(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

just had the talk with my parents. Made me even more pissed off. Long story, hard to type cos i'm using my handphone. Basically they think they r right and I m making a mountain out of mole hill to them. Sheet


i am missing out so much in my baby's life..
tonight help him wipe body and found out he is ticklish at armpit and feet sole.
i think cos they feel there is nothing wrong to bring their grandson out just for a walk or visit someone. to them its a very minor thing. i guess they didnt know u are very worried about bring son out, cos to them it is very normal to do such thing.

last time i worked for a while as well n brought my son all the way to ang mo kio so that my mum can look after my older son.. same thing loh... she will bring my son to the market and talk to everyone she knows n sort of "show off" my son to them lah.. to me its ok.. i dont mind her doing that. to me, the only thing i dont like is ... sometimes she anyhow takes those pills n let him eat.. those what jian nao wan la... etc..

so i guess its really typical of parents to want to show off their grandchildren.. and to bring them out its a very minor thing loh.. so tats why they think u are making a mountain out of a mole.
do tell them your concern, and tell them u wish to be informed, i believe they will do that to make u "fang xin"
i guess everything got its pro n cons.. u might miss out on the time u gonna spend with your baby, but i believe he will know u are trying to provide the best for him.

for my case, i spend alot of time with him, but yet, i cant really provide the best for him. Eg: i wanted to get him a jumperoo, but financial constraint... if i am working, i believe i would have bought it for him so he can enjoy more toys.
thr trigger to this depression is when everyone except me (the mummy) is seeing the growth of the baby and telling u his habits and claiming they know my baby most.

Just need to rant the following, mummies please ignore me.
Since he don stay with me so morning we will try to sneak a peek for 10 mins before heading off to work.
Strangely before i arrive, my IL are in kitchen chattering and eating breakfast. when i arrive, they will swamp to the baby cot together.
The baby cot is tuck in a corner, so only leaving 2 sides. FIL take one side, MIL takes the other. Then MIL will wake him up, telling him mummy is visiting..

Aiyo u know i feel like one of the relatives visitng the baby lay.....i wish to shout ...."hello i am the mummy lay."

THen after i take over, the IL will just keep commenting...."yar, he wake up is like that one"..."he must do this , he like to do that..."

Haiz, this even my hubby who always side his parents cannot stand it. He told them to let me have sometime alone with the baby. but after telling, still the same.
Re: carrier
did not know that carriers are so so so expensive lay.....
i tot Jumperoo will be the most expensive item bought for the baby..guess am wrong man.

hmm...u beta convey ur expectations lay. I read in other thread, the parents even feed baby w/o permission and also bring baby for his first haircut w/o permission..
imagine coming home to botak baby.

Satisfying the needs is more impt lah....things like Jumperoo are wants...
somemore not the baby's wants....is the parent's, as a compensation for the lack of time for the baby.
Re: Flashcard..

in my opinion, beta to get flashcards that are NOT drawn pictures.....
like the apple is real picture of an apple...not a drawing.
Apple is still easy to draw..sometimes animals can look very different from the real thing...so dun think is very good for developing kids.
i think hor.. baby wont really feel it.. but we are the ones who feel who arent spending enough time with them loh..

u know last time i took care of my first son, end up.. he prefers dad n my mum who seldom spend time with him, over me. everytime he will look for them instead of me... so sad loh.. basically cos they gave him what he wants.. sigh...

my other friend only spent less than 10 days with her daughter in a month.. but the daughter stick so close to her also because she buys what she likes...
Spicegal &amp; Olively,
what do u flash to your babies huh? Alphabets, words or the pictures?

Yup, my boy drinks 180-240 ml for his nite feed. This is excluding the amt he drinks when he latch after the bottle. U may wanna try increase it to 150 ml for your gal and see if she can finish? My 1st PD actually told me use the following as a guide ywhen I ask how much to feed bab. Basically to increase 30 ml (1 oz) every mth :-
newborn : 90 ml
1st mth : 120 ml
2nd mth : 150 ml
3rd mth : 180 ml

I have read somewhere (can't rem the website) that we can also use the following formula as a guide to determine the amt of feed per day:-
Baby's weight x (100-150ml) / no of feeds per day
After reading the above posts abt conflicting views of caring for babies, I am kinda relieved that I hv chosen InfantCare......

