(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs


naomi only started taking from bottle on tuesday..i latched her ..then expressed out 90ml and gave it to her immediately then latch her again as reward..so still dont know the exact amount she is drinking but definitely more than 90ml since she latch, then bottle feed, then latch again. so far im still total latching her so my yield after each latch is only around 80 to 90ml..then i combine 1 day's pump, and keep it in refrigerator..so far haven fed her with any express milk other than that 90ml so tmr she will drink the yield from yday since its expiring tmr (48 hours).

SY, initially i also dint know until i tested with frozen, fresh ebm and frozen again...first and third time rejected..

seriously if there is really a taste difference when using glass or plastic bottles, I'll need an urgent big revamp on my storage bottles! shit! I just invested in 3 boxes of Avent storage system. no wonder my bb refused to drink lah. I'm also scared of the sour milk taste of frozen EBM so I'll try to avoid smelling it.

think from tmw onwards, u can try express your milk to like 120ml (the average recommanded amt for 2to3mths old bb), let bb finishes it, then latch again. like this is easier to gauge closer on the amt of milk bb is actually drinking. then slowly increase EBM amt up/downwards according to her needs.
Once she gets used to the feeling of teat first instead of breast, you can fully bottle feed her then whenever u choose to.

i have no intention to switch her to bottle feed ..bottle feed is only for hb to do when i go for classes..which is 4 hours including driving time..if im with her, she still latches on me..so i just need to prepare 2 feeds for each day that im out..im preparing 150ml for each feed...tmr is first trial run without latching to see how much she will finish..so im just expressing just enough since i cant freeze

i think i have aboiut near 30 glass bottles..hehe..
the fat round one can store 120ml..the thin one can store 100ml.
last time i use pigeon milk bag, he did nt reject though..so maybe not all babies reject frozen milkbag ebm.

sandy what brand of milkbag u using?
my baby reject those" first few years" EBM
Olively, i was using blue egg milk bags. Lucky i only bought 1 box.only used 3 pcs. Wasted.

Ya, im doing my postgraduate course and classes are in the evenings so i can still latch her until late afternoon then hb take over.
Mommies giving total breastmilk, do ur babies poop daily and how many times? Naomi is still pooing 4 to 5 times daily and im wondering if other total breastfed babies are also pooping daily at such frequency.
no leh, I din post abt my CNY delivery b4. Hehe, my bb has lotus root lookalike thighs....got segments of fats ;p

My bb has drank EBM fr milk bags n glass bottles. So I guess is up to bb's preference?
oh dear, i've stored my BM in first few yrs bags, havent tried and test on bb yet.. hmm..

Sandy, my gal have major poos 1-2 a day. Rest of the day can be smaller volume ones maybe 2 times more.

My bb got a new habit - Screaming! Think she's practising her vocals haha.... She just screams for fun for the past 2 days.
oh dear, is that difference in taste for frozen milk? so far, bb is ok dricnking ebm from milkbag, but not the frozen ones. Perhaps i shld try giving him one frozen ebm feed to trial...cos was thinking of placing these frozen ebm at my aunt's place to standby when i return to work. In case the daily pump not enough... which never happened yet cos so far daily ss still OK
baby finally pooped after 11days!!! new record set! he is on total bm. Saw pd when he didnt poop at 10days...she assess him and says he's ok. i.e drinking well and tummy not hard, and he was in good mood too... talking to pd when we were there! hahahah

milkbag:so far i've used blue egg and lansinoh. prefer the latter though... anyone else using these?
sandy, my girl is on TBF, she usually poos daily, once in the mornings. bt if she doesnt poo for one or two days, the next day poo will definitely be a lot in quantity, and come in two parts, like one in the morning, one in the evening. she stopped that 4-5 times poo habit long time ago.

and btw, the babies' taste buds are 4 times more stronger than ours. that should be the reason ur bb is rejecting the frozen EBM.
I also opened my floodgate when my MIL brought my bb out of the house to the lift when I have to go holiday without her. Still, shouted “bye bye Sarah” while they were walking towards the lift. Like super drama rama. Beri silly hor. Haiz. I also feel bad whenever BB has to go MIL place. Feel like a bad mummy deserting her.

Now going to work beri soon. Going to develop her photos asap and bring to work, put her photos all over my desk. haha.

My bb total opposite. She poo like once every 3-4 days. Haiz. Is this normal? Haha. She drinks 1 or 2 FMs the rest all BMs.

Ya, u should really try feeding with frozen BM. I tasted myself and seriously taste quite bad leh. And I actually feel bad letting her drink such horrible tasting milk. Haha. But she still drink them all up. So kinda of grateful. Haha. I dare to drink freshly expressed and chill BM, which is sweet.

