(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Re: bumbo
i also think bumbo was quite overhyped last time round.
think most babies will hate it cos they fixed hte baby into position and cannot move at all....i can imagine how uncomfortable it is.

baby turn his head and even when i insist and push the boobs in...he stick out his tongue and make noise....woah liew...
everytime after pump, seeing the quantity, i ask myself "why bother??"
think my hubby, looking at the quantity, also think likewise.

i think soon stopping liao lah...haiz...

SY,kylene also flip over and eat her arm and then drool all over.. think is normal, just keep wiping her dry..

lili, my gal also tried to push herself forward, so funny.. she will scream in frustration when she does that cos she has no strength or cant find the technique of moving forward.. when she tried, her arms and legs will fly up..sometimes when her arms stay put,her backside will arch up.. think very soon she will know how to move.. another milestone hit! Now she found her leg and is always playing with her legs.. so cute..

Anyway mummies, i signed up for the photography already.. just paid.. i forgot about it until bbyang reminded me.. shd be going when kylene is 6mths old..
wah so many babies can flip.. my gal dont seem interested to flip, how to get her to flip? She only tried the other day, she managed to get her butt over but stuck on her arms. Then these few days she dont seem to wanna try again.

olively, if u can get back ur MS again, just press on and continue... i guess need lots of determination..

Snow, u also always get blocked duct ah, sian rite... i still cant clear after 2 pumps, really sian... Whenever i get blocked duct i'll feel really sian, but if i managed to clear and see milk squirting out i'll feel really satisfied and happy... hahaha
Hi Whitegalz

Oooh, I am also going for the photography when she is 6 mths old too. keke. Cant wait. need to buy nice dresses for her to wear. Hopefully her hair can be more even. Now she is having Einstein hair. keke

Will she start "eating" her foot? My mum say soon Sarah will start eating her foot..haha
hi olively,

how abt trying it when he is very hungry then arh u squeeze abit of milk and apply it over your nipple then when he smell milk he c he will try to latch on anot?? dun force your breast to his mouth only like guide him along to the smell..when he is hungry i think he will nt mind the nipple bah..no choice gotta try all ways...dun mind yr hubby la wait u demoralise de leh
Hi Olively,

Sorry to hear about what your baby has gone through. I hope he is much better now.

Hello Cin and Pumpkin,
My son is also refusing the bottle. I've tried all methods but none work. I'm in the medical line and have actually checked with the peadiatricians I worked with, many of them also have this problem with their own babies. Some even stopped work for awhile.

Sometimes I wonder if I should be a SAHM just to breastfeed my baby but I can't bear to give up my career. Hopefully by staying with him till 6 mths is good enough.
Hi Lolaz..
thanks thanks...he is very good now.

Re: weight
Me too! weight loss stagnant at 13kg....still have 7kg to go..sianz.
i'm using maclaren techno xt.
though it's ex, it's stable and good!
mummies who haven't buy strollers yet should really consider getting this.
jas how much u bought?
my sister ask me to wait cos she got hers during some sales at 359 with free organizer thing that hangs on the handle lay.

1) it is not fully reclinable right? so baby no problem sleeping in it?
2) the basket below, issit difficult to reach or put anything?
i last mth alrdy back to pre preggy weight, but stil overweight(b4 preg overweight liao)

my gal fully FM. draggin the hrs was wat my PD suggest wen i told him abt my baby dun finsh milk. n now my baby is doing well, from 2.5hr 100ml become range of 3-3.5hrs n she nw happily finish 120ml , n aft 3mths she finally can tak avent teat 2 liao. previously kp choke wen giv her try , messy
wow! your sis got a good buy!
i bought mine during the robinsons 20% off last yr.
before disc : $489
after disc : $391
only comes with free raincover, which i have never used it so far.

1) not fully reclinable, lowest level with slight slope, but still suitable for NB.
2) not diff to reach, can put diapers, milk bottles,.....

you buying? or using your sis?
i am looking out for one.
My sister has a toddler, a 1.5 year and now preggy.....so no chance to hand it down ...boooboo...so have to buy my own...keke

woah, u know how stress to try that at my MIL's place? (cos baby stays there overnight.)
when they hear him scream, if the door is ajar (when i am trying to tuck him in bed huh..not BF) , everyone in the house ie, maid, mil, sil, bil, bil's gf, unsupportive hb will "chong" into the room and ask him " what happen....??"

