(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi Lonerunner,

Yesterday Bryston push him self with the butt raising sky high and fm one end to another end till no space...argh...end up i put him slp with us...wa buey tahan...new acquired skill si bei hao lian keep showing off haha...

Today my mum and mum in law watch him today they two laugh till stomach pain cos nvr see him like that before and he really push himself real fast lo super skilful...my mum say he knw how to flip fm tummy to back again le...but i yet to c tat argh...

Hi Mummies
Any good $10 part time cleaner to recommend? Sengkang Area?

So good. Got private rm to pump. I wanna pump only once at work but it means the timing will be too stretched. Guess I will try w 2 pumping session first.

Nursing RM
Today I call my bank's HR and ask whether is there any nursing room in my building and they gimme the "huh" reply. I guess she is not sure what is a nursing room and i have to explain to her. Anyways, the answer is no, so I have to source for my corner. I tot of the meeting rm. Will check it out next fri. I am going back to work next fri. Haiz. Mixed feeling.

U did it! Survived first day at work. Got cry? keke.

How long are u all going to breastfeed ah? I tot of giving up after 6 months. Need my own life. geez. Selfish? haiz.

Aiyo, that day i ate 3 pills twice and I LS. jialat. So not eating liao. keke
but cant access right...uob plaza...tink i will go to the meeting rms..or those private rms where RM meets customer...so mafan...spore realli not breastfeeding friendly...

Oh ya, At Japan, almost all the female toilets has cubicles where we can let bb sit upright on a combi chair thingy while we do our business. so good.

And major shopping malls, airports have alot prams to lend while shopping
you work UOB plaza ah?
i used to work there too.
maybe we can arrange a Raffles Place lunch soon.
i wondered if any mummy's keen?
SY , i hav a part time cleaner. she ment any area she also go but need arrangements. a china lady. i used her once i find her nt bad
hi all,

How long do u all take to pump? I take abt 25 to 30min. But scared if start work, breasts get too engorged cos of longer pumping schedule and then may take longer.. pai sei lor.. sigh..

i was thinking of BF 6mths, but think if start work, MS will sure dip, dunno can last for that long or not... now i'm pumping 3hrly but will have to do maybe 6hrly when start work.

Btw, for those of u who bring fridge to go to work, how do u keep it cool for so long? By the end of day, it wont be tat cool rite and how to transport EBM home then?!
Hi olively,

I'm taking 6 mths off work not because my company is so cool about it. Rather they are understanding about my circumstances.

Besides the bottle feeding issue, my baby boy actually went through alot since he was borned. My confinement nanny fed him with my Mamil Mama when he was only 5 days old. After that, his tummy had alot of problems. He cried alot and developed umbilical hernia. Followed on was very bad colic and reflux.

I've been taking care of him alone all these while and baby is still quite unsettled. Therefore can't go back to work any sooner.
Hi Ginn,

my pigeon fridge to go can last the coolnest for abt 12hrs.So still alright for me,as long as the breast milk is kept cool/cold shld be ok...haha i breast pump also put in the bag end up cold cold pump on the breast.... plus pump in cold cold rm...faint...

When you buy fridge to go you have to check how long it can last the cold becos sme old last 4-6hrs..u have to read in details...

Hi iceblue,

ya me quitting soon working till the end of this month..

Hi Sandy,

yesh yesh sahm soon :p
counting down 19days exclude wkends haha
Hi Lolaz,
What!! ur confinement lady so blur??
then what happen to baby? did u find out soon or what?
poor baby...how old is baby now?

actually i feel ur hubby very "teng" you lay..
so sweet to message ur parents and tell them off somemore....hahah..think this round, u win liao...am sure ur parents will get ur message.

woah SAHM .....envious.
if i SAHM (dreaming.....), i hope to breast feed up to at least 6 months.
Hi mummies,

Im from Jan thread. Just wondering if any mummies here is interested to get ice-cube tray with lids (from JAPAN) for freezing cooked baby food.

For me, I find it easier to use the ice-cube tray with lid (It's definitely much more hygienic with a lid!), as compared to baby cubes. Because when baby start weaning, they dont eat alot, only small amounts, and the ice-cube size is just right I find. U can freeze small amount in the baby cubes too but I read a few books that recommend ice-cube tray to baby cubes cause it's not that good leaving a lot of air space in the cube which will encourage bacteria growth. Also i find it much easier to just twist and pop out the amount of frozen cubes that I need to prepare for my baby's feed and just keep back the rest in the freezer.

Im nothing against baby cubes. I actually bought 1 set myself but will only use it when my baby's appetite is huge enough, which I think is about 1yr old.