I am using Blue egg and Playtex. I store higher volume (200ml and above) in Blue egg cos got zipbloc feature. Anyone wanna sell me Blue egg cheap cheap? Keke

Sterilise with Pigeon sterilisong tablet
Per direction for use, we need to dissolves 1 tablet to 2.3l of water. Where do u all get such a big container ah? I was thinking whether can break the tablet into 2 and use half the vol to sterilize. Also, I read someone using metallic container. CANNOT leh. Must use non metallic k.
DK, have u bought the wella shampoo? Is it good if u have.. still havent got a chance to go to those neightbourhood shops to buy yet...
btw, any mummies here keen to buy HUGGIES ULTRA, super jumbo packs? i have 2 packs to let go, selling at $17/each. pls PM me. Collection arnd admirlty,woodland, sembawng mrt station
my boy on TBM, poos daily, but these 2 weeks he poos alternate days, dunno why.

11 days?????????
i think i'll freak out if my boy doesn't poo for 3 days!!

i dun sterilise my pumps and bottle at work, just run them through hot water.
too lazy to sterilise lah.
for my #1, i'm worse, didn't even run them through hot water, just rinse with tap water!

storing EBM in bottles
my CL told me not to store in glass bottles, cos the bottle put in fridge, when want to drink take out to warm, cold, hot, cold, hot, the glass will actually "crack" inside with this constant change in temp, and the glass particles are small, not visible to naked eyes, so imagine your baby drinking the EBM with tiny glass particles???
so since then i express into plastic bottles.

mon going back to work.
so fast 4months ML gone just like that.
i'll definitely miss my boy at work.
was told that babies on tbm may poop irregularly, sometimes upto 2wks. My boy's poop pattern starting changing in May. It used to be daily, then became alternate days..slowly stretched to 3days, then 5 days.. Last record was 8 days. THis round, i was steady until it hit 10days and i was a lil worried. Brought him to Pd, she said he was doing okay... and we left him to poop naturally. And he did, the next day. So set new record of 11days!! hahahahaha ...
Nopes i havent tried the wella shampoo yet. Couldnt find it at Watsons or Guardian. And havent had chance to try the toiletries outlet

Frozen ebm:
Okay shall go and try it. My "oldest" stock is in April.. can keen frozen ebm for 3mths right? That means, the april batch will expire in June...

haiz, this sounds so cumbersome... so many things to bring to office. and i dun intend to invest in another pump.. so no choice but to carry everything back and forth. Havent started work yet, but visualizing it alrdy sounds troublesome.

Pumping at work:
hope to be abel to pump 2x in office, once at lunch and another time arnd 6-7pm. Thats why i think muz sterlize well. Dun want to risk baby having diarrhea etc...
Hi Lonerunner,

You bought 3 boxes of avent storage???That is a total of 30 container leh.... i only buy 1 box so far...How come u need so many container?? Alot Alot of milk?? Becos if now u give mostly bottle how many times u pump a day,at how many hrs interval and wat is the yield of each pump??
Avent container don't have those plastic smell de leh...thou i still nvr taste the difference of frozen and non frozen.I just smell only...

If you think tat yr girl reject frozen breastmilk then you try nt to freeze it bah...Lucky me if bryston quite chin chai la frozen or norm referigerated he ok...


my boy also practising his vocal and training his lungs hahah...screaming just for fun and scream plus talk...so funi...

Hi Sandy,

Think your food intake very high in fibre bah that is why yr girl so many times a day... Is it a lot each time?? What is your food diet like?? Naomi might not be having diarrhoea but prob just gd processing system...Have she been maintain 4-5poos for a very long time since birth or any increase/decrease?

Maybe sometime we consume too "liang" stuff or food/drink that cause us to have bowel movement might indirectly affect bb pooing numbers? For eg coffee is sort of a drink which most people will feel like pooing after drinkin it.They have sort of a "clearing system" effect.

Bryston now is on total bm and i have change my diet lately to morning i have wholemeal bread and i try to drink more yourgurt drink.Then now he will poo on 2days interval with prob 1-2x poo... He used to have irregular bowel movement.Like poo on 3 days interval or 2days interval.

Me gg back to work on Monday wa super sian...nowadays wake up 6am to latch on to feed him so i don't have to pump (pump till my thumb pain cos use the "C" compress method",sigh)

Hope to pump 2x a day is possible and if time allow...Think i might bring my bottle washer solution to work for sterilise else not i will just use hot water to rinse over it can le...
Hello all mummies,

Been really busy so did not have time to come in to the forum, hope all mummies are doing fine!

A bit suaku, but can i know what is jumperoo?
Also, did u guys buy gym for baby? If yes, what brand u all buy?
And playing mat, what brand is good?

Thanks in advance all mummies!
hi happymummy,

jumperoo is a stationary walker like toy that doesnt move but jumps when baby jumps inside

im using baby gym - ocean's wonder gym mat from fisherprice and LG prime playmat

naomi has been pooing 4-5 times since birth..in fact it was more at the beginning..

my diet is very normal leh..my daily breakfast is a bowl of oatmeal and annum lacta..lunch just protein and carbo..night ..protein, carbo and 1 serve of veg..probably its her system
glass bottle vs plastic bottle:
today I tried defroze frozen EBM, one from glass and other from plastic bottle. The one from glass is near freshly EBM smell. The one from plastic smells strongly of milk. tmw I'll try another batch to confirm this findings.
Shit. really gotta get glass bottles liao. Where to get them ah??

ya, I tot I was a milk cow too! suddenly within a day a half hor, LOTTA BM until I scared! maybe it is becos I drank lots of water to down my fever. or could it be the virus making me producing so much milk? hmmm ... Today my BM supply returned back to normal again. Think I din down as much water as I was sick. I'll try water parade again tmw and see how. need to make up for my lost milk!

orrr .... good not to bottle feed lah. I tot direct latch on might be better for bb too, since little nutrients will be lost.
poo frequency of my bb differs from day to day. sometimes as many as 5x too. other days 1 time.

haahahaa ... think shld be similar cases liao!

