(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

cos that is the good thing about beco, cos baby's buttock sit on the carrier not the "middle part" thing sitting on it. as for leg being wide open, i feel still okay. i always adjust his leg after putting him on. normally carrying him for around 15 min, he dozes off already just like in the stroller.

For mummies who have tried a couple of pouch slings and carriers, which do you prefer?

Which is better?

Carrier looks bulky and a hassle to me but it definitely seems more secure. My fren recommend Ergo. Anyone using Ergo now? Any comments? Or is Beco better?

I actually have a Pupsik pouch but had only used it once. Not very confident to use it. Keep worrying that baby will drop out :p
hello mummies,

me trying to train myself to wake up early haha cos gg back to work on 1st jun...ask my hubby to wake me up 5 plus this morning so i can pump milk in the end i slp till 7 plus haha...chiam who ask myself to slp only at 12 plus.... argh...

Oh ya yesterday went to vivo city with my hubby.Then met with some un-sensible ppl..you know when you bf at those nursery rm then you lock the door right.So ok i feed then u know smetime they drink quite long right then like have a few time ppl wanna open the door.Ok nvm then next a knock on the door so i ask my hubby to open the door and tell whoever it is outside that i'm breastfeeding.(he said that in English)

So when i am done with bf then open door there is one security auntie outside.It's like ma chiam gt ppl go info say have ppl inside for "so long" haven come out. Then i tell the auntie i was bfing so she tell me orh cos "they" (a woman with parent's in law i assume and prob 1yr old kid) say gt ppl inside too long dunno doing what.

Then she goes on to tell me that there is a nursey rm bigger than where i was (which is at Burger King there) Then she also explain to them(the above 3person + 1kid) that i was breastfeeding then the mother in law say in hokkien orh.. breastfeeding...i faint..

So i left already right then thought eh i want to go down using the lift.So i have to pass by the same nursery rm in order to reach the lift lobby.Guess what i saw the same three person inside (door not locked) then sit down and bottle feed the little girl. Then i was like what the....

There are so many nursery rm at Vivo..why would you have to wait for mine... If i had known earlier fm my hubby that it was the same ppl that he was informing i was bfing arh i would prob have tell them off...Cause my husband was telling me that when he inform the same ppl that what i was doing they have no reaction..
Auntie don't understand english i could understand but the woman arh i am pretty sure she understand the word breastfeeding right... sigh..

Maybe they don't believe my husband till they see me carrying a baby out...faint..
Hi Li Li,

I also buay tahan those pple who occupy BF room to bottle feed their kids. Some of them use the rooms so that their kids can lie down to drink lor.

I used the nusery besides Burger King last week. It was my 1st time but I dun like as I find it wet and dirty :-( Coz many parents used it to wash up their kids after they played in the courtyard outside....which is not supposed to rite??? Sighz :-(
* Must put a note on the door of the nursery room "pleeeeease be considerate.."

* the security aunty should have recommended the Burger King nursery room to the other woman waiting in queue. why should u be the one to prefer a bigger room? ur already inside feeding ur bb, even if they give u 100sq2 one, what is the point?

* can bottle feed everywhere, even sitting on a bench inside the mall. i would also prefer a nursing room first, but if it is occupied, who would take their time to go and complain to a security officer rather than look for an alternative place? :S
What is this hype about the beco carrier? It Has pretty designs? Is it really good?
I have the balboa sling which i really like. Then i bot another sling (cloth type but NOT the MIM) from US. Then now this hype about the beco is making me gian. I also have the maclaren techno carrier which we have yet to use it.

Anyway... so sian. i forgot to bring my pump to work today. packed EVERYTHING except the pump. Stupid right? Gotta run home later to pump. Sigh.. so far!! West coast to east coast.
haha looks like many of us buy many slings and carriers eh... I've got one carrier and a sling. Never used the carrier before cos too troublesome and complicated to wear and it's hot.

Btw does most carrier causes redness on bb's thigh when they sit on? Cos my sling does and i'll only use sling when my bb wears pants otherwise think it's painful for them rite...
Peachmomo, I am a Beco user and I like it so far. It does have pretty designs which is a big plus point for me haha. But more importantly, it seems to give good support to my baby and distributes her weight evenly on my shoulders and hips. I've gone out with her in it for 6 hours, taking her out for feeding only. She seems to behave well when cuddled close to my body. And for me, I can run around, do my errands in peace. Comes with 1 year warranty as well.