The reason i would like to share with mummies here is becoz I want get this very good quality ice-cube tray with lid, which is made in Japan. It's material is safe and good such that you can sterilise it, which I think some mummies will like it. It cost just $6.50 per tray but I need to gather enough orders to attain 100pcs for this price. My cousin will help bring in to S'pore direct from Japan so that I can avoid the shipping charges etc. hehe.

Im not selling anything here, hope you dont get me wrong. Just looking for mummies who would like to share order with me.

So If any mummies here would like to share this order with me, please PM me soon cause my cousin is flying in next week.

Many thanks for reading my post
Any idea if we can do mani & pedi when we are BF?

Mummies who coloured/rebond your hair during BF, did u throw your expressed milk away?
bb down with cough. whole nite so uncomfortable and slpt quite late. think this thursday no need to go for 2nd jab liao.

At work, me is on same pump schedule as u. I'm trying to squeeze in just one more session at 6pm just before heading mil's hse or after reaching there. I see how I go today first.
Haiz yesterday I also cleared whoever the person was sitting at my desk for 4mths. there was a layer of DUST!!
Good that u can stay at home. I'm planning to work a few more mths before deciding if I wan to be a SAHM. Financial is one of the consideration factor.
Wah kao, ur bb wan to practice his newly acquired skills! my bb now lazy liao. wan ppl to carry her everywhere. dun wan to turn anymore so we put her tummy down on the bed.

enjoy ur last week at home!
Yeah I did it! I survived my 1st day at work! I nearly cried but my collegues kept entertaining me with jokes, gossips and catch ups. then I had to catch up on work wise, check emails etc. so din have much time to think abt bb. But once I got to mil hse, hahahaa, I stuck to my bb like sticky glue end up no one can take bb away from me!

yeah yeah me not teaching bb that trick liao. no worries! heehehee.

usually I pump until my breasts are soft or empty. compressing techniques also helped in emptying faster. I usually took 20min to empty both breasts, but if got time, I'll pump longer to promote more BM production.
I'm still trying to stick to 3hr pumping schedule but I foresee that once my workload gets started, I'll need to settle for 6hr interval. lets see how things go. I plan to BF as long as I can maybe 1yr.

u got a very inexperience and unprofessional CL. U poor thing! Luckily it's over!
my CL wanted to do something similar ... but with our normal milk and honey. My bb also had lotta wind problem initially, kept crying and crying. Then also reflux. they will go away as bb grows up. it takes time. there are times I survived on 2hr slp per day becos I'm BF and total latch on. tough times to be the sole caretaker.

ok to do mani and pedi.
light coloring/highlight ok to continue BF bb. but to play safe, better not lah. still chemicals wat

Hang on, you'll survive today. Busy yourself with things and before u know it, it's time to leave for home!

I'm a silent reader here and I've read your experience with your parents. I think you made a really huge and unnecessary fuss out of this small issue especially they are your parents. I mean, do put yourself in their shoes. Next time when your baby grow up and have baby and your child put his baby into your care. And your child made a huge woo-ha over such a small matter, how will you feel as his mother?

My parents used to bring my baby out without asking my permission and I'm fine with it. Cos I trusted them and that is why I put my baby under their care. If I can't trust even my own parents, who can I trust unless I'm willing to give up my career to take care of my baby full-time. If you are worried about your baby going out without your presence, then put your baby in infant care.

Actually why are you so woke up over this? Cos you worried your baby will get into accident? Or just because they didn't ask you for permission? Imagine parents asking a child for permission to do this or that? They also took care of you when you were a baby and they did it so well as you grew up fine, right?

So if they ask you for permission to go out with baby, will you agree?

Accidents can happen anytime. So if happen that your baby hurt himself (touch-wood) under your parents' care, are you going to "fire" them?

So please stop being over-protective, if not, you will have thousands of worries coming your way and you won't be enjoying your motherhood.
I think we should trial run with the pumping interval before going back to work. I shall start tomorrow. I have been pumping every 6 hrs for a long time. Should be okie but my EBM vol is much lesser than urs. Keke. I take about 25-30 mins too leh. Jialat. I was thinking of asking my colleague to da bao food for me for the next 2 months. So pump eat in half an hr and pump half an hr. But 2nd pumping bo pian, just have to “eat snake”
I am not using fridge to go. But put a lot ice packs in my coleman bag. So I can freeze the ice packs in office freezer.

so we can put the milk in the chiller in office, then end of day put in the bag with ice packs and bring home put in freezer right. So can still freeze for 2-3 months before milk spoil? Not sure cos I have always been putting EM directly into freezer.

Huh, milk supply will really drop so drastic when we go back work ah. Oh no, still ya ya tot can happily pump for another 2 months. I shall pray hard.

