(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

I think I'll never make it out of home to work if ML still stays at 1 or 2mths. my bb was on 1hr/1.5hr/2hr interval feedings then. I remembered I was so tired that I can fall asleep if I happened to just close my eyes for a moment quite latching bb on. very dangerous. bb could fall off my arms anytime. I dun have anyone to help me look aft bb full time then too. maybe need to send to infant care or quit my job. I'm quite thankful for the 4mth ML given by the govt. It really allowed me to spend quality time with bb.

dun think the govt will increase upwards anytime soon. heard there is a legal regulation for ladies in japan to hold onto their job for duno 3 or 5yrs after giving birth. companies cannot sack them.
But we cant apply the same concept in singapore if we still wan to make it attractive for co to hire us. some employers already shun ladies of childbearing age and guys who still need to serve NS. with more foreigners coming into singapore to work, ladies wont be financially competive for companies to hire anymore. tough to be a working mum. haiz

point taken. will use newly boiled hot water to sterlise my pumps etc in office then!

Hi Lonerunner,

wow very hardworking on pumping ya..hehe...hmm the avent storage container have plastic smell?? mine dun have wor....maybe my nose spoil hehe...like tat i dunno how to help you wor...me today just went to buy another 10btl of 240ml size container cos smetime can pump to that amount and the 180ml is not enuf.Recently ate alot of fish so ms increase hehe...

Ya drinking more water will produce more milk... eh yr thumb nt pain arh hehe....chiam la me...

Sandy ,

if Sg like other country like that hor singapore woman no nid to work liao cos no company wanna employ us...sob
aiya no choice lah. how do I know plastic container will smell that badly as compared to storage in glass bottles when many ppl are storing EBM the same way too rite?

my BIL just suggested that maybe I shld observe a few more containers. maybe it is due to the food we eat tats why got diff smell for diff containers. I tot it is worth a try. No choice lah. already buy containers. if need to stop using them I also headache duno where to get glass bottles. and monday I'm going back to work too. no more time liao.

ya I shld have done the same as u did an get the 240ml one as 180ml are now just enough for my new pump volumes. nvm lah. heard after going back to work, our BM supply will drop by lots. Maybe I wont even need to open the 3rd box at all.

lets continue to eat more fishes, drink tons of water, sleep well, pump regularly! fishy fishy here I come too!!

me using electric pump now instead of manual. faster to pump finish with the 2 pumps instead of only 1 when pumped manually. u really poor thing to have the sore thumb! u wan try switch over to electric pump 4 the time being?

aiya nvm abt length of ML lah. we just buy more ToTo. if strike 1st prize, we can be TaiTai(rich lady) then! company dun wan to employ us also nvm liao! hahahaha!
lonerunner: am thinking 1.5 days can get 2 litres already wow! and you are talking abt 1.5 days getting 4 litres. :p
my ms drop like dont know what cos sick and appetite not so good. was also 38 degree and yest and today zombie. the most tiring was sick already still have to wake up and pump, like now. i only manage to get 2 litres in 3 days.
toking abt ML.. i was soo angry.. i when back work last monday.. and the whole week i was like working more than 12 hours everyday.. my boss simply left my half done report on my desk for 4mth.. (wadever i finish before i leave for my ML)and 1st of june had to submit to NEA... he expect me 1 week to complete a 1 to 2 mths work.. the earlier half i took around 1 months to do... on the first day of work.. he let me go home on the dot.. then 2nd i do OT.. when i reach home.. bb sleeping lor.. so sad.. whole day didn't see bb
.. then i go back complain.. he ask me take home do.. so this few days i was like zombie.. come home, play, feed bath then put bb to sleep then stuck to my com till 1 to 2 am...5am go work.. haiz... really wan to change job.. any recommendation. hee...
sheepish> Thanks a lot for co-ordinating the next gathering.
If you gals are still around, i might be able to join after work which would be 5plus already... Or if u gals go back already, i will just go browse a bit.. anyway the exhibition till wat time ?
hey mummies:
I think i might be getting post-natal depression or simply just depression from my parenets issue. Super moody, little bit want to cry. Want to sleep all the time and dont feel like doing ANYTHING at all. Otherwise it will be the reverse, i keep doing things until I shag out myself.

