(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi Pumpkin seed,
I am interested in Friday's talk as bb still can't sleep thru. Hv pm you. BTW, how can I contact Ashley whom you mentioned earlier on trying on BECO ? Am keen on it though I hv pupsik n MIM sling plus e jap sling liao. haha.

me no choice. my mum is holding a full time job so cant do my confinement. my MIL needs to take care of my niece at my sil's place. unless I go without a confinement lady but this means I'm without help liao. I also c-sec so hard to move abt. so no choice

c u there at the talk tmw! me n blueb both going!
Hi BBpower,

hehe he nvr cry for help instead he lie flat on his tummy pressing on his hand and then suckle on his right hand thumb haha...buey tahan...
i heard we can start at 3-4mths. I realised my bb can "concentrate" when i talk to him. So i guess they are developing all their senses and skills liao.
Yes, where to buy? I saw some, but i hate the ugly pictures. My colleague say i can try Popular.

I also on c-sect. Emergency c-sect coz my cervice only dilated 1 cm after almost 15-16 hrs of labour *faintz*. I went without epi and was on drip during the wait....finally cannot wait anymore and gynae says muz go for c-sect liao. My hormones went hysterical after that...coz I was not mentally prepared for a c-sect and I started crying....all the way from pushing me into the OT till baby is out. I had post natal blues thereafter due to confinement and BF. So glad that the horrible period was over!!! How was your wound? Mine had healed very well :) Going for papsmear this Sat.
Catmomo....actually I bot 1 box from Popular. Only flashed alphabets for abt 2 weeks a few weeks ago. Then I became lazy and I had not been doing it for a while. Now feeling abit guilty coz dun hv much time with him alone now coz sending him to InfantCare next week liao :-(
wa.. i induced for 2 days then give birth. lucky got dilate. also damn worried must push in for E-C sect. survived on epi.

Ya, after work go home bathe, eat, talk to bb awhile he wanan sleep liao. Dun really have much learning time with him. My mum dunno english too. Anyway, just do whatever i can for him bah.
BBpower, I bought Novum flashcards from popular, they are reasonably priced and had colourful pictures with chinese and english words on the back of each card.
Hi Mummies

Aiyoh, I've been sooooo super busy cos oldest had some school concert yesterday so the past week was busy busy busy. Thank go over now.

Wah! Very good deal! $205 only without leg warmers. or get with leg warmers and sell me. I need boy colours tho...bringing the troop to Hong Kong Disneyland next week so dunno will be cold or warm.

For mummies who met me that wonderful afternoon in Vivo, i was using the Beco then. It's really good cos it keeps me very mobile. Only down side i think is many many straps to fasten so if you dun have a bed or flat surface to load baby in will be a bit difficult, takes some getting used to.
Are u taking the fenugreek? How many are u taking? or can other mummies advise me? taking GNC. wanna increase supply to store milk before going back work in abt 2 weeks time. xianz. somemore supply dropped cos I think i pumped lesser vol when I was at holiday last week. tried taking 2 times a day per instructed on bottle but no effect wor.

No of time pump at work>
How many times do working mummy pump at work ah? I was thinking of pumping once at home at 7am before going work. 4pm at work. and 11pm at home. feasible? I have been trial run this pattern and supply seems low. Previously I pumped at 10am and supply seems higher wor.

How come no one mention bjorn? not good ah? So many carrier etc making me confuse. haiz. Also, if bb fell asleep while in the carrier, do we remove the carrier and carry them to sleep? hope not stupid qns..haha
hi mummies:
esp those on full FM, how much ur bb drinking now? My Caleb boy is turning 4mths next wk, still drinking 4oz sometimes 5oz every 3-4hrly. Has been stagnant for sometime already.
And recently, he will finish abt 2oz, and stop there, either dun want to drink, or keep biting the teat. I wnat to try to increase his intake, but he often cant even finish his feed. I heard some bbs at this age can drink up to 6-7oz already.
I wonder if this is "healthy" for my boy...
Hi Catmomo
My bb is drinking about 4 oz now. 3mth 1 weeks. And the drinking interval is getting longer too. Weird. But her weight is ave so I am okie with it.