U wanna BF for 1 year. U are good.  I dunno how to use compression technique. Always just put the dual pumps on my breast while watching tv. Haha

Contact her Debbie Chua ([email protected]) for sean lau photography. We are still pending for 20 mummies and waiting to see whether the Motherhood promo is better. We have 16 mummies only 4 more to go. Very good chance to hit 20 to enjoy better promo!
welcome aboard!

actually I disagree with some of your points. The way how the approach to this issue may not necessary be the most ideal way out, but I think Peachmomo has a valid point to raise, and that is the safety of the bb. Going into car rides without a proper babyseat is not a very good practice. Naturally as a mum, we are concern abt it. This concern shld be discussed by all parties and come to a common agreement.

Secondly, I think it is good to respect the wishes of baby's parents by informing them of the decision made by caretakers of bb. Then the mum can expect that her bb is not at parent's hse but somewhere else.

Lastly we need to know that everyone has their own style of handling bb. We need to compromise and come to a comfortable stand on matters where viewpoint differs. Until the thing has been resolve, there will be fustrations and disagreements. I'm sure peachmomo will eventually find a way out of this current situation. Just give her time to vent her fustrations in the time being.
Lili, i bought the 10-12hrs fridge to go, but usually after ard 7hrs, it wont be that cool leh.

Lonerunner, i use compression mthd everytime but still need abt 30min to empty. Am using single manual..

SY, ya will trial run first. Not sure how long MS will last, think as long as we pump, will still have rite?

i've just tested frozen EBM for my gal, i've used First few yrs bag, seems ok, she drank as per normal...

Btw, what's the fastest way to defrost frozen EBM? Do we take out 1hr before and let it defrost in room temperature??
30min for single manual pump quite fast liao lor. I took much longer than that if I use manual pump.
Can defrost EBM in room temp ah? aiya, then easier for me liao! I used to put entire bottle into the warmer when warming milk for bb! thanks!
haha lonerunner, i'm still trying to figure out which way fastest to defrost the BM in milkbag. if not i'm thinking just soak the bag in tap water, this will be even faster.. then i can transfer milk to bottle... hmmm
hmmm ... interesting note abt singapore's Guidelines to storage of BM.


Taking into account Singapore's tropical climate, the following are BMSG(S)'s guidelines on the Storage of Expressed Breastmilk.

These guidelines are very much more conservative than those recommended by several international studies. Working mothers who need to express and store breastmilk should evaluate their own storage facilities based on all available information.

MILK AT ROOM TEMPERATURE (17-32 Deg C) - to be Refridgerated as soon as possible

REFRIGERATED MILK - Up to 48 hours
(study by Pardou 1994, found that mature milk can be kept for 8 days at 0 to 4 deg C. A check with Local Fridge Companies in Singapore revealed that the Temprature of the Refridgerator Section of a 2-Door Fridge varies between 3 to 6 degrees C.).

FROZEN MILK in Separate Door Compartment
- Up to 2 Months
(The Breastfeeding Answer Book by LLLI, says that breastmilk in a self-contained freezer unit of a refrigerator can be kept for 3 to 4 months. And in a separate deep freezer at -19 degrees C for 6 months or longer.)
Actually for me it's bopian gotta use compression mthd if not sure get bad engorgement cos dunno why mine cant empty well if i dont compress... My fingers are aching and stiff from all these compression.. Sometimes got problem cracking knuckles...

So means can freeze for 3mths ya...
fastest way to thaw milk:

my gynae taught me to run the bag/bottle of milk under running tap water..very fast...after that i just place the bottle into warm or hot water to warm it up..actually its not advisable to warm up EBM using warmer cos the heat can destroy nutrients..
hmmm put under running water? ei I think u posted this method before rite? aiya, I forgot abt it. will do that the next time round if I forget to take the frozen EBM out the nite before.
btw is it that the temp of watr in warmer is much higher than warm/hot water thats why the heat can destroy nutrients?

ya...electric warmer tends to be warmer than warm/hot water...i run under tap water then put in aluminium pot of hot water...can already feel that the bottle is quite hot

are we able to mix defrost EBM with those EBM in fridge and then warm it together? Cos some of my frozen EBM milk bag not enuf for one feed, need to add in more.
Hi Ginn,

As long as you thaw the frozen milk in the fridge and add it to the ebm which is already in the fridge,it is fine.No prob de..
Sandy the pics are nice! Like Anne Geddes.

SY, I know a part-time cleaner who is really good, living at Yishun. She charges $10/ hr, min 4 hrs, PM me for the number. For the Japan baby seats in toilet, I thought it was a cool idea but... I worry that it's dirty still.

Peachmomo, cool you got the Beco too. You went to her place to view? And wow Burberry. I saw some Baby Dior, Cacharel etc at the Club 21 sale but still felt it's expensive. The CPW (cost per wear) didn't justify it haha. But I guess I know how you feel about the parents. Mine kept telling me that I am mean to wake my baby up but if I don't, she naps too long and gets very grumpy at night. Sigh!