If i am trying to BF him and the door is closed, after i bring him out, the usual group of pple will surround him majiam i torture him like that.

Stress xia
wow...our feb thread is moving so fast suddenly. Great to see many babies able to flip...mine is too grumpy to do so. Next week,will be putting him to infant care... very heartache whenever the thoughts of him being surrounded by unknown 'aunties' and wondering will he be loved dearly there. Hopefully he will drink well from bottle as nowadays he can be super fussy with bottlefeeding...and prefers to latch on. Maybe he is telling me "mummy, don't go to work so soon!" Haha

Anyone going to the Motherhood Fair tmr??? Hope can get diapers lobang there...
pre pregnant weight
i got back to pre pregnant weight quite some time already.. now stagnant..sigh.. hoping i can slim down further but i kept eating.. so abit tough.

those who latch on, do u feel you have lesser breastmilk to offer when it is around evening time? mine normally around 5-7 pm not much milk. son empty both of them super fast n will cry for more. 9+ onwards then can feel the breast is abit fuller.

motherhood fair
i am going friday.. not sure who else going.

hey iching, welcome to the club soon. hopefully those of us who are sahm can meet more often in the weekdays.. me always bring my son out for my lunch

i think my son is quite ready for it. today while i was eating a banana cake, he kept staring at me n his mouth was moving alot like trying to eat. i teased him by tearing one little portion out n put near his mouth, he actually opened up his mouth waiting for me to put in.. jialat... not sure if should be weaned so soon. heard after 6 month is better.

my baby not really very good in flipping yet. he only managed to flip once without my help at all. apart from that, need me to flip his "heavy" leg over , then he can flip from there.

seanlau photography
i think i go for the exhibition first.. perhaps got other shop offers better deal which is cheap n nice one too.
joannelim: i dont latch on, but i realized my bb tend to drink more during the evening period 5-7pm also. he after drinking his usual amount will cry for more.
joanne: could it be our baby jus curious? my gal also lik tt but i fel stil early.
she wil even swallow her saliva then choke vry funny
ginn...yah...damn sian when it is blocked...somemore my wrist strained so whenever i try to squeeze i feel so painful both the boobs and my hand
Where is your infantcare? Mine at Buangkok and I juz sent my boy there on tues. I cried alot for the past 2 days :<

Cried when I walked home fr the centre, cried when I do housework, cried when I think of what is he doing now, cried when I know he will be left alone most of the times. Yesterday, after leaving him at the centre, I went to buy some stuff, 1 hr later, I passed by and saw that he is still on the same bouncer alone and just looking around....I felt so bad and guilty :-(

Tot that I take this spare time to do some shopping but I simply no mood at all. I only look forward to bringing him home during late afternoon.
bbpower: sorry i din read the post earlier... you send ur boy to infant care because you going work soon and no one take care?
sorry mummies, just a quick question. My bb still got slight cough this morning. Can I still bring her for her 2nd jab this afternoon?
Yes! I live nearby. Your baby is there too??

My 5 mths ML is ending soon. How time flies...going bk to work end of this mth....SIANZ :-(
I am sending him there now to familiarise while I have some ME time.
lonerunner: normally PD don't give jab when bb is sick...

bbpower: understand how u feel...the first night i send my bb to my mum's place i also cannot tahan...that night cannot sleep at all...
im staying at 275D. i intend to put my baby thr but no place.. BTW, how come u manage to get a place thr? i tot it was all fully booked since last year..and im still under waiting list..
i booked with them since last yr oct/nov...whr u staying? aspella too ?
I know it is a phase that all working mothers have to go thru.

I stayed at Coris...Opp Singtel :)
hehe...We booked 1 mth earlier than u....Sep '08!
Do u know I paid May's fees as well even thou I only put him there in June...
Coz that time I still not sure if I am extending my ML so I told them we need the slot in May. Then when they called me this year, I told them I need it only in June but they say the May slot is reserved for me liao. If dun want, they will release to others and no guarantee that there will be any vacancy in June coz will be under wait list. So we have no choice but to waste 1 mth of sch fee. I can put my boy there in May lar....but wo bu she de so I still take care of him myself.
Don't give up.. Jia you jia You! breast milk still the best.. my supply also not much.. to me every drop counts.. =p This is the best we can provide to our little love one.

olively (olivey)
Have you decide which brand &amp; model to buy?