Just went check up. Her weight is about 6.3kg and length 63cm.
u seem to have had quite an experience with the CL . when are u getting back to work. Am planning in another 3 - 4 weeks and am already feeling upset about it. My MIL is coming from India to take care of the kid ...and my BIL also is comikng here...so will have people

Pumping milk
Mine gets engorged only every 6 hours so i pump only every 6 hours ...so that will mean twice during office hours !! ..anything wrong is what i have planned ??

Nursing rooms are sometimes friendly sometimes not ....so i try to feed and change in the car itself...i also feel secure enough to have my husband do the cover for me !
How was your experience at singapore with the baby

have your babies started turning around ? Mine still has not !! ..

Well am really really uspet and deepressed about getting back to work ..which is about 3 weeks away .... am wondering my it has set in early like this ..i cannot bear to leave my kid and stay away ....dont know how am going to handle ...am wondergin whether my bb will recognize me after i go to work ...will he ever come to me ..coz most of the times someone else will be taking care...will he love me ..am like going mad with these questions ...my hubby says ...he will not forget u at all...he is also going to office but my son always smiles when he sees his daddy..so i will be ok ...is what my hubby says ...but am a mother and am bound to worry about all theses things ....really going mad ....
BBpower, great recommendation...ive also ordered some books, awaiting for confirmation.

Catmomo, Caleb is exactly like my boy, Aidan. Drinking 120ml every 3-4hrly and sometimes drink 90ml then start to make a fuss. Canot force him or else he will scream loud. Mrs Lim has advised to to increase his milk feed to 150ml during the nite feed, but he can only manage about 120ml! Even with latch on, he is satisfied with 1 breast and reject the other.

Very worrying cos he is so small size!!!
baby last poo poo was 10days ago. until today, he has been drinking well, and in very good mood. Today - regurgitated 2 feeds and having slight temp... how how? is poo pattern normal?
im taking fenugreek ..3 tablets, twice daily.. can see the results in week time.. flow came back aft i took 1 week. Now im reducing to 3 tablets once a day.. You can oso get some pills frm your gynae to boost up supply. I oso bought frm my gyane pills to increase milk supply which cost 30cents each.
aidan's mummy:
ya lor. sometimes he bite until he shiok liao, still can finish the whole feed, but take patience to really wait for him lor. esp at nite... wow... test my patience..so tired man.
My Caleb is rather good size. Most pple say he looks bigger than his age. My concern is if he's getting enough nutrients of what he shld, since milk is his only source now.

tat time my Caleb 5 days i bring to PD to "induce" his poo poo liao... 10 days is abit too long bah...
For GNC Fenugreek, can take 3 capsules per time, 3 times a day.. This was advised by the GNC salesperson..

I normally pump 1 or 2 times in office depending on how busy am i..I will pump at 8am before going to work, den during working time will be at abt 12pm and 4 or 5pm.. If can only pump once den i will pump at around 2pm.. I've been on this pumping routine since i went back to work in April..

Ur trial run interval seems quite long apart leh.. I think difficult to maintain supply in this way..
i havent start the fenugreek =P cos my milk flow seems to have more now.. so didnt eat it yet.

mine not flipping yet too. dont worry lah.

my son longest is 9 days never poo. came out the shit still very soft.. if u are on TBF, then shouldnt have any worries. but if u are on TFM, then u should bring baby to see a PD.

i am trying to get more fibre into my diet, see if baby poos more regularly. cos today 6th day again, he never poo. =(
wah kao! ur bb was really too comfy inside die die dun wan to come out. my labour was 12hrs long, only 7cm dilated after induce. the painwaves came at 2min interval. I couldnt stand the pain after 5hrs n had to beg for epi. epi's side effects were really horrible!!! Me also same happenings as u. I also cried after knowing must c-sec but for bb's sake no choice. the worst thing was tat I STILL felt pain, worst was after the knife went in! my body was immured to the morphin tat the doc gave. tat was a very bad nitemare.