I just pumped and pumped every 3hrs approx. got milk store, no milk too bad. abt 6x to 7x per day. I already used 2, the 3rd one din open becos I got spares from the threw away milk. I drank lotta water. each pump abt 120ml to 160ml on average now. even hit 240ml once or twice! my BM generator very crazy one. I realised if I drink lotta water and eat salmons, I'll auto have milk. otherwise only 60ml or 80ml. so these 1week plus pumping away like mad

I already blew up 3 A4 size photos to put at my desk!
I'll missed bb very much.

if u just ran pump thru normal water and is still ok for ur bb, it shld be good for my bb too! hehehehee ....
Wat ur CL said is not totally correct. According to websites, only glass that are not subjected to pressure/weather tests are not suitable for freezing. Those glass bottles issued by hospitals are ok.
hello mummies, need ur advice on FM. bcoz i will start to top-up her feeds with FM. I was thinking of trying NAN first. at this stage (3 months 10 days) which one i should be buying? i guess there are a few types lke NAN1, NAN pro, etc. sorry dont know much abt it :S
Jas and lonerunner..

yar lor...i also tot glass bottle are safeest and also BPA free or something.....
first time i heard use glass bottle no good lay..
first time ever...my baby slept from 1am to near 7am w/o waking up for night feed.
actually think he can last longer. but the daddy make milk and want to feed him at 630am. kana stopped by me. but eventually dun want to waste milk so feed him lor.

told MIL about this achievement...guess what??
she say" yar lor..cos we try so hard not to let him sleep in the afternoon mah..that why he sleep thru lor"

woah liew....claim credit xia
he on tummy position...then he use his feet to kick himself forward....just that he dun know how to use his hands...so face flat down....but manage to inch forward ...

is this learning to crawl?? i also dun know lay
oh so noot considered crawling huh..hehe..

may i ask what is next huh after learning how to flip? i mean what is the next major milestone?? sitting? crawling??
Hi Mummies,

Saw you all discussing about baby rejecting frozen ebm.

My 14 weeks baby boy is totally rejecting the bottle!!! My husband and I have tried fresh ebm on avent, nuk, pigeon bottles but still no use!!! He will just scream as though we are abusing him.

I'm extending my leave until he turns 6 mths old when he can take semi-solids. Sigh... didn't expect bottle feeding to be such a tough thingy.
u are not alone.. but still ocassionally reject the bottle. today his last feed is at 4.30pm.. then at 8pm i suppose he should be very hungry n tried to feed him FM with bottle cos i am outside n cant find a place to bf.. he actually doesnt want to drink at all. then reach home wants to bf him.. he slept until now still didnt wake up for milk.. very jialat.

my baby also does that when she is on tummy...stretch and move legs like wanna crawl but still too early..must sit up first then can crawl
actually singapore's ML is the lousiest lah...but of cos now is so much beta then last time where it was 2 months..

i imagine if it is 2 months...i still rem i was much much bigger after 2 months man....not super ego boosting to go back to work looking like that. not all mummies are super model ok...can slim back after 2 months.

My colleagues in US, Japan etc..gets one year ML de lay....of cos i think it is 3 months paid and rest is unpaid...but i think very good mah.

actually i think 5 to 6 months is more reasonable cos would be adhering to the WHO BF timeline of 6 months.
but of cos now 4 months is consider not bad liao.

who knows next yr will have adjustment in the baby bonus and parenthood package again...up another month's ML keke..but hor, too long ML, will the position be secure??
i use tap water to rinse, but i dun store EBM for long leh, it's always consumed by next morning.
if you want to freeze it i think it's better that you sterilise properly lor, dun be lazy like me.
yah i was abit skeptical when CL told me abt the glass bottle thingy, dunno she really know the facts or not....

ei, wrong woh. i threw abt 2+ litres of milk, not 4 litres. Wah kao, I'm really a milk cow if I can produce 4l within 1.5 days! haahaa! jialak. duno how I do my maths one. after 15weeks at home, my maths really all 'returned' to my teacher already!!

yalor. ur mil abit strange. nvm. u see tonite how. if doesnt sleep thru then u know ur mil's claims have no grounds liao. but I hope that ur bb can start to slp thru becos that u and ur hb can rest at nite.

my bb also started to 'crawl' on tummy. she can sit quite steady on her butt against the pillow. slowly we'll find ourselves chasing after bb liao

my bb also like tat yesterday evening. tired.