Yday we went to Taka cos my hubby wanted to cut hair. So i brought Justin to walk around. I suddenly went crazy buying things (without consideration of the price). I am shopping queen la, but i will always look at the price first.. but yday was mad. I bot Justin 4 Burberry's polo T that are 2-3 yrs old kind. And bot some other chap-pa-lang things la. When my hubby finished with his haircut, he saw me he was like.. erm.. ok la as long as you like it. But i know he was thinking more of eh. what happen toyou? strike 4d ah?

I feel super sian. Then just now my hubby went to play soccer with his friends, I called him and ask him to come home and I was crying like crazy.
Now monday how??? My parents didnt give in to call me. WHAT THE!!!!
Do they feel good that they make their only daughter suffer? Do they really think they are RIGHT? and also, i'm like the only person tha twill do all sorts of things for them la!! Run errands, buy things, write letters for my dad, EVERYTHING ALSO ASK ME TO DO. then now?? Basket.. what kind of treatment is this? My bro always scold them or yell at them. then ???? He gets bird nest adn i get shit? Waht the!
Relax! Its just a passing phase.. prob u feel that u are not in control of the situation that's why the emotional issues. Went through that a few weeks back too! Give yourself and ur parents a deadline. If by then still not at a compromise state, then consider to throw them a ultimatum. All the best!! With your hubby support, it will definitely be better.
Yesterday I went to try out the Beco carrier. Its quite comfy to use. Wanted to get the organic one but the lady says no offer for organic. My hubby tried it too and he says not bad. So we spent money AGAIN.
How long will u intend to take domperdione? Yesterday went to the GP and was prescribe a metoclopramide instead... had 2 pills already.. supply is indifferent. =(
hi peachmomo,

take care ya and dun stress yrself too much..u might drive yrself to the wall... if worse cme to worse they dun wanna help u take care then how abt yr pil??

Hi sheepish...

sigh dun think can join the gathering to expo though i wish too...u ladies enjoy ok...

work here i come?? Argh

Hi Lonerunner,

Umm maybe as yr bro say maybe food make a diff i not sure but worth trying anything to make things work.Electric arh umm yr electric also avent arh? Does it work well like the manual does?I scare arh the electric one will yield lesser than the manual..Still have to do the compress method when using the electric pump??

As you know la my thumb pain only due to compression method to make sure my breast are "thoroughly emptied"...
My hubby got ask me wanna buy electric wan anot i was quite skeptical abt it...Ladies any advise??

wa yr boss si beh er xin lo...can wait till u cme back then ask u do again...if you knw that earlier u shld clear abit of leave plus childcare leave so at least u go back to work only after the report deadline....
Peachmomo, Aiyo... dun stress leh... tot the Jumperoo might cheer u up a bit.... keke...

Look on the bright side, parents will always be parents... sometimes my parents or in-laws also have conflicting views but for me, i just voice out in a nice manner lor, actually they also want the best for our babies, just that times have changed and we have more resources on bringing up baby.. but certain things like safety, u have to advocate ba...

Tell them its best to bring bb out with car seat, i mean we know they will drive safely but sometimes inconsiderate drivers might just jam their brakes etc... like yesterday, i brought bb out with my parents, at first went out w/o car seat cos the car seat was in our car and when gg back to get the car seat, my dad brake alamak bb got frightened and cried... oops..so im convinced bbs need car seat especially when now their neck strengthened and like wanna "climb" out if the car seat...

peachmomo, u really shopping queen leh..Burberry some more.. can imagine the price tag keke.. Justin is a lucky boy !! i only bought some socks and bootie from Pumpkin Patch for my boy yesterday when i out shopping for whole day... haha
motherhood exhibition
haha, seems like nobody is keen yah? okie okie, nothing is confirmed as of now... anybody going, juz let me noe then...

any of your babies are lifting their butt high up and push themselves?? Bryston keep doing that once he know how to roll over from one side...faint..thought he shld learn hw to roll fm tummy to back next... check out the vids i post on facebook...