My csec wound healed very well. no pain too

I also bought the book from the BP. ordered together with babyox

each bb grow n eats at diff rate. dun worry too much abt tat as long as bb poos n got wet diapers

I'm due back to work next week n if I'm lucky, I will get to pump once n tat shld be during lunch hour only. I will try to pump at lunch n late afn if I can. lets see how things go.
my bb flipped 2 sundays ago but now she is not so interested in flipping over. now she wans ppl to hold her so that she can stand on her legs or tries to make crawling movements. cant stand her inpatience at times. lazy bb. :p my arms are really tired from holding her weight up and bouncing her all over the floor or on my tummy. Now my dad's taking over as he is visiting today. haahhaa!

I will choose to bring bb to PD soon. too much poo build up is not very good as poo is poison to body. waste mah. my cousin's bb once din poo for 12 days n only did so after see PD. some pd says not all babies poo regularly n poo schedule may hiccup at times but it is ok.
mummies whose bb din poo:
try feet massage. simply press lightly on the soles of bb's feet and on the toes. Slowly press on a spot for a few seconds before moving to the next one until u have covered the entire sole. Repeat as often as you like. then bb will poo liao. No need to take medicine. FOC.
exersaucer is something like jumperoo, juz tat it's not "jumpable"...

i started flashcards quite a while back... my husband was e 1 who got them... think he bought a5-sized self-printed 1s from someone in forum...

at e height of my quest for milk, i took 9 capsules of gnc fenugreek a day... 3 @ each meal!
Kwoli, princessdella

Thanks for your advice. Just took 3 pills 1 hr before my next pump.

So how many times do u pump a day? I used to pump 3 times a day (10am, 4pm and 11pm) and milk is just sufficient for her. But now supply dropped liao. Got to eat fenugreek. Actually I expected supply to drop after my week of holiday so bought fenugreek in advance.
heard can massage bb tummy too? want to try but he's very drowsy today... keep sleeping. so i let him rest, think thats more impt

last time, he went without poo for 8days...this time, 10days and no poo. slight temp..tats why panicky.. will see pd tonite
yup, he's on tbm... actually was "cool" abt it that he never poo... but today he's very cranky...and having slight temp. so i think to be on safe side, i'd bring him pd
these few days weather is so humid. so i slept in the living room. end up sick liao. 38 degree. taken panadol and got to see doc later.

bb also coughing, just saw PD this morning.
6.9kg 61cm at 3 months 2 weeks.
pump in office:
back to work in 2 weeks too... mommies who retuned to work.. how do you transport ur pumping equip huh? believe u will sterlise before leaving home, then what do you use to contain? and in office, what do u do after each pump? i.e. for cleaning the things
so far, i need to pump twice in office, so i use sterilizing tablet. after the first pump, wash the equipment and sterilize. now quite wasteful as i am working alternate days, so after 1 use, i normally throw away the solution. bo bian leh.
grace chua:
err... how does the sterlizing tablet work huh? how do you use it?

so nice that u can work alternate days...special arrangement so that you can spend time with baby?
DK mama:
In my pump bag, i have my pump, a locklock box that contains my bottles and the suction stuff (presterilised from home), tissue and wet tissue and also my jacket/shawl.
I use the sterilising tablets from Pigeon.
After my pump, i will wash the stuff and put the tablet everything inside the lock lock box.
When my 2nd pump, i will pour away the water and use my stuff immediately. Same thing, wash and put the tablet again. then bring home. Cos i pump 2 times at work.

I also have the MEdela microsteam bag which i have yet to try. but alot of ppl say its good. its basically you put your stuff inside with water, then 3mins in microwave it. Immediately can use liao.
Everyone... im so upset with my parents.
Today I called home as usual to ask about Justin. My mom excitedly told me that she and my dad brought him out to my aunt's house and he was sucha good boy. i was more focused on "YOU BROUGHT HIM OUT??? WITHOUT INFORMING ME??? IN THE CAR WITHOUT CAR SEAT???" my mom was like.. Ai ya never mind la. We go awhile and come back liao. But i was still focused on those 3 questions. So i say how cna you bring him out without my permission? She still have the audacity to say "why cannot> Why must tell u? You very picky one leh" Then she slam phone on me. WHAT THE F???? THIS IS MY SON LEH!!!!
then i called my dad and he said the same. Ai ya dont worry we are very careful. and he said why tell u? You coming home during lunch ah? HELLO?? THats not the point lor! Why dont they both get it? its more like.. WHY DIDNT YOU GET MY PERMISSION???? I said, his dad (as in my hubby) will be upset ok! My dad dare to say "ai ya dont tell him then ok lor??" WHAT???