The difference with this carrier and others is the Y-insert. It's a part of the carrier that is between the baby and my body. Because of this, I can pass her to someone easily while in carrier, even while she is half asleep. It's just like passing a backpack around lol. Some people say it may make the wearer hot. My response to this is that in our warm weather, any carrier makes the wearer hot. Even carrying baby skin to skin is bound to make both mummy and baby perspire. But try putting a muslin cloth in between yourself and baby. It feels better right? I think same goes for the y insert.

Lastly, when it gets dirty, just throw it in the washing machine. I tried it and it came out looking the same.

Sorry for bein long winded. Wanted to let you know my personal experience with it.

You can also go to Ashley's place to view, try and purchase. She is at Bukit Timah area so more convenient if Expo is too far
Pumpkin: oh can go and try it out ah? erm.. gotta bring the baby along lor? EXPo is ok for me cos i stay in the east, but im not sure if i really need another sling.
I read someone said it can take up to 20kg? Cos i think my balboa sling cannot.
hi BBpower,

i just went to see the Burger King one after i left the nursery rm i was at.i nvr went inside to see just look frm the outside.If it is wet and dirty i dun like lor...ya as u say those parents are inconsiderate to bring their children in there to clean up...Well that u will expect fm a typical Singaporean who don't understand the usage of a nursery rm... especially old aunties...faint...sigh...


exactly there are so many alternative nursery rm why must u wait for me...silly if i was the one waiting outside i would nt wait so long i rather go search for other rms...ksllr
Peachmomo, yep, you can try it out no obligations. It's a carrier though, not a sling.
It can take up to 20kg as you are carrying the weight on both shoulders and hips. With a sling, you are carrying all the weight on one shoulder so it's probaby great for smaller babies but not the bigger ones, unless you're k with switching shoulders every now and then.

Beco and Ergo do not allow front facing.
The reason they give is that front facing may not be good for baby's spinal support as they will be retsing on the crotch instead of the bum . Besides, I was told that after 8kg, baby gets too heavy to be front carried so forward facing becomes a moot point.
BBpower, one thing about Ergo is that it seems a bit big for asian women.

Vivo nursing rooms - not too great huh? I still like the Tangs one on 4th floor.

Where else has nice nusring rooms?
Peachmomo, that's the theory. I thought my baby would prefer outward facing as she is the curious type but she doesn't seem to mind inward facing. She just looks at me, looks out from the side... but mainly, she just falls asleep haha. Sometimes, I put her in the carrier at home when she is restless and I want her to sleep. Not sure all babies will be the same but my girl likes the Beco a lot. Her papa also liked it after trying it for himself even though he was initially opposed to the price.

Tangs nursing room - 4th floor baby section. They have 2 rooms with hot water, steriliser, sink and a nice comfy chair to breastfeed on. Even have a bouncer outsde the rooms. I sometimes go there even though not shopping hee hee
btw, do many of u pump outside when u go out? i feel pai sei to step out of nursing room after pumping and without carrying bb, ppl may wonder wat i am doing inside the nursing room alone!!

u used the nursery room near GV?? why the people so inconsiderate and just go ask for security auntie? they can just go to the other one i also visited that nursery rm and i waited for 15 mins before the people (malay family) inside came out..that was my first time using the nursery rm in spore and i was wondering if it is shared or per person each turn..initially i also wanted to go to the next one since ive been waiting for awhile..nonetheless i waited lo because if its my turn, i also want people outside to wait patiently with no complaints so i can nurse my baby properly and change her after that...

nursing rm in spore:

so far ive only visited the one in vivo (1 person each time), the one in causeway point, the one in ikea and the one at changi airport terminal 2...i quite like the one in causeway point because its very clean despite being shared...there are individual cubicles for breastfeeding that has sofas with armrest and the area outside cubicles are for diaper changing...good because dont have to wait and very comfortable to breastfeed..can fall asleep on the sofa
ikea and vivo abit dark and just a cushioned bench (like those in fastfood restaurants) for breastfeeding..too bad i didnt have a chance to go downtown to check out the nursing rms at tangs...
My bb is not kuai but can be a darling if she wants to.
We fought with her long and hard to get her adapt to being bottlefeed again. See who is more stubbon lor. Sometimes very heartpain after seeing her cry in hunger but no choice. So jiayou! U can do it too! Why dun u latch on and after that, express too? This will help increase in demand for milk supply too!

wah liao. bottlefeed still need nursing room. crazy ppl. not urgent one mah. can use others wat. if can tell u the location of other nursing rooms, why they cant go there? no lah, they just wan to believe that wat they think is correct - that someone is doing something 'dirty' inside. hahahahaa ....
Actually I din know that I have to lock the door while in nursing room leh. had always occupy the chair and leave the door as it is (of course lah the chair is behind curtain) so that others can use the changing table or take hot water. :p heheheh ....

hahahaa ... u win liao. nvm lah. at least now u have the pump already

my carrier doesnt leave redness on thigh leh unless I mis-strap the straps.
I find it hard to pump when outside leh. So I rush out shopping then faster come home liao :p

H1N1 :
finally the virus is here ... haiz
hi lonerunner,

ya lo i was thinking why they die die must use the rm i was at...if let say no bfing i will not lock the door since only change diaper.but if need to bf then i lock the door at least sme privacy.if those are designed with rm meant for bf only arh then i don't have to lock the doors lo...