Wa i think nw my bed no space for him to do this stunt man...he will be ban fm my bed unless i/his daddy is with him else he will fall off fm the bed...faintz

i replied to you facebook msg already
but hor mommies, sean lau photography will be at motherhood fair...dont know what deals they have..i will post the pics after i resize
mommies, heres the pics..will upload a few more next time..basically it is a 2hr session and sean lau has the props..u can bring the nice outfits u want ur baby to wear during the shoot.

ahh... i also super stressed...

antibiotics finished liao still havent recovered. 3 days supply down the drain.
and the ms nosedive

no appetite, no interest in doing anything, not even shopping. just want to zzz

think of going to work tmr... i lagi sianz.

are you exclusively bottle feeding? and how long you intend to express? if going to express longer then invest in an electric pump ba..im using avent isis duo and if you are using avent manual, its exactly the same as the manual..because i bought the avent isis duo and it comes with the conversion parts to manual pump...same bottle. so that set can actually use as either single pump, duo pump or manual pump..since electric and manual is the same pump, u still can use the same compression technique as ur manual pump..difference is..manual u use ur hand to compress each pump but electric u just let the machine do it..this is if you are using avent manual
currently im using the electric one at home and if im back to sch next week, i will be converting it to manual to pump in the car...no need to find power point and can have my own privacy
same sentiments. i used to think Caleb is giving me all the stress. now that I got the "hang" of taking care of him, i realised my stress comes from family members. I havent been able to be as happy and bubbly as i used to be... I was in bad depression before back to work 2 wks ago. Things are better after i come back to work and try not to think abt wat is happening at home. Sometimes I feel more happy outside home than at home. And I dun dare to really tell everything i feel to my hubby cos it's his family members. So many times, i just "gobble" down everything and dun think so much..

Like u, i m shopping queen. But unlike u, i dun have the power to spend :p I only managed to get a $10 offer Elle polo tee for him while at Taka yday.
Hello mummies

I am also a Feb Mummy. My gal is born on 16 Feb 09.

I have spare frozen breastmilk, froze in Mar 09. Hence, to be consume by Jun 09. Self collect at Seng Kang area.

If you are keen, please PM me.
catmomo: dun tink too much. smtims we really dun hav a choice. open 1 eye close 1 eye lor.we can only think in a positve way, tt at least baby is nt in outsider hands or maids hand who may bully them..then wil fel bet bah
Hi ladies

I have a L size pupsik pouch which I would like to sell off @ $38. Bought the wrong size. I should be a M. Hopefully some1 here can take over this piece so tat I can go get another one. Pouch in good condition. Washed once cos gan chiong to use on baby. But after wash, then realise that size is wrong. Only tried a few times at home with baby. Design: Confetti
Kindly PM me of keen. Thanx much much!
hello everyone.
Yday finally my dad called me. Then i realised its cos my hubby sms him. Told him that I'm very depressed and upset since Thurs and sort of lectured my dad to say that I did so much for my parents yet they bear to hurt my feelings and even get angry at me when they are in the wrong.
So i did the emotional blackmail thing to my dad. Cried like crazy. he then said ok ok dont angry, just bring Justin over tomorrow morning. Hmm must strategise on how to get them to understand my points.
Anyway, yday went dinner with my grandma and my mom came along. The min she saw me she was like.. JUSTIN! duh?? hello im still pissed at you lor. hahaha but i didnt want to be petty la. so i just let her carry. Can tell she SUPER miss him after I took him away. Haha..

Sigh.. becos of the stupid issues, i was so stressed up that my milk level dip big time. Was only able to pump out 100ml each time. Very stressed out.

Anyone using Medela Freestyle? How many times have you changed the shield? I am using the 3rd new ones liao. My breast shield cracked.
today me 1st day back at work. wah kao with all the pumps and stuff to bring to work, i could barely moved! so had to take a cab. then spent the entire morning trying to settle down and finding a location to pump after a collegue casually mentioned that there is a cctv in the meeting room, which was my default choice to pump! oh my goodness!!
After lunch, a manager helped me get permission from Admin to use the muslim prayer room. so will be moving there to pump from my next session onwards. Felt really bulky as I had to bring 2 bags into the room for just a pump session! Need to find a really large bag to put all my things inside. that avent bag isnt really portable.

anyway just called MIL. she ganna driven up the wall by bb already. kept wanting to play and talk. hahaahhaaa!