B4 we hv our baby, my MIL told me &amp; hubby that she will stop working to look after grandchild. Then when I was preggie, she said she needs a maid to help her out when she look after her grandchild (we then became abit hesitant coz dun like the idea of maid and quickly placed a deposit to secure a place at the Infant Care ). Then when I was abt 4 mths preggie, she suddenly told us that she decided not to look after even with maid coz she scared will b too stressful and cannot handle. Luckily we had booked the Infant Care earlier!

Then when baby is out, she &amp; PIL love their grandson so much that she hinted to me that she feels like quiting to take care of him. I was like errrrrrr......then I brushed the topic aside. Seeing no response from me, she said that maybe let him try Infant care 1st since we had paid the school fees already and I said ya....
same here. I hate it when others tell me what they know abt my son. As though i dun understand my own son. "yar, he wake up is like that one"..."he must do this , he like to do that..."
Actually there's nothin wrong, but it just make me feel very buay song inside. i guess it's some psycho and hormonal effects :p
pump at work
DK: after washing, just put the equipment in a plastic box, the one i bought is toyogo. filled up with water and drop a tablet for 30 min and it is ready. the solution can last you for 24 hrs. but i am using it for only 1 use.

alternate days is special arrangement. i am taking the last 1 month of maternity leave on every tues and thurs. so in that way, it is alternate days lor. can last me till abt mid Jul.

bb patterns
currently bb is in infantcare and MIL will go fetch him at ard 2pm. at the end of day when we go fetch bb, MIL will also tell me stories abt bb. what he can do, what he likes, etc.

for me, i am ok, cos if i cant get to witness those things he can do, but would still like to know. so i enjoy listening to the stories that my MIL tells me. the good thing now is that as I'm working alternate days, i can get to witness the things that my MIL told me on those days that i din send him to infantcare. hehe.

SY: i still prefer to use car seat, before installing the car seat, we also carry bb and sit at the back seat. my hb feels it is ok so long as we are careful.
but i feel so stressed, what if we met with an accident and bb flew out. we do try to be careful, but cant prevent others from knocking us. so in order for me not to regret when accidents happen, have nagged at my hb so much that he no choice and install the car seat for bb. so now i can play with bb even when we are in the car without worries.

Am happy with bb, we din do anything special but bb have been pooing every morning. after his feed at 7am plus, he will poo. we will change him and send him to infant care.
with this, at least we dont have to worry that the infantcare din change his diaper after his poo.
i hope he can continue with this pattern.
Important!! Those who signed up for the Sleep Workshop please contact me ASAP. I have e-mailed all of you.
Sorry Meerkat, I thought I had e-mailed you
It is not a compulsory requirement to install car seat in Singapore. But it is for a peace of mind and most importantly the safety of our precious baby. Agreed with Grace that there is no way that we can prevent others fr knocking into us. I also have the fear that my baby will fly out of my lap if my hubby ever do an emergency brake *touchwood*.

I am juz curious how come u put your baby in Infantcare this way. Why not full time IFC or full time take care by MIL? How is your experience of IFC so far? Wat is the teacher-baby ratio? Do u know if the teachers will leave babies crying for a long time?

I am not sure if I will be happy abt IFC coz only starting next week. There are definitely pros and cons in all types of childcare. On one hand, I want my baby in IFC to avoid conflicts as my PIL treated me very well and I dun want childcare issues to sour our relationship. On the other hand, it will be great if our kins can take care of baby coz grandparents will never ill treat their grandchild and u can concentrate at work. The best is to be a stay-home mum which u can teach your own ways....but I juz cannot afford it. Sighz :-(
i duno abt u.
My PIL and Grand PIL treat me v well too. But i think it's my character bah. I find many "problems" arise after Caleb comes along. I call them "problems" becos i duno if i m over-reacting. But I really want my own ways sometimes. And i really resent all the comments thing sometimes.... haiz...
Hi mommies, i have survived 1 work week, its tiring having to ferry my baby to MIL place in the morning and back at nite, cant bear to leave him there for the night so no choice...