I like the nursing rm at Suntec(at the top lvl whereby they sell kid's stuff,but there are no signage it is right at the end when u won't even know unless u ask the ppl at the shop),paragon,raffles city and taka not too bad.

if have curtain i also won't lock door...as long as i am nt being looked at i dun mind sharing the cubicle...

Hi Sandy,

i use the nursery rm near to the toy 'r' us there...wat to do as lonerunner mention maybe they tot ppl hanky panky inside haha...lame lo... waiting to get caught meh... :p
I want to buy a carrier but there are so many kinds. Some are ex and the one we saw is cheaper but i dunno if cheaper ones are not comfortable ones. Beco seems a good carrier but it costs $200 plus. My hb will scold me if i buy. He said he doesn't need a carrier. Then my mil was the one who told me about the baby roll out from the carrier so she won't like me to buy those kind of clipping carriers either. Now I'm very indecisive, dunno want to buy or not. If buy, buy cheap or ex one..sigh..

Spicegal, if you really buy, let me know..

i think most carriers have clips..but the one Yan is selling doesnt have..if u want to babywear but worried abt clips, u can try sling pouches??
joycie, ya many carriers and slings ard to choose. I've bought the one Yan is selling.. so far so good and my bb likes it. But tempted to get this one also haha... I'm not willing to spend on too ex one..
I have one sling pouches already. If I carry my bb too long, it puts weight on one side of my shoulder. Very tiring! That's why I'm considering buying a carrier in which the weight can be distributed between my 2 shoulders.

I saw the one that Yan is selling but I'm guessing it cannot be used for heavy baby. Is the cloth tough enough to carry your baby for long?
Hi Mummies,

Sori, abit out of the popular discussion on carriers and slings.

Would like to ask any recommendations for bb's insurance? Presently, im looking at HSBC education savings and TM ASIA life insurance for aidan.

we just signed up a savings plan with coverage from AIA- called Gen3- just launched.
Hmmm i duno much abt it, i dun bother to noe. my hubby take care of these. but according to my hubby he say it's quite a good plan. Something like guaranteed principal and coupon payout. need to pay 10 yrs only.

checked out gen 3, hubby say AIA premium too ex... cos AIA is "branded". How much is your Gen 3 premium?? HSBC education premium is $111.70 for 28 yrs. Coupon payout is 3rd year onwards. WIll go compare manulife savings plan and see how.
er... i think we choose 1 year 2k+. I really cant recall. i m v bad with maths and i leave all to my hubby.
Cos the agent is my hubby's fren, and he is really quite nice. so we tot the plan is quite good too, so just go ahead. :p
Joannelim, I bought 2 of the new denim design from Yan cos I like the bear and rabbit print. Also thinking even if I dun use, can also give it as x'mas pressie..haha...

Lili, aiyoh wat an unhappy encounter, actually I also uses the single nursing rooms for bottle-feeding but only when its available. If the nursing room is occupied, normally I will wait outside for max 5 mins or go to another one. Sometimes we also do not have a choice as there are limited public seats in shopping malls and usually hogged by uncles/people who just sit there for hours. Maybe the women intend to change the child's diaper after feeding? This is normally what I do also, cos if you try to change them when they are hungry, they will cry very loudly.

I personally dun like the nursing rooms in vivo, just find that its simply not enough for such a huge shopping mall...my favourite is suntec, marina square and those in the airports. 2 weeks ago, I went to raffles city and the nursing room there stinks...maybe someone just threw a heavily soiled diaper and it was not emptied by the cleaner...the whole room stinks. I had no choice but to do a quick change for my baby, another couple came in with their baby and immediately went out again..haha..
spice, lili: for diaper change / feeding, i prefer to do it in my car. can on air-con, listen to music and even have a drink. :p and no one to rush us.
Lonerunner: Sigh.. i damn cham u know> I had to loon my breast milk from about 2 hours until i rushed home. Didnt want to leave off so abruptly so i tong until 1145am. Then reach home chiong into the room to pump.
Then i had to handle my son cos my mom want to bao dumpling. So i carry him, feed him, play awhile until 2. Cannot take it.. he just wants to be carried. I told my mom to take over.. i was late for my appt. So rushed out to my client's office. I brougght my pump out in case need to pump. Then in the end at Tangs, too distracted by shopping.. hehehe didnt pump.