I feel hor if ur boss can leave ur report there lying for 2mths and ignore the timeline, u can also return him the favour in the same manner too. how can this report be done in 1 weeks time. anyway being the boss, he'll get the 1st hit before u get. aiya sometimes we no choice. some ppl either act blur or maybe he duno how to do it so prefer to let u finish. or maybe let u resign so that he can find new scapegoat to say why the report cannot be finished.

hey I also did the same last thursday. just bought this and tat anyhow from robinson. think it is becos as thesimz said, u dun feel that u are in control of the situation, which also happened to me as my mil kept emphasing on doing things that I am not comfortable with becos she preferred it her way.
maybe u shld start findng an alternative caretaker or try infantcare or work part time. getting depressed is not good. then BM supply will drop which will add more to our misery. I'm also trying to kick myself out of this depression mode too. good luck to both of us!!
Btw u try drinking a cup of water every 30min or so. it worked for me to increase supply.

I bought the same avent pump set as Sandy. Both work as good as each other once u get the hang of settling the electric mode. I also use compression technique.
my bb also lifts her butt high high and wan to push forward but always lose her balance lah. hahaha! so cute!

ur girl is super cute in the photos!! cool!

must remember to eat more too when u drink lots of water..if not milk will be lots but thin..agree that the avent bag is not very portable hee hee.
i also 1st day back at work.
didn't know now i need to apply access to nursing room.
kenna stuck outside, cannot go in. *faints*
luckily another mummy came along and i happily followed her in.
oh ya! Thanks! I will eat more! I got a sore shoulder using that bag. heavy!

hahahaha ... 1st day blues for us! Luckily a mum happened to access the room!
How's everything?
yo lonerunner: hehe u back wrk stil can online huh? miss ur baby alrdy? aft wrk u ha to go pick her rite?
my gal also vry talkative.

mummies: yst my gal vry naughty . my fault lor. anyhw play wif her.. i use my lips to do the brrr sound then she try to learn i say she cant de..end up next day(yst) rch my mil hse she kp do tt, n wif saliva out! n do non stop. i tot she learn frm outside see kids do or wat.. then think back tt day i did once! so its my fault! me nw wrie sia dunno she wil stop this action anot! end up b4 i leave i kp scold her
so far so good, but my supply dipped, must be the 1st day blues..........
hopefully supply improve soon.

2yrs ago when i used it, no need to apply for access, which i tot it's not very safe for mummies pumping milk inside.
imagine some psycho just barge in and pull open the curtains?? siao liao rite?
so now that they have this "limited" access, it's a good thing la, at least i feel safer while moo-ing.
my bosses and team mates all not around. all went course. good lah. this gives me time to settle down.
I need to cut my pumping and packing time to within 30mins if I wan to continue BF. My speed is still 45min. haiz. too slow.
my router at home spoilt. so internet is down. no choice have to access internet only in office.
hahahaha ur gal smart leh. can imitate u liao. I did that few time with my bb too. she cant get the hang of it yet but it was quite fun :p
30min more to go. then i can dash to MIL's home and hug my girl!! I missed her!!

my BM supply also not as good as before. Must be due to 1st day blues. Let's jiayou!!
Hi Mummies
I'm back after MIA for quite sometimes. Been too busy wif baby and also my BP. Btw, would like to thank everyone who ve given their support on my baby carrier. I will be doin the 4th batch soon so if anyone keen, just email me ya at [email protected]
Saro, i ve email u the details. U reply back ya. Ok then take care and hope everyone out there is getting on well wif ur bb
Yup its best not to promote on other forum coz they will definitely suspend u. Some mummies from March also got suspend. It's the same goes to me too..

Hi Lonerunner and Sandy,

I hope to pump exclusively on this month (morning first feed latch on) pump 2x at work and 1 time at nite before zz.. then when i quit i hope to latch most of the time then last feed i pump then let him drink fm btl... or maybe i might exclusively latch to let my thumb rest...

Today go back to work luckily my hubby send me...wa liao arh i also bring barang back to work cos have sme stuff to return back to colleague.Me using the pigeon fridge to go...nt to bad quite good... i myself carry big bag so i put the fridge to go in my bad..overall umm nt very heavy la so still ok hahah...

Oh and i found a private rm to pump... a storerm where the sales ppl put their cataloge bk and other barang so just nice and the rm can lock...so goood i no nid to pump in the toilet haha...

1st day back at work brain totally nt absorbing info...just c c my mail can liao and arrange my table stuff..argh so many stack of papers...different ppl working style is like that de...anyway i am glad that i am not working soon so i will just solely teach the replacement guy how to do my stuff and follow up can le...phew....