Pumping at work
I bring a big diaper bag to work now. I have a cooler bag that can put 4 btls, my pump and 2 ziplocs for 2 pump shields. Mine is a single pump so i can pump 2 times without having to sterilise anything in office, normally i just rinse with tap water n put back into ziploc, reach home, wash with bb cleansing liquid then sterilise.

Pumping schedule
I used to pump once a day only cos i latch bb most of the time, as for now, the schedule when i work is like this :

6am - latch
12pm - pump in office (Most BM yield)
6-7pm - pump at MIL or hm (Medium yield)
10-11pm - last pump for the day n ZzzzzZzZz (Least BM Yield)

But on weekends, i will revert to latching him whole day until last feed where i will bottle feed him.

As for supply, current enough with slight excess for my baby but not sure if supply will decrease or not as im stretching abt 6-7hrs in between pumps...

Motherhood exhibition
So sorry mommies, im getting busy at work, not sure if i can make it to the exhibition on a weekday, any mommies not working yet wanna take over co-ordinating ?
motherhood exhibition
let me do e organising! but hor, dun blame me if last min i can't make it hor... cos now still training my gal, wun be bringing her...

date: 4th or 5th jun? which day do u mummies prefer better? 4th is e 1st day, while 5th is a fri... dun wan those who ever took fri leave to be looked @ wif coloured eyes since need to take fri again...
time: suggestion? if mummies are taking half-day, then 2pm?

okie, let me noe...

i also have a baby bjorn..not bad..secure but looks better on my hb..keke


singapore is too hot and humid for naomi otherwise the whole trip was good...she followed me everywhere i went even till late cos need to breastfeed her, cannot leave her with my mom

who was asking about bottle feeding baby??? naomi has successfully drank from the bottle with no struggle..and i realised its the problem of the frozen breastmilk and not the bottle..the very first few attempts i gave frozen ebm and she struggled and cried like im feeding her poison..the next time i gave was freshly expressed bm and she drank from the bottle like the bottle is her best friend...then i wanted to see why she can change so quickly so i gave frozen ebm ..again, she struggled and cried like im feeding her poison..keke...so now i can only give her fresh bm ...may i check how long can i store ebm in the refrigerator without freezing?
BBPower: I also no choice, cos MIL working in the morning till around 2pm. so getting a maid is out as no one to jar-gar the maid.

MIL prefers to have the bb with her instead of infantcare, so she will go and fetch bb at around 2pm. I am ok with anything, but since she has volunteered to take care of bb in the afternoon, i am more than happy to have this arrangement.
If she is tired or want to go out, she has a choice as she can still leave bb in infantcare.

the infantcare must be thinking, taking care of this bb super sin-lang. come only alternate days and when come also half day only.
I did let my parents know what I'm unhappy about. My thoughts are very simple. My son, you want to bring out, just inform me and ensure you have the safety precautions done up. If not, then dont bring out.
My parents actually say, so what if i ask you and you said no. I will still bring out. WHAT THE F?
Where's the respect for me? Ma de.. the more i think of it the more pissed off i am.

Anyway, i took urgent leave today and brought muy baby home last night. I have been staying at my mom for 2 weeks cos mty house was doing some renovation works. So its all done up since Tues. But we thought just contiue to stay until Monday. Hai! Fine lor.. u old folks wanna be so stubborn, we go home.
So today im on leave at home with my darling. haha!

Side track, who's still breastfeeding? I'm only pumping so i have some things to sell off.

1) Mustela Nursing Comfort Balm (Brand new) I also have a half used one if you interested. hahaha.. Original $19.20 from Takashimaya. I'm selling it off at $14. I like to apply this immediately after i breastfeed. Moisturizing feeling. Very shiok.
2) Avent Nipple Protector (2x standard)
Original $15.30. I'm letting go at $11.
I used this cos my nipple too short. My bb only drinks direct when i use this.
PM me if interested k?
cool down. just think more positively. u are lucky ur parents are healthy and able to take care of Justin for u. Many times, like wat i say, have to close 1 eye/ear to "preserve the unity in the house".
Wa seh.. i went to post this sale in another thread.. i think march mtb. Then they said someone's account got suspended cos shge sell things like that .Wa .. scare me.. i faster deleted the message.
This is our own thread. Should be ok la hor???
catmomo: The thing is, I have been very accommodating to what my mom do ok.. not that im so picky until cannot make it. Now i'm only asking for the respect that I'm his mom. Not wrong what.. I sometimes close ALL EYES AND EARS.
Really.. the more i say, the more pissed off i am.
yes, ours shd be fine... a lot of times, it's becos someone complained... i ever got complained before too, but gd thing e moderator din suspend my a/c... tat mummy nothing better to do, go submit my name to e moderator say i spammed them... so after tat, i dun post wts on threads anymore...
haiz... 家家有本难念的经...

