ur pd quite gd ah? encouraging... who huh? my gal oso not drinking 800ml a day, i think... i doing total latching, so not too sure... but when i did tandem pumping last time, can pump out 50-60ml on 1 side... so i suppose she's drinking 120ml each feed, since she always empties both my breasts each time... based on tis, she only drinking 720ml a day...
Hi Mummies
Was wondering did anyone went for the Motherhood fair. I went just now and there is a lot cheap things too buy. Very tempted. I bought 8 packs of Huggies Ultra. 4 M size and 4 L size. Very cheap conside. Abt 100 in all. I get a free huggies tent and also animal torchlight. I also bought i carton of huggies wet wipes which i would say it is the most thickest among all i ve ever seen but price wise quite pricey. Didn't manage to shop much coz i ve to go to POPULAR to buy my older son books. Very tiring today.
haiz. I was hoping tat my gal will be a bit more independent instead of sticking only to me. But on the other hand, I get the "gee!" proud feeling when bb rejects other ppl n wan her mummy only. tough tough.

I read somewhere that the amt of BM pumped out may not necessary reflects the actual amt of BM that we have. bb can drink more BM that wat we can pumped out. so becos of this, I tend to express my BM so tat I can track how much BM bb is constantly drinking. but my pd isnt very overly particular abt this. he said juz let bb determine how much they wan la. strange. haaha! ok lah at least I wont be pressured by the thought of overfeeding or under feeding bb :p

my avent btl also leaks. try unscrew it n rescrew n tighten again. it worked for me.
I feel for u. Not easy for working mummy. It's me who has separation anxiety when I leave the bb.
Hmm.. Regarding weaning, my pd advised at six mths leh. He said by then the intestines is matured. I read before somewhere n WHO also recommended six mth. But I thk I will wean him at five mth plus. Cos want him to slp through lah.

Old folks advice
Yes. They confused us. I try not to argue with my mil. Not very supportive over bring either. Sorry for my ignorance. But have u mummies heard of this? If we eat heaty stuff like chocolates or fried food, the heatiness will b transferred to bb when we bf. Same applies to if we drink too much cooling stuff, bb will b too "liang"?

Hi - if you're a SAHM (and live in Singapore - sorry, Sandy!), please PM me as I'm trying to compile a list for future gathering of SAHM's!
Hello ladies..
wa the thread so fast that i have no clue what you girls talking about at some point.

Teething Blanket:
Why do we need this for the baby? The tags are for them to suck on?

I dunno why they just have alot of weird comments about EVERYTHING! Anyway my parents and I are ok already. I mean.. parents what.. where got long long grudge right?
Sheepish and The Simz: I really understand how you feel. Maybe we should meet up and talk all about it. hahahaha

Zekevon: Welcome~You so X-rated one.. hehe put such a pic of your baby girl. I think when she grows up, she'll be upset with you!

SAHM: I envy you all.. can stay at home to play with baby. I soemtimes wish i can do that, but then again, if i stay at home, i will miss out the luxury of buying things whenever i feel like it! HEe...

I'm down with a cough and flu is coming too. on Mc today. Stayed at own home to sleep through the afternoon. Then went to my mom's house to fetch justin and have dinner. Wore a mask in case i spread the germs to him. He's so cute.. didnt really recognise me in the mask. He had the "eh?? voice so farmiliar" face. hahaha
Beco Carrier: I finally got it. Went to pick it up at the Expo yesterday. Didn thad time to walk around cos rushing off for dinner. Intend to go tomorrow.

Expo: Who went already? Everyday different deals ah? I signed up for the Motherhood magazine. I think Im super clueless about being a mother. You girls tell me what, then i faster react. So reactive.. not proactive. Sigh.. bad mom!

the teething blanket is not a need ..its just a toy that i bought for my girl..babies like tactile experience and the tags are made of ribbons with different textures for them to feel and hold on to..its also safe to bite or suck ..just wash before giving to baby
cleaning baby's tongue:
mommies, do you do this regularly? can share how you usually clean bb's tongue? and is this really necessary?
teething blanket:
I bought 2 items for my bb from Robinson. Happen to chance upon them during my last shopping trip there. So far bb loves to bite/chew on them but cant grip it well yet. originally I was hoping that bb will give up sucking her knuckles with this toy, but since the day she finally found her thumb to suck on, I decided to give her the pacifier.

haahahaahahaa ... empress dowager!
yeah my mum told me that too. I tend to eat and drink in moderation so that bb wont be affected.
anyway my health doesnt allow me to take extemely heaty or cooling food.

I clean bb tongue daily before bathtime with a piece of wet cotton wool. Duno if it is necessary or not, but it makes the tongue nicer looking :p

hey take care! hope u recover soon!
me also duno how being a mum is all abt. I just take everyday as a new learning experience. And also learn from other mummies in this forum. Then supplement by reading articles from bbcenter and other educational websites.
i chor lor one... i juz use the wash cloth to clean the first thing before i bathe him.. :p
so far ok. used to use boiled water but at 2mths, i use the tap water liao. :p