I will bring my pump out if i know we are going out for a long time. Erm.. i will use the nursing rooms to pump lor. Ai ya then how? Anyway ppl will know when they hear the "wu wu wu" sound. hahaha..
I saw a few women using the BECO carrier at tangs. It looks so normal, didnt know its so expensive.
Today's Tangs sale was fruitful. I bot Nuk teats and some other BB items. Nuk has an offer, less 20%, then addtional 20% for today's close door sale and another 12% rebate. GOOD RIGHT?
I didnt notice leh. I dont even know where the leapfrog items are. haha..
The 12% rebate continues for tomorrow too. But other special member sale was just for today. Well tangs still open until 11pm. haha you can still go!

What is the exersaucer?

Joannelim: is the beco carrier really good? Its quite ex leh. I went to read about it, of cos the seller will say good lor.
oh ya,ck tangs nursery rm i like too... nice environment to pump and bf cos the rm can be lock and also the lights are dim...


No u know what they still thinkin wanna use the rm anot after i came out... faintz... i think they already change diaper already then feed... sigh oh well..
ooo my boy manage to flip fm back to tummy bia left side...but when on tummy he didn't manage to pull out his right hand haha...
I let her worked the entire month becos she is my MIL's and my aunt (MIL's sister)'s friend so I laugh and cry things off when I was unhappy. My MIL sided her all times so I got no support. She sort of physo my MIL that she was rite and becos I'm a new mum and supposedly had abit of childish temper, so I will know nothing. My hubby was overseas then during first 2 weeks of my confinement. Also I dun have the energy and time to ponder over the things that was happening as my bb was very demanding and hard to manage, even with my MIL helping out then. I was very very stressed thru-out the entire mth and of course, BM supply isnt good naturally. So I was sort of in a blur blur mood and bit my words and stuffed my unhappiness down my stomach unknowingly.

CL then worked for my SIL a few days later after my confinement ended, but quit suddenly without warning just after 14 days. My MIL had to be recalled to help my SIL out since no CL would wan to work half mth only. After CL quit, she called me and told me a thousand and one bad stuff abt my SIL. By then I had rested enough and got my head and sense back. I'm the sole caretaker of my bb and strangely, I felt much better being alone without any help. At the same time, my aunt also started questioning me what happened since the unexpected phone call came. Then one by one we put the bits and pieces together. Abit late lah, but better than never. My c-section wound tore 2 times during the CL's stay in my hse as she made me fetch things for bb claiming tat she doesnt know what and where the things are placed despite orientations.

Nvm lah. At least now we know what sort of person that CL was. Anyway becos of this incident, my aunt had a good look at her character. That ended their 26yrs of friendship. My aunt said, their friendship is fake as that CL had hidden so much things from her. No point having a friend that had a strong incline to breakup a peaceful family by lying and twisting words to everyone.

wah u good leh. still can loon for 2+hrs before pumping. if I got no time, I rather do a half pump than carrying 2 stones around and feeling uncomfortable. :p
yea i found the beco pretty good especially with my boy's heavy weight pressing on me, i actually dont feel much of it..

after u buy it, u need to know how to wear it well to take the weight off your shoulder n back, or else hor.. same thing one.. ur back n shoulder will kena... must adjust til u feel ok..
other than that, the material is soft which is foldable into your bag; it comes along with a cover which can protect son from the sunlight. most importantly, its pretty hehe. too bad. btw, dont choose design first, tell her u go there see then choose, see can or not. carnival n grace are nice from those selection. mine is carnival.

nursing room
talk about nursing room i very pissed off with JP one.. at first saw the cleaners n restaurant waitress inside sleeping n resting.. then go n complain.. then the next day i saw the another restaurant girl inside there.. all from jia xiang mian one...

then just yesterday i went there again, someone threw alot of stuffs inside resulting pple do not dare to go in.. apart from that still ok..

the worst one i seen is IMM. they got this nursing room near toilet which only cater for one person use. when u go in, really kinda dirty loh with the rubbish bin just next to the sofa. then outside pple walking about, really noisy. that day i was in there bfing.. then someone just came knocking on the door very loudly.. i shouted to tell him/her i am using.. the person ignored until i knock the door back. after 10 min only, they knocked again... even harder this time... sian one.... have to shout again n bang the door to let them know i am not finish.

My baby same birth date as your son also 1st flipped from left side! Hehe, so he cried for Mummy's help when his hand was stucked huh?

Pai Fu that u can endure an entire mth with the crazy woman!