Tonight i will "tan pai" with them liao. ARGH IM SUPER ANGRY!! To think that my own parents do such thing. If its my par-inlaw, i would have HIT THE ROOF BIG TIME. then now.. my own parents... how to face my hubby?
sounds cool! and wat type of lock lock box u use huh? care to share where u get it? i.e. u bring 4 bottles to office daily? and store ebm in fridge to go?

so clueless how to pump in office.. and i'm quite "jie pi" (need for cleanliness) so need to prepare mentally now...

thanks for sharing
so u are the mummy who felt pain during c-sect. I rem I read abt it sometime bk!! I really can't imagine that!!!
My bb played hide n seek with me. He came out 1 week earlier than EDD. I was playing black jack n in-between at my fren's place on Sat. Bb muz b too excited w all the shouting n screaming n decided to rush out for CNY to take extra ang bao!!! My waterbag broke at 10.30pm when I was still at my fren's place and he only came out at 4pm+ the next day afternoon.

Thou my bb never kenna b4 but I tot 10 days abit too long....it will b good tt u see PD asap,

Re: Feeding
My bb's feeding interval also became longer now. Used to be ard every 3 hrs. Now can be ard 4 hrs. He has reduced fr 6 feeds a da to 5 feeds now. I latch him dur day n only bottle feed once a day for his nite feed. His amt of feed also varies. At 15wks+ now, he can finish b/w 180-240 ml of EBM n most times, he will "demand" to latch on after finishing his bottle. Last nite, he finish 200ml of FM n emptied 1 breast. Then wake up another 0.5hr later to latch on again.....my hubby n I tot muz be his growth spurt.
wow.. ur bb's feeding min 180ml per feed now? sounds alot?! vs mine of 110ml? am i underfeeding? at 3mths, he was 6kg... pd says slightly above ave... can slow down.. but if i compare to weight of babies here.. he's small
can understand ur frustrations. good that ur parents can help to look after. as compared to ostering out. perhaps just establish some mutual expectations. have a gd chat w them tonite...
Erm.. Its the normal like "tupperware" box lor. You can get it everywhere. Robinsons, Isetan, Tangs all have a good range of sizes. Otherwise Giant, NTUC, Cold Storage all have. Usually i get from dept stores during the sale period cos 1box is quite ex like $18.90 etc.
Ya i bring 4 bottles, cos on good days, one pump i might need to use 2 bottles.
I also put a bottle of the baby bottle wash and those bottle brush in the office
DK: ya.. im trying to calm myself down now. Trying to strategise on how to talk to them. I just dont like the part that they think its their grandson and they can do whatever they like. No doubt, they definitely wont harm him. But i think its the respect that they need to give to me as the mother to the baby. Right? The problem with my parents is, they think they are right cos they are the elder. Sorry that doesnt work anymore.
I was so pissed just now. I called my brother (elder) to complain. His wife is expecting n they have yet to think of who to look after their kid. Sigh i think i definitely spoiled his plans of getting my mom (if he is actulaly thinking of that).
i'm taking fenugreek. 6 capsules a day (2 each meal) and also taking the Domperidone, 1 a day.
If anyone buying stuff from GNC< you should go within these 4 days to Taka's GNC. Cos got additional 10% discount for Taka or DBS card holders.
My bb hasn't poo poo for 6 days now...last time 3 days. Now 6 days..but she farts alot, so smelly!

I will try ur foot massage method. Hopefully she can poos soon.

you really ordered liao? Wah you very on leh.. I think I'm not going to buy. Wait my hubby scolds me! Or why not after u receive it and tell me how is it? hehe!