I am also looking for stroller.. thought of.. Mclaren Xt or Quest.. Feb mummies any comment on this 2 stroller? I Still can't decide.. or should i get other brand?
So who is gonna take care of your baby while u are on waitlist? When u going bk to work?
There is another centre below blk 266 carpark. Did u chk with them? But hor....my hubby &amp; I dun like that one coz dunno y whenever we walk past....there is a very strong smell....and also like not very well-ventilated.
Aspella is my weekend homestay.We now staying with PIL at bedok.
Initially my plan was to let my gal go infant care &amp; my elder one go to the childcare @ faith educare. but too bad both oso no vacancy..so boh bian cant move in to aspella.
im back to work since april le.. and my gal now with nanny taking care.
did u know that blk 269D,beside the primary scl, thr's newly open NTUC childcare? got infant care.. but the $$ is more exp than faith.. some more till 7pm only.. price bout $670. i thk faith only $580+ rite ?
I c. My hubby juz told me abt the 269 NTUC childcare last nite but we not sure where. Maybe one day will kaypo and chk it out.
Faith is $500 after working mum rebate. But not sure how much aft adding the misc charges coz my hubby takes care of the finance...hehe. But I am quite sure not more than $600.
NTUC only up to 7pm? Then definitely out for me coz my working hrs can be long and irregular.
Maybe u can bring baby there then ask PD?
Is the cough persistent? or only for while?

Have not decided yet. now gathering all reviews and comments. I think Maclaren Quest is even more expensive right?

Re: Weaning
Oh i read in magazine that if the baby is interested in what we are eating then it might be weaning time.
SO i have been trying on baby but no reaction until last night. i was drinking the Yakult (orignal) and he actaully want to hold and stick out this tongue to taste the outside. maybe the color resemble his milk.
Yeap.. those blks around varinice coffeeshop.Got colourful meh? only red/pink nia.. heheee...
its jus beside the multistorey carpark.

Have anyone taken the Prenaforte pills during pregnancy? Is the pill pink in color with some spots on it?
Haha...all blocks around Coris are colourful coz ours only 1 colour!
Ok, maybe will kaypo and chk it out when I fetch my boy later :p

Maclaren Quest is cheaper than Maclaren XT. I think Quest disadvantage is cannot lie down flat.. &amp; no full cover. Alamak i still dunno what to buy... hahah boy already 4 month. should buy earlier more worth it.. hahah
i haven't bought e diapers yet leh, so cannot sell u e seals... anyway, u use it for day or nite? can last roughly how long?

hey, i saw someone selling a 2nd hand deluxe jumperoo @ $60... u wan, i can give u e contact... was thinking of getting it, but dun wanna keep so not willing to spend e money... wanted to share wif my cousin, but he doesn't wan say no space... so no choice, giving it a miss...

and are u still looking for blue egg milkbags? i bought a box, but till now no chance to use since i latch my gal 99% of e time... been storing my milk in food trays, works for me... so if u still wanna buy e milkbags, maybe we can do an exchange? i wanna try nepia diapers, so $7.50 worth of diapers will be gd? let me noe, thanks!
Yes, I read abt it too! Your bb may be ready to explore new food! I hv been trying to tease my boy with the food I eat but he has no response yet. Hehe :p

I put my baby on the bumper mat most of the time now. I wipe it everyday. Wipe twice using damp cloth w a bit of liquid cleanser (those used to wash bottles so that is safe even if baby licks it). Then wipe twice again with damp cloth without the cleanser.
Hi Sheepish

Now Im using "Hey baby" during day time and "Mamy Poko" during nite time. My MIL helps me get from malaysia. Nepia pricing is about the same as mamy poko for M size and larger. Nepia is good and can be used for night time. I like the urine indicator.

I wan. Can email me the contact? [email protected]. Is there difference between deluxe and non deluxe? hmmm...

I dont have animore nepia diapers liao. Just used finish
Anyways, I have gotten the milkbags, if I need more I will get from u k

I was thinking of using the liquid cleanser too. Okie, I will follow u. keke
ginn...no spots ah? so is pure pink color?

I had the medicine during preggy but didn't take it cos it cause me to puke. Now thinking of taking it but when i look closely, i can see small brown spots on the pills... wonder if its normal and should i take it??

ya no spots leh, i'm looking at mine now. Maybe yours got into contact with moist that's why got brown spots now...?