Anyway wkend is here, cheerup.
Heard there's a toy sale at taka. can go take a look if interested.
haha... your response remind me of an incident, which my hb was v mad at me. :p

i showed him the spicegal new way of burping bb and he is against using it. then i v naughty, purposely giak him, i also told him the same thing. you not at home i do this to bb, you also dont know mah. he was so mad that he decided not to talk to me...
Hmm I can just "suck thumb" and put Baby there again lor. Otherwise, i just take leave again. Im thinking of extending my maternity leave now becos of this. Well of cos its not the long term solution but its definitely a good way to tell my parents. You guys are not indispensable. Cos my mom made this statement " i can take care better than you as the mother ok" What the hell?? Ok lor.. come on la.. today i one person also no problem. Without maid too ok!
but i very lao gan la.. I ask my grandma to come over. hahaha
Cos 2 weeks ago, my grandma also quarreled with my mom. So she has stoppe visiting though she super gian to see Justin. So best time, i ask her to come over and the maid follows. hahahahha

Grace: Cannot say this kind of things. Will hurt the trust and feelings one. Cos the other person will keep thinking " did she really do that? Will she do that?" u know?
catmomo: what toy sale? I supposed to go Taka today. Basket.. spoil my plans. Du lan.
I havent pick up the jumperoo from saro yet. Sigh no time and now this kind of stupid problem. HATE IT!
Now i only flash 3 cards...A,B,C..going to increase more.
The card shows a picture of a red apple with letter A.
oh and also shapes.

i think the trick is to do the flashing really fast such that u don bore the baby since their attention span very short. not sure whether it matters what we flash.
I attended shicida classes with my niece before..but it's toddler lah..they flash different type of cards...very fast. so i think the trick is the speed. not so much of what was flashed....??
actually i show my maid how to do it and she flashes to baby . my maid can speak quite alright english.
re: frozen BM
my baby rejected the frozen BM from the milkbag but not the glass bottle.
I tasted both. milkbag ones sucks...as smelly (plasticky) as his FM...but he choose his FM, rejected BM.
Glass bottle ones taste like fresh produce..nice and sweet.
I wasted at least 500ml cos he reject lay. was on the edge of doing a BM shower..then my boss told me she mixed FM and BM. So after that i mixed the milkbag frozen BM with FM.

i stored using milkbags..really taste yucky..but i also tried giving her ebm frozen in avent milk bottle..she also rejected..maybe i will try glass bottle..where to get glass bottle??
hand me downs from sister....she got it from her hospital stay during her last preggy.
i think heniz bottle also can use cos it can fit the caps.
hi sandy,

me using the avent storage btl and have tried to froze them then give to Bryston for consumption.So far he is ok with it just tat he don't drink cool/cold ebm which was actually mention that bb can drink that...haha prob he is used to having warm/rm temp milk... bleh...

So if you pump out how much do you give Naomi to drink?? How much are you pumping out per pump??

Oh aft hearing that sashimi can eat i chiong to eat lo hahah...
serious..i didnt know there is different in taste for frozen milk stored in bottle &amp; milk bag. But glass bottle fr hospital can only store about 90ml.