I used those ziplock bag to contain my pump etc. I sterilized my pump but cannot sterilize my ziplock bag. But so far so good lor. I only pump once in the office anyway cos i'm super lazy. hehe! So I pump alot each time about 180-200ml.

Dryper Diapers
I just went to buy one pckt of M size drypers diapers (84pcs) at my house downstairs Chinese Medicine Hall. Usual price is $16.80 and with $1 discount somemore, I only paid $15.80. Haha!
Yes, min 180ml for EBM :) But of coz, once in a while he will go on strike n just drink like 150 ml EBM. Went for his 2nd jab last week and at 14 weeks, he was 63.8cm and 7.8kg. PD says his weight is 90 percentile and height 75 percentile. Actually I still dunno how does the percentile work :p

I also HATE the tot of going bk to work. Also dunno if can pump on time :-( My fren din sterelise. She juz use hot water to rinse.
How big is ur lock container? Cos for the sterilizing tablet is 1 tablet to 2.3 l of water..alot water leh. Ur lock container can fill so much water ah.?

WOW, ur baby can drink 180-240ml of milk!!! So much. My bb can only drink 120ml. Maybe I should try increasing liao but my milk supply dipped..eeeks.

Is it okie not to use carseat but I carry bb and sit at the backseat? My Parent in law says that is okie leh

U take before or after meal? Some pple say take 1 hr before pumping…aiyo so many different method…

I also thinking of pumping only once a day at office. Dun wan let people accuse me of eating snake. I guess some people wont understand the need to pump milk. Haiz.

Poo poo
I think maximum 7 days of non poo poo leh. better see doc asap.
i noe exactly how u feel! even wif me in e car, my mum will carry my gal when she cries and i tell her not to! maybe i'm really too particular, but we dun wanna regret shd anything happen rite?

becos of tis, i noe i cannot trust my parents to take care of my gal e way i wan it... no doubt my mum can handle babies quite well, but think i trust myself better...
peachmomo &amp; sheepish:
yes, i also trust myself better than anyone with my bb. But I must understand that I also need to rely on family members to take care of him while i go to work/ run errands.
As a first time Mum, i guess we tend to be more protective &amp; have a higher expectation of what we want to do with our bbs.

I am actually having emotional struggles every now and then. I live with many elders - PIL and Grand PIL. And my Mum comes over in the day to help take care of my bb (cos i dun want to travel to her hse after work, too far and tiring &amp; it's a long story too..) And each of them have their own style and theory of taking care of babies. There's many different comments and views "floating" in the house. Sometimes i really feel very :S but I can only choose to 1 ear in and 1 ear out, in order to "preserve the unity" of the house, as requested by my hubby.
Sometimes I also like Peachmomo, become very "HOT" with certain ways and comments they want me to deal with the BB. But I have to REN..... I can be very rebellious at times, in the sense, u ask me to do this way, I dun like it, I dun do it. So i buay song inside, i keep quiet, but i show a black face.

But then again, all of them meant well. All on them dote on this first and only great grandson. All of them treat me very well too. That's y I also feel guilty. So I m going through a lot of this type of emotional struggles every other day.
And I also dun like pple to alwaz comment comment comment... i feel it's very naggy. Then again, I can only choose to 1 ear in and 1 ear out...

I told my Hubby, if no accident, our #2 will need to wait until our flat is ready... I really need some alot of "personal space".
How many minutes u pump to get 180-200ml? Do u pump every 3hours? I can only get 50-50ml...that is 100ml in 15mins every 5-6 hours.

Will be starting work in 2 weeks time... planning to pump only once a day at work...probably during lunchtime.
not sure about the theory on baby pooing late. cos heard from another thread, their record high is 2 weeks without poo. i think as long as baby still healthy n no pain or whatsoever, tbf baby pooing after 10 days should be okay ba.. mine just pooed , yucks.. stain his clothes!
well, i guess u'll really have to endure since staying wif so many elders... i understand tat they oso meant well, but i will say lor if their comments are made out of ignorance... gd thing i dun stay wif them, and my hubby is supportive of me... most impt of all, they shdn't forget tat we are e parents and we more than anything wan e best for our babies...