Hi mummies,
today a very silly thing happened to me. I had a high fever of 38.2deg so this morning requested my MIL to come over and bring my bb to her hse instead. scared of passing her the virus. When MIL arrived, bb was starting to get drousy and slp not long after that. I was feeling gee abt that strangely, when I shld be sending her off asap. But I just cant bear to be separated from her! Finally MIL said she has to go before the day got too hot. At the gate, I waved bye-bye to bb who was awake again with a blur blur look. She raise her hands like saying "bye bye mummy" and gave me an enquiring look "why u are not coming with me?".
Wah kao, that really opened the flood gates. I cried into my pillow for nearly 1.5hrs after that. On the other hand, I know that it is for bb's sake that she stays away from me and that MIL will look after her. So faster went to see doc and archipunture and fever went down liao. in the evening time I faster ran to MIL hse to hug and play with bb with a big smile. silly me.

sterlise of pump in office:
I'm thinking of soaking my pumps etc in hot water for 5min after pump when I go back to work on monday. I'll just boil the water while washing the bottles then I can pour into the metal basin that I'd bought to sterlise.
I also duno where I can keep my pumps too. my table got no space! haiz. thinking will need to borrow some table space from my boss who is sitting in the same ajointing corner. at the most I treat him coffee every morning only lor! haahaa!

try buy those NUK glass bottles? But is ex lah, as compared to storage bottles. I had both glass and avent bottles. found it hard to sustain spending on glass bottles. hahahaha. I really din know there is a taste diff for glass bottle. tmw I must go and observe. my bb also dislike frozen BM.

for bb tummy massage, there is this I-Love-U techniquite for constipation.

If looking down at bb,
1) gentle 'draw' an 'I' by putting ur finger from top of tummy and stroke all the way downward to bottom of tummy near the tights.
2) 'Love' can be drawn by an opposite 'L' shape. Putting ur finger on our left side of bb's tummy, gentle stroke horizontally over to our right. Before doing an 'I' by stoking downwards.
3) 'U' is as stated. Starting from our left bottom of bb's tummy, stroke upwards from bottom left to the top left, before proceeding with 'Love' and 'I'.

me also sick last nite suddenly while latching my bb on. within 1hr my temperature had climbed up to 38.2deg cel liao. today went archipunture. ganna soured by the doc for hiring a fake CL as the way he put it was "if u had a proper confinement, u wont be bothered by any virus now. u shld be as strong as a cow!". Then he jokingly ask me try for 2nd bb asap to tune back body and this time, pls hire a proper confinement lady. how do I know my mil's friend is a fake CL mah! sigh.
Anyway I had to discard all my BM. estimated that I poured 4litres of BM at least today. sob!!

ei ur story very familiar leh! did u post on forum before? I was laughing at how bb was so excited to come out for CNY by mummy who was playing blackjack! hahahaha!
ur bb is really power leh! 180ml!! gosh!! that's much more than my bb's 110ml per 4hrly! good leh! sure chubby chubby one

haiz. sometimes parents are really funny ppl. they tot that since they are our parents, we have to follow whatever they have decided, even on our own bb's matters.
But then again, I just bought bb out yesterday in a car without belting up. I also tot "just short trip only mah. go out to see see also good." Now I really regretted. What if an accident happened? I'll be "nei jiu"(guilty) for life! Sometimes I just din think of the consequence too. haiz.
oh ya ah! I forgot that need to bring a bottle brush to office too! Wait go there no need to wash liao! hahahaa! Thanks for reminding!!

my bb also has to adapt to diff style of caring from my mil, my parents, my SILs, BILs, sister, aunts etc like during family gathering or dinner time. One old aunt especially never failed to remind me how pathetic my BM amt is and how skinny my bb is and I shld just take the tablet to stop BM supply. Of course lah, everyone thinks that their view is the correct one. Sometimes I get very fustrated with them that I just butt out, "And I'm the bb's mum. I get to decide the manner this bb is to be cared and discipline by caretaker." I dun think I have ur patience though! U are my idol too!

And ya, I'll feel "buay song"(not happy) too.

haiz. we cant be there 24*7 of our bb's life becos of work, commitments etc. But I believed that we are doing what we can for the best of our child. Hard to balance between the need to earn cash for living and to be a mummy at the same time. on monday I'm due at office already. today i went robinson and gave in to my guilt for not being able to spend more time with bb by buying toys for her. so sad.

I'll carry the bb AWAY from the elders to signal them that I WANT TO SPEND TIME WITH BB! U CAN HAVE BB FOR THE REST OF THE DAY! GET AWAY! WHAT'S WRONG WTIH YOU PEOPLE!! haaahaha! of course lah, this may lead to quarrel.
